Supporting Access to Rights, Employment and Livelihood
Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Supporting Access to Rights, Employment and Livelihood
Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 2
FOREWORD...................................................................................................................................................... 4
GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 9
SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Legal basis .................................................................................................................................. 9
Programme Information ............................................................................................................ 9
THE GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN BENEFICIARY AND THE EUD .......................................................... 12
Characterıstıcs and General Prıncıples of the Standard Grant Contract ................................. 12
Major Parts of the Grant Contract ........................................................................................... 13
Modıfyıng Grant Contracts ...................................................................................................... 14
Notifications to Contract: Minor Modifications ........................................................... 15
Addendum: Major Changes ......................................................................................... 21
Elıgıble Costs ............................................................................................................................ 25
Exchange Rates ............................................................................................................ 29
Project Documentatıon and Accountıng ................................................................................. 30
Technical Documentation ............................................................................................ 31
Financial Documentation (Verification of Expenditures) ............................................. 31
Accounting Requirements ............................................................................................ 33
Payment procedures................................................................................................................ 33
PROCUREMENT .................................................................................................................................... 34
Procurement plan .................................................................................................................... 34
Prıncıples of Good Procurement ............................................................................................. 35
Procurement Rules .................................................................................................................. 36
Dıfferent types of contracts ..................................................................................................... 37
MONITORING AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................ 37
Monıtorıng Framework ............................................................................................................ 37
Rısk Analysıs Wıth Respect To Monıtorıng .............................................................................. 39
Monıtorıng Tools ..................................................................................................................... 39
Responsıbılıtıes of the Grant Benefıcıary ın Monıtorıng .......................................................... 40
Supportıng Actıvıtıes ................................................................................................................ 42
Manuals ........................................................................................................................ 42
Web-pages ................................................................................................................... 42
Conferences and Trainings ........................................................................................... 43
Help Desks .................................................................................................................... 43
PROJECT MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 44
INTRoduction ........................................................................................................................... 44
Usıng Professıonal Project Management Approach ın your Grant Projects ............................ 44
Project Cost Management ........................................................................................... 44
Project Time Management........................................................................................... 45
Project Scope Management ......................................................................................... 45
Project Procurement Management ............................................................................. 45
Project Risk Management ............................................................................................ 46
Project Communication Management ......................................................................... 46
Project Quality Management ....................................................................................... 46
Project Human Resources Management ..................................................................... 47
REPORTING .......................................................................................................................................... 48
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Supporting Access to Rights, Employment and Livelihood
Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
VISIBILITY & PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................. 49
Introductıon ............................................................................................................................. 49
Approprıate Vısıbılıty ............................................................................................................... 50
Identıfyıng Key Audıences ....................................................................................................... 50
Communıcatıon & Vısıbılıty Plans ............................................................................................ 50
Communıcatıon & Vısıbılıty Tools ............................................................................................ 51
EU Visual Identity Elements ..................................................................................................... 58
Programme Benefıcıary and serbian Flag Vısual Identıty Elements ........................................ 60
You, the law and your project ................................................................................................. 60
LIST OF ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................. 62
ANNEX 1 - USEFUL FORMS AND TEMPLATES ........................................................................................... 62
ANNEX 2 - VAT EXEMPTION PROCESS AND FORM ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
ANNEX 3 - TEMPLATES FOR REPORTS ...................................................................................................... 63
ANNEX 4 – SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND CONTRACT AWARD PROCEDURES .............................................. 63
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Supporting Access to Rights, Employment and Livelihood
Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
Congratulations! You are most likely reading this manual because your organisation has been
notified that your project has been awarded funding and you have signed a contract with the
European Union Delegation (EUD)
This manual has been written to help you with the various responsibilities you will have in
managing your project which has been part-financed by the European Union. A ‘cradle to grave’
approach has been adopted by providing the information you need from the time you sign your
contract with the EUD through to your final evaluation of the completed project. This is a ‘how
to’ set of guidelines to make sure you meet all the regulations concerning this European
Commission funded grant scheme and to minimize any risks of not meeting them.
The objective is to assist you to establish good management and accounting practices at project
level so that all activities are fully and accurately accounted for with readily available supporting
The Grant Project Implementation Manual contains 7 chapters with a number of different
templates and supporting documents provided in the Annexes:
General Information on the Grant Scheme Programme, Timeline,
Roles and Responsibilities of all related stakeholders
Grant Contracts
Ensuring clear understanding of the grant contract gives detailed
information on all Annexes of the Contract
Information on EU Procurement Rules
Monitoring and Support Introduction of different tools of monitoring: Site visits, SpotActivities
checks, Reports, Templates
Project Management
Use of Professional Project Management Best Practices to
effectively manage your project
Information on the required different reports, contents, delivery
Visibility Guidelines
Information on EU Visibility Rules
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Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Supporting Access to Rights, Employment and Livelihood
Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
You can also direct your questions regarding the implementation of your project to the
Technical Assistance team at:
Dubljanska 8
11000, Belgrade
Tel: 011/2400277
Fax: 011/2400111
This publication has been prepared by the support of the European Union. The content of this
publication is the sole responsibility of the Technical Assistance Team of the “Supporting access
to rights, employment and livelihood enhancement of refugees and internally displaced persons
(IDPs) in Serbia” Project and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Please note that in the case of any inconsistencies between this publication and the grant
contract and its annexes, the contract overrules and remains as the legally binding document.
In addition, whilst a Serbian version of this manual has been made available, the text in English
will be valid in case of any inconsistencies
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
These are the tasks as described in detail in the Application, which have
to be undertaken in order to produce the expected results of the project
A document modifying the terms and conditions of a contract
The Application Form and all required annexes, as used to apply for a
An organisation which provides an input into the delivery of a project but
is not a formal partner of the grant beneficiary and does not receive
payment for their input.
Beneficiary Institution
The Institution which is responsible for the overall technical management
of a programme or project, and which often benefits from the provision
of technical services. In the case of this grant Scheme the Beneficiary is
the Ministry of labour and Social Affairs (MoLSP). This is different from
the ‘Grant Beneficiary’ (see below).
Call for Proposals
A public invitation by the Contracting Authority, addressed to clearly
identified categories of applicant, to propose operations within the
framework of a specific EU programme.
Conflict of Interest
Any event influencing the capacity of a grant beneficiary to give an
objective and impartial professional opinion, or preventing it, at any
moment, from giving priority to the interests of the Contracting
Authority. Any consideration relating to possible contracts in the future
or conflict with other commitments, past or present, of a contractor or
grant beneficiary. These restrictions also apply to any sub-contractors
and employees of the contractor or grant beneficiary.
Contracting Authority
The organisation which will sign contracts with successful applicants. For
the grant scheme, referred to in this manual the Contracting Authority is
the European Union Delegation (EUD)
Direct Beneficiary
An individual or organisation which benefits directly from project activity
e.g. a participant on a training course, or IDP family members.
Ex-Ante Control
‘Ex-ante’ is a Latin expression meaning ‘before the event’. In the case of
certain types of procurement procedures that grant beneficiaries need to
follow, as defined in PRAG, the Contracting Authority and/or Beneficiary
will exercise control over the procedure before the procurement is
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Supporting Access to Rights, Employment and Livelihood
Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
Ex-Post Control
‘Ex-post’ is a Latin expression meaning ‘after the event’, and is thus the
opposite of ‘ex-ante’. In certain cases, as defined in PRAG, grant
beneficiaries can conduct procurement without any prior approval,
however, through the regular financial reporting procedures; the
procurement will be checked after it has taken place.
General Conditions
The general contractual provisions setting out the administrative,
financial, legal and technical clauses governing the execution of all
contracts of a particular type.
A direct payment of a non-commercial nature by the Contracting
Authority to a specific recipient to implement an operation (or in some
cases to finance part of its budget) in order to promote an EU policy aim.
Grant Beneficiary
The organisation which signs the grant contract with the Contracting
Guidelines for
Document explaining the purpose of a Call for Proposals for grants. It sets
out the rules regarding who may apply, the types of operations and costs
which may be financed, and the evaluation (selection and award) criteria.
It also provides practical information on how to complete the application
form, what documents must be annexed, and rules and procedures for
The long term benefits resulting from the action.
Indirect Beneficiary
Any individual or organisation which benefits indirectly from project
activity e.g. the organisations which trainees work for.
Multiplier Effects
The way the project results and/or methodology can be replicated
elsewhere in the region, or in another sector, to tackle similar problems.
Overall Objective - The central objective to which the project will
contribute, as stated in the Application, which addresses the core
problem(s), and can be defined in terms of sustainable benefits for the
target group(s).
Specific Objectives - The exact objectives, as stated in the Application,
that the project aims to achieve directly through its activities.
Any organisation, other than the Applicant, which is included in the
Two or more legally separate organisations working together to
implement project activities and achieve the project objectives.
Practical Guide (PRAG)
Practical Guide to contract procedures financed from the General Budget
of the European Communities in the context of external actions. It sets
out the standard procedures to be used.
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Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
The acquisition of goods and/or services for the best value for money, in
the right quantity and quality, at the right time, in the right place for the
direct benefit or use of the beneficiary, generally via a contract.
Project (Action)
A project (action) is a series of activities aimed at bringing about clearly
specified objectives within a defined time-period and with a defined
The direct benefits of the activities implemented under a project.
Activities to be performed under a service contract may include technical
assistance, studies, training and designs.
Special Conditions
The special conditions laid down by the Contracting Authority as an
integral part of the call for proposals dossier, including amendments to
the General Conditions, clauses specific to the grant contract.
Supplies / Supply
Supply contracts cover the purchase, leasing, rental or hire, with or
without option to buy, of products. A contract for the supply of products
and, incidentally, for citing and installation shall be considered a supply
Technical Assistance
Contract / Technical
Assistance Team (TAT)
A contract between a service provider and the Contracting Authority,
under which the service provider exercises an advisory role, directs or
supervises a project, provides the experts stipulated in the contract or
acts as a procurement agent. Such a contract is often conducted by a
service provider through the mobilisation of a Technical Assistance Team
(TAT) (e.g. in the case of this grant scheme, a Consortium led by EPTISA is
providing technical assistance, through a TAT, to the Beneficiary and the
EUD under such a contract).
Terms of Reference
The document drawn up to set out the specific requirements and/or
objectives in respect of the provision of services, specifying, where
relevant, the methods and resources to be used and/or results to be
Works/Works Contract
A 'work' means the outcome of building or civil engineering works taken
as a whole that is sufficient of itself to fulfil an economic or technical
function. Works contracts cover either the execution, or both the design
and execution, of works.
