T ALCOTT was also known as T AILCOTT .
He was also known as T AYLCOTT ; m. (--?--) W ELLS at Colchester,
Essex, ENGLAND; 1
3 m. M ARY P ULLEN at Colchester, Essex Co., ENGLAND; 4
6 d. 1 Nov 1606 at Colchester,
The family originated in Warwickshire, England, from which line descendants were living in Colchester, County
Essex, prior to 1558. The Motto on the Coat Armor granted in that year is "Virtus sola nobilitas." Members of the family were clergymen of the Church of England, Aldermen, Justices of the Peace and Merchants.
10 TALCOTT, p. 7 -
The family of "Talcot" was originally of Warwickshire, England. JOHN, a descendant from the Warwickshire family, was living in Colchester, Essex county, previous to 1558. In vol. 1137, page 148, of the Harlean Manuscripts, preserved in the British Museum, containing the Herald's visitation of Essex county in 1558, are found the arms and pedigree of the Talcots. In a subsequent visitation in 1634, found in vol. 1634 called "visitations of Essex county," the arms and pedigree are the same, but the name is spelt "Talcott."
The arms are: "Ar. on a pale sa, three roses of the field. Crest. A demi-Griffin erased. Ar. gorged with a collar sa, charged with three roses of the first." Motto, Virtus sola nobilitas.
John Talcott possessed real estate in Colchester and adjacent towns, which, with his personal property, he bequeathed, at his death, to his children and grandchildren. He was twice married, and had two sons by the first wife, JOHN and ROBERT, and also a daughter. JOHN settled in Braintree, about fourteen miles from Colchester, and died there in 1604, before his father, leaving a family of children, all minors, the eldest of whom wsa JOHN, who came to New England. ROBERT became an alderman and Justice of the Peace in Colchester. By his second wife he had two sons, THOMAS and JOHN, and four daughters. THOMAS was Rector of the churches of St. Mary and
Mile End, in Colchester, and chaplain to the Earl Marshall. JOHN, living at the same period with his half-brother
JOHN, went to Spain, and was a merchant in Madrid. From JOHN, of Braintree, the Talcotts in America are descended. The five daughters of JOHN of Colchester married and lived or near Colchester.".
There are connections between John Talcott, John Steele and Joseph Loomis.
Des. of Joseph Loomis, 2nd ed. pp. 10-11
Letter from W. Lyngwood to ? Clark, Braintree, Mar. 20, 1651
"And now I desire only to have a good warrant and order from you and testified by such of my friends there with you whose hands I know, as my cousin Loomis, cousin Cullick, John Talcott, John Steele, or some of those to whom you would have me to pay the money, that I may have a good discharge and you may be sure to have the money . . . p. 11
In a manuscript by John Talcott the second (shown to me by Mr. Charles J. Hoadley of Hartford), he says: 'My uncle Mr. Mott sold my honored father Talcott his house that he lived in Braintree in Old England per order in the year
1644, my father Talcott then living in this house in Hartford.'
In the will of John Talcott (made between 1655 and 1660) he mentions his kinsman John Skinner. This John
Skinner was the son of John Skinner and Mary, daughter of Joseph Loomis.
12 He left a will on 29 Sep 1606 at Colchester, Essex Co., ENGLAND; TALCOTT, pp. 8-10 - "WILL - Of John
Taylcot, of the town of Colchester, in the county of Essex, England, who died in 1606, father of John of Braintree, who died in 1604, and grandfather of John who emigrated to America in 1632.
Extracted from the Registry of the Commissary Court of the Bishop of London, for the parts of Essex and Herts.
In the name of God, Amen. I, John Talcoat, of the town of Colch'str, in the county of Essex, being in p'fitt memorie
(thanks be unto God) do make & ordeine this my last Will & Testament in mann r
& forme following:
Imp'mis. I bequeath my soule into the hands of God that [p. 9] made me, & in the bloode of His son, my Savio,
Jesus Christe hath redeemed me, & by the grace of his holly spiritt hath washed me fro' all my sins & sanctified me unto eternall life, & my bodie to be buried w'thin the churchyarde of St. Peters parish, in Colchester. Item. I give & bequeath five pounds of good and lawfull mony to be distributed the day before my buriall unto the poore inhabiting within the town of Coelch r
, namely, xxs. unto the poore of St. Peters parish, & four pounds unto the poore of the rest of the parishes within the towne, to evry parish a part at the discretio' n
of myne executors.
Item. i give & bequeath unto my wife MARIE TALCOAT the third parte of all my goods movable, excepting mony.
