Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandner Director, Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeit-Spektroskopie im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. Max Born Strasse 2A 12489 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0)30-6392-1300 Fax: +49 (0)30-6392-1309 e-mail: Professor of Physics, Technische Universität Berlin Professional Career 1979 PhD in atomic physics, University of Freiburg, Germany 1986 Professor (acting), University of Würzburg, Germany 1987 -1991 Professor, University of Freiburg, Germany 1991-1994 Full Professor of Physics (tenured), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA Since 1993 Director, Max Born Institute for Non-linear Optics and Short-Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin, Adlershof Vice Chair (since 2009) Board of Representatives, Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V Since 1994 Professor, Technische Universität Berlin Current research Basic research on light-matter interaction at ultra-high intensities: relativistic laser plasma dynamics, laser particle acceleration, atomic and molecular ionization dynamics in strong and ultra-strong laser fields Development and application of short-pulse lasers of highest peak and average power; lasers for special applications (e.g. FELs); Research on and with Laser-based UV- und X-ray sources, including table-top X-ray lasers More than 200 refereed publications in international journals, numerous invited talks at international conferences. Organiser (Conference Chair) of major international scientific conferences in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001 "Fellow of the American Physical Society" (1994) Current activities in scientific organizations and honorary positions Co-ordinator, Chair of the Participants Council and Chair of the Management Board, EC Research Infrastructure Network "LASERLAB-EUROPE" in the 6th and 7th Framework Programme of the European Union President (2010 - 2012), and Vice-President (2012-2014), Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft DPG Board Membership in scientific organisations: o o o o o o o Vice Chair, International Committee on Ultra-High Intensity Lasers ICUIL,(2008-2012) German Scientific Laser Society WLT (Chair 2003/2004 and 2007/2008) European Association of National Research Facilities ERF Executive Board, The European HiPER project (High Power Laser Energy Research Facility) (since 2008) Steering Committee (2007-2010) and ELI Delivery Consortium (since 2011), The European ELI project (Extreme Light Infrastructure) Board of Stakeholders, EU Technology Platform "Photonics21" (since 2005) Board, Regional Network OpTecBB e.V., Berlin and Brandenburg (2000-2011) o o o o Current membership in Scientific Advisory Boards (SAB): o o o o o o o Steering Committee, International Workshop "Laser Physics" (since 2004) PITZ Collaboration Board, DESY Hamburg/Zeuthen (since 2004) Board, Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin PgzB (2004-2008) Board of Trustees, Berthold Leibinger Stiftung GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany Chair, Photon Science Facility Board, Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC, UK (since 2009) Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics MAP, Garching, Germany (since 2008) Member, Scientific Council, Helmholtz Institute Jena, Helmholtz Gemeinschaft HGF, Germany (since 2009) Member, International Advisory Panel, Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion IPFN, Lisbon, (since 2008) Member, International Advisory Boards, Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI-Beamlines (CZ), ELI-ALPS (HU), ELI-NP (RO) (since 2011) Member, International Advisory Committee, Exawatt Laser Facility XCELS, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (since 2011) Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung, Hanau (since 2012) Science Policy Consulting: o o o o Member, Program Advisory Board "Optical Technologies for the 21st Century", German Federal Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF), Bonn (since 2000) Member, "Advisory Panel for Photon-based Research", German Federal Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF), Bonn (2008) Chair, EU Steering Committee, and Representative of the Board on EU issues, Leibniz Association WGL, Berlin (since 2009) Member, Europapolitischer Gesprächskreis, BMBF, Bonn (since 2010) Participation in review and evaluation panels for national and international science organisations: BMBF (Germany, 2004, 2007), National Research Council (Canada, 2004), Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic, 2004), Max Planck Society (Germany, 2005), Fraunhofer Society (Germany, 2007), Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK, 2008), Department of Energy (USA, 2008,2009), EU ERA-SPOT (European Union, 2008), PROFIT Technology Funding (Berlin, Germany, 2006, 2007)