What’s New about CIT Professional Support? Professional support mentoring is voluntary, confidential peer coaching with the goal of improving practice. Any teacher may request this support. Every teacher’s needs will be unique, and therefore Professional Support mentoring needs to remain flexible and focused. Unlike our work with Interns, the Professional Support mentor does not have an evaluative role. Professional Support is not punitive and in no way indicates that a teacher is “in trouble.” Our 2015-2016 procedures for Professional Support will preserve the confidential, flexible, non-evaluative role of the mentor, while providing modest structure to the mentoring process. As a Professional Support Mentor, you must: submit the on-line Professional Support CIT Teacher Data Form; complete the Professional Support Intake Form with the assigned teacher to identify the focus, goals, and plans for your mentoring work, and send a signed copy to the CIT Office; submit monthly the CIT Mentor Calendar form as an email attachment or via the on-line form to the CIT Office; maintain frequent contact with the assigned teacher depending on the nature of the support; provide feedback; Resident (Non-Tenured) Teachers: Provide oral and written feedback. Encourage continuous goal-setting. Use feedback forms. Professional (Tenured) Teachers: Provide oral feedback, written feedback by request. Encourage continuous goal-setting. Encourage teacher to take notes when you conference. complete the Professional Support Semester Report including (when appropriate) a request to continue with mentor support, and send a signed copy to the CIT Office. All forms can be found at the CIT Website: www.rcsdk12.org/CIT. Professional support is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen a teacher’s practice and to strengthen the teaching profession. All teachers should be encouraged to take advantage of this great benefit as part of their Career in Teaching! Please contact the CIT Director (CIT@rcsdk12.org, 585-262-8541) with questions or concerns. Thank you for your leadership! CIT is a collaboration between the Rochester Teachers Association & the Rochester City School District. Mentor Timeline for PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Paperwork/Contacts August/September _____ On the day that you are activated, contact your Professional Support Teacher to introduce yourself and set up a meeting. _____ Refer to the Professional Support Mentoring Guidelines to understand the difference in support given to Resident (NonTenured) Teachers and Professional (Tenured) Teachers. _____ As soon as you are activated, stop by the CIT Office to pick up an Intern/Professional Support Handbook for you and for each teacher you support. _____ If you do not have the teacher evaluation rubric or Teacher Evaluation Guide, pick up a copy at the CIT Office or website. _____ Start using your spiral notebook Mentor Log to record notes about contacts, meetings, conferences, observations, etc. _____ Begin to record CIT related business on the CIT Mentor Calendar form or update the form monthly from your Mentor Log. Send monthly as an email attachment or via the on-line form to CIT Office. _____ Have informal meeting with the Professional Support Teacher to inform about procedures and confidentiality, establish the focus of your work, and work together to complete the Professional Support Intake Form. (You may wish to use the Self Assessment form as a tool as well if appropriate.) Send a copy of the Professional Support Intake Form to the CIT Office. _____ Complete CIT Teacher Data Form on-line with your assigned teacher or send a hard copy to CIT Office. _____ Begin to have collaborative conversations with your assigned teacher based on the goals you have set on the Intake Form. Written feedback is optional, but may be useful (if appropriate, use the Collaborative Mentor-Intern Feedback Form). Use peer coaching skills such as pausing, paraphrasing, probing: open-ended questions; listen more than tell. THIS IS ONGOING. _____ Professional Support mentors should visit assigned teachers regularly depending on the nature of the support. If mentor contacts are resisted by the assigned teacher, please call Stefan at the CIT Office. October-December _____ Continue to use peer coaching skills to discover your assigned teacher’s cognitive level of teaching. If the teacher is consciously skilled, consciously unskilled, unconsciously skilled, or unconsciously talented, you will be able to use peer coaching skills that help the teacher to reflect. It is very important to ask a great deal of reflective questions and to listen more than tell. If the teacher is unconsciously or consciously unskilled, it will be important to ask focusing questions. This type of teacher might require more suggestions (consulting). . _____ Continue to have collaborative conversations focused on the goals set on the Intake Form. _____ If appropriate, review the work of your Professional Support Teacher’s students. Help your assigned teacher to use this information to plan effective lessons if that fits the goals you have set. _____ When appropriate, use the Danielson Framework for Teaching rubrics as a “third point” to discuss teaching practice. _____ Continue to record contacts and CIT-related business on the CIT Mentor Calendar form or update the form monthly from your Mentor Log. Send monthly as an email attachment or via the on-line form to CIT Office. January _____ Use your Mentor Log and other relevant material to fill out the Professional Support Semester Report avoiding language that could be viewed as evaluative. Be sure to indicate whether Professional Support should continue for another semester. Go over the report with your assigned teacher. Bring signed copy to the January Mentor Forum or send to CIT Office. _____ If working with a Resident (untenured) Professional Support teacher, set up an