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
All Grant Beneficiaries are required to use the procedures and documentation that comply with
EU PRAG rules during their project implementation, procurement (supplies, services and works),
reporting and visibility activities.
Legal basis
This Guide has been prepared by considering the relevant provisions of the “Practical Guide to
contract procedures for EU external actions (EU PRAG), March 2011”. The full version of EU
PRAG (including relevant annexes to PRAG) can be found on the webpage:
Programme Information
The project is aimed at enhancing the capacities of unemployed IDPs to both obtain and retain
employment within the social services sector. Currently many of the 200,000 ex-refugees who
have obtained Serbian citizenship have still not resolved their existential problems such as
housing and employment and the unemployment rate among IDPs is notably high in comparison
to the local population, as a result of this and other problems IDPs and refugees as a group
remain socially excluded and there is a continued need to provide both adequate housing and
employment so that refugees can resume life and be economically and socially equal to other
In addition to the problems of employment and housing many of the IDPs are also users of
various social services or social assistance by virtue of them being from one member families,
single parent families, families without working capacity, multi-member families, multigeneration families, families with many children, female households, victims of family violence,
elderly, mentally disabled persons,
The overall objective of the Programme is to assist in resolving the problems of refugees and
IDPs in the Republic of Serbia through the provision of adequate support.
The specific objectives include:
 Improved conditions for social inclusion of IDPS and refugees in 20 local communities in
 At least 20 targeted municipalities to have signed contracts for the development of
community based social protection services that will be run by IDP and refugee staff
(home care services, day care centres, etc.);
 A minimum 200 IDPS and refugees who are users of social assistance (family social
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Supporting Access to Rights, Employment and Livelihood
Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
allowance) are educated as future care providers of social protection services;
Target groups
 Directly:
 Local self governments;
 Community based social service providers;
 Unemployed IDPs who are users of social assistance (family social allowance);
 Staff of MoLSP;
 Centres for Social Work;
 Beneficiaries of community based social services;
The total available funding is EUR 2,640,000 and this is allocated to four lots or categories of
Lot 1: Home care services for elderly people, children, persons with disabilities, fosters families
and other potential beneficiaries (50%); In Urban areas the maximum grant 100,000 Euro and
the minimum Grant 50,000 Euro; In Rural areas or urban and rural areas the maximum Grant
130,000 Euro and the minimum Grant 50,000 Euro;
Lot 2: Centres for Family support: Information centres and / or Psychological support (20%); the
maximum Grant 50,000 Euro and the minimum Grant 10,000 Euro.
Lot 3: Day care centres: for elderly people, children and persons with disabilities (10%); If it is
the first day care centre in a municipality the maximum grant 130,000 Euro or 150,000 if
reconstruction / adaptation is involved. The minimum Grant 50,000 Euro; for additional day care
centres the maximum grant 100,000 Euro or 150,000 if reconstruction / adaptation is involved.
The minimum grant 50,000 Euro;
Lot 4: Living needs support for people with disabilities (20%). The maximum Grant 150,000
Euro and the minimum Grant 50,000 Euro;
All manuals for this particular grant scheme can be found on the following websites:
 EU Delegation Serbia:
 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy:
 The Project website
Institutional Framework
The institutional framework of the Grant Schemes includes the Beneficiary Institution; European
Union Delegation to the republic of Serbia (EUD) and the Ministry of labour and social policy,
Moreover, a Technical Assistance Team has been set up and a Programme Implementation Unit
(hereinafter referred to as the PMU) has been established within the Ministry of Labour, both
of which will be exclusively responsible for the programme promotion, the effective
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
implementation of the grant schemes at the local level and extension of support to Grant
The Delegation of the European Union to Serbia (EUD): The Delegation of the
European Union to Serbia has the responsibility for ex-ante approval of the
overall activities under the projects financed by the European Community in the
course of co-operation with the Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Programme for Serbia.
Activities under the individual grant projects are not subject to ex-ante approval of the
Programme Implementation Unit (PMU): PMU is responsible for the implementation of the
programme on a daily basis, provision of coordination with Grant Beneficiaries, information
dissemination and publicity of the programme, monitoring of the projects and making on-thespot checks on the projects in collaboration with the technical assistance team. The PMU acts as
principal contact point for the Grant Beneficiaries during the implementation of their projects.
The PMU also supports the beneficiaries with training and consultancy activities throughout the
implementation period of the projects.
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
The Grant Contract between the Grant Beneficiary organisation and the Contracting Authority,
EUD, is the main document that defines the responsibilities of different parties, reporting,
eligibility of costs, accounting, payments, etc.
One of the parties of the contract / agreement is the EUD and the other party is the
Grant Beneficiary organization [Institution]. Correspondence and exchanges of views
with third parties regarding contract implementation is not binding on the EUD.
The Community finances a specific percentage of the total eligible costs rather than a
particular part of the action. If, at the end of the action, the actual eligible cost is lower
than anticipated, the grant will be reduced proportionately.
In awarding any procurement contracts required for the purposes of the action, the
Beneficiary must comply with the rules set out in Annex IV to the contract. Details about
the application of these rules are given in Procurement Manual.
Except for payments less than 600 EUR, all payments to third PARTIES MUST be made through
a Bank Account. Cash payments should be avoided.
Grant Beneficiaries must take the necessary measures to ensure the visibility of the EU
financing or contribution to the financing. Such measures must be in accordance with
the applicable rules on the visibility of external actions are set out in the EU visibility
guidelines for external actions, available in Section 7 of this manual and from the
The Grant Beneficiaries must take the necessary measures to ensure the visibility of EU
Grant Beneficiaries should try to implement the project as originally planned.
Nevertheless, situations may arise where there is a need to make some changes in the
activities or budget, or replace some experts. In such situations, they will have to apply
for an amendment to the contract (a contract addendum).
All actions must be recorded regarding the implementation of project activities in
special folders together with all technical and financial documentation. These records
must be kept for 7 years to be presented to monitoring officers when required
The Grant Beneficiary has the sole responsibility of actions arising from implementation of
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
PMU will provide all NECESSARY SUPPORT for the process.
The Grant Contract has several sections, which are compulsory and may not be changed without
a written agreement with the EUD.
Grant Contract / the Special Conditions:
The Special Conditions is the main text of a standard grant contract which specifies the project
name, project duration, project starting date, reporting, total project cost and grant payment
Annex I of Grant Contract: “Description of the Action”
This contains the description of the Grant Beneficiary’s project which you provided in your
project proposal. By signing the contract, you, the Grant Beneficiary, commits him/her self to
implement all activities described in Annex I and to deliver the stated outputs and results.
Annex II of Grant Contract: “General Conditions”
This specifies the general obligations and financial provisions under the contract. This Annex
describes all the obligations of the grant beneficiaries on reporting, provision of information,
liability of parties, visibility, ownership of equipments, evaluation/monitoring, extension,
suspension, termination of projects, payment methods, other legal issues, accounts and
technical and financial checks.
Annex III of Grant Contract: “Budget for the Action”
This includes the breakdown of project costs as well as expected sources of funding. It is
important to have a clear, understandable budget attached to the contract as it directly affects
the smooth implementation of the project. This budget is an estimate only. Final reports will
determine the final eligible cost for payment. Ineligible costs will result in a lower payment than
the grant beneficiary may have expected. Please ensure that you are aware of any changes
made to your original budget by the Contracting Authority.
Annex IV of Grant Contract: “Contract Award (Procurement) Procedures”
Describes the procedures that the grant beneficiaries have to follow in case of awarding
contracts for services, supplies and works to external organisations. This document is a brief
summary of EU Procurement rules. For more detailed information, grant beneficiaries shall
follow up the rules described in Procurement Manual which is also available from the following
 EU Delegation Serbia:
 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy:
 The Project website
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
Annex V of Grant Contract: “Standard Templates”
That grant beneficiaries have to use: Request for Payment, Financial Identification Form. Grant
beneficiaries shall fill out the “Request for Payment” form to have their pre-financing payment
transferred to the bank account they specify by filling out the financial identification form. The
funds will not be transferred to the account unless this form is filled out.
Annex VI of Grant Contract: Standard forms for Technical and Financial Reporting.
Grant beneficiaries will submit interim and final narrative and financial reports within the course
of their projects. Narrative Reports, provide information to monitoring Bodies about the
progress of the project in terms of activities, outputs, timeline and visibility. Financial reports
provide information to monitoring bodies about the progress of the project in terms of
budgetary performance.
Annex VII of Grant Contract: “Expenditure Verification Report”
This annex contains a model report of factual findings and terms of reference for an expenditure
verification of an EU financed grant contract for external actions (Model of Expenditure
Verification Report).
Grant Beneficiaries should try to implement the project as originally planned. Nevertheless,
situations may arise where there is a need to make some changes in the activities or budget,
or replace some experts. In such situations, they will have to apply for an amendment to the
The procedures for amendment of the Grant Contract are divided into two groups depending on
the type of change that should be made:
Minor changes in the contract may be implemented without receiving a prior
agreement of the EUD, but should be notified to the EUD within 10 days of making the
change. Complete assistance will be available to grant beneficiaries in implementing
their minor change requests. Hence, it is strongly recommended that grant beneficiaries
are in continuous communication with the PMU at all times in order to enable easy and
smooth processing of the change requests.
Major Modifications in the contract require a formal Addendum to the Grant Contract
to be signed before their implementation. In case of major modifications of the
Contract, an Addendum should be prepared and approved by the EUD before making
the change.
PMU experts will provide full support to grant beneficiaries on the eligibility of minor and/or
major modifications. Therefore, grant beneficiaries are strongly recommended to consult with
PMU experts before taking any formal action.
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Enhancement of Refugees and IDPs in Serbia
The following general principles must always apply:
For the acceptance of a grant beneficiary's request for grant contract modifications, the
Grant Beneficiary must substantiate its request to the EUD. The EUD examines the
reasons given, and rejects requests which have little or no substantiation.
The modifications must not have the purpose or the effect of making such changes to
the contract as would alter the objectives of the project or be contrary to the equal
treatment of applicants.
Grant contracts can only be modified within the lifetime of the contract, modifications
cannot be made retroactively.
The maximum amount of the grant may not be increased.
Any modification extending the performance period of the contract must be such that
implementation and final payments can be completed before the expiry of the financing
decision. As the case may be, the implementation has to be completed before the expiry
of the implementation period of the financing agreement, under which the initial grant
contract was financed.
Requests for contract modifications to grant contracts must allow an adequate timelimit (minimum 30 days) for the addendum to be signed before the modifications are
intended to enter into force. Thus, on the last month of the project implementation,
addendums might not be processed.
