Lunch Monitor

Title: Lunch Monitor Duties
System: Operations
Process: Custodial
Issue Date: 9/10/10
Issue Number: 2
Approved by: Melissa Meister
Document author: Shun Smith
Summary of Changes: Clarifying duties
1. Purpose
To describe the general duties of the Lunch Monitors
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all Department Administrators/Building Principals, Operations
Manager, and all Lunch Monitor staff
3. Definition of Terms
4. Responsibilities
Department Administrator/Building Principal – Work with the Operations Manager to
determine the expectations of the lunch monitor staff
Operations Manager – Work with each Department Administrator/Building Principal in
determining cleaning expectations of the lunch monitor staff
Lunch Monitor Staff – Perform required tasks as directed by the Operations Manager, or
as requested by the Department Administrator/Building Principal. Notify the Department
Administrator/Building Principal if given conflicting guidance
5. References
6. Procedure
Lunch Monitor Staff shall daily:
Lunch Monitor Duties
Spot clean and disinfect lunch table tops during lunch period with
Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner
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Created by Shun Smith
Deep clean and wipe down lunch table tops at the end of lunch
period with Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner
6.1.3 Empty trash barrels in cafeteria, cafeterium, or lunchrooms
6.1.4 Spot mop all spills with Damp Mop Detergent Concentrate
6.1.5 Take out trash bags to dumpster after each lunch period
6.1.6 Dust mop floor before mopping
6.1.7 Clean floor by mopping with Damp Mop Detergent Concentrate
6.1.8 Clean and disinfect door handles and knobs
6.1.9 Empty out, rinse mop buckets and hang up mops to air dry
6.1.10 Rinse out towels and hang them up to air dry
Lunch Monitor Staff shall weekly:
6.2.1 Wash trash barrel inside and out
6.2.2 Change dust and wet mop heads
6.2.3 Send towels, dust and wet mop heads to the Griswold Operations
Center (GOC) for washing (Monday – Thursday)
6.2.4 Help with any event setups
Lunch Monitor Staff shall maintain:
6.3.1 All of their equipment in proper working order
6.4.1 Routines are subject to change based on Department
Administrator/Building Principal emergency requirements or
personnel shortages/assignments
Operations Manager shall:
6.5.1 Visit building on a rotation basis to discuss staff issues
6.5.2 Meet with Department Administrators/Building Principals as
needed to discuss problems/issues
6.5.3 Schedule a walkthrough of each building once per quarter with the
Department Administrator/Building Principal to determine
adequacy of cleaning and/or areas in need of improvement
6.5.4 Ensure all equipment is functioning properly; arrange for repairs if
6.5.5 Ensure inventory of supplies is adequate to support lunch monitor
Lunch Monitor Duties
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Created by Shun Smith