Make It Real - Rolling Hills Christian Church

Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
Theme: On your mark … get set … GO!
Basic Truth: God made me • God loves me • Jesus wants to be my friend forever
Key Question: Who loves you?
Bottom Line: God loves me.
Memory Verse: “Nothing can separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:39, NIrV
Bible Story: God loves me and has a plan for me.
Abraham • Genesis 12:1-7
Our Goal:
By the time a child is five years old, we want them to know these three basic truths:
God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
This Month:
There’s no better way to start a school year than to recalibrate and refocus, so that’s what we’re doing for
August. We are spending the entire month introducing the three basic truths to our preschoolers and
their parents. We want all three of them to be front and center so everyone (you included) can be
reminded what the goal is. Do you remember the goal? We want every child to know God made me, God
loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. And, we want them to embrace it firmly in their little
We’ll start the month off by reminding preschoolers that God made them. He made each little eyelash
and each little freckle, and that makes them so very special. Then they’ll hear how much God loves them
and that He has a plan for each and every one of them just as He had a plan for Abraham. In fact, God
loves them so much He will always seek them out just as the shepherd looks to find the lost sheep.
Finally, they’ll hear the story of Zacchaeus and how Jesus loved Him no matter what. He wanted to be
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7
Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
Zacchaeus’ friend forever, and He wants to be our friend forever too. Our preschoolers will finish up the
month with a fun day of review of all three basic truths to make sure they’re ready for the year ahead.
Here’s an overview of what you’ll be teaching in 3’s–5’s this week.
Make It Fun
 Welcome New Friends
 Follow that Plan
Make It True
Make It Stick
 Sequencing
 Abraham’s Journey
Make It Real
 Small Group Prayer Time
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7
Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
Make It Fun: Welcome New Friends
*Use this time to chat and really connect with kids and make them feel welcome, safe and loved
prior to Large Group. Review the memory verse and bottom line if time permits.
Welcome Activity: Follow That Plan
“Follow That Plan” is an activity that incorporates large motor movement along with reading
picture cues to introduce the Bible story idea of God having a plan for us.
What You Need: “Picture Cues” from the Activity Page (provided)
What You Do:
During the activity: Choose four picture cue cards and tape them to the wall at the children’s eye
level. They can be in any order you like. Duplicate pictures and make patterns. Have fun with it!
Encourage the children to follow the plan and do the movements on the picture cues in the order
they appear, “reading” from left to right. Change up the pictures on the wall after the children do
the movements and encourage them to follow the plan again. Continue doing this as long as
there’s interest.
What You Say:
Before the activity: “I’m going to show you a picture. I want you to tell me what you think the
picture is telling us to do. (Hold up clapping picture.) What do you think this picture is telling us
to do? (Pause.) I think you’re right! It’s telling us to clap our hands. What about this picture?
(Hold up legs jumping.) What do you think this picture is telling us to do? (Pause.) I think so, too!
It’s telling us to jump. What about this picture? (Hold up spinning.) What do you think this picture
is telling us to do? (Pause.) It sure is! It’s telling us to spin around! And what about this picture?
(Hold up touching toes.) What do you think this picture is telling us to do? (Pause.) You are so
smart! It’s telling us to touch our toes. I’m going to put some pictures on the wall and then we
have to follow the plan and do whatever they say to do, in the order they say it. Ready? On your
mark … get set … follow that plan!”
During the activity: “Okay, this plan says to … (read off the four movements from the picture
cues). On your mark … get set … follow that plan!” (Say this each time you put up a new set of
At the end of the activity: “You did great following all the different plans. Our Bible story today is
about a man named Abraham. God gave him a very special plan to follow.”
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7
Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
Make It True: Large Group Experience
Please take headcount and go to ROOM 3/4 for Large Group Experience which includes:
Worship, Video Bible Lesson and Wrap-Up
*Kids return to classrooms for activity and small group prayer time
Teachable Moment/Transition Time:
As kids are returning from Large Group Experience, use this time to reconvene the group and connect
with them. (Have youth helpers set up for small group activity during this time)
Ask children to reiterate Basic Truth, Key Question and Bottom Line for the month. Recap the Bible
lesson with a question. Encourage youth helpers to participate in engaging kids.
Briefly explain the connection between the Large Group Experience and the Small Group Activity.
Make It Stick: Small Group Activity
Activity #1:
“Sequencing” is an activity that allows the children to problem solve with critical thinking and
also review the Bible story.