2.3.1. Notifications to Contract: Minor Modifications
Minor changes / modifications that require only written notification to the EUD by the Grant
Beneficiary and no formal Addendum include:
Minor changes in activities with no budgetary implications
Budget modifications that do not affect the basic purpose of the project;
Modifications where the financial impact is limited to a transfer within the same budget
or a transfer between budget headings involving a variation of 15% or less of the
amount originally entered under each relevant heading for eligible costs (not applicable
to heading for Administrative and contingency)
Change of address or phone number
Change of bank account
Change of Auditor
Change of key-experts such as coordinator, trainers, etc.
Increase or decrease in numbers of equipment or unit prices without changes of the
budget amount allocated for that budget item
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Model/Brand name change of the equipment as a new technology
PMU experts will provide support on the eligibility of minor changes. It is strongly
recommended to consult with PMU experts and take their comments on them.
In case of these minor Contract changes, Grant Beneficiary may apply the amendment without
the prior consent of the EUD. However, Grant Beneficiary should inform the EUD by sending a
notification letter to the PMU, within 10 days of making the change, using Standard form 1
(Annex 1, sub-annex 03) for Minor Change.
The notification Letter must be drafted in English, however, a Serbian translation may also be
If the Grant Beneficiary has not heard anything within 20 days, the minor change is considered
as tacitly approved (the period of 20 days starts from the date when the form is received by the
Additional documents that have to be attached to notification letters or request for change are
as follows:
Minor Change
Additional Documents to be Submitted
Increase of approved
unit rates or number of
Increase of approved
salaries / fee rates
Document proving that the new requested rates does not
exceed normal market rates
Change of auditor
Change of expert
Document proving that new requested salaries does not
exceed those normally borne by the Beneficiary or his
Registration certificate to the chamber of auditors of the
replacement auditor
CV of the expert
Based on the above explanations, the flow chart below illustrates the minor change request
process that should be followed
GB sends in a minor change request to the PMU
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PMU reviews the request and send its feedback to GB: Rejects or requests
revisions needed for approval
(If not rejected) Based on the feedback received, GB modifies the minor change
request and re-sends the request to the PMU
PMU reviews the modified minor change request and sends its final approval to
the GB
GB sends the official minor change request / notification letter to the EUD
approves the request or requests further modifications or rejects the minor
change request
Below, sample notification letters have been provided for easy reference:
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Example 1 of Notification Letter (for minor changes)
< Letterhead of the Beneficiary >
European Commission
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia
Operations Section1/Attn.: Ms. Marzia Palotta
Vladimira Popovica 40/5th. Floor,
GTC 19 Avenue Building,
11070 Belgrade, republic of Serbia
Notification Letter No 01
Purpose: Modifications in Annex 1 Description of Action - Change of Activity
Contract No: <insert contract number>
Grant Amount EUR: <insert contract amount>
Title of Project: Home Care for the Elderly
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to notify following modifications in Annex I to the Contract.
Our project is continuing according the activity plan and to the budget. However, we would like
to increase the number of days of training to be provided to the staff of he project from 4 (as
was originally proposed) to 6. This extra training can still be provided within the original budget
provided for the 4-day training. The additional days have been added because of the lower than
expected sills levels of the trainees.
There will be no impact on the budget, and the number and the profile of the trainees will not
Yours Sincerely,
<Name Surname>
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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Example 2 of Notification Letter (for minor changes)
< Letterhead of the Beneficiary >
European Commission
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia
Operations Section1/Attn.: Ms. Marzia Palotta
Vladimira Popovica 40/5th. Floor,
GTC 19 Avenue Building,
11070 Belgrade, republic of Serbia
Notification Letter No: 03
Purpose: Reallocation within budget heading
Contract No: <insert contract number>
Grant Amount EUR: <insert contract amount>
Title of Project: Day Care for Disabled Children
Dear Sir/ Madam,
We would like to notify the following reallocation of costs of the above-mentioned contract:
Due to the high interest in the Training (Activity 3.2), (50 people extra showed up for the last
session), we foresee that we will need 75 extra training booklets to be distributed in the last
training session. This amount will be transferred from the 5.8 Visibility actions item, as we have
were able to get a lower rate than the market price for the pens and folders.
The table below summarizes the budget amendments:
Yours Sincerely,
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<Name Surname>
Example 3 of Notification Letter (for minor changes)
< Letterhead of the Beneficiary >
European Commission
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia
Operations Section1/Attn.: Ms. Marzia Palotta
Vladimira Popovica 40/5th. Floor,
GTC 19 Avenue Building,
11070 Belgrade, republic of Serbia
Notification Letter No 04
Purpose: Replacement of Project coordinator
Contract No: <contract number>
Grant Amount EUR: 42,670
Title of Project: Home care for the elderly
Dear Sir/Madam,
In case of Change of project coordinator:
We would like to notify replacement of project coordinator Mr. Mirosalv Bralic with Ms. Hristina
Mr. Bralic, a valuable member of our association, has to move to Brussels, due to his wife’s duty,
and can no longer work with us.
We would like to replace the position with Ms Ristic, who has similar experience and education.
The CVs of both Mr. Bralic and Ms Ristic are attached.
Yours Sincerely,
<Name Surname>
Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 2400 277 Fax: +381 11 2400 111
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2.3.2. Addendum: Major Changes
Major modifications that require a formal Addendum to the original grant contract are as
Extension or early closing of the Contract
Significant changes in activities that affect the basic purpose of the project as long as the
proposed changes do not question the grant award decision and are not contrary to the
equal treatment of applicants
Transfers amongst budget headings; involving a variation of more than 15% of the
amount originally entered under each relevant heading for eligible costs
Addition or cancellation of a new budget item in the Budget
Change of project Partners (addition or replacement)
Changes in your organization’s name or legal status
Adding new item or deducting an existing item from the budget
Grant beneficiaries are strongly advised to avoid making changes to their project that are
large enough to create the need for an addendum. The addendum procedure can be long and
complicated; therefore, grant beneficiaries are advised to seek an addendum only if absolutely
The PMU will provide full support on the eligibility of addendum requests of the grant
Preparing an Addendum
Addendum process can only begin if, and when, a major change request submitted by a Grant
Beneficiary is approved by the EUD, using the Standard Form “Request for Addendum” (Annex
1B –Request for Addendum)
As is the case with a notification letter, addendum requests must be prepared in English,
however, a Serbia n translation may be provided to ensure better understanding of the
The processing of a major change request and preparation of an addendum entail the steps
below and explanations:
Major change request sub-process:
GB sends in a major change request to the PMU
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PMU reviews the request and send its feedback to GB: Rejects or requests
revisions needed for approval
(If not rejected) Based on the feedback received, GB modifies and re-sends the
request to the PMU
PMU reviews the modified major change request and send its approval to the GB
GB sends its official request for Addendum to the EUD with a checklist in English
with Serbian translation in 3 copies
EUD approves the request or requests further revisions, or rejects the major
change request
Addendum preparation sub-process:
The EUD prepares an addendum to the original grant contract in 3 copies
EUD sends the Addendum to the GB via surface mail/courier
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GB signs all 3 copies of Addendum, keeps 1 copy and sends 2 signed copies back
to EUD.
The implementation of the proposed change can then be implemented by the GB.
The Addendum takes effect upon completion of the signature of both parties. The
implementation of the proposed change can then be commenced by the GB.
Any addendum modifying the budget must;
show the changed budget items in Standard Form-2 “Request for Addendum” (Annex
Attached to the form, a replacement budget showing how the full budget breakdown of
the initial contract has been modified by this addendum (and any previous addenda).
This should be as shown in the following page with an example regarding “Reallocation between
budget headings exceeding 15%”
The table below is the “Comparative Budget” format that must be submitted with the
addendum request. If there is more than one change during the contract period all budget
changes must be shown side by side.
Human resources
Equipment and Supplies
Local office/Action costs
Other costs, services
Subtotal direct eligible
costs of the Action
Total direct eligible costs
of the Action
Total eligible costs
Budget of
Addendum 1
Budget of
Addendum 2
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Budget of Last
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Grant Beneficiary’s request for an Addendum must be submitted no later than 1 month before
the date on which the amendment is planned to enter into force and at least 1 month before
the Contract expiry date.
The addendum takes effect on the date of the last signature. Grant Beneficiaries cannot
implement their proposed change before the signature of the Addendum.
Request for Addendum
< Letterhead of the Grant Beneficiary >
European Commission
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia
Operations Section1/Attn.: Ms. Marzia Palotta
Vladimira Popovica 40/5th. Floor,
GTC 19 Avenue Building,
11070 Belgrade, republic of Serbia
Request for Addendum No 1
Purpose of Addendum: Reallocation between budget headings exceeding 15%
Contract No: <contract number>
Grant Amount EUR: 121.230
Title of Project: Communication between Countries
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to ask your approval for the following modifications in the above-mentioned
contract: We would like to make a budget change between headings, which is more than 15%.
This change is made due to the need to prepare visibility items, to be distributed in the closing
conference to reach a wider group of the target group. The visibility items of our project are
well received and serve to raise awareness and communicate project information to the target
groups. As the closing conference is also very important in terms of promoting the project
results and gives the message of sustainability, increased number of visibility items is of great
There are 100 people invited to the conference, however, the target group responded very well,
and RSVP-ed 150 names to attend. As the conference cost will not be affected, and the only
change will be regarding the visibility items, we did not want to reject the applications over 100.
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The money will be transferred from 2.1, as we received as we were able to purchase the
equipment at a lower price than originally expected, so the average price became lower than
the market rates.
The budget changes can be seen in the table:
Yours Sincerely,
<Name Surname>
Annex III (the budget) of the contract gives a COST ESTIMATE of the project eligible costs. The
grant allocated to the grant beneficiary is a certain percentage of this budget. (Example: Project
budget: €100.000, Grant portion: 90%, then the Grant amount: €90.000).
The Grant beneficiary will provide detailed information (details on reporting is given in chapter 6
of this manual) on expenditures incurred during the reporting period. The review of these
expenditures and verifying documents will be will result in the decisions whether these
expenses are eligible or not.
It should also be noted that the EUD does not pay more than a stipulated proportion of grant
beneficiary’s total eligible costs (see Article 3.2 Special Conditions). In other words, if total
spending on the project falls below what was estimated at the outset, then the grant amount
will be scaled down, proportionately (Example continued: Total eligible costs during the project
implementation period: €90.000, Grant percentage: 90%, then Grant amount: €81.000 )
In reviewing interim and final reports, EUD determines exactly which costs are eligible for
payments. Ineligible costs will result in a lower payment than the Grant Beneficiary may have
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expected, and in certain circumstances can lead to the recovery of the pre-financing payment.
