Masicampo Social Psychology Lab Research Assistant Application Please e-mail your completed application and direct any questions to When you submit your application, use the subject line ‘RA Application Jane Smith’(replace Jane Smith with your first and last name). Name: __________________________________ Phone number: _________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________ Academic year: __ 1st Interested in: __ Volunteering __ 2nd __ 3rd __ 4th+ __ Directed Study (PSY 280) If interested in Directed Study credits, for how many do you want to register? (Check one. Note that each credit hour requires a minimum of 3 lab hours per week.) __ 2.0 __ 2.5 __ 3.0 If Volunteering, for how many hours a week are you interested in working? (Check one.) __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9+ For which semester(s) are you applying? ______________________________ Major: ___________________________ Psychology GPA: _____ Overall GPA: _______ Number of psychology courses taken: ______ Please list any courses you have completed that have prepared you to be a research assistant: Have you previously worked as an RA before? If yes, what lab did work in? Describe some of the work you did: __ Yes __ No Masicampo Social Psychology Lab Have you taken Social Psychology? Yes _______ No _______ Who was your Professor for Social Psychology? _________________________ What grade did you earn (or do you expect to earn) in Social Psychology? _____ What was/were your favorite topic(s) in Social Psychology? Why are you interested working as an RA in the Masicampo Lab? What are your plans after you earn a Bachelor’s degree? What skills do you have that would make you an asset to our lab team? Masicampo Social Psychology Lab AVAILABILITY Below, please include information of your tentative schedule for the semester you are applying. We understand that classes, work schedules and other prior commitments may change. This is merely to get a rough idea of when you will be available and the flexibility of your schedule. 1. Name: Preferred Phone Number: Preferred Email address: 2. Indicate when you will NOT be available to work in lab on the chart below. a. Place an X in the half hour box under that day of the week. b. Indicate only the times of prior engagements (classes, work schedule, etc.) c. Don’t forget to include travel time (e.g., you may not be available until 15 minutes after a class ends, if it is across campus). Monday 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday