FM 30.4 – Extend understanding of odds and probability

Subject: Foundations of Math 30
Outcome: FM 30.4 – Extend understanding of odds and probability.
Outcome: FM 30.5 – Extend understanding of the probability of two events, including events
that are:
mutually exclusive
 non-mutually exclusive
 dependent
 independent.
Beginning – 1
Approaching – 2
Proficiency – 3
Mastery – 4
I need help.
I have a basic understanding.
My work consistently meets
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance, I can calculate the
odds and probability given the
number of favorable outcomes and
the number of total events.
I can calculate the odds and
probability of a situation given the
number of favorable outcomes.
I can calculate the probability of
specifed dependent events.
I can calculate the probability of
specified independent events.
I can solve contextual problems that I can analyze and apply odds and
involve odds and probability where I probability to real-life situations.
calculate the number of favorable
I can create and solve contextual
problems that include mutually
I can express odds as a probability
exclusive events or non-mutally
and probability as odds.
exclusive events.
I can represent mutually exclusive
and non-mutually exclusive events
using graphic organizers.
I can distinguish between dependent
and independent events and
calculate the probability of the event
Indicators – FM 30.4
Provide and explain the meaning of statements of probability and odds relevant to one's self, family, and community (e.g., statements of probability found in media,
science, medicine, sports, sociology, and psychology).
Explain, using examples, the relationship between odds (part-part) and probability (part-whole).
Express odds as a probability and vice versa.
Determine the probability of, or the odds for and against, an outcome in a situation.
Explain, using examples, how decisions may be based on probability or odds and on subjective judgments.
Solve contextual problems that involve odds and probability.
Identify, describe, and justify examples of correct and incorrect use of the words "odds" or "probability" in daily language or in the media.
Critique the statement, "If the odds are close, then the probability of the two outcomes also is close".
FM 30.5
Provide examples of events relevant to one's self, family, and community that are mutually exclusive or non-mutually exclusive and explain the reasoning.
Analyze two events to determine if they are complementary.
Represent, using set notation or graphic organizers, mutually exclusive (including complementary) and non-mutually exclusive events.
Create and solve contextual problems that involve the probability of mutually exclusive events.
Create and solve contextual problems that involve the probability of non-mutually exclusive events.
Provide examples of events relevant to one's self, family, and community that are dependent or independent and explain the reasoning.
Determine the probability of an event, given the occurrence of a previous event.
Determine the probability of two dependent or two independent events.
Solve situational questions that involve determining the probability of dependent and independent events.