WRIA 8 Site-Specific Project Grant Supplemental Application Form This worksheet provides project information to assist in proposal review based on WRIA 8 grant funding criteria. Project name: Project sponsor: Benefit to Chinook 1. Does this project support the Cedar River Chinook population? Select one: ☐YES ☐NO 2. Where in the watershed is the project located? Lower 1/3 of stream subbasin Middle 1/3 of stream subbasin Upper 1/3 of stream subbasin Lakeshore Marine nearshore 3. In which river/stream reach, lakeshore segment, or stretch of the nearshore would the project be implemented? *(See individual subbasin chapters of WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan, Volume II for stream reach and Volume 1, Chapter 4, p46 for lakeshore.) 4. Does juvenile Chinook rearing habitat exist in the reach or shoreline segment where this project would be implemented? Select one: ☐YES ☐NO a) Do juvenile Chinook currently rear in the reach or shoreline segment where this project would be implemented? Select one: ☐YES ☐NO 5. What is the size of the project in acres or linear feet? a) What is the average bankfull width at the project location? 6. Is the project adjacent to other restored or protected habitat areas or part of a larger restoration/protection plan or strategy within the reach or sub-basin? Select one: ☐YES ☐NO If you responded “yes” to this question, please respond to the four following subquestions. January 2015 1 WRIA 8 Grant Application Supplemental Form a) Describe how this project will connect to previously restored or protected areas or how the project fits within a larger strategy. Be specific in describing the project location in relation to other completed or future projects. b) Describe the likelihood of implementing the larger restoration or protection plan or strategy. c) Please reference relevant habitat protection or restoration plans or strategies involving this project. d) Including the project proposed in this application, what will be the total acreage/linear feet of the restored or protected area? How much of this value is contiguous? 7. Do Chinook currently spawn in the reach where this project would be implemented? Select one: ☐YES ☐NO 8. Which Chinook habitat limiting factors does this project address? (For description of limiting factors see WRIA 8 Plan Volume 1, Chapter 3, p.21-23.) ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Altered hydrology Loss of floodplain connectivity Lack of riparian vegetation Disrupted sediment processes Loss of channel and shoreline complexity Barriers to salmon migration/access to habitat Certainty of Success 1. Does the project leverage other funding? Select one: ☐YES ☐NO a) If yes, how much and from what source(s)? 2. For restoration projects: a) When will the project be implemented (month and year)? b) What is the status of project designs? January 2015 2 WRIA 8 Grant Application Supplemental Form ☐ COMPLETE ☐ 60% ☐ 30% ☐ CONCEPTUAL (10%) c) What is the permitting status? ☐ IN-HAND ☐ APPLIED FOR ☐ NOT APPLIED FOR 3. For acquisition projects: a) What is the status of landowner willingness? ☐ Landowner willingness documented (must attach documentation to application) ☐ Priority parcels identified and landowner contacted and supportive ☐ Priority parcels unknown and/or no landowner contact 4. What are possible constraints or risks to project implementation and how will these be managed? 5. Briefly describe any community involvement and/or public outreach and education performed as part of the project, especially where conducted during project development or design. Please specifically note any public involvement and outreach to underserved communities. 6. Does this project complete habitat protection or restoration activities in a particular reach or lakeshore segment described in the WRIA 8 Plan? If so, briefly explain. *(See subbasin chapters of Volume II for stream reach and Volume 1, Chapter 4, p46 for lakeshore.) 7. Does this project involve partnerships or cooperation with other agencies or organizations? Please list all partner entities, describe the nature of the partnership(s), and attach partner letters of support. If your organization does not own or have land management authority over the property where the project is proposed, attach documentation from an official within the jurisdiction where the work will occur demonstrating awareness of and general support for this grant proposal. January 2015 3