Les Critères B.I.Orales
Critère A – Productive Skills
How successfully do you use the language in speech? How fluent and clear is your speech? How accurate and
varied is the language used? How much does your intonation aid communication?
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-2 - command of the spoken language is very limited
3-4 command of the spoken language is limited
5-6 - command of the spoken language is fairly good
7-8 - command of the spoken language is good
9-10 - command of the spoken language is very good
Critère B –Interactive And Receptive Skills
To what extent do you understand and demonstrate an ability to interact in conversation? How well can you
express simple and complex ideas? How well can you maintain a conversation?
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-2 - simple ideas are understood with great difficulty and interaction is very limited
3-4 - simple ideas are understood with difficulty and interaction is limited
5-6 - simple ideas are understood fairly well and interaction is acceptable.
7-8 - simple ideas are understood well and interaction is good.
9-10 - complex ideas are understood well and interaction is good.
Critère A – Productive Skills
How successfully do you use the language in speech? How fluent and clear is your speech? How accurate and
varied is the language used? How much does your intonation aid communication?
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1- command of the spoken language is very limited
2 command of the spoken language is limited
3 - command of the spoken language is fairly good
4 - command of the spoken language is good
5 - command of the spoken language is very good
Critère B –Interactive And Receptive Skills
To what extent do you understand and demonstrate an ability to interact in conversation? How well can you
express simple and complex ideas? How well can you maintain a conversation?
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1.- simple ideas are understood with great difficulty and interaction is very limited
2. - simple ideas are understood with difficulty and interaction is limited.
3. - simple ideas are understood fairly well and interaction is adequate.
4 - simple ideas are understood well and interaction is good.
5. - complex ideas are understood well and interaction very good
Critère F –La Compréhension de la lecture et du texte visuel
To what extent can you analyze and draw conclusions from information, main ideas and supporting details?
Analyze basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for writing? Engage with
the written and visual text by analyzing ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based
on personal experiences and opinions from a global perspective?
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-2 the student shows limited understanding of the content, context and concepts of the text as a whole
3-4 the student shows some understanding of the content, context and concepts of the text as a whole.
5-6 the student considerable limited understanding of the content, context and concepts of the text as a whole.
7-8 the student shows thorough understanding of the content, context and concepts of the text as a whole
Written Assignment:
Receptive And Written Production Skills (Sl)
Critère A Language (See Above)
Critère B Content
How well has the student used the sources to achieve the aim(s) stated in the rationale? How successfully are the
sources used for the task? How well organized is the information gathered from the sources?
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-2 – the student makes little use of the sources and has not fulfilled the aim(s) stated in the rationale
3-4 – the student makes some use of the sources and partially fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale.
5-6 – the student makes use of the sources and generally fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale.
7-8 - the student makes good use of the sources and mostly fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale.
9-10 - the student makes effective use of the sources and fulfills the aim(s) stated in the rationale.
Critère C Format (See Above)
Critère D Rationale
How clear and convincing is the rationale?
0 – the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below
1 – the rationale is not clear
2 – the rationale is clear to some extent
3 – the rationale is clear and directly linked to the sources
Paper Two
Written Productive Skills:
Critère A Langue
How effectively and accurately do you use language?
0 -the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-2 - command of the language is generally inadequate
3-4 - command of the language is limited and generally ineffective
5-6 - command of the language is generally adequate, despite many inaccuracies
7-8 – command of the language is effective, despite some inaccuracies
9-10 - command of the language is good and effective
Critère B Message
How clearly can you develop and organize relevant ideas?
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1-2 - the message has not been communicated
3-4 – the message has barely been communicated
5-6 – the message has been partially communicated
7-8 - the message has been communicated fairly well
9-10 – the message has been communicated well.
Critère C Format
How correctly do you produce the required text type? To what extent are the conventions of text types
0 - the work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
1- The text type is not recognizable
2- The text type is hardly recognizable or is not appropriate
3- The text type is sometimes recognizable and appropriate
4- The text type is generally recognizable and appropriate
5 - the text type is clearly recognizable and appropriate