Day 1 Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance Learning Goal: Students

Day 1 Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance
Learning Goal: Students will be able to analyze the birth of the Renaissance and its artists. They will also be
able to apply the concept of a “Renaissance Man” to modern day.
Enjoying Life
 During the late middle ages, Europe suffered from __________ and _________________
 Those who survived wanted to _________________ life
Doubts and Questions
 People start to __________________ the Church which taught Christians to _______________ suffering to get to
 Start to ________________________society which blocked social _______________________
Renaissance- “Rebirth”
 Between the years 1300-1600 there was an explosion of _____________________ in Europe
 Historians call this period the Renaissance which means ______________________
 In this case, a rebirth of _____________ and _______________________
Where it began
 Renaissance began in ______________________ and later spread north
 One reason Europe lagged behind is that France and England were locked in the Hundred Years’ War
Italy’s Advantages
 Italy had 3 advantages that encouraged the Renaissance:
1. thriving _______________________
2. a wealthy _____________________ class
3. classical __________________________ of Greece and Rome
Thriving Cities
 The crusades spurred _________________ and growing city-states in Italy
 Northern Italy was __________________ while the rest of Europe was still ________________
 Cities were places where people shared ideas and intellectual growth occurred
 Bubonic plague killed __________________% of the population bringing economic changes
 Survivors could demand _______________________ wages with fewer workers
 A smaller population shrank opportunities for business expansion
Wealthy Merchant Class
 Wealthy merchants began to pursue other interests like _____________
 City-states like ______________ and _______________ collected own taxes and had its own armies
 Merchants were the wealthiest and most powerful class and _______________________ politics
 Unlike nobles, merchants didn’t _________________ social rank
 Successfulness depended on own _________________
 Successful merchants believed they ____________________power and wealth because they worked for it
Classical Heritage of Greece and Rome
 Renaissance scholars looked ________________ on the arts of the Middle Ages
 Wanted to return to the learning of the _________________ and ________________
 Another reason the Renaissance began in Italy, artists drew inspirations from the ___________ of Rome
 Byzantine scholars brought ancient Greek manuscripts after the fall of Constantinople
The Medici’s
 The city of _________________ came under power of the Medici family who made a fortune in banking
Cosimo Medici didn’t run for political office but controlled the government by giving ______________ to
council members
 His grandson, Lorenzo took power in 1469 after his grandfather died
Assassination Plot
 A rival family was so jealous of the power of the Medici’s, that they ________________________ to kill Lorenzo
and his brother, Giuliano
 As the Medici attended mass, ________________________ murdered his brother at the altar
 Lorenzo escaped to a small room and held off attackers until help arrived
 He had the killers __________________________ and publicly ____________________________________
 Scholars focused on human __________________________ and achievements
 Studied classical texts to understand Greek __________________ instead of looking for ____________________
messages and values
 Humanists made subjects like __________________, literature and ____________________________ popular
Enjoyment of Worldly Pleasures
 Some religious people proved they were religious by wearing ____________________ clothing and eating
_______________ foods
 Humanists suggested people could _________________ life without __________________________God
 In Renaissance Italy, people enjoyed material _________________, fine music and tasty foods
 Most people remained _______________________ Catholics, but the spirit of the Renaissance was secularconcern with here and now attitude
 Lived in big mansions, wore expensive clothing, had big banquets
Patrons of the Arts
 Renaissance __________________ beautified Rome by spending ________________ amounts of money for art
 They became patrons of the arts by ____________________________ supporting artists
 Medici’s had portraits made of themselves
The Renaissance man
 All educated people were expected to create _______________
 The ideal individual tried to _____________________ every area of study
 Man who excelled in many fields was praised as a ________________________ man- later called a Renaissance
The Ultimate Renaissance man
 The book, The ____________________by Baldassare Catiglione taught how to become a Renaissance Man
 A young man should be charming, _____________________, and well educated in the classics. He should
dance, __________________, play music and write _____________________.
 He should be a skilled rider, _______________________ and swordsman.
 Above all, he should have _____________ _______________________.
Renaissance woman
 According to the same book, upper-class women should know the __________________________, be charming,
inspire art, but _________________ create it
 Upper-class renaissance women were much more ___________________________ than the typical Middle Ages
woman, but had less influence
*Leonardo Da Vinci*
What is he famous for?
What are some of the things he invented?
Day 2 Renaissance Revolutionizes Art
Learning Goal: Students will be able to analyze the art of various Renaissance artists. They will also be able to
compare and contrast the work of Renaissance artists.
Artistic styles changed
Often portrayed ______________________________ subjects, but would use ____________________________styles copied from
classic models
Made _______________________ more realistic
Carved natural postures and expressions that reveal _____________________
Rediscovered the technique of ________________________________, or 3 dimensional
Early Life He was born near __________________________, Italy.
 When he was born his mother was too ill to care for him so his father took him to a stonecutter’s wife
who nursed him and cared for him. Michelangelo said that’s why he loved sculpting.
 Michelangelo was an _________________________, painter, poet and ________________________.
Nudity in Art
 Nudity in art contains nakedness. It is not considered wrong. It is considered a symbol of
_____________________and beauty.
 It was also _______________________ in art at the time.
 It is ______________the same as today’s pornographic idea of nudity.
Famous For…
 Famous for the way he portrayed the human body in sculptor and in paintings
o St. Peter’s Basilica
o _______________________ Chapel
o David
Sistine Chapel
 __________________________ Painting: you apply plaster to the wall then paint on the plaster while it is wet.
The ____________________ then becomes ________________ of the wall.
 This is how Michelangelo did the Sistine Chapel ceiling which is why it has stood for so many years.
Pope Julius made (commissioned) Michelangelo paint the ceiling. It took him ________________ years to
complete the project.
From 1508-1512 Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome
He spent hours each day laying stretched on his back on top of a high scaffold with paint dripping into
his eyes
During the day, he endured the ________________ beating upon the roof of the chapel
At night he worked by candlelight
Many of the panels show classical influence
Much of the detail is about the _____________________ prophet Joel
Was younger than __________________________ and Leonardo
Learned from studying their works
Greatest achievement was filling the walls of the pope’s ________________________ with several paintings
One of those paintings is the School of ____________________________, showing Raphael and other
Renaissance artists listening to Greek philosophers
Renaissance Writers
Francisco Petrarch- a great poet, wrote in Italian and Latin, composed _______________ (14 line poems)
Boccaccio- Italian writer best known for the _______________________, realistic, off-color stories about
trying to survive the plague
Niccolo Machiavelli- wrote The Prince, a political ____________________examining how a ruler can gain
power and keep it, inspired of his enemies.
He mentioned tricking enemies and his own people for the good of the state
The Renaissance Spreads
Toward the end of the 15th Century, Renaissance ideas began to spread north from Italy to countries
such as France, __________________________ and England