DIONIS-ELENA LTD. In association with ERBSLÖH GEISENHEIM AG Erbslöh Geisenheim AG Erbslöhstraße 1 65366 Geisenheim 65366 Geisenheim, Germany Erbslöhstraße , Germany www.erbsloeh.com www.erbsloeh.com Phone: +49 6722 708-0 Fax: +49 6722 6098 To a seminar on Oenology 26.06 – 28.06.13 Hotel COSMOPOLITAN**** Russe www.cosmopolitanhotelbg.com. 2013 Have the pleasure of invating you to attend the seminar on Oenology that will take place from 26.06.13 until 28.06.13 г in Hotel COSMOPOLITAN**** – Russe. Seminar schedule and topics: 26.06.13 14.00 - 14.15 Introduction 14.15 - 15.15 treatment of must and effects of protein stability on the final white and rose wines – PhD Oenology Ralitsa Mihailova, Dionis-Elena ltd 15.15 - 16.15 Treatment of wines to ensure protein stability – PhD Oenology Ralitsa Mihailova, Dionis-Elena ltd 16.15 - 19.00 Break to check in the hotel 19.00 Dinner 27.06.13 7.00 - 9. 00 Breakfast 9.00 - 10.00 use of tannins and oak chips to speed up the maturation of wines – PhD Viticulture and Oenology Andrea Macchia, Erbslöh, Geisenheim AG 10.00 - 11.00 Enzymes and their use for the production of white, red and rose wines – PhD Viticulture and Oenology Andrea Macchia, Erbslöh, Geisenheim AG 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break 11.30 - 12.30 effect of wine acidity (wine acids) on the aromatic compounds and composition of wines aged in oak cooperage – PhD Viticulture and Oenology Andrea Macchia, Erbslöh, Geisenheim AG 12.30 - 14.00 Lunch break 14.00 - 15.00 Yeasts – PhD Viticulture and Oenology Andrea Macchia, Erbslöh, Geisenheim AG 15.00 - 16.00 Must flotation. Products used to improve/enhance of this treatment – PhD Oenology Ralitsa Mihailova , DionisElena ltd 16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break 16.30 - 17.30 Practicalities and practical use of Erbslöh products for the final treatment of wines – MS Oenology Desislava Baicheva, main Oenologist in Eduardo Miroglio ltd. 17.30 - 19.00 Tasting of wines produced with the products of Erbslöh 19.00 - 20.00 Break 20.00 Dinner 28.06.13 7.00 - 9. 00 Breakfast 9.00 - 13.00 Tour of the Bulgarian spiritual area of Rusenski Lom (Cherven – Ivanovo – Basarbovo) – organized and funded by Dionis-Elena ltd. 13.00 Lunch break Closing of the seminar Participant fees: Booking deadline Two nights (26.06.and 27.06.13) RSVP by 07.06.13 (please, fill the form for inquiry and booking on this invitation) Single ‘Standard’ room – 244 BGN Single ‘Luxurious and Exclusive’ room – 280 One night ( 27.06.13 ) Single ‘Standard’ room – 154 BGN Single ‘Luxurious and Exclusive’ room – 180 BGN Double room for one person - 150 BGN Until 14.06.13 - payment for participation through a bank transfer ……………………………………………………… Company…………………………………………… The bank details are as follows: „ProCredit Bank”, Russe BIC: PRCB BGSF IBAN: BG74 PRCB 9230 1016 6771 11 The prices include VAT. The fee for one night includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks, simultaneous interpreting / translation, seminar materials, tasting participation, internet access, pool and SPA center (indoors and outdoors). The fee for two nights includes breakfast, lunch, dinner coffee breaks, simultaneous interpreting / translation, seminar materials, tasting participation, internet access, pool and SPA center (indoors and outdoors) for the two days. Seminar organized by Dionis-Elena ltd. 26 – 27.06. 2013 Title/Forenames/Surname ……………………………………………………… BGN Double room for one bed – 220 BGN Participation form Address for inquiries and bookings PhD Oenology Ralitsa Mihailova Russe Post code 7012 Blvd “Tsar Osvoboditel“ 137 Phone/fax: 082/876 068; GSM: 0879 067 863 e-mail: ralitsa@dionislab.com ralitsa@dionislab.bg Company address: post code…………………........ city……………................ street number…………... ……………………………………………………… Phone/fax…………………………………….. Cell phone………………..………………… e-mail:…………………………………………… VAT number ………………………………………… Legally liable person…………………………………. I would like to book: Room When booking, please consider that the hotel has the following available rooms: 5 single ’Standard’ rooms 33 single ‘Exclusive’ rooms and 9 single ‘Luxurious’ rooms 3 double rooms with two beds in a room 1 2 3 Date: 21.05.13 One night (27.06.13) Two nights (26.06. and 27.06.13) Single ‘Standard’ room Single ‘Luxurious and Exclusive” room Double room Please fill in the number of participants and the required rooms and night.