YEAR 12 ECOLOGY OVERIVEW Classification o What is it? o How do you classify organisms? o Levels of classification o Resources EiB pp 1-10 Biozone: The new tree of life Features of taxonomic groups Features of the five kingdoms Classification system Classification keys Keying out plant species Websites: viour_health/variation_classification/revise7.shtml - very basic good diagrams nment/characteristicsandclassificationrev4.shtml - intermediate with better explanation nvironment/0_ecology_organisms5.shtml - species and naming What are ecosystems o Features and attributes Niche Habitat Population Community o Gause’s principle Window and notch caterpillar investigation o Resources EiB pp 11, 15, 26, 27 Biozone: Components of an ecosystem Habitats Habitat preference in mudfish Ecological Niche Ecological Niches Powerpoint Mix and match activity Components of an ecosystem o Biotic Living things o Abiotic Non-living things o Practical investigations looking at different components and how they relate o Resources EiB pp 11-13 Biozone: Physical factors and gradients Powerpoint Tolerance range and limiting factors o What are they o What affect do they have on individuals o What affect do they have on whole populations o Effect on population growth Tolerance levels Zone of death Physiological stress Optimum range Preferred niche Bell shaped curves o Guest speaker DOC on factors currently affecting ecosystems in the North o Resources EiB pp 14, 20-23 Biozone: Law of tolerances Powerpoint Adaptations o How do they affect the survival of an organism in its habitat o Types Structural Physiological Behavioural o Resources Videos to watch Plant adaptations Animal adaptations EiB p11 Biozone: Animal adaptations Plant adaptations Adaptations of hydrophytes Mangrove adaptations Insectivorous plants Powerpoint Survivorship o R strategists o K strategists o Survivorship curves o Resources EiB pp 23-25 Biozone: Features of populations Density and distribution Population regulation Population growth Life tables and survivorship Survivorship curves Population growth curves Growth in a bacterial population r and k selection Population age structure Powerpoint Websites to use: col.html#Population Growth nvironment/5_population_sustainability1.shtml - activity - limiting factors - population dynamics Community patterns o Succession o Stratification o Zonation o Trip to Mair park to observe various patterns o Resources EiB pp 36-38 Biozone: Stratification in a forest Shoreline zonation Zonation with altitude Ecological succession Powerpoint Field studies o Components in various ecosystems o Counting populations o Recording data o Processing data o Making conclusions/interpreting data o Formative assessment at pool o Resources EiB pp 20-21 IoL pp 80-81 Biozone: Designing your field study Monitoring physical factors Sampling populations Quadrat sampling Quadrat based estimates Sampling animal populations Transect sampling Sampling a leaf litter population Mark and recapture sampling Indirect sampling Drawing kite graphs Recording results Transforming raw data Nutrient cycling o Food chains/food webs o Food pyramids o Nutrient cycling Carbon Nitrogen Water o Resources EiB pp 28-36 Biozone: Food chains Constructing a food web Energy input and outputs Energy flow in an ecosystem Ecological pyramids The carbon cycle The nitrogen cycle Websites reenworld/recyclingrev1.shtml ere/biocompoundsrev3.shtml hains/foodchainact.shtml - activity reenworld/recyclingrev2.shtml - nitrogen fertiliser Relationships o Inter vs intra o Species interrelationships Mutualism Competition Exploitation Predation Parasitism o Resources EiB pp14-19 Biozone: Species interactions Mutualism Parasitism Predator-prey strategies Predator-prey interactions Intraspecific competition Interspecific competition Powerpoint Biodiversity o Relate biodiversity to environmental change in the habitat o Actual rocky shore study o Resources Biozone: Managing NZ’s biodiversity Protecting NZ’s Natural heritage Managing forestry resources Loss of biodiversity