ENGLISH 1102 INMAN QUILL AWARD for 2015 University of North Georgia—Department of English In the spring of 2016, the writer of an exemplary English 1102 student paper will be selected to receive the English 1102 Inman Quill Award for 2015. The winner will receive a check for $100. The deadline for submitting entries is 11:59 PM on Friday, February 19th. Entries will be judged by a committee of English faculty. Entries should be submitted to Dr. Donna A. Gessell (English Department, Dahlonega Campus). Requirements: 1. Papers must have been submitted for a grade in an English 1102 class at UNG during Spring, Summer, or Fall semesters 2015. Only one submission for this award will be accepted from each writer. 2. Entries must be keyed using a twelve point font and MLA format. Also, entries must be proofread and free of instructors’ comments and grades. They must be between three to five pages (750-1250 words). 3. Four print copies of the paper should be submitted; each should be stapled in the top left corner. None of the copies should include the student’s or the instructor’s name. Instead, the student’s name and other information should be included on a single cover sheet. That sheet should not be stapled to any of the copies. A template for the cover sheet is attached. 4. The winner should be available to receive this prize at an awards ceremony in April 2016, if at all possible. Judging Criteria: 1. Papers must meet all minimum requirements for completion of English 1102 as outlined on the English Department’s syllabus for English 110 1. 2. The paper’s context and purpose should be apparent within the work itself. 3. Papers that show evidence of the following will be given the most serious consideration for this award: Sophisticated Critical Thinking Skills Originality of Thought/Creativity Effectiveness of Expression Persuasiveness Polished Writing Style Questions? Please contact Dr. Donna A. Gessell at dgessell@ung.edu ENGLISH 1102 INMAN QUILL AWARD for 2015 University of North Georgia—Department of English Name _______________________________ Student ID#__________________ Title of Paper ________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________ Local Telephone Number _______________________________________________ Semester and Year Enrolled in English 1102 ________________________________ Instructor’s Name ______________________________________________________ I certify that this paper is my own work, based substantially on an assignment for English 1102 at the University of North Georgia during the Spring, Summer, or Fall semester of 2015. Signature _______________________________________