appointment with your CIT Panel Contact for your Panel Observation. Set up a time for a mentor colleague to conduct your Peer Observation. _____ Continue to record contacts and CIT-related business on the CIT Mentor Calendar form or update the form monthly from your Mentor Log. Send monthly as an email attachment or via the on-line form to CIT Office. February-April _____ If Professional Support continues, continue to have collaborative conversations focused on the goals set on the Intake Form (see August-September, October above). _____ If working with a Resident (untenured) Professional Support teacher, CIT Panel Observation and Peer Observation should be completed by March 31st. _____ Continue to record contacts and CIT-related business on the CIT Mentor Calendar form or update the form monthly from your Mentor Log. Send monthly as an email attachment or via the on-line form to CIT Office. May-June _____ Use your Mentor Log and other relevant material to fill out the Professional Support Semester Report and go over it with your assigned teacher; bring signed copy to the May Mentor Forum or send to CIT Office. _____ Mentor Self-Assessment due to Stefan _____ Continue to record contacts and CIT-related business on the CIT Mentor Calendar form or update the form monthly from your Mentor Log. Send monthly as an email attachment or via the on-line form to CIT Office. Career in Teaching Professional Support Intake Form PLEASE NOTE: This report is a confidential document for CIT use only. This report will not be shared outside of the CIT program and will not be used for purposes of evaluation/APPR. This report is a tool to help CIT Lead Teacher-Mentors and the CIT Office to provide appropriate mentoring to teachers receiving professional support. Please contact the CIT Office with questions (CIT@rcsdk12.org, 585-262-8541). Date: _________________ Teacher Name: ________________________________ Lead Teacher-Mentor Name: _________________________________ Grade/Subject: _________________________________ School/Work Location: ________________________________ CIT Career Ladder (check one): ☐ Intern (first year) with Prof Support ☐ Resident (untenured) Year Three/Four ☐ Resident (untenured) Year Two ☐ Tenured (Professional or Lead) Briefly describe the aspect of teaching practice that will be the focus of professional support: Goals: Check all that apply: Planning & Preparation ☐ Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy ☐ Demonstrating Knowledge of Student Development ☐ Demonstrating Knowledge of How to Set ☐ Instructional Outcomes ☐ Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources ☐ Designing Coherent Instruction ☐ Designing Student Assessments The Classroom Environment ☐ Creating an environment of respect and rapport ☐ Establishing a Culture of Learning ☐ Managing Classroom Procedures ☐ Managing Student Behavior ☐ Organizing Physical Space Instruction ☐ Communicating goals clearly and accurately ☐ Engaging students in Critical Thinking through effective questioning and discussion strategies ☐ Engaging Students in learning ☐ Using Assessment in Instruction ☐ Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Mentoring Plan: Professional Responsibilities ☐ Reflecting on teaching practices ☐ Maintaining Accurate Records ☐ Communicating/Engaging with families ☐ Participating in a Professional Community by contributing to the school and district ☐ Growing and Developing Professionally ☐ Showing Professionalism Additional Notes: ____________________________________ Teacher Signature _____________ Date ___________________________________ Lead Teacher-Mentor Signature ______________ Date Return this completed and signed form to the CIT Office via email (CIT@rcsdk12.org) or courier (CIT Office, CO2, Central Office). Approved by CIT Governing Panel, August 2015 Career in Teaching Professional Support Semester Report PLEASE NOTE: This report is a confidential document for CIT use only. This report will not be shared outside of the CIT program and will not be used for purposes of evaluation/APPR. This report is a tool to help CIT Lead Teacher-Mentors and the CIT Office to provide appropriate mentoring to teachers receiving professional support. Please contact the CIT Office with questions (CIT@rcsdk12.org, 585-262-8541). Teacher Name: ____________________________________ Grade/Subject: _____________________________ Lead Teacher-Mentor Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ CIT Career Ladder (check one): Check all activities you have done as part of your professional support mentoring: □ □ □ Analyzing Student Work Communicating with Parents Discussing Content Standards □ □ □ Developing/Reviewing Professional Goals Discussing Case Study Student IEP Development/meeting □ □ □ Modeling Lesson Observing Instruction Observing Mentor or other Veteran Teacher ☐ Intern (first year) with Prof Support ☐ Resident (untenured) Year Three/Four ☐ Resident (untenured) Year Two ☐ Tenured (Professional or Lead) □ □ □ □ Planning Lesson Problem Solving Professional Learning Plan Providing Resources □ □ □ □ Pre-Observation Conference □ Other: Post-Observation Conference Reflecting Using Technology Refer to the goals recorded on the CIT Intake Form to complete the following: LIST or SUMMARIZE ACCOMPLISHMENTS/AREAS OF GROWTH: LIST or SUMMARIZE CONTINUING FOCUS/CHALLENGES/CONCERNS Teacher’s Next Steps: Mentor’s Next Steps: Continue Professional Support for another semester? ☐ YES ☐ NO _______________________________________________ Teacher Signature Brief Rationale: __________________ _______________________________________________ _________________ Date Lead Teacher-Mentor Signature Date Teacher may attach a response or comment; please initial here if comment is attached: ______ . Return this completed and signed form to the CIT Office via email (CIT@rcsdk12.org) or courier (CIT Office, CO2, Central Office). Approved by CIT Governing Panel, August 2015