
Road to the Revolution
1. How did Mexico plan to populate Texas?
a. Have Moses Austin bring as many people as he could
b. Use the Empresario system
c. Bring in as many slaves as they could
d. Pay settlers to move from the United States
2. Which of the following is a reason Texans would have been unhappy with the law of April 6,
a. They would now have to buy slaves from Europe
b. The taxes on Mexican goods were too high for people to afford what they wanted
c. The Texans’ families and friends who lived in the US were no longer free to enter Texas
d. The law would shut down all missions which would hurt the economy
3. The conflict at Anahuac could best be described as a______________. *
a. Revolution
b. Skirmish
c. Battle
d. War
4. The Mexican Constitution of 1824 did all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Limited government
b. Made Catholicism the official religion of Mexico
c. Banned slavery in Texas
d. Decided lawmakers will elect President
5. In 1819 the Adams-Onis Treaty did all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Gave the Neutral Ground to Spain
b. Gave Florida to the United States
c. Made the Sabine River the eastern border of Texas
d. Had the U.S. surrender all claims to Texas
6. Who was the Mexican ruler that Texans called for a revolution against?
a. Stephen F. Austin
b. Santa Anna
c. Haden Edwards
d. Mier y Teran
7. What did the Law of April 6, 1830 decide about slavery in Mexico?
a. It was only allowed to new U.S. immigrants coming into Texas
b. It was only going to be allowed until 1850
c. It was banned everywhere immediately
d. It was banned except for in Texas
8. Who led the Fredonian Rebellion?
a. Haden Edwards
b. Stephen F. Austin
c. Santa Anna
d. Mier y Teran
9. What did Stephen F. Austin get arrested for?
a. Illegally bringing settlers into Texas from the U.S.
b. Buying, selling and transporting slaves in and out of Texas
c. Writing a letter telling Texans to form their own government
d. Trying to break William Travis out of jail in Anahuac
10. The Convention of 1832 and 1833 created a list of changes needed in Texas. All of the following
were on the list EXCEPT:
a. They wanted Texas to be made its own state separate from Coahuila
b. They wanted to be exempt from import taxes
c. They wanted to be able to worship any religion of their choosing
d. They wanted better protection from Natives
11. What Mexican general toured and inspected Texas and made a report?
a. Haden Edwards
b. Stephen F. Austin
c. Santa Anna
d. Mier y Teran
12. The tour and inspection from the question above led to what?
a. The Fredonian Rebellion
b. SFA being arrested
c. Mexico opening Texas to U.S. settlement
d. The Law of April 6, 1830
13. What happened in 1821?
a. Texas called for a revolution
b. Mexico won its independence from Spain
c. The 13 colonies won their independence from England
d. England defeated France in the French and Indian War
14. The Turtle Bayou Resolutions supported:
a. The end of slavery in Texas
b. A tax on goods from the United States
c. The termination of immigration from the U.S. to Texas
d. The actions of Santa Anna to restore the Constitution of 1824
15. The Fredonian Rebellion:
a. Prompted the U.S. to try to purchase Texas from Mexico
b. Caused many colonists to change their minds and side with the war party
c. Confirmed Mexican fears that settlers were trying to take over Texas
d. Marked the beginning of the Texas Revolution
16. What happened when Stephen F. Austin took the Texans’ ideas to Mexico?
a. He found that government officials were busy dealing with other problems
b. He became ill with cholera
c. He angered the vice president, who later shot and killed him
d. He was able to meet with Santa Anna immediately
17. In the Turtle Bayou Resolutions the men:
a. Declared their independence from Mexico and formed a militia
b. Declared their loyalty to Mexico and their desire to follow the laws of the Constitution
c. Declared their support for President Bustamante and their desire to change the
d. Declared their loyalty to the United States and their desire to become a state
18. There were TWO Conventions, 1832 and 1833, because:
a. Delegates in 1832 did not have enough time to complete their list of changes needed in
b. The list from the 1832 convention was never sent to Mexico
c. The Mexican government rejected the list of the 1832 convention
d. There were two separate groups of men wanting to write lists, therefore two
19. Stephen F. Austin was not able to get an answer right way in Mexico City because
a. Of an epidemic of cholera was going on there
b. He committed a crime and had to serve his prison time first
c. Santa Anna was busy fighting a war with the United State
d. Santa Anna was busy writing a new constitution for Texas
20. Who was the Mexican commander at the Battle at Goliad?
a. Colonel Travis
b. Colonel Fannin
c. Colonel Urrea
d. Colonel Bowie
21. Who was the Commander of the Mexicans at Battle of Gonzales?
a. Ugartechea
b. Santa Ana
c. Fannin
d. Urrea
22. Who was the Commander and Chief of the Texas Army?
a. Travis
b. Bowie
c. Houston
d. Fannin
23. The Meeting on the Washing ton-on-the-Brazos where Texas unanimously declared their
independence was called:
a. Convention of 1832
b. Convention of 1833
c. Convention of 1836
d. Convention of 1845
24. Who was the Commander of the 400 Texas soldiers in Goliad?
a. Urrea
b. Fannin
c. Travis
d. Ugartechea
25. Who was the Commander of the regular Texas Army at the Alamo?
a. Houston
b. Travis
c. Bowie
d. Fannin
26. Santa Ana was captured here:
a. Battle of Gonzales
b. Battle of Goliad
c. Battle of San Jacinto
d. Battle of the Alamo
27. Who was the Commander of the volunteer Army at the Alamo?
a. Houston
b. Travis
c. Bowie
d. Fannin
28. Santa Anna flew blood red “No Quarters” flag here:
a. Battle of Goliad
b. Battle of the Alamo
c. Battle of San Jacinto
d. Battle of Gonzales
29. What is often called a “massacre?”
a. Battle of the Alamo
b. Battle of Goliad
c. Battle of Gonzales
d. Battle of San Jacinto
30. 1st meeting of Texans to write grievances to Santa Ana after he was elected President of Mexico
was called:
a. Convention of 1800
b. Convention of 1832
c. Convention of 1836
d. Convention of 1845
31. “Come and Take it” flag was flown here:
a. Battle of the Alamo
b. Battle of Goliad
c. Battle of San Jacinto
d. Battle of Gonzales
32. The President of Mexico was:
a. Ugartechea
b. Santa Anna
c. Urrea
d. Fannin
33. 1st battle of the Texas Revolution:
a. Goliad
b. Gonzales
c. Alamo
d. San Jacinto
34. Last battle of the Texas Revolution:
a. Goliad
b. Gonzales
c. Alamo
d. San Jacinto
35. Which side won the Battle of Goliad?
a. Mexico
b. Texas
36. Which side won the Battle of Gonzales?
a. Mexico
b. Texas
37. Which side won the Battle of the Alamo?
a. Mexico
b. Texas
38. Which side won the Battle of San Jacinto?
a. Mexico
b. Texas
39. Santa Ana was killed at the end of the war.
a. True
b. False
40. Sam Houston was killed at the end of the war.
a. True
b. False