BAE Scholarship Application

Bruce Alan Ebersole Scholarship
2015 Application]
I, ____________________________ have read and understand the conditions of the Bruce Alan Ebersole (“BAE”)
scholarship as defined explained in the Scholarship Application Criteria Document. I give permission to officials
of my institution to release transcripts of my academic record and other information requested for consideration in
the Bruce Alan Ebersole Scholarship program. If selected as a Bruce Alan Ebersole Scholarship recipient, I agree to
attend the summer program as indicated in my application. If I am unable to participate in the summer program I
have indicated, I understand that I will forfeit my scholarship and/or be responsible for repayment. Furthermore, I
agree to follow-up with the requirements of the scholarship, which includes providing a picture for the website,
completing a summary report, and/or exit interview at the conclusion of my summer program. I affirm that all of
this application is my own work and have included citations from any other sources. I affirm the information
contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: _____________________________________
(Electronic) Signature: _________________________________
Background Information
Last Name in Full
First Name/M.I.
Permanent Residence
Street Address #1
Street Address #2
School Address
Street Address #1
Street Address #2
E-mail Address
Date of Birth
Secondary Institution
(Anticipated) Graduation Date
please indicate: ( )cell or ( )home
Bruce Alan Ebersole Scholarship
2015 Application]
Scholarship Criteria
Major #2 (if applicable)
Minor #2 (if applicable)
Overall GPA / Major GPA
Relevant Coursework
Varsity Sport
Achievements in Varsity Sport
Name of Summer Program
Summer Program Website
Location of Summer Program
Name of Recommender
e-mail Address of Recommender
Relationship to Applicant
Essay 1: In your own words please describe the summer program for which you are applying. For this
question, we are seeking a clear understanding of what the program is, and how this program reflects your
current studies. (250 words)
Bruce Alan Ebersole Scholarship
2015 Application]
Essay 2) The Bruce Alan Ebersole Mission Statement contains the following description in regard to spirit:
The Foundation seeks to honor Alan’s memory by identifying other undergraduate scholars who also
share his same passions for exploration by facilitating their becoming better citizens of the world. In this
fashion, the Foundation seeks to perpetuate Alan’s zeal for competition, thirst for knowledge, and responsibility
to the bigger picture.
In your own words, tell us how your usage of the scholarship funds will tie into the mission statement above.
You may wish to structure your answer around some of the following questions: Why does the program you
selected further some of Alan’s greatest passions as described above? What will you learn from the program
that relates to competition, knowledge, and/or a broader view of the world? Why did you select this specific
summer program from others that were available to you? (1,000 words)
Please submit your application by sending an e-mail with attachments to
by January 31st, 2016. Applicants will be notified of scholarship decisions by March 15th, 2016.
Attachment 1: Completed BAE Application Form including Essays (PDF)
Attachment 2: Scan(s) of your current college transcript(s) on university letterhead (PDF)