Therefore, It Is Important That expenses incurred during project period must be all eligible costs.
At the end of the project the grant amount is calculated based on the actual eligible costs, not
on the budget (estimate) at the beginning of the project.
General Rules on eligible expenditures:
Article 14.1 of the Annex II to the Contract defines general principles for eligibility of costs. The
main provisions for eligibility of cost are as follows:
Costs must be incurred during the project implementation period,
Costs have to be included in the project budget (Annex III of the contract)
Costs must be necessary for carrying out the Project and the activities for which the
grant beneficiary requests payment should correspond to those described in Annex I of
the contract.
Costs must be actual, recorded in the accounts or tax documents of the Beneficiary (or
his partners, if applicable) and be identifiable, verifiable and backed by originals of
supporting evidence
Cost must be made in compliance with the principles of sound financial management in
particular value for money and cost-effectiveness
Special Conditions on Eligibility of costs per budget heading:
There are additional requirements to the eligibility of expenditure under the budget headings as
shown in the table below.
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Budget Heading
Eligible Expenditures
1. Human Resources
 Payment of salaries and fees for staff contracted by the
Grant Beneficiary and/or by the partners
 Payments only to real persons. Sub-contracted services
(payment to companies under the service contracts
tendered may not be claimed under this budget heading.
 The cost of staff assigned must include actual salaries plus
social security charges and other remuneration-related
 Salaries and costs must not exceed those normally borne by
the Grant Beneficiary or its partners.
Per diems
 Per diems are allowed only for staff assigned to the project
as long as they are envisaged in the project budget.
 Per diems cover all meal, hotel expenses and short distance
travel (e.g. within the city).
 Per diems should be in-line with the budget and should not
be higher than the EU maximum daily rates (EU website
 Per diems are based either on actual costs or fixed rates,
but in both cases maximum daily rates apply.
 Per diems are calculated on an overnight basis.
 From the local transportation subheading, intercity
transport expenditures within Serbia may be covered.
 From the international travel sub-heading, transport
expenditure of experts who travel from Serbia and/or to
Serbia for the needs of the project may be covered.
2. Travel
3. Equipment and
The Grant Beneficiary is obliged to obtain value for money,
and to use the tendering procedures described in Annex IV
of the Contract. For tendering procedures, please see the
relevant procurement section and further, the Procurement
Manual and associated tender dossiers.
The purchase cost of equipment and supplies are eligible
provided they are included in the budget and correspond to
market rates
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Budget Heading
4. Local Office /
Project Costs
Eligible Expenditures
5. Other Costs,
6. Other
8. Provision for
Contingency Reserve
10. Administrative
These costs are eligible only if a new office/ training
facilities are opened for the needs of the implementation of
project activities.
These costs cannot be used for covering costs related to
main offices of the Grant Beneficiary (and partners).
Amounts budgeted under headings 5 & 6 may be used to
cover costs for the items specified in the budget and fully
sub-contracted services: Publications, translation, events,
refurbishing of buildings and offices, etc.
Contingency reserve can only be used for unexpected
expenditures incurred during the implementation of the
Grant Contract with the prior approval of the EUD.
A percentage of the final approved total direct eligible costs
may be claimed as indirect costs to cover the administrative
overheads incurred by the Grant Beneficiary. These costs
are eligible provided that:
They do not exceed 7% of the direct costs
They do not include costs assigned to another heading of
the budget
Items normally included under this heading could include
water, telephone, heating, electricity, security and cleaning
bills, etc. The 7% (or amount requested) of the direct cost
will be re-calculated at the end of the project based on
actual costs.
For detailed information on administrative expenditures,
see Reference Document in Annexes.
Costs which are ineligible under any circumstances:
taxes, including value added taxes;
customs and import duties, or any other charges;
purchase, rent or leasing of land and existing buildings;
fines, financial penalties and expenses of litigation;
operating costs;
second-hand equipment;
bank charges, costs of guarantees and similar charges;
conversion costs, charges and exchange losses associated with any of the component
specific euro accounts, as well as other purely financial expenses;
contribution in kind;
any leasing costs;
depreciation costs;
debts and debt service charges;
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provisions for losses or potential future liabilities;
interest owed;
costs declared by the beneficiary and covered by another action or work programme;
credit to third parties.
2.4.1. Exchange Rates
Where actual expenditure is incurred and paid in Dinar, the conversion into Euro of the real
costs is done at the rate made up by the average of the rates published in InforEuro for the
months covered by the final report. These rates referred to on the InforEuro rates can be found
on the following web address:
The period average is the arithmetical average of the InforEuro rate of the months covered by
the project duration.
Example: Project duration: May 2011 – September 2011
Arithmetical average of the InforEuro rate for the project duration:
[100,568 + 103,626 + 102,810 + 104,558 + 104,336 + 106,993 + 106,411000 + 105,563] / 8 =
Dates of validity
Therefore the total RSD spent on implementing the project are converted to Euro by dividing by
104,358RSD and reimbursement will be sought from the EUD against this amount.
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Note on VAT exemption
The taxes including VAT are not eligible costs.
Grant beneficiaries are entitled to offset or deduct any VAT paid in connection with the goods
supplied and/or services rendered and/or works executed which are exempted from VAT. If they
are not able to make use of this possibility, they shall be able to obtain a refund directly from the
Tax Authority upon submission of a written request to the tax authority attaching the necessary
documentation required for the refund of VAT).
Procedure for Obtaining VAT Exemption
After signing the contract between your organization and EUD, representatives of the European
Commission forward your contract to the Ministry of Finance. This Ministry then forwards it to
the Tax Administration and on the basis of your contract; the tax administration will exempt you
from paying tax on purchased services, supplies and works. You will be notified when this list is
submitted to the Tax Administration.
When you are going first time to the Tax administration you should bring the following original
copies of documents to be able to release the invoice from VAT:
1.) List of people who can make an invoice for the release from VAT and copies of their Identity
Cards (this list should be signed by the authorized person, bring 2 copies).
2.) List of people who can sign the VAT form (the document which you are asking on for the
release from VAT some invoice) - beside name and surname on this document should be written
identification number and there should be signature of those persons, also. In addition, you have
to bring copies of their Identity Cards. This document also should be signed by the authorized
3.) 2 copies of the invoice which is going to be released.
4.) 3 original copies of VAT form (the document which you are asking on for the release from VAT
some invoice) - this documents should be signed by person who are authorized on the document
under number 2.
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2.5.1. Technical Documentation
Project technical documentation should be sufficiently detailed to prove proper implementation
of activities, delivery of services and outputs. Specifically, all project activities are to be delivered
based on Annex 1 of your contract – Description of Action part of the contract and according to
Grant beneficiaries must prepare technical documentation for all relevant project activities
and record them properly
Examples of project documents for some of the project activities can be seen in the table below:
Project Activity
Surveys /Studies
Seminars, conferences,
working meetings
Study visits
Example Document
Sample surveys
Copies of publications (books, newsletters, booklets,
posters, etc.)
Programme / agenda
List of presentations / conference reports
List of participants
List of speakers
Minutes (if applicable)
Press clippings, photos
Feed-back questionnaires (if applicable)
A detailed description of the training – training modules,
training hours per subject, methods, etc.
Training schedule
List of participants /attendance sheets
List of trainers / lecturers
Feed-back questionnaires
Training evaluation report
Study visit report
2.5.2. Financial Documentation (Verification of Expenditures)
The form of the supporting evidence depends on the type and nature of the expenditure and
the underlying actions or transactions. Financial documents must be in conformity with
technical documents.
The table below summarizes the main supporting documents that the grant beneficiaries should
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retain and present in case of audit.
Proof of purchase such as invoices and receipts.
Proof of payment such as bank statements, debit notices,
proof of settlement by the contractor.
 Proof of delivery of services such as approved reports, proof
of attending seminars, conferences and training courses
All expenditure
(including relevant documentation and material obtained, list
of attendees, certificates), etc.
 The Grant Beneficiary accounting records (computerised or
manual) such as general ledger, sub ledgers and payroll
accounts, fixed assets registers and other relevant accounting
Additional – specific to particular budget headings
 Staff and payroll records/contracts,
 Salary statements,
 Monthly timesheets (signed by the expert and grant
Human Resources
beneficiary), of all project staff.
 Bank statements/receipts for payments
 Per diem ledgers
 Public transport: Transport tickets (including boarding passes
in case of travel by air).
 Rented transport: Invoice from supplier and summary list of
distance covered.
 Car: For fuel and oil expenses, a summary list of the distance
covered, the average fuel consumption of the vehicles used,
fuel costs.
 Proof of procurement procedures such as tendering
documents, bids from tenderers and evaluation reports.
 Proof of commitments such as contracts and order forms.
supplies, services
 Proof of receipt of goods such as delivery slips from suppliers.
or works
 Proof of completion of works, such as acceptance certificates.
 Certificate of origin or a Certificate of Locally Manufactured
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2.5.3. Accounting Requirements
The Grant Beneficiary should keep accurate and regular accounts of the implementation of the
project using an appropriate accounting and double-entry book-keeping system. This system
should be run in Accordance with the Accounting and Bookkeeping Polices and Rules That Apply
in Serbia.
Accounts and expenditure relating to the project must be easily identifiable and verifiable. This
can be done by using separate accounts for the project / action concerned or by ensuring that
expenditure for the action concerned can be easily identified and traced to and within the
Beneficiary’s accounting and bookkeeping systems. A simple accounts ledger in the form of an
excel worksheet has been prepared with the necessary formulations are attached as annexes to
the end of this manual together with other useful templates.
The Financial Report should be properly and easily reconciled to the grant beneficiaries’
accounting and bookkeeping system
An important aspect is how to enter the grant amount into the official accounts. Under Serbian
accounting rules there are two ways to do it;
1. Register it as income. All public authorities should use this method.
2. In resource management, the grant received is registered as special fund. In this case,
inventory stocks corresponding to the grant value will not be depreciated.
The aim of these Principles and Procedures is to define monitoring, expenditure and accounting
of grants received by public administrations from European Union, international organisations
or consortia (without any prejudice to conditions of the international agreements).
Payment procedures are set out in Article 4 of the Special Conditions of the Grant contract. The
Contracting Authority, EUD will pay the grant to the grant beneficiaries in the following manner:
The grant beneficiaries will receive pre-financing:
If the overall duration of the action does not exceed 12 months or if the grant does not
exceed EURO 100,000, the pre-financing will be 80% of the Grant (see Article 15.1
option 1 of the General Conditions).
If the overall duration of the action exceeds 12 months and if the grant amount exceeds
EUR 100,000, the first pre-financing instalment will be 80% of the part of the estimated
budget for the first 12 months of the action financed by the EUD (see Article 15.1 option
2 of the General Conditions).
