
The “Spirit” of Exploration
In 1492
Columbus went on
his first voyage.
He went to what he
thought was India
and claimed land
for Spain. He
ended up taking
back to Spain
goods that he had
found, as well as
gold. This shows
that he felt the gold
was his because he
had found it. He
also took back
many of the native
people that he had
kidnapped. This
shows that he
obviously felt he
was more powerful
than they were.
In 1534, Jacques
Cartier from France
went on his first
voyage. He was
looking for a
western passage to
Asia, but he ended
up exploring parts
of Newfoundland as
well as the
Maritimes. He later
landed at present
day Gaspe, Quebec.
There he planted a
cross, and he
claimed the land for
France. He also
ended up taking the
sons of the Huron
Chief Donnacona
with him back to
Europe. Clearly he
felt that because he
had landed there, he
now had control
over the land and
the people.
- Christopher
This journey ended
up putting pressure
on Portugal, because
they wanted to cross
the Atlantic as well.
They didn't want
Spain to be ahead of
them. Christopher
thought he had
discovered a sea
route to Asia for
Spain, and Portugal
wanted to make sure
that they got to trade
with Asia as well.
This caused conflicts
that had to be settled
by the pope, who
divided the world
between Spain and
Portugal. This
caused other
European countries
to become angry.
In 1585, there was
- Queen Isabella
and King Ferdinand
(granted Columbus
permission to claim
any land and goods
he found)
- Spain
- North America
(Columbus thought
it was Asia)
- The Natives of
present day North
- Jacques Cartier
- France
- The King of
France (chose
Cartier to find
“certain islands
and lands where it
is said there are
great quantities of
gold and other
- The natives of
present day
- Francis Drake
Although I don't
think there was any
specific conflicts
dealing with this
expedition, each
expedition was the
result of conflicts
between European
Everyone at the
time wanted to be
the most powerful
and wealthy, to
have the most
goods, and to have
the most land.
expeditions were
designed to make
this happen, but
sometimes ended
up causing more
This expedition was
This journey lead
to power and
wealth for Spain. It
also encouraged
Portugal to expand
as well. The
positive effects of
Columbus's journey
were mostly for
Spain: Goods,
trade with natives,
power, and land.
The negative
imperialistic effects
of this expedition
were mostly on the
natives of North
America. They had
been living there for
centuries, but now
somebody else was
coming in and
claiming the land
and goods and
kidnapping people.
Another negative
imperialistic effect
was on the other
European countries
like Portugal. This
journey ended up
pressuring Portugal.
This expedition
lead to an increase
of power for
France. France
gained control over
more land and
gained more
knowledge. France
also gained may
goods that they
didn't have there.
This all helped to
make France more
powerful. The fact
that Cartier
kidnapped natives
and claimed the
land for France
showed that for
France, this
expedition was an
important victory.
Like most of the
expeditions, this
expedition was
negative for the
Natives of Canada.
They did get to
trade, but when
France claimed
land that had been
theirs for years, it
wasn't right. Also,
when Cartier took
the Chief's sons
back to France
with him, it wasn't
fair. Overall, for
the natives it was a
bad time. Their
land, goods, and
friends were all
taken away.
The positive
The negative
war between Spain
and England.
Francis Drake
from England, the
first Englishman to
circumnavigate the
globe, sailed out to
the new world and
robbed the ports of
Santo Domingo
and Cartegena. On
his way back, he
captured a Spanish
fort in Florida. His
attacks brought
wealth to England,
which was one of
the main goals at
the time: Explore
in order to gain
power, wealth,
land, and goods.
Drake was an
explorer, but this
expedition helped
Five years after
voyage, the
explorer Vasco
da Gama led an
around Africa,
across the
Indian Ocean,
and to the city
of Calicut. Da
Gama had
established a
sea route
around Africa
to the East, and
he came back to
proudly, with
many precious
- Queen Elizabeth
I (gained respect
for Drake and
dubbed him a
- England
- Spain
- Vasco da Gama
- Portugal
a direct result of
conflicts between
Spain and England.
