Autumn 14_3 Census letter to secondary schools

To: Secondary Schools Head Teachers
Purpose: Advise schools of the date for
the Autumn 2014 School Census
Priority: High
Management Information
3rd Floor, Invicta House
Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XX
Direct Dial:
Ask for:
Fax: 01622 694449
Our ref: MI/JB
Date: September 2014
Dear Colleague
School Census October 2014 (Autumn)
Thank you for all your hard work in helping us upload and approve your Summer School Census
file, it has been very much appreciated. Could you please pass this information to the person
completing Census for your school.
The day of count for the Autumn School Census is Thursday 2nd October 2014. The Census
return must be uploaded using the Perspective Lite secure file transfer as soon as it is completed,
and received by Management Information, no later than Friday 3rd October 2014. Please
remember that a no error policy is in operation and explanations are needed for all queries. These
must be sent by email to Management Information at the above address.
Main Changes to the School Census 2014
Top-up Funding Indicator
As with the Spring and Summer 2014 Census, this item will be collected for those pupils on roll for
whom the school receives Top-Up Funding. Top-Up Funding is paid by Local Authorities directly
from their high needs budget. It is intended to meet additional support costs of individual pupils, in
addition to the support costs expected to be met from the school budget share.
If you are unsure whether any pupils in your school are receiving Top-Up Funding, please contact
the Finance Department for Schools and PVI, Strategic and Corporate Services at KCC.
Adopted from care
This data item will also be collected again in the Autumn 2014 Census. It will identify children on
roll on Census day who were looked after immediately before adoption, or ceased to be looked
after through a special guardianship or residence order. It will be the responsibility of the adoptive
parents, special guardians or carers to decide if they wish schools to be aware of such children.
From this term guidance has been produced to include all school phases in one booklet and this is
available to download from KELSI along with further guidance to help you complete the Autumn
School Census
School Census 2014 - 2015 Guide, version 1.2
Preparing for the School Census Autumn 2014 Return for
Producing the School Census Autumn 2014 Return for
School Census 2014 Errors and Resolutions for
Secure File Transfer Guidance Notes – sending your Census file to Management
Information via Perspective Lite
CTF Preparation & Guidance for Schools – sending pupil data from one
school to another and use the following links:
School Management | Day-to-day administration | Management Information | School Census
SEN Code of Practice
From this term a new code of practice will come into effect. All old and new codes will be collected
in the Autumn Census. For advice on these new codes please email the SEN Resources Team at
Searchable Schools – Head Teacher Website
We have been asked to promote the new URL below for the head teacher part of the above system
prior to the old link being switched off. Please be assured that apart from the way in which this
screen is accessed, nothing has changed within the application. Pleas ensure your school details
are correct.
May we take this opportunity to remind you that all pupils included in the School Census must have
a permanent UPN. If you have pupils with a temporary UPN or new pupils that require a UPN you
will need to check whether they already have a permanent UPN assigned to them, therefore,
please call your District Representative (details are at the top of this letter) who will check this for
Best Practice Leavers and Joiners
Please be aware there is best practice guidance for students joining and leaving your school
available on KELSI and use the following links:
School Management | Day-to-day administration | Management Information | School Census | Best
practice guidance leavers and joiners.
Data Quality
Please find enclosed with this letter a Post 16 Information Notice and an Autumn 2014 School
Census – Data Checklist for sheet. We recommend you work through this sheet prior
to producing your Census return to ensure the highest possible quality of data.
Thank you for your continuing help and support with the Census return. If you have any questions
relating to the School Census, please contact your District Representative.
Yours sincerely
Katherine Atkinson
Performance & Information Manager