Inaura School Policy RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTION INDEX Context Introduction Definition of "Restrictive Physical Intervention" When the Use of Restrictive Physical Interventions may be Appropriate Who May Use Restrictive Physical Intervention Planning for the Use of Restrictive Physical Interventions Acceptable Forms of Intervention Developing a Positive Handling Plan Guidance and Training for Staff Complaints Positive Handling Plan (Form) - Identification and Assessment of Risk. INDEX Page CONTEXT 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. DEFINITION OF “RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTION” 2 3. WHEN THE USE OF RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE 2 WHO MAY USE RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTION 3 PLANNING FOR THE USE OF RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS 4. 3 ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF INTERVENTION 5. 4 DEVELOPING A POSITIVE HANDLING PLAN 6. 5 GUIDANCE AND TRAINING FOR STAFF 7. 5 COMPLAINTS POSITIVE HANDLING PLAN (form) - Identification and Assessment of Risk 7-11 Inaura De Escalation and Positive Handling CONTEXT The Policy is placed within the Behaviour Policy, it will be part of a graded response, and has been agreed in consultation with staff, Trustees, and parents/carers. It also connects to, and is consistent with, policies on Health and Safety, Child Protection and Safeguarding, Equal Opportunities. Statement In Inaura we use relational skills and non- coercive strategies, this in includes de-escalation. Any physical intervention use is very rare an only used when there is absolutely no other alternative to keep the child safe Introduciton In the Inaura setting we believe that children need to be safe, know how to behave, whilst understanding their limits of comprehension, and know that the adults around them are able to keep them safe at all times. For a very small minority of children only will the use of physical intervention be needed, and, on such occasions, and very rarely are acceptable forms of intervention are used. The majority of children behave well when we understand and working with them consistently and kindly, whilst meeting their needs. We have responsibility to operate an effective behaviour policy. All the staff need to feel able to understand and manage challenging behaviour, and to have an understanding of what challenging behaviours might be communicating. They need to know what the options open to them are, and they need to be free of undue worries about the risks of legal action against them if they use appropriate physical intervention. Parents/carers and social care, need to know that their children are safe with us, and they need to be properly informed if their child is the subject of a Restrictive Physical Intervention, including the nature of the intervention, and the rationale for its use. 2. DEFINITION OF “RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTION” The Law allows for members of staff authorised by the Supervisor/ Manager to use Restrictive Physical Intervention to prevent a child from doing or continuing to do any of the following : injuring themselves or others causing an unacceptable amount of damage to property, thereby injuring themselves or others “Restrictive Physical Intervention” is the term used by the Department of Education to include interventions where bodily contact using force is used. It refers to any instance in which a member of staff authorised by the Head of School has to, in specific circumstances, use “reasonable force” to control or restrain a child. There is no legal definition of “reasonable force”. However, there are two relevant considerations: 3. the use of force can be regarded as reasonable only if the circumstances of an incident warrant it; the degree of force must be in proportion to the circumstances of the incident and the seriousness of the behaviour or consequences it is intended to prevent. WHEN THE USE OF RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE In Inaura School Restrictive Physical Interventions will be used when all other strategies have failed, and therefore only as a last resort. However there are other situations when physical handling may be necessary, for example in a situation of clear danger or extreme urgency. Certain children may become distressed, agitated, and out of control, and need calming with a brief Restrictive Physical Intervention that is un-resisted after a few seconds. The safety and well-being of all staff and children are important considerations. Under certain conditions this duty must be an over-riding factor. WHO MAY USE RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTION IN Inaura The following staff are authorised by the Supervisor/Manager to have control of children, and must be aware of this Policy and its implications. We take the view that staff should not be expected to put themselves in danger, and that removing children and themselves is the right thing to do. We value staff efforts to rectify what can be very difficult situations and in which they exercise their duty of care for the children. Names of Authorised staff 2010 Summer term to 2011 Summer term ADAM ABDELNOOR AMANDA HANNAH KEALIE FRANKLIN CONNIE LANE REG WILKES JAMES PYE LESLEY KENNEDY CAROLYN SUTTON CATHY METCALF STEPHANIE COLES 2011 OCTOBER – 2012 OCTOBER ADAM ABDELNOOR AMANDA HANNAH CAROL HOUSE CAROLYN SUTTON CATHY METCALF CLARE DEAN CONNIE LANE GRANT LEWIS JAMES PYE KEALIE FRANKLIN LEE WEST LESLEY KENNEDY LUCY POTTS MAGGIE REILLY MANDY VEARNCOMBE OLIVER KINNEIR REG WILKES SHELLEY EVETT STEPHANIE COLES 4. PLANNING FOR THE USE OF RESTRICTIVE PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS Staff will use the minimum force needed to restore safety The principles relating to the intervention are as follows :- 5. Restrictive Physical Intervention is an act of care and control, not punishment. It is never used to force compliance with staff instructions staff will only use it when there are good grounds for believing that immediate action is necessary and in the child’s and/or other children’s best interests staff will take steps in advance to avoid the need for Restrictive Physical Intervention through dialogue and diversion, and the child will be warned, at their level of understanding, that Restrictive Physical Intervention will be used unless they cease the unacceptable behaviour only the minimum force