Self assessment

Self-Assessment Form – tick the boxes!
On the ground
Yes/True No/Untrue
I can catch my horse easily
My horse leads well, never pulling me or dragging behind me
or jumping on me, and stops and starts walking when I stop
and start
I can lead my horse from both sides
My horse will stand still for as long as I need
My horse is perfectly happy while away from the other horses
My horse does not ‘spook’ and is virtually ‘bomb proof’
My horse is always eager to come out of the stable/field and
work with me
I can leave my horse ‘ground tied’ (i.e. not tied to a ring/post,
just rope left on floor while attached to halter) and s/he will not
walk away
My horse will back up for as far and as long as I need him/her
to by me just gently asking him
My horse will move laterally/over from both sides with a
gentle request
My horse will move/disengage the hindquarters away from
both sides with a gentle request
My horse will turn on the forehand from both sides with a
gentle request
My horse will stand quietly to be touched all over
My horse will flex his neck both ways without moving his feet
My horse will lower his head to put his halter on
My horse does not pull away when I take his/her halter off
My horse will stand quietly while tied up without pulling back
My horse will stand still to have all tack on
My horse will calmly walk through narrow spaces
My horse will walk on ahead of me through a gate/narrow
space when asked
My horse will pick ALL his feet up quietly to be picked out
without moving around or resisting
My horse will stand quietly for the farrier without a
twitch/sedation/other aids
My horse will stand quietly for the vet without a
twitch/sedation/other aids
My horse will stand quietly for clipping without a
twitch/sedation/other aids
My horse never bites me or anyone else
My horse waits while I put his food down and doesn’t eat it
until I say it’s ok
My horse loads and unloads from a lorry/trailer quietly and
My horse has no stable vices
I am confident about long-lining and my horse responds well
to it
If you answered No/Untrue to any of the above you may want to consider some
assistance 07900 053741
Self-Assessment Form – tick the boxes!
In the Saddle
My horse ‘blows out’ when I do up the girth
My horse moves when I try to get on him
I mount from the same side every time
S/he doesn’t take the bit/bridle well
I need to use a ‘strong’ bit on my horse
I have to use martingales/dropped bands/lip-straps/ etc.
(delete/add as necessary) to keep my horse in order
I need to use the whip often and always have it with me
My horse is ‘dead to the leg’ and won’t go forward
My horse is too ‘eager’ and I constantly have to hold him/her
My horse won’t cross water/jump ditch/go over a bridge
(add/delete as necessary)
My horse rushes back to the stable at the end of a hack
My horse is not keen to do any work
My horse does not immediately stop as soon as I ask him –
he takes a few steps then stops eventually
My horse bolts/bucks/rears/naps (add delete as necessary)
I cannot ride bareback
I know that I am using the reins and/or gripping with my legs
to ‘hang on’
My horse ‘leans on the bit’ and/or has mouth open all the time
My horse ‘swishes’ his tail whenever I ask him/her to do
My horse is irritable and uncooperative
If you answered YES/TRUE to any of Section 2, you may want to ring me.
07900 053741
Self-Assessment Form – tick the boxes!
Your beliefs about the relationship with your horse
As his owner/rider I must show him/her who is in charge and
dominate him/her and make sure s/he does everything I ask
My horse does not seem to trust me/want to be with me
I am frightened of my horse/riding at times but feel under
pressure from others not to show it
I lose patience and get irritated when my horse does not ‘get
it’ or understand what I want
I want to enjoy my time with my horse, but if I’m honest it’s
not really happening, it feels like hard work and/or boring
I watch other people who have good relationships with their
horses and I secretly wish that I could have that too
I feel immense pressure from others/my instructor/the ‘horse
world’ to do certain things yet it just doesn’t ‘feel’ right
I don’t care how my horse feels really; I just want him/her to
do what I want and get on with it.
I feel that my horse is pushing me around and is in charge
and has little respect for me
I believe that my horse and I should work together as a team
but I can’t seem to make it happen
If you answered YES/TRUE to any of Section 3, you may want to ring me.
07900 053741
A thought to consider
Dominated horses respond from fear. They give you what you ask but no more.
They will be relieved when you go away.
Partnered horses respond from a desire. They give you what you ask and more.
They will happily go anywhere with you.
Which would you prefer?