Application for Fieldwork Funds – Faculty of History Please read these notes carefully before completing this form. 1. You should apply for leave to work away at least 4 months before your intended travel date (make sure you complete and upload a risk assessment form with the application) 2. You should apply for, and start assembling fieldwork funding at least 4 months before your intended travel date, 3. You will need to apply to all sources of funds available to you, this link can help you: 4. You should aim to have secured all funding and have it in place no later than one month before the date you plan to depart. 5. It is normally expected that a single trip will be made for fieldwork; if it is absolutely necessary to make more than one fieldwork trip, you should make a single application for all relevant costs for all trips at the outset, indicating the periods that will be worked away. 6. You are encouraged to avoid unnecessary international travel. 7. You should only claim for the additional costs that you will incur while on fieldwork, over and above your normal living costs. This should not include purchasing personal equipment. 8. If you are obliged to pay rent to maintain accommodation in Cambridge while you are away, please state this clearly. You should not request funding for basic food and subsistence as these are included in your normal living costs; only additional costs will be considered. 9. You are expected to keep receipts for all expenditure related to your fieldwork allowance, and to provide these on your return to Cambridge. 10. You will be asked to return funds for any items which are not supported by a receipt. 11. If for any reason the fieldwork is abandoned/ unsuccessful or you return to Cambridge earlier than planned, you must inform the Faculty Accounts and Degree Committee Offices. You will be expected to pay back any money that you have not spent. 12. If you are allocated a Faculty Fieldwork Fund award and subsequently receive funds from additional sources, you must inform the Faculty Accounts and Degree Committee Offices so that your Fieldwork Fund award can be re-calculated to allow recycling of monies to other potential recipients. Exclusions Students in their third (full-time/equivalent) year of PhD study: except if there are special circumstances and these are supported by the Supervisor Students in their fourth (full-time/equivalent) year of PhD study Students registered at an approved Non-University Institution (NUI) cannot apply for assistance from this fieldwork fund Students participating in an approved exchange agreement where there is a period spent at another institution and fees are waived at Cambridge (e.g. A*, NIH) cannot apply for assistance from this fieldwork fund Students undertaking Masters study cannot apply for assistance from this fieldwork fund 1. Personal Details Surname, Forename Course of Study eg PhD Start date of course Faculty/ Department College Date of birth E-mail Address (for correspondence) Page 1 of 3 Application for Fieldwork funds 2. Current source of funding and fee liability Please state your source of funding. You should approach your sponsor to contribute to your fieldwork costs. Fee status (i.e. Home/EU, Overseas) Who pays your fees? Indicate Sponsor Name or “Self-Funded“ Total costs requested from the Fieldwork Fund See notes 5, 6,7,8 above Please list here funds requested from other sources, and whether or not you have been successful 3. Source Requested (£) Awarded (£) Permissions (your application cannot be considered without these) Please provide either: evidence you have applied for Leave to Work Away (from your camsis account) OR the Student Registry’s confirmation of Leave to Work Away; Please attach the Risk Assessment you submitted with your Leave to Work Away application; Please confirm that you have applied for (University or other) travel insurance; 4. Please provide a statement of support from your supervisor, explaining the need for this fieldwork and confirming that the costs are realistic; DETAILS OF TRIP (a) Description of the fieldwork trip (500 words max) (b) Itemised costs You should list the full costs (not including normal costs in Cambridge), even if you have other funding in place; You can request support for essential, research-related costs that exceed those that you would ordinarily incur if staying in Cambridge e.g. tuition fees payable at another institution; travel costs; research related costs; exceptional living costs) All travel and accommodation costs should be by the most economical means. Dates from Page 2 of 3 Dates To Country/Countries to be visited Detail Application for Fieldwork funds Additional cost (i.e.not including normal costs in Cambridge) £ £ £ Total £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Electronic signatures are acceptable Signature of Student: ______________________________________________Date:_________________ 5. Payment details – to be completed by all students UK bank accounts only Bank Account Name Branch address Account number Sort Code National Insurance number (if known) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Please submit this application and enclosures by email to the Degree Committee Office, ( Faculty of History, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9EF Page 3 of 3 Application for Fieldwork funds