The pre-financing amount is paid within 45 days of receipt of the payment requested prepared
in accordance with Annex V of the grant contract. In the case that the duration of action is more
than 12 months, or the grant exceeds EUR 100,000, following the initial pre-financing amount,
interim payments may be made upon submission by the Grant Beneficiary and approval by the
EUD, of an interim report.
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PLEASE NOTE that grant project implementation starts the next day after contract signature
(unless stated otherwise in the contract), essentially meaning that grant beneficiaries must
begin implementing their activities immediately. You should not wait for the pre-financing to
be paid by the EUD. In the meantime you can start using the organization’s own financial
The balance is paid within 45 days upon submission of the Request for Payment, following the
EUD’s approval of the final narrative and financial reports and the Expenditure Verification
This section covers and provides general information on procurement rules according to EU
procedures outlined in Annex IV of the Grant contract
Detailed information on tender procedures and templates to be used are provided in the
separate procurement manual and sample tender dossiers for works, supplies and services.
This Manual and simplified tender dossiers for supplies, services and works can be found at the
following websites:
 EU Delegation Serbia:
 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy:
 The Project website
Procurement is the timely acquisition of goods, works and services while addressing the
the objectives of the organisation concerned,
fairness, integrity and transparency through competition,
economy and effectiveness,
Best value for money.
Procurement aims at ensuring the provision of cost effective and reliable goods, services and
works in accordance with agreed standards as well as working with others including suppliers.
Grant Beneficiaries are expected to send their procurement plans to PMU which include;
List of tenders
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Type of tenders (Supplies, Services, Works)
Procedures (Direct procurement, Negotiated Procedure, Open tender,
The tendering dates for launching, opening, evaluation, contract signature, provisional
acceptance etc.
within one month after start of their implementation period . Details of the Procurement Plan
are provided in Procurement Manual.
Procurement rules need to be strictly followed in each procurement procedure in order to
acquire the best value for money. The following principles should be taken into account for a
good procurement;
No discrimination
There should be no discrimination against products, services, suppliers, contractors or serviceproviders on the grounds of nationality. There may be however disqualifications based on
technical grounds, or against quality and/or safety factors, but these can, and should, be
objectively assessed.
Fair competition
There should always be a competition for the award of contracts, unless there is a strong and
objective reason for not holding a competition.
There must be no distortion of competition in discussions with actual or potential participants in
contract award procedures. This means that all tenderers must be provided the same
information and the same opportunities to come up with winning bids.
Any firm or expert that have participated in the preparation of a project or in drafting the tender
file must be excluded from participating in tenders based on this preparatory work, as this
would constitute unfair competition.
Clear specifications
Tenderers cannot compete effectively unless they know precisely the requirements of the
purchaser. Therefore, specifications of requirements (“Technical Specifications” in case of
supplies or works tenders, “Terms of Reference” in case service tenders) should be referenced
to recognised technical specifications and, where required, quality assurance standards, with
appropriate levels of certification.
Effective publicity (announcement)
Any tendering process is unlikely to be successful if the best potential tenderers do not get to
hear of requirements. An effective publicity will ensure the dissemination of this information.
This is particularly important for publicly funded procurement, where, typically the purchasers
are not experts in the field. This is where use of the Internet is increasingly important, but it is
vital that tenderers know where to go for their information.
It is also necessary to publish details of the decisions on contracts awarded. Further, to improve
the skills and efficiency of tenderers, those who request it should be debriefed on why
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they were, or were not, selected to bid, and why they were successful or unsuccessful in
winning the contract. For publications in the national or regional press the EU guidelines on
visibility should be followed.
Adequate timescales
Another vital principle is that bidders are given sufficient time to respond to advertisements
expressing an interest in the purchaser’s requirement, to respond to invitations to participate in
the bidding and to prepare and submit their offers. Under EU PRAG, for example, local open
tenders (those advertised in Serbia) require at least 30 calendar days between the date of
publication of the advertisement and the submission deadline for tenders.
Use of relevant objective criteria
It is vital that the criteria used for the elimination of unsuitable candidates, the selection of
participants in contract award procedures and the award of contracts on the basis of the offer(s)
economically most advantageous to the purchaser are both objective and relevant to the
requirement. These requirements are defined in the “Terms of Reference” (in the case of service
contracts) or the “Technical Specifications” (for supply or works contracts). Evaluation criteria
are included in the tender dossier.
Adequate records
It is also important to be able to justify decisions later on if any challenges or doubts are raised
about the decisions that were made. It is inevitable that people move on and therefore good
records (reporting, financial, etc) must be kept to show the reasons behind decisions. Contracts
subject to the EU PRAG rules require records to be kept for at least 7 years following settlement
of final payment.
Nationality Rule
All natural persons who are nationals of and legal persons or who are established in countries
given in the Procurement Manual and in the following address are eligible tenderers. Experts
engaged by eligible tenderers may be of any nationality.
Rule of origin
All goods must originate from the EU or from an eligible country (see above ‘nationality rule’).To
prove origin; the supplier must provide a Certificate of origin. For locally produced goods a
“locally manufactured certificate” obtainable from the relevant chamber of commerce &
industry must be presented.
The rule of origin applies to all items regardless of their value. However, for items with a unit
price less than € 5.000 a document (certificate of origin or made in Serbian certificate) may not
be requested
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There are 3 types of contracts:
“Supply” contracts are essentially those for the supply (and installation where
appropriate) or hire of products.
“Works” is defined as “the outcome of building or civil engineering, works taken as a
whole that is sufficient of itself to fulfil an economic and technical function”.
“Services” include, organisation of events, conferences, maintenance of equipment,
transportation, consultancy, technical services etc.
The rules for applying the standard procurement procedures for all types of contracts are
explained later in this section.
Specific procedures are summarised in the table provided below and only those procedures
relevant this Grant scheme are coloured in yellow to in order to avoid confusion (detailed
procedures are covered in the Procurement Manual).
Service Contracts
Supply Contracts
Contracts ≥ €150.000
International open tender
Contracts ≥ €200.000
Between €60.000 - €150.000
restricted Local open tender procedure
tender procedure
Between €10.000- €200.000 Between €10.000-€60.000
Framework contracts
negotiated procedure
(Beneficiary consults at least
(Beneficiary consults at least 3 service providers)
3 service providers)
Contracts ≤ €10.000
Contracts ≤ €10.000
Single tender
Single tender
Works Contracts
Contracts ≥ €5.000.000
Between €300.000 - €5.000.000
Local open tender procedure
Between €10.000 - €300.000
(Beneficiary consults at least 3
Contracts ≤ €10.000
Single tender
Monitoring can be defined as collection, analysis and use of information for the purpose of
management and decision-making systematically. Monitoring tracks the actual performance or
situation against what was planned or expected according to pre-determined targets.
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Significant importance should be attached to monitoring as a tool to verify that grants are used
for their stated purpose in the contract and also to ensure that the projects are implemented in
compliance with EU and Serbian procedures.
The Monitoring System covers all actors, tools and procedures involved in the monitoring
The process will involve participation from the key stakeholders: The PMU and EUD, and grant
beneficiaries themselves. The roles and responsibilities of each are described in the various
sections below.
Thus, implementation of grant beneficiary projects will be closely monitored in terms of
procedures, progress, problems and needs of the beneficiaries.
The framework of the system is given below will be monitored and supported:
In Procedures
Compliance with procurement rules
Eligibility of costs
Compliance with publicity and visibility rules
Documentation and archiving
Bookkeeping and accountancy
Reporting obligations
Contract modifications
Non-compliances and irregularities
In Progress
Financial and technical progress
Performance indicators and
In Problems and needs of the grant beneficiaries
Financial and procurement related issues
Technical execution difficulties
Administrative problems
The PMU members are responsible for the monitoring of grant implementation. PMU will also
provide support to the grant beneficiaries on the fulfilment of their contractual obligations. All
grant projects will be monitored by the PMU and will be assisted by the TAT.
An initial risk assessment of all grant projects will be made according to their types and number
of activities to be held, target groups, budget amounts and other implementation difficulties.
Based on the determined risk levels (low, medium, high) projects will be monitored by the PMU
as well as the EUD.
Projects regarded as high risk will be more closely monitored and tender dossiers and evaluation
reports of all these projects will be checked for ex-ante control as well by EUD and PMU. It
should be noted that some regular monitoring visits will also cover ex-ante and ex-post controls
of the tender documents of the projects. Please note that further details on risk assessment are
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available in the upcoming sections.
A Qualitative risk assessment will be carried out during the whole project life to follow the
progress and guide the applicants accordingly. The purpose of qualitative assessment is to
ensure proper use of the funds and to assist Grant Beneficiaries to avoid irregularities and other
problems. This risk assessment will be carried out by the Monitoring Team (PMU) during the
monitoring visits and during spot checks by EUD. Ranking of this risk assessment will be based
on the observation and reports of the monitoring experts.
Projects carrying high risks will be monitored, especially their tender dossiers and progress
reports, by the PMU and the EUD.
The main tools for the monitoring activities are monitoring visits, monthly reports and interim
and final reports. In addition, minor and major change requests of each grant project will be
closely assisted and monitored.
Monitoring Visits
Regular monitoring visits will be conducted by monitoring staff using tools such as checklists and
monitoring reports. In addition, the MoLSP and EUD may conduct additional monitoring visits
and on-the-spot checks or may attend to regular monitoring visits.
Regular Monitoring Visits
Monitoring visits will be scheduled to all grant beneficiaries based on the timeline of their
project. A minimum of 3 scheduled visits are planned to each Grant Beneficiary within their
project duration. This number is indicative and may change depending on the project nature.
The schedule will be set and communicated to each Grant Beneficiary following the project kickoff.
Following each scheduled visit, the monitoring experts will prepare a Monitoring Visit Report.
Upon approval of this report, recommendations will be transmitted to the grant beneficiaries
within 2 weeks of the monitoring visits.
Monitoring Visit Process
Step #
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
according to project visit calendar
Project Reports from
contract file
Conduct the visit
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Time Frame
1 week before the visit
1 week before the visit
At least 3 times during project
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Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
If needed
Make key staff of project and
necessary documentation ready
during the visit
Control the conformity of project
activities with the activity plan
Check the costs incurred and
associated documents
Fill in monitoring visit report and
sign reciprocally
Grant Beneficiary
During visit
During visit
During visit
During visit
Report any irregularities suspected
or detected or early warning PMU
condition to EUD
As soon as possible, latest 3
working days after detection
or suspicion
Spot Checks
Spot check type of visits is intended to verify physical existence of equipment and
implementation of activities, as well as compliance with procurement procedures. Such visits
may occur during project implementation by the PMU members as well as by the EUD and/or
EUD representatives in order for a follow up or detailed analysis of the project. No prior
notification will be provided for these checks and therefore grant beneficiaries are
recommended to be prepared for such checks at all times.
