
Below is a list of minimum qualifications.
Minimum Qualification
Highest level of confidentiality.
Skilled and experienced Certified
Medical Transcriptionist (CMT).
Knowledge of all disciplines of
medical transcription (inpatient and
98% percent transcription accuracy.
Adhere to US Medical
Transcription standards and
practices regarding spelling,
grammar, abbreviations, and
Understand medical terminology,
anatomy and physiology, diagnostic
procedures pharmacology, and
treatment assessments.
Strong typing and proofreading
Emdat and its partners maintain the highest levels of confidentiality.
All transcriptions and voice files are encrypted when sent over the internet.
MTs cannot save voice files or transcriptions on their PC.
Emdat has BAA with all Emdat Partners (MTSOs).
Emdat Partners have BAAs with all contractor MTs.
Emdat Partners provide HIPAA training to all their MTs.
Emdat provides HIPAA training to all employees.
Emdat Partners use highly skilled Medical Transcriptionists. MTs who type on Emdat
client accounts average over 6 years of typing experience. The minimum typing
experience required is two years for inpatient type notes. MTs with less experience are
employed for certain clinic notes but generally have a higher percentage of reports
being audited by QA.
The Emdat Partners bring experienced MTs to the relationship. Not every MTSO has
MTs with experience in every discipline. But every discipline is covered.
Emdat requires each Emdat Partner to maintain a 98% accuracy rating. Each MT within
the MTSO is also required to maintain a 98% accuracy rating.
MTs at Emdat Partners adhere to AHDI documentation standards.
MTs at Emdat Parters have general medical terminology experience plus more detailed
experience on the terminology in one or more specialties.
Emdat Partner MTs have strong typing skills. They maintain an accuracy rating of over
Emdat Partners provide ongoing QA assessment of all MTs.
Minimum Qualification
Provide encryption or secure
connection for data transfers to and
from vendor.
Keep copies of all transcribed
documents for a minimum of 6
Ability to provide monthly quality
Encryption is included in all the Emdat products.
InQuiry – uses 128-bit SSL encryption.
InSync – uses 128-bit Twofish encryption with a private key.
ShadowLink – uses 128-bit Twofish encryption with a private key.
The following items are kept in our online data base and are accessed via InQuiry by
users who have been provided appropriate security access.
Copies of the final transcription will be kept as long as your facility is a client.
Copies of previous transcription versions will be kept for 9 months.
The digital audio file (dictation) will be kept for 9 months.
Emdat’s InQuiry application includes InVision, the reporting mechanism.
InVision generates a QA Summary report that calculates the quality score as well as a
QA Detail report that includes the error details for each transcription.
Using InVision, reports can be run manually, or scheduled to run at a specified time or
frequency. Reports can be printed, downloaded in one of four formats.
Describe your data interchange standards to ensure proper encryption of data.
InScribe is the application used by MTs to type on the Emdat Platform. When a dictation is
requested by the InScribe user, the digital audio file is encrypted using a 128-bit twofish encryption
algorithm with a private key.
The audio file is only stored on the PC while the MT is signed into the InScribe application which
includes using a unique ID and password to authenticate to the Emdat servers. When the MT
listens to the audio file, it is decrypted.
The finished transcription is encrypted and moved up to the Server.
The audio file is immediately removed from the PC by InScribe.
The transcription is stored on the PC for 24 hours in an encrypted file. The MT does not have
access to this encrypted transcription. It can be retrieved by the Help Desk using a remote session
and imported in to the Emdat system should the MT experience an Internet issue.
InScribe automatically deletes encrypted transcriptions after 24 hours.
InSync is the application used to encrypt and upload dictations from supported digital hand-held
recorders. It uses a twofish encryption algorithm with a 128-bit private key.
InSync moves the digital recording from the hand-held, encrypts them, and stores them on
the PC.
It then removes the recording from the hand-held.
InSync moves the encrypted audio files to the Emdat servers.
When InSync receives a Receipt Confirmation, it displays a Receipt report (can be turned off
in configuration) on the screen which can be printed on a local printer.
InSync is configured to save encrypted files for a specific period of time. Each time InSync
processes dictations, it deletes all stored encrypted dictations that exceed this storage
parameter. (This option can be configured for never, a specific number of days, or keep
Describe your process how you follow HIPAA security and privacy guidelines to safeguard medical
Technical capabilities include:
Audio files and transcriptions are encrypted when moved across the Internet; whether its for
an MT, an end user, or MTSO management.
 Audio files and unencryped transcriptions cannot be saved on the MTs workstation.
MTs are informed of HIPAA privacy guidelines. All have a minimum of two years of medical
transcription experience and are knowlegable of their responsibilities in following the HIPAA
requirements. MTs also receive annual review and updates concerning HIPAA guidelines.
Describe the confidentiality agreement you have with your transcriptionists and the required length
of time the agreement will remain in effect. Please provide a written copy of this agreement.
Emdat has Business Associates Agreement in place with all Emdat Partners who type work for
Emdat clients. The Emdat BAA requires that each MTSO have a similar BAA with the MTs.
The actual BAA with the MT is the responsibility of the Emdat Partner. Emdat supplies a sample
BAA to Emdat Partners that is suitable for use with Independent Contractor who type for the