
Grade 1 Curriculum Planning for Practicum (Fall 2014)
Clinical Instructors – Melissa Bibeault, Kim Lupino, Cynthia McDonnell, Jill Patrie
Practicum Time on Mondays and Wednesdays – 10:20-11:20 AM
Classroom Observation (W 9/24)
Science Lesson
Active Investigation
Science Content
Science Skills
Scientific Writing
Writing Lesson
Scientific Writing
RIGSEs in Science
Domain: Science
Statement of Enduring Knowledge:
Assessment Target Criteria:
Instructional Materials
Science and Writing Lesson 1 (Two Lessons - M 10/20 and W 10/22)
Science Lesson
Active Investigation Observing and describing seeds. Plant seeds.
Focus Questions What are some properties of seeds? What do plants need to grow?
Science Content
Principles: Scientists observe and compare by using their multiple senses to discover similarities
and differences in seeds. Plants need food, water, light and a space to live in
Concepts: plant, seeds, properties, basic needs, survive, grow, reproduce, properties, senses
Science Skills: Observing and comparing, making scientific illustrations, writing observations
Scientific Writing Scientific illustration/diagram of planted seed
Writing Lesson
Scientific Writing Written observation of planted seed
RIGSEs in Science
Domain Life Science
Statement of Enduring Knowledge LS1. All living organisms have identifiable structures and
characteristics that allow for survival (organisms, population, and species).
Assessment Target Criteria LS1 (K-2) -1
Students demonstrate an understanding of classification of organisms by...
1a. distinguishing between living and non-living things.
1b. identifying and sorting based on similar or different external features
1c. observing and recording the external features that make up living things (e.g. roots, stems,
leaves, flowers, legs, antennae, tail, shell).
Instructional Materials
STC Organisms - Lesson 2 and 3 (Observing seeds and planting)
Science and Writing Lesson 2 (Two Lessons - M 10/27 and W 10/29)
Science Lesson
Active Investigation Construct and observe a woodland environment (terrarium).
Focus Questions What do plants need to survive, grow, and reproduce in a woodland
Science Content
Principles: Plants need food, water, light and a space to live in.
Concepts: plant, properties, basic needs, survive, grow, reproduce, woodland, environment,
Science Skills: Observing and comparing, making scientific illustrations, writing observations
Scientific Writing Scientific illustration/diagram of woodland environment (terrarium).
Writing Lesson
Scientific Writing Written observation of woodland environment (terrarium)
RIGSEs in Science
Domain Life Science
Statement of Enduring Knowledge LS1. All living organisms have identifiable structures and
characteristics that allow for survival (organisms, population, and species).
Assessment Target LS1 (K-4) SAE -2 Identify the basic needs of plants and animals to stay alive.
(i.e., water, air, food, space).
Instructional Materials
STC Organisms Lesson 4 (Woodland plants)
Science and Writing Lesson 3 (Two Lessons - M 11/10 and W 11/12)
Science Lesson
Active Investigation Construct and observe a freshwater environment (aquarium).
Focus Questions What do plants need to survive, grow, and reproduce in a freshwater
Science Content
Principles: Plants need food, water, light and a space to survive, grow, and reproduce.
Concepts: plant, properties, basic needs, survive, grow, reproduce, freshwater, woodland,
environment, aquarium, terrarium
Science Skills: Observing and comparing, making scientific illustrations, writing similarities and
Scientific Writing Scientific illustration of freshwater environment (aquarium).
Writing Lesson
Scientific Writing Box and T Chart - Comparing woodland environment (terrarium) and
freshwater environment (aquarium)
RIGSEs in Science
Domain Life Science
Statement of Enduring Knowledge LS1. All living organisms have identifiable structures and
characteristics that allow for survival (organisms, population, and species).
Assessment Target LS1 (K-4) SAE -2 Identify the basic needs of plants and animals to stay alive.
(i.e., water, air, food, space).
Instructional Materials
STC Organisms Lesson 5 (Freshwater Plants)
Science and Writing Lesson 4 (Two Lessons - M 11/17 and W 11/19)
Science Lesson
Active Investigation Conduct a controlled experiment with a woodland animal. Students conduct
several trials to determine whether land snails move towards rough (sand paper) or smooth
(wax paper).
Focus Question Do land snails prefer rough and smooth surfaces?
Science Content
Principles: Scientists conduct experiments to find answers to their questions. Plants need food,
water, light and a space to survive, grow, and reproduce.
Concepts: animal, properties, basic needs, survive, grow, reproduce, experiment
Science Skills: Observing and comparing, controlled experimenting, planning and conducting
controlled investigations or experiments, recording data in data table, using evidence from a
data table to support a claim
Scientific Writing Data table
Writing Lesson
Scientific Writing Basic conclusions
RIGSEs in Science
Domain Life Science
Statement of Enduring Knowledge LS1. All living organisms have identifiable structures and
characteristics that allow for survival (organisms, population, and species).
Assessment Target LS1 (K-4) SAE -2 Identify the basic needs of plants and animals to stay alive.
(i.e., water, air, food, space).
Instructional Materials
STC kit; See Fulwiler Writing in Science in Action DVD -- Video Episode 7: Animals "Using
Modeling and Scaffolding with English Language Learners"