Bi-Monthly Reports
As part of the Monitoring Team’s regular tracking of project progress, grant beneficiaries will be
required to submit bi-monthly reports. The reports will provide information on the past
activities held, upcoming activities and any issues that need to be addressed. Such simple and
periodic reporting will help the Monitoring Team to continuously monitor progress for reaching
the results and objectives.
Early warning & Non-compliance report
The PMU may report on the deficiencies and irregularities observed in a grant project during the
overall monitoring process, if and when necessary. In such cases, an initial early warning will be
sent by the EUD. Based on the severity of the case, a non-compliance report indicating the
certain deficiencies and irregularities observed will be completed.
Please note that this report is a critical warning for the grant beneficiary and is sent only when
it is absolutely necessary. Grant beneficiaries should take such warnings very seriously as it
may result in return of funds even if they have been already used.
Specifically, grant beneficiaries are responsible for:
First Monitoring Visit
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1. To make key staff of project be present during first monitoring visit especially project
coordinator, accountant, responsible person for reporting, etc.
2. To provide real, up-to-date information about their projects during first monitoring visit
with supporting documents;
3. To review regular monitoring visit schedule with PMU;
4. To define performance indicators of project with the help of PMU;
5. To define needs about project implementation with the help of PMU;
6. To clarify major dates in procurement with the help of PMU;
7. To inform monitoring experts in case of unavailability of the Grant Beneficiary for
agreed visit date;
8. To establish project office (if any)
Regular Monitoring Visits
1. Inform monitoring staff in case of unavailability of the Grant Beneficiary for agreed visit
2. To make key staff of project and necessary documentation ready during the visit
3. To inform PMU about the project and his/her needs or problems
4. To review and sign the visit report, with his/her objections if applicable
Bi-Monthly Reports
1. To report on progress and future activities of the project for Bi-monthly period
2. To fill template with the most recent cumulative data about progress in activities,
procurements, indicators, issues and other items
Interim and Final Reports
1. To prepare interim and final reports according to the standard templates
2. To prepare and send draft copies of interim/final reports to PMU for their comments
before sending the copies to EUD
3. To revise the reports in accordance with the PMU comments and submit the reports to
4. To send interim report in the mid of project duration
5. To send the final report with all necessary supporting documents in 30 days after end of
the project
6. In case of any delay of submitting Interim or Final reports, to send a written explanation
Notifications to the Grant Contract (if needed)
1. To consult the PMU about necessity of the notification
2. To prepare a draft notification letter by using Standard Form-1
3. To send the draft notification letter to the PMU for their comments
4. To revise the letter according to the comments and send it to the PMU and EUD
Addendum to Grant Contract (If needed)
1. To consult the PMU about the necessity of contract amendment
2. To prepare a draft addendum request as stated in the contract detailed in the Section
6.3.2 by using Standard Form-2
3. To send the draft addendum request to the PMU for their comments
4. To revise the request according to the comments
5. To submit the revised request to the PMU and EUD as least one month before the date
on which the amendment should enter into force and before the end of project
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6. To wait for the approval of the addendum request by EUD in order to implement
requested contract amendment
Documentation and Archiving
1. To keep all technical and financial documents available whenever requested by the
PMU, and EUD
2. To keep separate accounts for the project using an appropriate accounting and double
entry bookkeeping system
3. To archive all documents for seven years after the completion of project as to be
audited by national and/or EU auditors
Communication and Correspondence
1. To inform the Monitoring Team of any issues in a timely manner
2. To share significant event days so that participation of the PMU, EUD and/or EUD may
be possible
3. To correspond with PMU and EUD at all times without any delay
4. Keep records of correspondence (including e-mail and in-writing)
In addition to the manuals prepared and distributed to the grant beneficiaries, the grant
programme includes delivery of trainings to beneficiaries on project implementation,
monitoring and procurement. These will provide advice to project implementers and specific
guidance on professional project management, EU grant project implementation rules, project
visibility and procurement.
4.5.1. Manuals
The Grant Programme provides a set of manuals on project implementation, monitoring and
procurement to the grant beneficiaries:
Grant Projects Implementation Manual - covering detailed information on
implementation matters
Procurement Manual for Services, Works and Supplies,
4.5.2. Web-pages
The grant programme has a web site providing general information about the overall project
and it includes useful documents and links relevant to the programme. The IDP project web site
and other related web sites are:
The Programme Website:
Website of EUD, Serbia:
The website of EuropeAid on EU PRAG
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4.5.3. Conferences and Trainings
An opening conference, marking the beginning of grant projects, will be organized by the EUD.
The details of these events will be communicated to the grant beneficiaries in advance so
participation can be maximized.
Similarly, a closing conference will be organized towards the end of the grant projects
implementation to share the results and outputs of the grant projects implemented. Again,
grant beneficiaries will be notified of this event in advance to allow them for making necessary
The following provisional training programmes are planned for the grant beneficiaries:
A 2-day grant project implementation training will be conducted within the first month
of implementation covering recording, reporting, procurement procedures, and visibility
A 1-day training to be conducted for small groups approaching their interim reporting
A Final Report 1- day training will be provided to grant beneficiaries nearing the end of
their project implementation on completion of the final report.
4.5.4. Help Desks
Where necessary: individual advice and support will be given to Grant Beneficiaries within the
time available. Information and all relevant documents on the programme can be found in the
programme web site:
Help desk support will be provided continuously all through the Grant Project implementation
period in following means:
 during monitoring visits
 Telephone calls to PMU or
 Visiting in person the PMU offices.
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A project is a temporary endeavour, that is, it has a definite beginning and a definite end. For
the grant projects, the starting date is indicated on the grant contract which is the day after the
last of two parties signed, and the ending date is after designated amount of months added to
the starting date expire. Your efforts and activities should go on after the ending date of your
project that translates into an ongoing process and is referred to in European Union terminology
“Sustainability”. Thus, although every grant project has to deliver its specific objectives at the
end of the specified duration, the impact and multiplier effects should continue beyond the
scope of the project.
Project Management can be defined as coordination of constraints using skills, knowledge, tools
and techniques to create a unique product/service or reach a specific objective and relevant
results. While there are numerous types of constraints in managing a project, a project
coordinator shall always manage three major constraints also known as the “Triple Constraints”.
Your grant projects, as every other project, will have these constraints. For effective project
management, you should always monitor measure and control these variables. Also, for external
monitoring purposes, these constraints will be an integral part of your interim and final,
narrative and financial reports.
The following list includes all the areas that you must be considering while managing a project:
5.2.1. Project Cost Management
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Project Cost Management includes the processes involved in controlling costs so that the project
can be completed within the approved budget.
In order to efficiently utilize your resources you should continuously track your contract budget.
Throughout the project lifecycle, analyze, in which budget lines you are under-budget or overbudget. This way, you would be able to manage necessary changes (small or major) in a timely
manner. While making expenditure for your project, always consider these three eligibility
Costs should be necessary for carrying out the action,
Costs have actually been incurred by the Grant Beneficiaries or their partners during the
implementing period for the action
Costs are recorded in the Grant Beneficiary's or the Grant Beneficiary's partners'
accounts or tax documents, be identifiable and verifiable, and be backed up by originals
of supporting documents.
5.2.2. Project Time Management
Project Time Management includes the processes required to accomplish timely completion of
your project. You have already provided an activity plan together with your application form. It
is a good practice to display your “project plan” on your project office wall and track it on a daily
Make sure you:
Identify the milestones in your project (delivery of a seminar, purchasing of equipment,
printing a book etc.)
Keep track of delayed activities. Delayed activities which would eventually affect the
specific objective of your project are subject to warning or issuance of non-compliance
report by monitoring team. Any delayed activity should be reported and contingency
plan for it should be submitted within your monthly reports.
Related templates in Annexes: Timesheet Form (Annex 1E)
5.2.3. Project Scope Management
You have signed a contract to deliver the following with a specified budget:
Specific Project Objectives
Expected Results
Scope Management is a part of good contract management skills. Always compare what you do
with what you signed for. Grant beneficiaries will be asked for this information in all project
reporting (interim, monthly, final). If you are not able to deliver contractual agreement,
Contracting Authority has a right not to approve some budgetary items or even terminate the
5.2.4. Project Procurement Management
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Procurement is a major component of a project that you need to plan for as it directly affects
triple constraints (Budget, Time and Scope). Identify and list the items that you need to procure
during the course of the project. Please refer in to procurement section and make a plan for it.
Remember that, as the value of goods or services increases, procedures that you need to follow
gets complicated thus increases the risks and timing associated with the procurement.
Related templates in Annexes: List of Purchased Equipments / Materials (Annex 1F)
5.2.5. Project Risk Management
Management of risk includes several processes:
 Identify Risk
 Analyze Risk
 Plan your Response
 Monitor and Control your Risk
Some common risks that are realized in grant projects can be listed as below:
 Not being able to meet minimum attendance requirements for trainings seminars due
to selection of improper target group
 Seasonality factors (vacation time in public sector, climate conditions in rural areas
during winter, different holiday seasons for projects being implemented in multicountries, etc.)
 Delays in activities due to application of VAT-Exemption process
 Political factors
Project Communication Management
90 percent of the time of a project coordinator should be allocated for communication
purposes. One of the major deficiencies of grant project implementations is lack of proper
communication and documentation. In order to increase the efficiency of your project;
Keep minutes for every meeting you organize during the project. These meetings can be
internal meetings with project teams or external meetings with suppliers, target group,
contracting authority, monitoring team etc.
Sign meeting minutes.
Create a project specific contact list. Make sure it is available at all times.
Schedule and keep track of the reports needed to be submitted throughout the project.
Related templates in Annexes: Meeting Agenda and Minutes (Annex 1G) and Contact List
{Annex 1(I)}
5.2.7. Project Quality Management
Quality Management is a broad topic that can be discussed in numerous books and articles. For
the purposes of simplicity in your grant projects, project coordinators shall monitor their project
indicators through the course of their project.
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Once you have set the targets and monitored the project’s performance, it is important to make
this information available to the PMU. You should keep track of your performance indicators
and report on them using the monthly and interim reports.
Related templates in Annexes: Performance Indicators (Annex 1H) and Summary of Final
Beneficiaries (Annex 1K)
5.2.8. Project Human Resources Management
Human Resource Planning determines project roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships.