These conflicts
happened for the
same reason as all
the others: Every
European country
was trying to outdue
the others in trade,
wealth, land, goods,
and power. This of
course lead to
fighting. Drake
robbed the Spanish
ports because of
these conflicts,
because England
wanted the treasure.
As well, this
expedition caused
even more, bigger
conflicts between
England and Spain.
imperialistic effects
of this expedition
effects of this
were for England. expedition were for
This expedition
Spain. When Spain
lead to more power
was robbed, it no
and wealth in
doubt lost some
England, which
power and wealth.
was one of the main
This expedition
goals of
was designed to be
imperialism in the
bad for Spain and
first place.
to increase
Although Drake
England's power,
was considered a
and it did work.
pirate by the
Spanish, he was a
England defeated
hero to the English.
At the time, every
European country
was trying to be
the best, so
discovering the
sea route to the
East was a good
advantage to
Portugal. It
helped Portugal
become more
powerful, which
was the goal of
most expeditions.
Of course, all
countries in
Europe wanted
the same thing, so
naturally this
lead to conflicts.
The positive
imperialistic effects
of this expedition is
that Portugal
gained power,
trade, and goods,
which was a good
thing for Portugal.
Portugal didn't
gain any power
over specific areas,
but this expedition
did help Portugal
to become more
powerful, which
would help with
imperialism later
Now it is time to express an opinion…..
The negative
effects of this
expedition were for
the other European
countries, because
all the countries
wanted to establish
the route. When
Portugal did it,
other countries
would have lost
some power.
In paragraph format, respond to the following questions.
1.What elements of the Renaissance worldview allowed some Europeans to treat Indigenous peoples
the way they did?
There were many elements of the Renaissance worldview that allowed some Europeans to treat
Indigenous peoples the way they did. Europeans felt that they were superior to others, and that
Indigenous peoples were “savages”. Europeans felt that when they discovered land, it belonged to
them, and they didn't realize that Indigenous peoples had been there long before them. Another
element is that Europeans were constantly trying to be the most powerful and the most wealthy,
which meant that they explored and “conquered” many places. Overall, the main thing that made
some Europeans treat Indigenous peoples the way they did is that some Europeans felt that they
were superior, and that the Indigenous peoples could easily be controlled.
2. Are there examples of modern day Imperialism? Choose one and explain how it compares to the
Imperialism that grew out of expansionism in Europe.
I feel that there are examples of modern day Imperialism. The USA is one example, because
America has fought wars against Iran and Iraq because they want the valuable crude oil in the gulf.
They have also established military bases in Afghanistan which has given America good trade routes
for crude oil, and a base to invade Iraq and defeat its President, Saddam Hussein. This compares to
the Imperialism that grew out of expansionism in Europe because in Europe, countries wanted to
extend their land, power, and resources, and this eventually led to them taking over different places
in order to accomplish this. This can be compared to America because the Americans want the crude
oil that they don't have, and this eventually leads to them fighting wars with and actually trying to
take over oil filled countries like Iran and Iraq.
3. Take a stand!! Do you think that the world is better or worse off because of Imperialism? Provide
examples to support your thoughts.
I think that for many people, the world is worse off because of Imperialism. For example, the natives
that lived in Canada and other places visited by European explorers, were suddenly taken over by
them. This wasn't fair to them because for years before they had their own ways of doing things, and
it was suddenly changed. Not only that, but their land and resources were taken away from them as
well. Imperialism today is also a terrible thing, because people have their own ways of living, and
when someone tries to change that and take over, it can be a very difficult thing. Imperialism only
benefits the strong and powerful people, but the weak and poor people lose out. It has been this way
since the European explorers came to new lands and decided that it was now theirs'. Although for
some people and countries Imperialism is a good thing, I feel that Imperialism is unfair for many
other people.