Running title: Climate change dominates future carbon export Increase in dissolved inorganic carbon flux from the Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico due to climatic and anthropogenic changes over the 21st century Wei Ren1, Hanqin Tian1*, Bo Tao1, Jia Yang1, Shufen Pan1, Wei-Jun Cai2, Steven E. Lohren3, Ruoying He4, and Charles S. Hopkinson5 1 International Center for Climate and Global Change Research, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA; 2 School of Marine Science and Policy, The University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA; 3School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, New Bedford, MA 02744, USA; 4Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA; 5Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA *Corresponding author: Dr. Hanqin Tian E-Mail: Tel: 1-334-844-1059 Fax: 1-334-844-1084 Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences Feb 16, 2015 1 Supplementary Text The Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model: In the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM2.0), three major processes are involved to simulate the export of water, carbon and nutrients from land surface to coastal areas include 1) the generation of runoff and leachates, 2) the leaching of water, carbon and nutrients from land to river networks in the form of overland flow and base flow, and 3) transportation of riverine materials along river channels from upstream areas to coastal regions. Details regarding hydrological processes in DLEM 2.0 can be found in our recent work[Liu et al., 2013a]. Here we provide a brief description of DIC export simulation in leachate production and in-stream transformations. Carbon transport along river channels are controlled by water movement from upstream grid cells to downstream grid cells [Liu et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2014]. Soil carbon decomposition: The size of soil carbon pools and the carbon fluxes transferred between pools determine the source and loss of soil organic and inorganic carbon, which ultimately produce soil DIC, DOC and POC leachates to riverine systems. In DLEM 2.0, there are eight soil carbon pools: woody detritus; two litter pools; three microbial pools; and two slow soil organic matter pools, native organic matter and passive soil organic matter. All organic carbon input, received from tissue turnover, manure, crop residue, and branch fragmentation, are totally allocated to litter pools according to a carbon to nitrogen ratio. Then the carbon fluxes are transferred between pools through biological decomposition, physical adsorption and desorption, and leaching. The equations to estimate soil and litter decomposition use first-order decay rate constants (๐๐ถ_๐๐๐๐ ), which are adopted from the models of CENTURY [Parton et al., 1993], CN-SIM [Petersen et al., 2005], and IBIS 2 [Liu et al., 2005]. Generally, heterotrophic respiration is the critical process that largely determines the generation of soil DOC and DIC. In DLEM 2.0, decomposition rate of each soil organic carbon pool ๐๐_๐๐๐๐ is influenced by soil temperature, soil water content, nutrient availability and soil texture: ๐๐ถ_๐๐๐๐ = ๐พ๐๐๐ฅ/365 × ๐(๐) × ๐(๐) × ๐(๐) × ๐(๐๐๐๐ฆ) (1) where kmaxi is the maximum decay rate (year-1); f(T) is the average soil temperature scalar; f(W) is the soil moisture scalar; f(clay) is the soil texture scalar; f(N) is the nitrogen scalar. T is air temperature (Celsius degree). Leaching of DIC from land to rivers: R lchDICc = ๐ป2 ๐ถ๐3 + ๐ถ๐ ๐๐2 + ๐๐ ๐๐3 (2) Production of dissolved inorganic C in DLEM2.0 includes three processes: dissolution of atmospheric CO2, dissolution of soil CO2, and input from carbonate rock weathering. Dissolution of atmospheric CO2 is assumed to be the primary source of DIC in surface runoff. This process is simulated according to Henry’s Law. Carbon dioxide dissolution includes two reactions. The first reaction is the process that free CO2 enters water and becomes H2CO3. Dissolution of soil CO2 to soil water is an important contributor of stream DIC export. To account for CO2 dissolution in soil, soil CO2 concentration (Csco2) is calculated with an empirical equation (at the depth of 1 m) obtained from the transport equation by Jassal et al.[Jassal et al., 2005]. Another source of DIC is soil carbonate weathering [Van Cappellen et al., 1993], where ๐๐ ๐๐3 is the weathering rate of soil carbonate rock (g C/ s). 3 In-stream process: A considerable amount of DIC leaves water in the form of CO2. In DLEM2.0, degasing is mainly driven by temperature, air CO2 concentration and degasing coefficient: DICdeg = K deg × (๐๐๐๐2 − SaWpco2 ) × 12 ๐๐โ −0.5 ๐พ๐๐๐ = ๐พ600 × 600 K 600 = Sl × V × 2841.6 + 2.03 ๐๐โ = 1911.1 − 118.11 × ๐๐ค๐๐ก๐๐ + 3.4527 × ๐๐ค๐๐ก๐๐ 2 − 0.04132 × ๐๐ค๐๐ก๐๐ 3 (3) (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) where DICdeg is the degassing rate in surface water bodies (g C/m2s); Kdeg is CO2 transfer velocity; Wpco2 is the water CO2 concentration (M); SaWpco2 is the saturated water CO2 calculated at current atmospheric CO2 level (M). Calculation of SaWpco2 follows Equation 4; Twater is the temperature of rivers or lakes in each grid cell (ºC). K600 is the normalized gas transfer velocity for CO2 (m day-1); Sl is the slope of river channels or lakes (dimensionless); V is river discharge velocity (m s-1); Sch is the Schmidt number for CO2 in water (dimensionless). Transportation from upstream region to coastal areas: The time step for the streamflow simulation in DLEM 2.0 is 30 minutes. Hydrological connections between different grid cells are simulated with a linear reservoir model in which flow direction in each grid cell are obtained from Graham et al. (1999). Allocation of water flow to lakes and streams is weighted by their areas. The residence time of water in rivers is calculated according to Coe [2000]: TR,riv = D (4) u u = min(umax , umin (ic /i0 )0.5 ) 4 (5) where D is the distance between centers of the local and downstream grid cell (m); umax is equal to 5 ms-1, which is the maximum river flow velocity [Miller et al., n.d.]; umin is the minimum river flow velocity, we set umin as 0.8 ms-1; ic is the downstream gradient (mm-1), and i0 is a reference gradient (0.5×10-4 mm-1). For the residence time of water in the lake, we assume it is 10 times longer than that of river in the same grid cell. Different carbon species are assumed to distribute evenly in each river body and move downstream with water. More detailed descriptions of the hydrological component in DLEM 2.0 were published in recent work [Liu et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2014]. 5 Figure S1. Key processes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) related to loss and sources in the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM) and the potential effects of future environmental changes in climate, atmospheric CO2, and land use. Figure S2. Spatial changes in precipitation (mmyear-1) in the 2000s and the 2090s under the A2 and B1 scenarios, projected by three global climate models (CCCMA, CCM3, ECHAM). Figure S3. Spatial changes in average temperature (°C) in the 2000s and the 2090s under the A2 and B1 scenarios, projected by three global climate models (CCCMA, CCM3, ECHAM). Figure S4. Spatial changes in cropland area (1000km2) in 2010 and 2099 under the A2 and B1 scenarios. 6 Climate, atmospheric CO2, land use and management etc. Soil Source Soil and root respiration Soil CO2 dissolution Soil rock weathering Soil DIC DIC leaching CO2 degassing Loss River DIC Atmospheric CO2 dissolution River DIC export Ocean DIC related loss DIC related source Figure S1 7 Figure S2 8 B1scenario A2 scenario 2000s 2000s 2090s CCCMA CCSM3 ECHAM Figure S3 9 2090s Figure S4 10