It is important that each project member is aware of his/her role and duties within the project.
The project coordinator should keep a record of each long-term and short term employee. This
will help project manager in:
Clarifying the expectations from each project staff at the beginning of their
Keeping track of which activity is being implemented by whom and when to expect
outputs from whom
Being aware of complete skill set of your team
Plan team building events during the course of the project so that not only the final
beneficiaries benefit from your project but also your team.
In the case of the need to replace the project coordinator or other key personnel in the project,
the replacement should be made with a resource that has an equivalent set of skills,
experience and education.
While changing the project coordinator is considered a minor change that does not require any
approval of the Contracting Authority, the EUD reserves the right to reject any replacement
resource if it does not consider being of equivalent qualifications. Therefore, if you definitely
need to replace one of your key project personnel during implementation, please make sure
that you employ persons with the necessary qualifications.
Related templates in Annexes: EU CV Form (Annex 1N)
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As stipulated in the Special Conditions of the Grant Contract, The Grant Beneficiary is obliged to
submit the following reports in forms and times specified.
 Bi-Monthly Progress Report
 Interim Report
 Final Report
 Expenditure Verification (Audit) Report ( if the grant amount is over € 100.000 and/or
the project duration is over 12 months
These reports are the declarations of the Grant Beneficiary addressing the EUD and covering the
progress realized in the project with respect GB’s responsibilities. Based on these reports, the
EUD examines the requests for payments and determines the interim (if applicable) and final
payments based on the eligible expenditures.
The following table summarises the information regarding the Grant Beneficiary contractual
Type of report
Reporting period
Bi-monthly progress report
Within first week of the month
following every two-month
reporting period.
If project duration
is more than 12
Final Report
Within 15 days of the 12 month
Expenditure Verification
At the end of the project
annexed to the Final Report
Information on progress
registered during the previous 2month period and plans for the
next period
Technical Report + Financial
Report+ 2nd Request for
Technical Report + Financial
Report + All supporting
documents (technical and
financial + Request for payment
ToR for the verification report +
Auditor signed Expenditure
Verification Report
Within 1 month of the end of
the project
All report templates are available from the Project website
Technical reports will cover the description of the activities realized, of the achieved results and
lessons learnt, as well as the major problems encountered during the period (including
significant unforeseen events). The reports will include information on the project’s
management, participation of the partners, relations with stakeholders, visibility, procurement
and progress based on the performance indicators, and a general evaluation of the project. All
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contract modifications (if any) are listed in these reports. These reports facilitate the evaluation
of the project and the programme by the PMU.
All reports must be submitted in English!!!
Financial Reports cover the all the expenditures incurred during the reporting period and related
supporting information.
Expenditure Verification Report (Auditor Report)
A project audit (expenditure verification) is requested in all grant projects if the grant amount is
over € 100.000 and/or the project duration is over 12 months, or it may have been foreseen in
the budget and also might be initiated if an irregularity is found or is suspected during the
assessment of reports or regular monitoring visits. Irregularities are serious and will result in
contract termination so you have the onerous responsibility of ensuring they do not happen in
your project. Such audits can be initiated by you, the PMU, MolSP or EUD.
In the case of project accounts auditing / verification of expenditures, an approved auditor who
is a member of an internationally recognised supervisory body for statutory auditing is expected
to be used in order to prepare an audit report on the verification of the project’s expenditures
and the costs declared are real, exact and eligible in accordance with the Contract. This report
should be provided at the end of the project, upon submission of request for payment of the
grant balance. The audit report should be prepared according to the template provided in the
annexes of this manual (Annex 2G) or Annex VII of grant contract).
All reports are first sent to PMU who finalises them within 10 days unless additional
information is requested from the Grant Beneficiary. The GB must furnish the requested
information and/or revise the report in accordance with PMU comments, without delay.
The final versions of reports should be prepared in 4 copies;
- 3 copies to PMU (1 copy for PMU, 2 copies to be sent to EUD)
- 1 for the Grant Beneficiary’s records
Your project should have included actions and events to promote the project and ensure that
the role of the European Union is highlighted at every opportunity. In implementing these and
any other promotional type activity, Grant Beneficiaries are obliged to follow the EU’s
Communication & Visibility Manual.
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The Visibility Manual and a range of templates and examples for promotional activities (e.g.
Newsletters, brochures, leaflets, posters etc) can be downloaded in English from:
This section is aimed at both assisting Grant Beneficiaries to understand and follow the Visibility
guidelines, as well as to provide ideas and advice on how the promotional activities can be as
effective as possible.
Please note that in addition to the EU visibility, effective and efficient promotion of the overall
project and programme beneficiary is also inclusive of this section.
Grant beneficiaries need to consider that communication activities should be properly planned,
as with all project activities. Communication should focus on progress towards the project’s
overall objective and the objectives of the IDP programme, and not on administrative or
procedural milestones.
In order to maximise the impact of communication efforts:
 Activities need to be timely
 Information used must be accurate
 Activities should be coordinated closely with the PMU
 The right audience(s) should be targeted
 Messages should interest the target audience(s)
 Activities should be appropriate in terms of resources spent and expected impact
However, there should also be room in any plan to seize a good opportunity. A good
communication reflex and the ability to exploit unexpected opportunities to the benefit of the
action will often be as important as more formal efforts and may often be free of cost. Where
such opportunities arise, they should be exploited. The communication and visibility plan for any
action should seek to maximise synergies with the overall visibility strategy of the EU
In order to communicate effectively, target audiences should be clearly identified in
communication and visibility plans. Audiences will include opinion formers and influential
figures, as well as those beyond government and media who have a stake in the action, or are
affected by it. Grant Beneficiaries must be aware that their focus of attention should be on
BOTH audiences in the beneficiary country, Serbia.
Ideally, should have included some kind of Communication & Visibility Plan within their overall
Project work plan. At the beginning of the implementation of the project it is advisable to
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develop a ‘full-blown’ Communication Plan in collaboration with the project partners, if any.
There is a diverse range of tools that Grant Beneficiaries may use in the promotion of their
project activities and results. Below are some examples and a brief introduction on how to use
them and where further support may be obtained.
PLEASE NOTE that all designs of printed materials must comply with the visibility guidelines
presented in this manual and in relevant web sites provided. Therefore, grant beneficiaries are
strongly recommended that final designs, before the materials are printed in the print shop,
are shared with the PMU to receive feedback and informal approval. Cost of incorrectly
designed printed materials may be determined as ineligible costs at the end of project
Press Releases
Press releases can be a very useful contribution to the communication activities around an
action. As a general rule, a press release should be issued at the start of all actions.
As a general rule, grant beneficiaries should liaise with the PMU and EUD before sending out a
Press Release. The general policy is that contractors should not issue press releases and make
public statement unless cleared with the Commission.
The release should incorporate the EU and Serbian flags, mention that co-funding was provided
by the EU and mention the amount of EU funding in Euro and in the local currency. If a press
conference is planned, the press release should include the name of an EU personality who will
be present at the press conference, if appropriate.
All visibility and publicity materials including print materials, audio-visual media as well as
promotional tools must contain the following visibility elements:
- EU-Serbian flags
- Beneficiary logo
- Appropriate explanations and disclaimers (see below)
The release should be dated at the top and should also indicate when the information may be
released. Generally, journalists prefer to be able to use the release immediately; in this case 'For
immediate release' should be written at the top of the document. However, it is sometimes
appropriate to embargo the release until, for example, the publication of financial figures. In this
case, a simple expression such as 'Not to be used before 10:00 hours, 15 October' should be
included at the top of the document.
A newsworthy press release should contain: a heading, a strong leading paragraph summarizing
the essential facts, the main body of the story, quotes, some background information, and
contact details for further information. The release should be kept to one side of an A4 page
whenever possible. At the end of the document, make sure to write 'End'.
After 'End', the press release should provide the name of at least one person whom the
journalist can contact for further information. Where possible, both a work and a home
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telephone number should be provided.
Press Conferences
In case of press conferences, in the invitation cards, EU logo should have the equal size with the
grant beneficiary’s. If there are other flags of symbols used, EU flag should be used as well.
Leaflets, Brochures and Booklets
These should be printed if it is specifically indicated in the communication strategy of your
Leaflets are simple communication tools used for informing the public about the purpose of an
EU project, the proceedings and findings.
The leaflets should include:
 main elements of EU visibility identification such as EU logo,
 Beneficiary logo, Serbian flag
 definition of EU and if it is applicable, programme definition,
 details of the project, contact persons and contact information
Project brochures are among one of the most essential pieces in the communication tools
package to be used during the implementation of the project. Project Brochures should contain
key information with high quality visuals / photographic illustrations, focusing on objectives,
achievements, activities and outputs of the project.
When you print a booklet in your project, EU logo should be present on the cover sheet of the
booklet. The details defined for the leaflets should be covered also for the booklets. Pictures on
the next two pages are the examples for leaflet and booklet respectively.
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The above is a sample layout and presentation of a project leaflet. Templates for such leaflets,
including the graphics for the EU flag and logo, can be found at the web site given in 8.1.
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Templates for project booklets like the sample above, can be found at the web site mentioned
in 8.1
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Newsletters should be printed if it is specifically indicated in the communication strategy of your
project. Newsletters have a key importance and they are used for informing the target group
about the processing of your project. Newsletters require a mailing capacity together with an
appropriate mailing list. Newsletters can be sent to the target group via Internet or they can be
broadcasted on the web page. Newsletter formats can be various but on the cover sheet it
should be clearly stated that your project is co-financed by the EU or it is a part of an EU
programme. A sample design for the front page of a newsletter is shown in the illustration
Posters can be utilized as a tool for fixed visual contact focusing the target groups and thus, the
general public. Posters are another important piece of the communication tools package which
can be designed, printed and placed to convey specific messages. Posters are also
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important because they can be displayed almost anywhere like school classrooms, community
service organization offices, streets, shopping malls etc. Posters can be remarkably effective in
getting the message across so the design of the posters should be planned as to be with a simple
message, an eye-catching image, and a catchy slogan.
Web Pages
Websites are increasingly a basic requirement for communication, but separate websites are not
always required for all actions since information could simply be made available via the website
of the Grant Beneficiary..
If the action is designed to have a long life, and will give rise to significant material that could be
communicated on a website (photographs of the evolution of the action, short interviews,
material for the press, etc.), it may be agreed in the communication and visibility plan to
establish an independent website related to the action. The site should be established in close
co-operation with the PMU.
