BS-02280 Service Specification Document

Specification Document
Contract for the Home Delivery of a Stoma Care Service for
Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Tender Reference – BS-02280
General Information
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH) is an acute teaching hospital
working across two sites: the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton and the Princess
Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath. The Brighton campus includes the Royal Alexandra
Children’s Hospital and the Sussex Eye Hospital.
The Trust provides district general hospital services for the local population in and around
Brighton and Hove, Mid Sussex and the western part of East Sussex and more specialised
services for patients across Sussex and the South of England.
The Princess Royal Hospital is the centre for elective surgery and the Royal Sussex County
Hospital is the centre for major elective, emergency and tertiary care. The specialized
services include cardiac, vascular, cancer, renal, infectious diseases and HIV medicine. The
Trust is also a major trauma centre for Sussex and the South East.
Centre to the ambition of the Trust is the role of academic centre, a provider of quality
teaching and a host hospital for research and innovation. Working in partnership with
Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) and the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Post graduate
Deanery, the Kent, Sussex and Surrey academic health science network and our local
The Trust also plays host to 16 satellite services, for out-patients, breast care, rehabilitation
and renal, as well as working with local GPs throughout Brighton and Hove and Sussex.
Currently the Trust is undergoing a major redevelopment to replace the Barry Building and
Jubilee block providing new facilities for medicine, neurosciences, cancer and trauma
More detailed information can be found on the Trust's website.
For further information please visit our website:
Scope of Work
We anticipate (based on recent activity) that between 200 and 220 patients would require a
home delivery service of prescribed stoma products, supplied in accordance with the contract
specification. Payment will be made by the Contractor to the Trust, for an estimated number of
referrals either by 1 year block payments or by patient referrals.
The Contractor will be clearly identified as the nominated 'Home Delivery Supplier' to all stoma
patients in the Brighton and Sussex University Hospital area of responsibility.
The Stoma Care Service at the Brighton and Sussex Universities Hospital NHS Trust (BSUH NHS
Trust) has been an expanding department since it moved with the Digestive Diseases Centre
(DOC) into its current multidisciplinary unit in 1999.
As the DDC has enlarged and subsequently amalgamated with the Princess Royal Hospital to
become one functioning department the stoma care service has grown and developed
alongside. We support eight colorectal surgeons across two sites.
We aim to provide a high quality, professional service to all patients undergoing surgery that
may require a stoma or a bowel reconstructive procedure. We provide support for patients with
stomas, their families and carers, enabling the optimum level of independence and quality of life
to be achieved and provide an on-going support service and resource, for patients, their families,
carers and health care professionals within both the hospital and community setting.
We are currently a team of 4 (3.2 WTE posts) covering all of the BSUH NHS Trust, including
paediatrics based at the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital and a large community area from
Brighton in the south to East Grinstead in the north. We support both elective and emergency
surgery and are the cancer centre for coloproctology and gyneanocolgy.
We offer weekly stoma care clinics at both Trust sites and continue to offer home visits as
needed. We are able to offer a walk in service for urgent patient support.
The Following are all MANDATORY Requirements
1. To support the delivery of a Stoma Care Service, the tenderer is required to meet the following
1.1. Staffing Requirement
1.1.1. One Band 7 Community Stoma Care Clinical Nurse Specialist * 37.5 hours.
1.1.2. One Band 6 RGN Stoma Care Nurses * 30 hours.
1.1.3. One Band 3 Stoma Care Support Administrator * 20 hours.
1.2. The Service Provider MUST provide holiday cover support, either in Locum or Company
1.3. The Service Provider MUST provide support for administration.
1.4. The Service Provider MUST provide to the Stoma Nurse and Procurement Department, on a
Monthly basis, full usage data to an agreed format.
1.5. The Service Provider MUST maintain a database of products supplied to named patients.
1.6. The Service Provider MUST ensure that it complies fully with the requirements of the Data
Protection Act.
1.7. The Service Provider MUST ensure that a twice yearly review meeting is held between the
Stoma Nurse, the Procurement Department and the Service Provider.
1.8. The Service Provider MUST supply two (2) fit for purpose Laptop Computers.
1.9. The Service Provider MUST provide or fund a fit for purpose database to store relevant
patient data. The Service Provider will supply both relevant software and on-going IT
support. This will include liaison with BSUH NHS TRUST’s IT Department as needed, staff
training, data transfer to new database and tailoring the database to departmental needs as
well as the provision of new releases.
1.10. The Service Provider MUST ensure that the database is available across both sites of the
Trust and be able to draw down Primary Data from the Trust’s current Patient
Management System (Oasis).
2. Service Delivery Requirements
2.1. The Service Provider MUST provide a delivery service delivering within 48Hrs of receipt of
prescription, where required.
The Service Provider MUST ensure that the delivery vehicle and delivery person are discreet
and fit for purpose.
The Service Provider MUST label the parcels with the recipient’s name and address and
instructions as to where to leave the parcel, if applicable.
The Service Provider MUST ensure that parcels will only be left if previously arranged.
Where the parcel is left, then a card must be put into the letter box of the client telling
them where it has been left.
The Service Provider MUST ensure that nothing should appear on the outside of the parcel
indicating where it is from. Goods must be wrapped in brown paper or be in boxes. Plastic
carriers and plastic bags are not acceptable.
2.6. The Service Provider MUST ensure delivery note accompanies each consignment. Only
samples of products requested by client stoma care nurse or the patient (with Stoma Care
Nurse Agreement) should be sent to client.
2.7. The Service Provider MUST ensure no advice whatsoever will be given on the clinical
condition of the client by the Home Delivery Contractors.
2.8. The Service Provider MUST ensure no additional or substitute products will be supplied
without the prior consent of the Stoma Nurse, even if a prescription is received for them. (It
might be a mistake.)
2.9. The Service Provider MUST ensure that no literature describing any other products will be
mailed or included in the parcels.
2.10. The Service Provider MUST ensure that if there is a product complaint, which is of a
product fault nature, all stock will immediately be replaced with the same item from a
different batch. If the complaint is of a clinical nature, (e.g. Leaking, sore skin), the Stoma
Nurse will be immediately advised.
2.11. The Service Provider MUST provide complimentary wipes and disposal bags with each
order. One disposal bag for each stoma pouch and at least two wipes per bag will be sent
with each order. Extra wipes and disposal bags can be requested by client or Stoma Care
Nurse if needed.
2.12. The Service Provider MUST report any evidence of over-ordering to the Stoma Nurse.
2.13. The Service Provider MUST agree that the patient has complete freedom of choice in
participating in this Home Delivery arrangement and no undue influence must be applied
by any parties in the Contract.
2.14. The Service Provider MUST provide support for administration, production of literature,
open day organisation and study days.
Statement of Acceptance:
By signing the below, you confirm that you have read this document in its entirety and are
authorised by your company to agree that you will are able to carry out all the service requirements
stated within this document, and that you will not deviate from these requirements without first
consulting and agreeing with the authorised managing body within the Brighton & Sussex University
Trust for this service. This agreement will be the Service Level Agreement for the duration of the
Tel No:…………………………………………………………….
NB. This document forms part of the Contract for the Home Delivery of a Stoma Care Service for
Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust and completion is a mandatory requirement.