I. Artificial Lighting - ids

a. About mungo, plant growth, artificial lighting
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Related Studies
I. Artificial Lighting
In this research, we are expecting to have the color of light that has the most
significant effect to the growth of mongo plant which is exposed to artificial light. to
determine the best color of light for the growing mongo plant. According to Andrew
Zimmerman Jones (1991), visible light spectrum is the section of the electromagnetic
spectrum that can be seen by the human eye. It is also known as the optical spectrum
of light with wavelength ranging from approximately 400 mm to 700 mm. The perceived
color is dependent on the wavelength of the light. We actually interact with light in the
form of white light which contains many or all of these wavelength ranges within them.
When shining white light passes through a prism causes the wavelength to bend at
slightly varying angles due to optical refraction. Therefore, the resulting light is split
across the visible color spectrum. This results to rainbow characterized by airborne
water particles acting as the refractive medium. The order of wavelength is best
remembered by “Roy G Biv for Red, Orange, yellow, green, Blue, Indigo and violet.
When sunlight strikes the leaves of a plant, the light-wave energy is absorbed by
the chlorophyll. The chlorophyll absorbs most red, orange, blue, and violet light. It
reflects green and yellow, giving its body a green coloring (You and the Natural World,
p.107). This means that plants react differently to different colors of light.
With this in mind, artificial light was considered in this study. Artificial lighting is
any lighting that is not sunlight. Generally speaking, artificial lighting is lighting which is
man made, such as fluorescent, tungsten, mercury vapor, sodium vapor, halogen,
compact fluorescent, et cetera. It can be turned on and off at a flick of a switch. There
are also very special types of artificial light for specific purposes like infrared heat
lamps, ultraviolet lights for plant growth.
II. Materials
A. Light Bulbs
We will need incandescent light bulbs. Although incandescent bulbs will be
phased out according to fox news (2008) in favor of more energy-efficient fluorescent
globes to help cut greenhouse gas emissions and household cost. This plan being the
first in Asia was applauded by the Asian Development Bank. These energy efficient
products are the compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).Fluorescent bulbs need only 20% of
the electricity than incandescent bulbs use to produce the same amount of list. Aside
from that, they can also last 6-10 times longer than the average incandescent bulb. But
for experimentation purposes we chose this type of bulb. The light bulbs should vary in
color. There should be bulbs in red, blue, yellow, violet, green, orange, red violet, blue
violet, red orange, yellow orange, blue green, yellow green, since this study focuses on
the effect of different colors of light.
B. Munggo Bean
We chose Monggo or Mung Bean (Vigna Radiate) plant because these type of
legume is (Agripinoy, 2009) is drought-tolerant and requires a warm climate during its
growing period. It is a warm season crop (Oplinger, 1997) that requires adequate rainfall
from flowering to late pod fill in order to be assured of high yield therefore high
temperature, low moisture will reduce yield. But high humidity and excess rainfall can
also result to disease problems and harvesting losses due to late maturity. Mungbeans
are responsive to length of daylight so that short days can hasten flowering and long
days delay it. Mungbeans are suited for sandy loam solid with good internal drainage.
Poor growth is expected in heavy clay soils with pH between 6.2 and 7.2. Soil rich in
phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and sulfur through fertilizer addition can produce
healthy mungbeans. Seeds should be planted 1 1/2" deep in a well prepared seedbed
with good moisture content. If the surface layers are dry this depth can be increased to
3" if the soil type is one which does not crust easily. The seedlings of mungbean can
have a hard time breaking through a thick crust and stands will be reduced.
C. Soil
Vegetables need a wide variety of trace minerals and nutrients to grow well.
Plants get these minerals from soil. Some soil requirements for vegetable plants are the
same, while others differ depending on the type of vegetable. But in this case we will
use the same type of soil.
D. Pot
The pot will serve as the container for the plants.
E. Water
Water helps a plant by transporting important nutrients through the plant.
Nutrients are drawn from the soil and used by the plant. Without enough water in the
cells, the plants droop, so water helps a plant stand. Water carries the dissolved sugar
and other nutrients through the plant. So without the proper balance of water, the plant
not only is malnourished, but it is also physically weak and cannot support its own
weight (GardeningKnowHow.com).
III. Colors of Light
The researchers would use these colors as basis for the colors of the light bulbs in
conducting this study.
IV. Related Study
A. ‘The Effect of Different Genres of Music to Monggo Plant’s Growth’
Generev Zerna Jungao
Rhoie Jhannarie Dumaguin Omlero
The researcher aimed to know the best genre of music for growing plants
by exposing monggo plants to a genre of music changed weekly, the first week
was classical music, second week was jazz, third week was pop and the last was
rock. The study concluded that jazz is the best and rock music was not good for
The future researchers aim to determine the best color of artificial light for
growing plants. The plants in this study are exposed to artificial light 6-8 hrs a day until
the researchers get enough data The subject materials will be exposed to different
colors of light of light bulbs 6 inches above from the soil.
Based on your RRL, what are the information/data you have gathered
that proves useful in you present study?
Based on Related Studies, how is your present study different from other
previous studies?