Cafeteria Specials:
WED., MARCH 11, 2015
Today Chicken Caesar Salad & Garlic Toast
Thurs. Chili
Outdoor Ed - Any student signed up to go ice fishing MUST come to a brief meeting TODAY at 12:20 in
room 114.
Jr. Jazz Band today at lunch time in the band room.
Guardian Football – speed training tomorrow at 7:30 am – be there!
Guardian Speed Training for Males and Females - Do you want to get faster? If you play any sport in
school or out of school you are welcome to come out tomorrow morning at 7:30 am in the gym. Workouts
are designed to develop speed and strength to improve agility and overall speed/quickness. Bring a friend.
Funeral parlour rehearsal cancelled for today. Adams sends love electronically, and not through
contagious flu.
Bingo is coming and so is St. Patty’s Day! Tuesday, March 17 is the day, and may the luck of the Irish be
with you all!!
Services for Max Pedersen at Holy Family Cathedral:
7:00PM Thurs.
10:00AM Fri.
All Music Students going on tour: There is a mandatory tour meeting on Monday, March 16 at 7pm in the
theatre. Please bring a parent or guardian.
Today and Friday the Holy Family Cathedral has asked that students NOT park in their lot as there are large
funerals on both days. Thank you.
Reminder – there will be no warnings for inappropriate parking – tickets will be issued if you are not parked
in a designated spot
The Saskatoon Industry-Education Council (SIEC) is partnering up with the U of S Computer Science
Division to offer students an opportunity to experience “The Web Development Skills Boot Camp”.
Sessions run from April 1st to May 15th. Open to Gr. 10,11,12 students who are showing an interest in a
career in the IT field. Applications available at Student Services. Deadline for applications: Wednesday,
March 25th, 2015.
Friday, March 13th is the deadline to submit Student/Parent/Teacher Conference forms to the Main
YEARBOOK ART PAGE: This is an invite to all artists in our school - please submit artwork that could
be considered to be a part of our yearbook. See Mme Bussiere or Mrs. Duffus with your good stuff!
St. Patrick’s Day – Wear green and St. Patrick’s day paraphernalia on Tuesday, March 17th! Green hats are
also ok. In addition, gold covered chocolates will be hidden around the school on March 17 – see how many
you can find!
Christian Service Hours:
The City Hospital Black Tie Bingo Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, March 21 is looking for volunteers to
help set up from 8:30AM until around 3pm. Lunch is provided. You need to sign up by Friday Feb. 27. See
the bulletin board outside room 214 for details.
Found – school novel The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson , a retainer and several water bottles – please
claim at the Main Office.
If you missed the Career Presentation by Mrs. Hazen and Mr. Neitz and would like to get the
information you missed, come to the computer lab (room 57) at lunch time TODAY. Mr. Neitz will give
the presentation, and answer any questions you might have.
If you missed the Career Presentation by Mrs. Hazen and Mr. Neitz and would like to get the
information you missed, come to the computer lab (room 57) at lunch time TODAY. Mr. Neitz will give
the presentation, and answer any questions you might have.
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Affinity Credity Union – “The Elwood Harvey Co-operative Leadership Award” is for students
currently in Grade 11, on track to graduate next year and planning your post-secondary education. This
award program is perfect for young members who are aspiring to make a difference. Please visit or pick up an application in Student Services. You can apply for one of 26 scholarships of
$2500 each. Complete the application form including a 400 word essay to show how you understand cooperatives principles and how they make a difference.
Germany-Italy 2015 – Reminder that our final large meeting (parent meeting) is Thursday, March 12 at 7:00
in the theatre. This is the "departure meeting" and is the last meeting we will have before we go. See Mr.
Hicke with questions.
If you are a Grade 12 Affinity Credit Union member and about to enter your first year post-secondary,
you can apply for the $500 Affinity “Build a Better World Scholarship” (88 scholarships awarded). For more
information and to apply online, please go to or you can pick up an application in Student
Services. Application deadline May 3, 2015.
ATTENTION STUDENTS! Your chance to order your grad ring will be on Tues., March 24th & Tues.,
March 31st during lunch. Pick up your ring brochure at the Main Office. Check out Jostens Ring Designer
on-line at and design your own ring! Remember to bring your $60.00 deposit on ring day
to place your order.