Non-Instructional Program Review-DSPS For BY-2013-14 November 1, 2012 DSPS Sherri Pierce ext. 2348 Student Services Division Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) Program Overview: Disabled Students Programs and Services endeavors to assist in providing accessible lifelong learning opportunities at Victor Valley College. Therefore, DSPS will empower students with disabilities capable of benefitting from a quality education. Through the provision of specialized guidance, accommodation, and resources, DSPS will afford these students the opportunity to achieve to their fullest potential in a diverse global society. The DSPS department is the only department on the Victor Valley College campus where students with disabilities receive counseling and services or accommodations specific to their individual disability related needs. The counselors and staff have specialty knowledge and skills required to assist these student needs. The aim is to intervene when a developmental, learning, physical, and/or psychological limitation interferes with the instructional process provided by the College. This allows students an equal opportunity to the same quality education as any other student. With the growing awareness on the part of all people regarding human rights and equal access, all students need to understand that it is ability not disability that counts. SERVICE AREA OUTCOMES- FALL 2012 The SAO Assessment: *DSPS QUIZ* Please take a moment to take our DSPS QUIZ. This will assist us by telling us valuable information about how we can better serve you in the future. When you are finished, please drop this form into the box at the front desk marked “DSPS QUIZ” Thank you for your assistance! Mark or circle the best answer for you! been using DSPS for three or more semesters. 1. My disability that limits me the most at school is (circle only one): Learning Disability Hearing Disability Mobility Disability Brain Injury Visual Disability I am Deaf Psychological Disability Other___________ 2. This disability (the one I circled above) affects me at school in these ways (check all that apply): I am unable to walk/stand long distances. I can not concentrate. I can not understand what I read. I get distracted easily. I can not remember information well. I can not hear the teacher. I can not see. I process information slowly. I need more time. I can not physically write. I get confused easily. I have difficulty communicating with others. Spelling is difficult. I get tired easily. I experience a great deal of pain. Paying attention is difficult. Reading is very difficult. Math is not my friend. 3. Therefore, because my disability affects me in the above ways, I may receive these accommodations/services (check all that apply to your above circled disability): time) time & a distraction reduced environment) -taking paper/notetaker scooter technology s in alternative format (cd or E-text) 4. What is the correct process for receiving DSPS services? A. First I must make an appointment with a counselor to authorize my services. Then I gather my forms (and equipment, NCR paper, etc.) from the DSPS Specialist. After that I return all instructor signed forms to the DSPS Specialist. Then I make arrangements with the DSPS Specialist for my services (schedules alternative testing appointments) throughout the semester. Finally, I start receiving services. B. First, ask my teacher how to get services. Then, make a counseling appointment for authorization of services. Receive my services from DSPS. Make arrangements with the DSPS Specialist for specific dates of services. C. Gather my forms for services from the DSPS Specialist. Make arrangements with a counselor for specific dates of my services. Then, make an appointment with a DSPS counselor to authorize my services. Finally, I take my forms to my instructors for their signature. 5. Which of the following is TRUE about DSPS services and/or accommodations? A. All DSPS students receive the same accommodations. B. DSPS accommodations are services I must pay for with financial aid. C. The services I receive must be related to specific limitations I experience due to my disability. D. I can always receive same day accommodations. Please rate the following questions using this scale: 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Somewhat Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree DSPS staff was knowledgeable.___ DSPS staff was able to help me to my satisfaction.___ DSPS treated me in a professional manner.___ Overall, how satisfied are you with your services with DSPS? ___ By receiving DSPS services, my grades have improved at VVC.___ The DSPS services I receive make a positive difference in how successful I am at college.___ DSPS services do not help me at all.