for the minimum time necessary will be used to prevent severe distress, injury, or damage staff will be able to show that the intervention used was in keeping with the incident every effort will be made to secure the presence of other staff, and these staff may act as assistants and/or witnesses as soon as it is safe, the Restrictive Physical Intervention will be relaxed to allow the child to regain self-control a distinction will be maintained between the use of a one-off intervention which is appropriate to a particular circumstance, and the using of it repeatedly as a regular feature of the setting escalation will be avoided at all costs, especially if it would make the overall situation more destructive and unmanageable the age, understanding, and competence of the individual child will always be taken into account in developing Individual Education/Behaviour Plans, consideration will be given to approaches appropriate to each child’s circumstance procedures are in place, through the pastoral system of the setting, for supporting and debriefing pupils and staff after every incident of Restrictive Physical Intervention, as it is essential to safeguard the emotional well-being of all involved at these times. ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF INTERVENTION There are occasions when staff will have cause to have physical contact with children for a variety of reasons, for example: to comfort a child in distress (so long as this is appropriate to their age); to gently direct a child; in an emergency to avert danger to the child or children; in rare circumstances, when Restrictive Physical Intervention is warranted. In all situations where physical contact between staff and children takes place, staff must consider the following: the child’s age and level of understanding; the child’s individual characteristics and history; the location where the contact takes place (it should not take place in private without others present unless there is not other alternative). Physical contact is never made as a punishment, or to inflict pain. All forms of corporal punishment are prohibited. Physical contact will not be made with the participants neck, breasts, abdomen, genital area, other sensitive body parts, or to put pressure on joints. It will not become a habit between a member of staff and a particular child. [Should a child appear to enjoy physical contact this must not be sought via Restrictive Physical Intervention.] 6. DEVELOPING A POSITIVE HANDLING PLAN If a child is identified for whom it is felt that Restrictive Physical Intervention is likely, then a Positive Handling Plan will be completed. This Plan will help the child and staff to avoid difficult situations through understanding the factors that influence the behaviour and identifying the early warning signs that indicate foreseeable behaviours that may be developing. The plan will include : involving parents/carers/social care and child to ensure they are clear about what specific action the school may take, when and why a risk assessment to ensure staff and others act reasonably, consider the risks, and learn from what happens managing the child, strategies to de-escalate a conflict, and stating at which point a Restrictive Physical Intervention is to be used identifying key staff who know exactly what is expected. It is best that these staff are well known to the child ensuring a system to summon additional support identifying training needs [Inaura may also need to take medical advice about the safest way to hold a child with specific medical needs.] Please refer to the Appendix for a Physical Handling Plan Pro-forma 7. GUIDANCE AND TRAINING FOR STAFF Guidance and training is essential in this area. We need to adopt the best possible practice. In Inaura this is arranged at a number of levels including : 8. awareness for Trustees, staff and parents relational and non coher for all staff managing conflict in challenging situations - all staff specific training on Restrictive Physical Intervention techniques - all staff COMPLAINTS It is intended that by adopting this policy and keeping parents and trustees informed we can avoid the need for complaints. All disputes which arise about the use of force by a member of staff will be dealt with according to Child Protection and Safeguarding policies. Inaura School Positive Handling Plan Positive handling plan for assessing and managing foreseeable risks for children who are likely to need Restrictive Physical Intervention Settings: Name of Child: ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Group: ……………………………………………………… Staff member(s): ……………………………………………………… Name of parents/Carers:…………………………………………………… Name of Support Service Member/s: Identification of Risk Describe the foreseeable risk (ie what specific behaviours have occurred) Is the risk potential or actual? (ie has this happened before) List who is affected by the risk Assessment of Risk In which situations does the risk occur? How likely it is that the risk will arise? (ie how often has it happened before) If the risk arises, who is likely to be injured or hurt? ……………………………………………………… What kinds of injuries or harm are likely to occur? How serious are the adverse outcomes? Assessment completed by: ….…………………………….. Signature: …………………………………….. Date: .………………………….…….. Agreed Positive Handling Plan and Setting Risk Management Strategy Focus of Measures Measures to be employed Level of risk Proactive interventions to prevent risks Early interventions to manage risks Reactive interventions to respond to adverse outcomes Agreed by: Date: ……………………………………………….. (Parent/carer) ………………………………………… ……………………………………………….. (Child - if appropriate) …………………………………………….… (Supervisor/Manager) …………………………………………….… (Staff member) …………………………………………….… (Support Service Member/s) …………………………………………….… Communication of Positive Handling Plan and Setting Risk Management Strategy Plans and strategies shared with: Communication Method Date Actioned Staff Training Issues Identified training needs Training provided to meet needs Date training completed Evaluation of Positive Handling Plan and Setting Risk Management Strategy Measures set out Effectiveness in supporting the child Impact on risk Proactive interventions to prevent risks Early interventions to manage risks Reactive interventions to respond to adverse outcomes ACTIONS FOR THE FUTURE Plans and strategies evaluated by: Title: …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………