Detailed expectations - Better Services by Design


Detailed expectations

Expected tasks

Learning about methods for user centred designing of health services

Ethical governance procedures

Identify stakeholders

Engaging stakeholders

Collate user stories

Your contribution

(at least) one (leading) person from your project will attend a series of training sessions conducted by the UCHD team to introduce you to a range of design techniques and methods.

You will be responsible for managing governance procedures for your service development / service improvement project.

Your project will need to identify the primary & secondary stakeholders in your project

Your project will need to contact staff, patient & other participants in the project and recruit them to be involved.

User Centred Healthcare Design is User Centred - it is very important that patients and other stakeholders are involved as much as possible in your project.

One of the key resources that will be used in the design sessions is stories and experiences of staff, carers & service users. Part of the effort of the project will be gathering together people's stories and experiences. your project will need to be involved, particularly in capturing staff experience

UCHD contribution

UCHD will provide this training for free.

UCHD will provide funds to support 'backfill' for staff participating in this training

UCHD will assist you in developing your governance application.

UCHD will collaborate with you in exploring your experience of applying our design methods using an action learning approach. The governance for this research will be obtained from Sheffield Hallam


If you need it, UCHD will provide mentoring & support to help you do this

UCHD will provide mentoring for this.

UCHD will provide training & mentoring in different ways that this information can be gathered. If necessary, we can loan you tools (e.g. recording equipment) to help you do this.

Setting up logistics for sessions

Most service design projects will involve some face to face meetings. We expect your project to book any required facilities to arrange times that are suitable for you stakeholders, and to communicate the necessary information to participants

Travel expenses for participation in design activities

Most service design projects will involve some face to face meetings. We expect your project to handle necessary expenses for patient and other stakeholder involvement.

Travel expenses for participation in learning & reflection activities

Devising design activities The training provided by UCHD will help you to devise stimulating and creative activities to drive the service design process. We will ask you to be the ultimate decision maker about what activities do / do not take place. We want you to drive the design process.

Preparing workshop materials

Leading design activities We would like you to develop confidence in leading design activities. Following your training, we will expect you to work with us in running workshops - as a co-faciliator.

UCHD will meet your reasonable travel expenses for learning & reflection activities.

We will provide advice, mentoring, support and coaching to help you to make these decisions. Members of the UCHD design team will discuss your aims with you and use their experience to support your choices.

However, the aim of this study is that you should be in charge of your redesign project, so we will work with your decisions.

The quality of output that comes from a collaborative design activity can be heavily influenced by the quality of the resources that are prepared in advance. UCHD will support your workshops with specialist design services as appropriate to ensure that the materials you have at your disposal are well matched to your aims.

Experienced design researchers from UCHD will be available to attend your design events and to help facilitate the events in collaboration with you.

Monitoring project progress

Generating ideas


Pay for transcription

The service redesign project must be your project. We therefore expect that you will have mechanisms in place to monitor your project progress

The ideas for service development / improvement / innovation / transformation will come from staff, managers, service users and other stakeholders. Everyone can contribute.

Managing findings for service design / improvement

The service redesign project must be your project. We therefore expect that you to manage the findings for service design / improvement

Guide evaluation framing Like any other project you will need to think about how the project should be evaluated. Evaluation should be a collaborative process involving all the different stakeholders, and the terms of reference for the evaluation should also be open for discussion.

We will also provide coaching & mentoring of your skills in this area.

UCHD will offer advice &mentoring on how to monitor progress in open design projects.

Experienced designers from UCHD will also put forward ideas. We will also work with you and your stakeholders to encourage creative thinking.

Some of the ideas that are generated may need to be made up into tangible artefacts (maps, diagrams, images). The experience designers from UCHD will provide this service if required.

To further our understanding of your experiences of using UCHD techniques, we will need to transcribe some recorded conversations, interviews, stories etc.

UCHD will pay for and manage this process.

UCHD will mentor you and help you in managing these findings as they also form an important resource in our research.

UCHD will mentor you in thinking about evaluation and we will work with you in developing an appropriate framing.

Implement changes

Conduct evaluation

Health & Safety

Record your reflections on the project, the methods and the processes

The service redesign project must be your project. We therefore expect that you will follow up your design activities with implementation

Evaluation should be a collaborative process involving all the different stakeholders and their respective concerns and values.

We expect you to take responsibility for health and safety at events that are organised by your on your premises or at other locations. (Letters or authority or honorary contracts as appropriate).

As a participant in this action research project, you will be asked to reflect regularly on your experience of the techniques and your project.

UCHD will collaborate with you on the evaluation as the data will be relevant to our investigations.

UCHD will take responsibility for health and safety for events that take place at Sheffield Hallam or that we organise at other locations.

We will provide opportunities for you to discuss your experiences with other similar projects and with the design researchers.

We will use your feedback to improve techniques both within your current project & future projects.

We will adjust our advice, mentoring & support based on your feedback.

We will fund backfill for participation in these reflective sessions.