___ Other comments: DSPS Service Area Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate an ability to understand their disability as it relates to their functional limitations in an academic setting. DSPS Service Area Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to identify and receive appropriate academic accommodations for those limitations. After two assessment cycles, (Most recent being the Fall 2012 assessment with updated instrument), it is apparent the DSPS SAO #2- “The student will understand the process for receiving their appropriate academic accommodations”, has truly not reached the goal of 70% student understanding. Therefore it is important to devise a means for explaining this information in a way in which students will better be able to understand. After some discussion, several options can be implemented. Informational handouts and workshops Staff has discussed possible issues that may be causing the lack of information or perhaps the misunderstandings the students have about the process for receiving their appropriate academic accommodations. There is possibly a correlation between new students and not understanding because of time involved in waiting for actual “paperwork” and or actual service delivery. Since staffing has been reduced, students must return for accommodations instead of receiving them on the same day as they are authorized. Different students need different modalities of explanation. Therefore, DSPS will implement different interventions. First, this semester (Fall 2012) informational handouts outlining the eligibility appointment goals and steps to receiving services/accommodations will be given to each new DSPS student. Secondly, DSPS specialists will start designing accommodation workshops in which the process can be more thoroughly explained with visual aids and a time frame set aside for specific questions and answers. The workshops should be made available by Spring semester 2013. Welcome To The DSPS Program Now that you are in the DSPS program, here is some important information you should have and understand after today’s eligibility appointment: You should have signed and received copies of two forms1.) DSPS Educational Functional Limitations and Accommodations Form: A list of services/accommodations YOU qualify for, and the reasons why you need them. 2.) Student Educational Contract: The established goals you want to achieve, as well as your rights and responsibilities in the DSPS program. If you need further assistance understanding of these forms, just ask your counselor at your next appointment. You should know how to get your Services/AccommodationsHere is a reminder… From now on, in order to receive your services/accommodations regularly each semester YOU MUST: 1.) Complete and sign a (blue) Start Services/ Request Accommodations Form with your DSPS counselor: This form can be completed during “Drop-In Priority Registration Days” or at a scheduled appointment before or near the beginning of each semester. The earlier the better! A DSPS counselor must authorize your services each semester on this (blue) Start Services Request Accommodations Form. WE CAN NOT PROVIDE ANY SERVICES UNTIL THIS FORM IS COMPLETED. After you have completed this form: 2.) Go to our DSPS Specialist (throughout the semester) to receive your Services/ Accommodations. The earlier the better! The DSPS Specialists will assist in facilitating your authorized services. Alternative testing, instructor notification forms, equipment loans, lecture notes, etc., will all be managed by the DSPS Specialist. The DSPS Specialist will have written policies and procedures you must follow in order to receive services. **Deaf students requiring interpreter services will be required to follow the same steps written here with exception that their services will be facilitated by the DSPS Deaf/HH Specialist. DSPS ELIGIBILITY APPOINTMENT STUDENT EDUCATION CONTRACT ACCOMODATIONS LIST HOW TO GET YOUR SERVICES SIGN BLUE SERVICE REQUEST FORM with COUNSELOR GO TO DSPS SPECIALIST GO TO DEAF/HH SPECIALIST SIGN POLICY FORMS PICK-UP EQUIPMENT TAKE FORMS TO INSTRUCTORS USE YOUR SERVICES Accreditation RecommendationsThe DSPS program has been actively involved in participating with the campus as a whole and as a department to address several of the accreditation recommendations. Specifically recommendations 1, 2, and 3. Recommendations 1 and 2, Educational Master Planning and General Planning, have been addressed in our individualized DSPS program EMP and Program Review discussions and compiled documents. Both our EMP and PRAISE reports spelled out the mission of DSPSaccessibility to education for our student population. In these plans, we discussed an overall campus need to provide more “universal technology” access. Since the plans were written, DSPS has been able to acquire five new computer stations equipped with accessible software for a variety of disability needs. Also, both plans described our need for additional staffing, particularly in the area of interpreter hiring. While DSPS is pleased to have been able to hire a small group of additional interpreters, the need for additional interpreters remains. The DSPS Department has investigated the comparative cost-benefit of contracting interpreter services through a third-party vendor. It appears that the District would realize a cost savings by continuing to hire hourly employees. Recommendation 3 has been fully implemented in DSPS. We now have a continual process of assessing and planning to improve our service area outcomes. The details of our assessment process are described earlier on in this document. DSPS will continue to regularly discuss program needs through individual discussions, emails, and staff meetings. We have a schedule for assessment of service area outcomes, program review, and planning. Educational Master PlanIncluded in the DSPS EMP were the goals to make computer technology on the campus more accessible and to increase interpreter staff. Also, even more needs to be done in these areas in the future, as stated before, we hired classroom interpreters and have purchased five new accessible computer stations for student use. External Factors-DSPS continues to