Item. I give unto her the house or tenement wherein I now dwell, togeath r
with the houses or tenements wherein
John Padnoll & Richard Lambe now dwell, adioining unto my saide dwelling-house, with all the shopps, sollars, sellers, yards, gardens or backsyds therunto app-taining, to have & to holde unto her owne use & behoofe during the terme of her naturall life, & at the end of to leave the saide houses in meet reparation unto my son JOHN TALCOAT, according to my bequest hereaft.
specified. Item. I give unto her a yearly rent of fortie shillings out of the leases of those grounds which I hold called the sewerall to be paid unto her by my son ROBERT TALCOAT, at two severall times in the yeer, at the feast of St. michell, the Archangel, & the ann'-ciatio.'- of o-' Ladie, by even portions during the terme of the said leases, and if she happen to die before the terme of those leases shall expire, then my son
ROBERT to be discharged & acquyted of the said payment. Item. I give unto her that my house or tenement situated in the parish of th eHolly Trinite wherein the widdowe ffroste now dwelleth, & my house or tenement situated in the same parish neer unto Sheergate wherin -------- now dwelleth, as also that my house or tenem't situated in the parish of St. Gyles, standing next unto Debbels wall, wherein ----- now dwelleth, togeath.
with the yards gardens or backsyds severally oppertaining unto the said houses or teneme'ts, to have and to hold unto h-'r propp'r use and behoof during the term of her naturall lyfe, & at the end thereof to leave the said [p. 10] houses or tenem'ts unto such of my childre-' unto whom I have bequeathed the same. It.' I give and bequeath unto h-r ten garnish of letting vessell im-ediatly after my death, & Ten pounds of good and lawful mony to be paid unto her by myn executors w'thin one nonth after the day of my death, Provyded that if my said wyfe shall demande or claime the third of those lands, mony or houses which I have otherwise bequeathed them, my forsaide gift of bequest unto her to be void. It'. I give and bequeath to my son, ROBERT TALCOTT, all the leases of the forsaide severalls, as well of all the land & grounds, as also of all the houses & barns standing theruppo n
, in such mann-'r & with such conditions as I, myself, have and do hold the same in forme of S-'r Thomas Hennasse, or any other with conditio' that he shall duly pay unto my wyfe, his moth' r
, xxxxs. a year during the term of those leases, or her life naturall, as is before specified. It'. I give unto him that part of Dowe house field which lyith next unto the north bridge in Colch-'r, as it is now divided with pale & quicksett in the tenure & occupatio' of ----- duitsh ma--- & by him imployed in gardeninge. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son, THOMAS TALCOAT that other part or piece' of Dowe house Field wherin the Tainters now stande, lying next unto my lend conteining about 3 akers, be it more or lesse, as it also lyith now inclosed, Togeath'r with the house or tenement which I have builded theroppo'. It. I give and bequeath unto my son, JOHN TALCOAT, & to his heyer of his body, lawfully begotten, that my house or tenement wherein I now dwell, in St. Peters parish, Togeather with those howses & tenements wherin John Padnoll & Richard Lambe now dwell adioining unto my now dwelling-howse, with all the shopps, sollers, sellers, gardens or backsides thereinto app-'teining to have and to hold unto himself & his heyers after him after the decease or naturall death of my wife, his mother, & not before, and if it happen my siad son,
JOHN TALCOAT, to dye without issue of his body, lawfully begotten, then my will is that the eldest son then living of my son, ROBERT TALCOAT, and his heyers after him, being lawfully begotten, shall inioy & possesse as his or their propp-'r inheritance all those foresaide houses & tenements as is before [p. 11] bequeathed unto my son John.
Provyded notwithstanding the premises that it shall be lawfull for my son, JOHN TALCOAT, if he will, to sell unto my son, ROBERT TALCOAT, & to none other, all or any of those foresaide howses or tenements bequeathed him. It'. I give and bequeath unto myn daught'r, MARIE MARSHALL, and to her eldest son after her, yf she hath no son then living, to her eldest daught-'r, that my house & tenement with the yards and backsydes therrunto belonging, situated in the parish of St. Buttolphs, in which house James ffearfill glover now dwelleth. It'. I give unto my daught-'r, EME
ADLER, & to her eldest childe after her, that my house or tenement situated in the parish of the Holly Trinitee, whearin the widdowe ffroste now dwelleth, with the yarde or backsyde thereunto belonging after the death of my wyfe, h-r mother, and not before. Item. I give unto her fourtie pounds of good & lawfull mony, to be paid unto her by myn executors within two months after the day of my death. Ite, I give unto my duyhter, GRACE TALCOAT, & to her eldest childe after her, that my house or teneme't in the parish of the Holly Trinitee wherein ------ Grouse now dwelleth, neer unto Sheergate, togeath-r with the yarde or backsyde therunto belonging after the death of my wyfe, her mother, & not before. It.' I give unto her fiftie pounds, of good and lawfull mony, to be paid unto her by myn executors within six months after the day of my death. Ite.' I give and bequeath unto my daughter, JOANE
TALCOAT, four skore pounds, of good and lawfull mony, to be paid by myn executors w'thin six months after the day of my death. Ite' I give unto my grandchildren JOHN & MARY BERNARD, five pounds a peec' to be paied unto them at the age of twentie years, & the same in the meane time to be reseived for them in ye hands of myn executors. Ite.