As a minimum, links should be made to the following websites:
 The Programme Website:
 Website of EUD, Serbia:
 Website
 EuropeAid Co-operation Office:
Academic Publications & Journals
Any publications, produced with project resources, to disseminate research findings or case
study materials should follow the standard visibility procedures outlined above for newsletters
and booklets. It is also vital that these publications carry a ‘disclaimer’ notice, the full text of
which can be found under 7.6 below.
Public Events
Organising a public event (or participating in an event organised independently from the action,
for example by the EU Delegation) may offer excellent opportunities for generating interest in
an action's particular achievements. Such events can include conferences, workshops, seminars,
fairs, and exhibitions. Those attending EU-funded training courses, conferences, seminars, and
workshops should be made aware that the EU is co-financing the event and the project is
supported by the implemented by the EU. EU and Serbian flags should appear on all materials.
Depending on the circumstances, the opportunity should be taken to display the European and
Serbian flags and/or banners in meeting rooms.
High level visits by Commission officials or political leaders are a potential communication
opportunity – through press releases, press conferences, events, and through public diplomacy
such as photo opportunities when visiting a project site.
The EU Delegation accredited to the beneficiary country should be closely involved in the
preparation and implementation of such events, including contacts with the media.
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The Grant Beneficiary should use its own letter headings or fax headings. However, the
expression “This project is co-financed by the European Union” should be added to these
papers. EU logo should have the equal size with the one of the Grant Beneficiary’s. EU and
Serbian flags should be properly visible on all stationary.
Display Panels
The Grant Beneficiary or the partner(s) should prepare display panels for using exhibition or
organization activity to be carried out for introducing an EU programme or a project or for
placing at the main gate of a training centre. The size of panels varies depending on what is to
be written on the panel or whether it is to be portable or not. If the logo of an institution is
decided to be placed on the panel, then this logo should be placed at the right corner on the
All purchased equipment must be marked with a sticker indicating the funding provided by the
EU. The stickers should carry EU-Serbian flag.
Commemorative Plaques
Permanent commemorative plaques are effective tools for indicating EU contribution in
planning or in construction of permanent structures such as house, clinic, factory, institution,
training centre, road and bridge. These commemorative plaques on which the sentence
“This (the name of the structure) is co-financed by the European Union” is written together with
EU logo and Serbian flag, should be placed on the front walls or at the main gate of such
structures in the opening ceremony.
If the logo of an institution is decided to be placed on the panel, then this logo should be placed
at the bottom, right corner.
Plastic or canvas placards or banners should be produced if it is specifically indicated in the
communication strategy of your project. These placards or banners are produced for using in
opening ceremonies or organizations such as conferences.
Promotional Materials
Promotional materials should be distributed if it is specifically indicated in the communication
strategy of your project (especially for big projects). These materials can be produced as
supportive materials in the scope of communication strategy. Before producing promotional
materials, PMU and EUD and should be consulted. On promotional materials, EU logo should be
visible and if it is possible “European Union” and main message or clauses should take place.
Grant Beneficiaries are responsible for and they must prepare administrative reports in order to
convey current information to the PMU and EUD.
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The content, preparation frequency and submission formats are defined in general conditions of
each contract. At least a part of the reports (interim and final reports) should be reserved for
detailed definition and evaluation of communication activities (with concrete examples) and
their impacts (supported with references from press and where possible together with audio
and visual documents).
On appropriate occasions, the grant beneficiary or partners should take photographs to
document the progress in the project and to archive relevant activities such as visits of PMU,
and EUD officers and project kick-off meeting. If it is possible, these photographs should be
included in all communication tools. In this scope, film and video films can be considered as
Audio Visual Products
Visual-audio products should be prepared if it is specifically indicated in the communication
strategy of your project. These products can aim at a single activity as the topic. The grant
beneficiary should show the titles and acknowledge the EU co-financing. On the opening screen
the EU logo should appear on the opening screen.
The EU Flag
The common element branding all EU-funded actions is the EU flag. Whatever the size, scope or
objectives of an action, the EU flag must be prominently displayed as specified in the Visibility
Manual. Electronic templates have been developed for each type of communication tool and
can be downloaded from the following site:
The EU flag constitutes the main element of the European visual identity. For this reason,
specific guidelines have been drawn up to ensure its accurate use and reproduction. While most
points on the standard colours that should be used in the EU flag and on how to create this EU
flag are included in the present document, more detailed instructions can be found in Annex A1
of the Inter-institutional style guide available from the following sites:
Geometrical Description
The EU flag is in the form of a blue rectangular flag of which the fly is one and a half times the
length of the hoist. The 12 gold stars situated at equal intervals form an undefined circle, of
which the centre is the point of intersection of the diagonals of the rectangle. The radius of the
circle is equal to one-third the height of the hoist. Each of the stars has five points that are
situated on the circumference of an undefined circle of which the radius is equal to one
eighteenth the height of the hoist. All stars are upright - that is to say, with one point vertical i.e.
pointing upwards, and two points in a straight line at right angles to the mast. The circle is
arranged so that the stars appear in the position of the hours on the face of a clock. Their
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number is invariable.
The flag has the following official colours:
 Pantone Reflex Blue for the surface of the rectangle.
 Pantone Process Yellow for the stars.
Contractors, implementing partners and international organisations must, until further notice,
use the “Pantone Process Yellow” and the “Pantone Reflex Blue”.
Backgrounds - The flag should preferably be printed on a white background. Multicolour
backgrounds should be avoided, especially those involving a colour that clashes with the blue.
Where a coloured background is unavoidable, a white border with a thickness equal to 1/25th of
the height of the rectangle must be used.
The EU flag can be downloaded from the following web page: visibility/index_en.htm
Alterations and Additions
Contractors, implementing partners and international organisations should be aware that when
reproducing the EU flag in newsletters and other graphic presentations it must be used in its
entirety, without any alterations or additions made to it. Thus the EU flag must not be shown to
incorporate any flag or symbol of another country, donor or institution. Each should be
presented separately from the other.
The EU is not responsible for the contents of communication material prepared by contractors,
implementing partners or international organisations. These must therefore include the
following disclaimer in their publications:
"This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of
this publication are the sole responsibility of <name of the author/contractor/implementing
partner/international organisation> and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the
European Union."
Please note that cost of printed materials not containing the above disclaimer may be
determined as ineligible costs at the end of project implementation.
Internet Links
All publications produced by contractors or implementing partners should refer to the project
websites, the MoLSP website and official EU sources for more information and, in particular, to
the Europa home page and/or EU Delegation home page. In addition, reference can be made to
the European Union in the World web portal, which can be found at This portal links to more specialised sites with information on the
EU’s external relations.
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EU Visibility after Completion of the Action
An action may continue to be managed by the beneficiary or partner after the EU-funded phase
of the action has been completed. In this case, six months after the phase funded by the EU has
finished, no EU symbol may be included in any communication tools of the action, with the
exception of any commemorative plaques. However, the following sentence must be included
on material, with the same prominence as was given to the EU flag: "The initial phase <dates> of
this project/programme was supported by the European Union".
The Serbian Flag
Similar to other visibility requirements, the Serbian flag may be used on relevant visibility tools,
in a proper manner.
Programme Beneficiary (MoLSP)
The Logo of the programme beneficiary, the MoLSP, should also be used together with the logo
of the project promoter, if desired, in all visibility materials.
The paragraphs below give general guidance only and should not be treated as a comprehensive
and authoritative statement of the responsibilities of you, the grant beneficiary. Each Lead
Applicant / Grant Beneficiary will be responsible for implementing the project and will be
accountable for all financial assistance and match funding paid. It should be the employer of all
personnel directly recruited for the project and must meet all the national legal obligations
placed on any employer.
Key staff
The Lead Applicant will appoint key staff who will have responsibility for the financial aspects of
the project. These individuals must have an oversight of all accounting and financial procedures
and ensure that accurate financial records are maintained. All financial transactions should be
checked on a regular basis, ledgers etc. should be initialled and dated after the last transaction
checked. One of these persons should be one of the persons authorised to sign payments.
The promoter should have a policy to ensure that a neutral environment is provided, promoting
equal and fair opportunity to both men and women throughout the project and its activities.
Project promoters should be adequately insured against claims for damages from employees,
beneficiaries and other people who may be injured through the negligence of employees or
volunteers. The decision on the need for insurance cover must be justified and fully recorded.
Some types of insurance are:
Employer’s liability insurance
All employers must be insured by law against claims from employees who are injured or
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contract a disease in the course of their work. The insurers will provide a certificate of insurance
which must be displayed in the workplace where all can see it.
Public liability insurance
Your employer’s liability insurance only covers an employer against claims from people
employed on a project. It will also be necessary to be insured against claims from the general
public for injuries received or items damaged in the workplace due to the negligence of the
project promoter or employees.
Project vehicle insurance
All vehicles used by project personnel in the work of the project should be comprehensively
Office contents insurance
As most items of office equipment can cost a substantial sum of money to replace, promoters
are advised to provide adequate insurance for their office contents against fire, theft, etc.
Employee’s fraud or dishonesty
While not obligatory it could be important to be protected against the consequences of any
employee’s fraud or dishonesty.
Legal obligations – Employment
As project promoter you are responsible for making sure that your project does not break the
law. You must comply with the requirements of all National legislation relating to working
conditions, health and safety at work, etc.
The Project Implementation Unit will be available for support to all Grant Beneficiaries during
their project implementation.
The team can be reached via the following contact details:
The technical Assistance Team Project Office:
Dubljanska 8
11000, Belgrade
Telephone 011 2400222
Project Website address:
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A significant number of these annexes are templates for your convenience so all annexes are
included on the CD that accompanies this manual. A hard copy is provided here in order to
facilitate selection and use.
Sub – Annexes:
Page number
Annex 1A Standard Form for minor changes
Annex 1B Standard Form 2 for addendum request
Annex 1C Market Research template
Annex 1D Accounts Ledger Example
Annex 1E Timesheet Example
Annex 1F List of Purchased Equipment
Annex 1G Meeting agenda and Minutes
Annex 1H Performance Indicators
Annex 1I Contact List
Annex 1J Project Staff and Experts
Annex 1K Summary of final beneficiaries
Annex 1L Per diems Summary
Annex 1M Financial report (Annex VI)
Annex 1N CV Format
Annex 1O Budget
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Annex 1P Logical Framework
Sub – Annexes:
Page number
Annex 2A Interim Narrative Report (Annex VI)
Annex 2B Final narrative Report (Annex VI)
Annex 2C Financial report (Annex VI)
Annex 2D Financial Identification Form
Annex 2E legal Entity Sheet
Annex 2F Request for Payment
Annex 2G Expenditure Verification
Sub – Annexes:
Page number
Annex 3A General Conditions (Annex II of Contract)
Annex 3B Contract award Procedures (Annex IV of contract)
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