experience student population growth with its limited staff assistance. The population of Deaf students is climbing to numbers we have never encountered. The numbers have nearly doubled. The requests for learning disability assessment remains to be steady even with our limited access to these assessment appointments. Another anticipated factor will be the implementation of the Student Success Act. In order for the DSPS students to continue to receive their priority registration block status, they must now have an educational plan therefore severely affecting the need for an increase in counseling staff appointments. We anticipate an increase of DSPS student issues with accommodations planning for those who drop out of the priority registration status. A crucial reason for DSPS students to have priority registration is to be able to know the student’s class schedule well in advance of the first day of classes in order to arrange for real-time captionists, note-takers, interpreters, e-texts, or other needed services. Having last minute requests will cause delays in timely accommodations and lead to students getting behind or missing access to information in their classes and possibly lead to student failure. It is a serious concern that a student who might fail due to losing their priority registration status, and therefore their access to reasonable accommodations, may argue their loss of an accessible education. Internal FactorsCustomer Service The DSPS program, in conjunction with the Student Services Division, has included several customer service questions in our on-going Service Area Outcomes assessment. The DSPS program continues to receive scores for high satisfaction ratings when students report their customer service satisfaction. Please rate the following questions using this scale: 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Somewhat Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree DSPS staff was knowledgeable.___ DSPS staff was able to help me to my satisfaction.___ DSPS treated me in a professional manner.___ Overall, how satisfied are you with your services with DSPS? ___ By receiving DSPS services, my grades have improved at VVC.___ The DSPS services I receive make a positive difference in how successful I am at college.___ DSPS services do not help me at all.___ Other comments: DSPS staff was knowledgeable. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly Agree 13 81.3 81.3 81.3 3 18.8 18.8 100.0 Valid Agree Total 16 100.0 100.0 DSPS staff was able to help me to my satisfaction. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly Agree 11 68.8 68.8 68.8 Agree 3 18.8 18.8 87.5 Somewhat Agree 2 12.5 12.5 100.0 16 100.0 100.0 Valid Total DSPS treated me in a professional manner. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly Agree 12 75.0 75.0 75.0 Agree 3 18.8 18.8 93.8 Somewhat Agree 1 6.3 6.3 100.0 16 100.0 100.0 Valid Total Overall, how satisfied are you with your services with DSPS? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly Agree 13 81.3 81.3 81.3 3 18.8 18.8 100.0 Valid Agree Total 16 100.0 100.0 By receiving DSPS services, my grades have improved at VVC. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Strongly Agree 6 37.5 46.2 46.2 Agree 4 25.0 30.8 76.9 Somewhat Agree 2 12.5 15.4 92.3 Disagree 1 6.3 7.7 100.0 13 81.3 100.0 3 18.8 16 100.0 Total Missing System Total The DSPS services I receive make a positive difference in how successful I am at college. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly Agree 12 75.0 80.0 80.0 Agree 1 6.3 6.7 86.7 Somewhat Agree 2 12.5 13.3 100.0 15 93.8 100.0 1 6.3 16 100.0 Valid Total Missing Total System DSPS services do not help me at all. Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Disagree Valid Missing Total 3 18.8 21.4 21.4 Strongly Disagree 11 68.8 78.6 100.0 Total 14 87.5 100.0 2 12.5 16 100.0 System Every three years DSPS counselors are also evaluated by the students in the program. Individual evaluations are discussed and assessed by peer reviews and the Student Services Area administrator. Human Resources described their process for assuring quality staffing for DSPS in the following: Please, briefly describe your college's process for ensuring all special class instructors meet the minimum qualifications in the relevant field. “In accordance with BP 7210 - Academic Employees and BP7120 - Recruitment and Selection, academic positions must meet minimum qualifications established by the Board of Governors for the California Community Colleges. AP 7120 - Recruitment and Hiring Procedures describes the hiring procedures for adjunct faculty. Full-time faculty are hired following the Full-Time Faculty Hiring Procedures Agreement between the Faculty Senate and VVC. Human Resources verifies that instructors meet minimum qualifications. Official transcripts, verifications of experience and/or other related documents are collected to comply with requirements under California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Section on Minimum Qualifications.” Please, briefly describe methods used to retaining/updating records on qualifications of all staff teaching special classes, and identify where on campus these records are kept. If possible please provide a link to the appropriate contact person for additional information. “As previously stated, instructors are required to meet minimum qualifications established by the Board of Governors for the California Community Colleges, including