I give and bequeath unto my grandchilde, JOHN TALCOAT, the son of my son, JOHN TALCOAT, late of Braintree,
the sum of fortie pounds, of good and lawfull mony, to be paid unto himself by myn executors at the age of one & twenty years (if he lyve so long), & the said fourtie pounds in the meantime to be reseived for him in the hands of myn executors. Ite' I give unto my grandchilde, AN-' BERNARDE, that house tenement [p. 12] situated in the parish of st.
Gyles, adioning next unto Debells wall, wherin ----- now dwelleth, after the decease of my wyfe, MARIE TALCOAT, & not before, the smae to enter uppo-' & posses, as her owne at the age of eighteen years, & the rent of the same in the meantime to be reserved for her in the handes of myn executors. Ite'. My wil and bequeast is that the third of all my goods movable (mony excepted) being deducted to the use of my wyfe, & all my debts & legacies paide, the remainder of all my saide goods shall be equally and indifferently shared & devyded between my two executors.
Lastly, I appoint and ordaine my two sons, ROBERT & THOMAS TALCOAT, executors of this my will & testament In witness whearof I have hearunto sett my hand & seale the xxiii th
of Septemb-'r an Do-'i 1606
WINTIEN + BASSELL, his marke.
Probated Coram M.
Robto Whettell, artin M eo
Comiss. &c Decem die Novembis, 1606, Jura te
Executor & Cisg.
&c salvo &.
A.C. VELEY, Deputy Registror".
Known children of J
and (--?--) W
were as follows:
2. i. J OHN ,
b. circa 1558 at Colchester, Essex Co., ENGLAND; m. A NN S KINNER . ii. R
; 14
16 m. J
at Colchester, Essex Co., ENGLAND; 17
18 d. 1641 at
Colchester, Essex Co., ENGLAND.
20 iii. (--?--); b.; daughter; m. (--?--) B ARNARD at ENGLAND.
Mary Pullen died on 19 Jun 1625 at ENGLAND.
Known children of J OHN
T ALCOTT and M ARY P ULLEN were as follows: i. T HOMAS ;
m. M ARGARET B IGGS at Colchester, Essex Co., ENGLAND;
d. 1641.
29 ii. G
; m. J
after 1606 at ENGLAND.
31 iii. J
; m. (--?--) K
after 1606 at ENGLAND.
33 iv. M ARIE ; m. (--?--) M ARSHALL before 1606 at ENGLAND.
35 v. E ME ; m. T HOMAS A DLER before 1606 at ENGLAND.
37 vi. J OHN .
1 Belle Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors (New Haven, CT: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1930), p. 283. [12.1.]
2 S.V. Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England and America from 1558 to 1876 (Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1876), p. 8. [12.1.]
3 George Mackenzie, Colonial Families of the United States of America, VII (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing
Company, 1966), p. 450. [22.1.]
4 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [22...]
5 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [22.1.]
6 Mackenzie, Colonial Families of United, p. 450. [22.1.]
7 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [2.2..]
8 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [2.22.]
9 Mackenzie, Colonial Families of United, p. 450. [2.12.]
10 ibid, p. 450. [2...2]
11 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 7. [2...2]
12 Elias Loomis, The Descendants of Joseph Loomis Who Came from Braintree, England, in the Year 1638, and Settled
in Windsor, Connecticut, in 1639 (221 State Street, New Haven, CT: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, 1875), pp.10-11.
13 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, pp. 8-12. [2.222]
14 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [.xxx.]
15 ibid, p. 283. [.xxx.]
16 ibid, p. 283. [.xxx.]
17 ibid, p. 283. [22...]
18 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [22.2.]
19 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [2.2..]
20 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [2.22.]
21 ibid, p. 283. [11...]
22 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [11.1.]
23 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [2.2..]
24 ibid, p. 283. [.xxx.]
25 ibid, p. 283. [.xxx.]
26 ibid, p. 283. [.xxx.]
27 ibid, p. 283. [22...]
28 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [22.1.]
29 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [2.2..]
30 ibid, p. 283. [22...]
31 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [2211.]
32 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [12...]
33 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [1211.]
34 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [12...]
35 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [1211.]
36 Preston, Bassett-Preston Ancestors, p. 283. [22...]
37 Talcott, Talcott Pedigree in England, p. 8. [2211.]