California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Section on Minimum Qualifications. Official transcripts, verifications of employment, etc. must be provided by all academic employees to verify such requirements. Documents are kept in the employee's personnel file.” You may contact Rocio Chavez at extension 2232 for additional information. Although the entire hiring process is extremely slow and could be improved upon, DSPS has played an integral part in the recent hiring of new interpreter staff. In order for DSPS to provide a better quality of service to the students with disabilities we must have more staff. Quality service, as DSPS defines it, would be to provide counselor appointment availability, assistance with assistive technology training, to assist with both the coordination of general and interpreter accommodations, to assist students with understanding step-by-step instruction on how to receive accommodation services, provide quality interpreters for students, to continue to provide learning disability assessments, and to provide the entire program with a full-time Director for outstanding organization and leadership. In order to achieve the aforementioned quality service, the DSPS program will require the following: a full-time director, two full-time counselors, one full-time Learning Disabilities specialist/counselor, an additional part-time interpreter/office assistant, an office assistant, one full-time Accessible Technology technician, and one administrative assistant. Effective Spring, 2013, the Director of Student Services will supervise the DSPS program. Use of Physical ResourcesDSPS does not have a need in this area at this time. Use of Technology ResourcesThe DSPS staff is in need of new computers. For years we have been given upgrades to sustain our workflow, however we have reached a point where the hardware is reaching its lifespan. The rate of speed by which we deliver quality customer service is affected. Many times workflow is delayed while we wait for computer assistance to arrive. DSPS is including a request for 5 new staff workstation computers and monitors in this report. We define quality as computers with speed, computers with little need for maintenance, and fully functioning monitors. These computers unfortunately can not be purchased with DSPS categorical funds. DSPS has experienced a growth in our visually impaired/blind population. In order to provide access to their education DSPS will need to purchase additional technology to accommodate them. The DSPS program will require several new tape recorders, and two hand-held magnifiers. The IT staff is available to maintain the computers, therefore there is no additional service cost. Use of Financial ResourcesUnknown/no feedback Program Specific and Cross-Program Impacts AssessmentWhen the DSPS program is furnished with new computers there should be a positive impact on lowering the amount of work orders placed to the IT department. Needs Assessment: Program Needs and Opportunities DSPS Goals in Brief: 1) Assist in the development of a district-wide process for mandated assistive technology access. Although funding is typically a hindrance, the Chancellor’s Office does allocate funds specifically for the purpose of providing mandated accessible media and technology. These allocated funds must be spent only on this specific need. At a minimum, DSPS is requesting the purchase and installation of accessible alternative media / computer software. The District will need to develop a policy and process for access to mandated assistive technology. We recommend that software be available in computer labs across the campus including the ATC, Writing Center, Math Lab and other highly used computer labs. Additionally, we have an inadequate number of taper recorders. Part of these allocated funds should be spent to supplement our current inventory in order to remain in compliance. 2) It is our goal to fill our vacant part-time specialist office assistant/interpreter position and increase the hiring pool of qualified interpreters. Providing qualified interpreters to students is mandated by law. These goals will save expenditures for the district in the long-term because hiring interpreters from an outside agency is an exorbitant cost and lawsuits are costly. We request that DSPS and Human Resources consistently monitor the need for an increase in the pool of qualified interpreters and interview accordingly. Also, we request that the vacant part-time DSPS Assistant/Interpreter position be filled. 3) We hope in the future to increase much needed staffing – especially an instructional assistant. The nature of the population of students this department serves provides a unique rationale for additional staff. Most of the students in our program demand much more time and assistance than the average student. DSPS students require much more repetition of information than the average student. Therefore, the few staff members we have are unable to adequately meet the service needs of the increasing numbers of students applying to the program. In the future, we would certainly hope to restore our staff to include a LD Specialist Counselor, a full-time DSPS Counselor, a DSPS Director, an additional DSPS Specialist and two office assistants. CertificationDebbie Chesser, DSPS Specialist Tim Johnston, Dean of Student Services Sandra Moreno, DSPS Specialist Sherri Pierce, Coordinator/Counselor Jaclyn Trost, DSPS Counselor Nancy Turner, Office Assistant/Interpreter