What You Need: “Sequence” from the Activity Pages on the Website, white cardstock, child
safety scissors, glue sticks, and red sentence strips
What You Do:
Before the activity: Copy “Sequence” onto the white cardstock for each child.
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7
Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
During the activity: Have the children cut out each picture on the dotted lines with the safety
scissors. Then guide them to glue the pictures, in the correct order, of the story onto the
sentence strip.
At the end of the activity: Go over the sequence pattern as a class.
What You Say:
During the activity: “Today our Bible story was about Abraham and God’s plan. (Give each child
an Activity Page.) Here are four pictures from our story, but they are not in the right order. Use
your scissors to cut on these lines. (Point to dotted lines.)
“Be super careful and take your time as you cut out each picture. (Allow time for the children to
cut). Great job! (Hand out sentence strips and glue sticks). Now glue the pictures on this long
piece of paper. (Hold up sentence strip.) Be sure you glue the pictures in the correct order that
they happened in the story. Let’s find the first picture. Do you see the picture that happened first
in our story? (Pause.) Yes, the first picture is Abraham. God told Abraham He had a plan for
him. (Hold up first card.) Now glue the first card onto the end of your paper. (Demonstrate.)
Great job! Why did God tell Abraham his plan? (Pause.) Yes! Because, God loved Abraham.
Hearts mean love. Glue the heart card next. Now, what came next in the story? (Allow the
children to look at their cards and deicide what comes next.) Yes! Abraham and Sarah went on
a very long trip! Nice work! Glue the third card next to the second card. (Demonstrate.) Perfect!
Now let’s look and see what happened after Abraham and Sarah went on their trip. Do you see
the picture of what happened next? (Pause.) You are right! Abraham and Sarah had a baby.
(Hold up the third card.) Now we can glue the last card. (Demonstrate.)
At the end of the activity: “You can use this project to tell your family and friends all about our
story today. Let’s use our project to tell it to each other again! (Hold up the finished project.) First
God talked to Abraham and told him He had a plan for him (point to first picture). Why did God
tell him His plan? (Point to the next picture.) Yes, God loved Abraham. Next, Abraham and
Sarah went on a very long trip (point to third card). Then, just like God had promised, Sarah had
a baby (point to fourth card). God always keeps His promises! He loves us SOO much! Who
loves you? (Pause.) Yes! [Bottom Line] God loves me!”
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7
Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
Optional Activity #2: Abraham’s Journey
“Abraham’s Journey” is an activity that uses social skills, story sequencing, and visual cues to
review today’s Bible story.
What You Need: “Abraham’s Story Pictures” provided
What You Do:
During the activity: Review Abraham’s story using the “Abraham’s Story Pictures.” Briefly talk
about each picture and then tape them to the wall so the children can see them.
What You Say:
During the activity: “Come sit with me. I have some cool pictures to show you.
“This is a picture of Abraham and Sarah. (Hold up Abraham and Sarah.) Do you see the letter
A? (Point to A.) A is for Abraham. Our Bible story today was about how God loved Abraham and
had a plan for him. Do you see the letter S? (Point to S.) S is for Sarah. Sarah was married to
Abraham. (Tape the picture to the wall.)
“This is a picture of Abraham and Sarah’s friends and family. (Hold up friends and family.) Do
you see the letter F? (Point to F.) F is for friends and family. Abraham and Sarah had lots of
friends and family, but there was one thing they didn’t have and it made them very sad. (Tape
the picture to the wall.)
(Hold up the sad face.) “Abraham and Sarah didn’t have any children and they were very old.
They were sad because they thought they would never have any children. (Tape picture to the
wall.) But God loved Abraham (hold up heart) and had a plan for him! (Tape the picture to the
(Hold up the happy face.) “This made Abraham and Sarah very happy! (Tape the picture to the
(Hold up Abraham and Sarah with bags.) “Abraham and Sarah followed God’s plan and moved
far away to a new home. (Tape the picture to the wall.) And guess what! (Hold up Abraham and
Sarah with baby.) God kept His promise and gave Abraham and Sarah a baby boy, just like He
planned to do!” (Tape the picture to the wall.)
At the end of the activity: “God loved Abraham and had a plan for him. God loves you, too, and
He has a plan for you! Who loves you? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God loves me!”
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7
Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
Make It Real: Small Group Prayer Time & Dismissal
Make It Real is designed to help preschoolers understand how the Bottom Line applies to them.
They’ll discuss real-life experiences and share prayer requests.
Have kids sit in a circle and share prayer requests. Leader may want to take prayer request
notes in the journal so that you may follow up with special prayer needs. Encourage kids to
share. Review the memory verse and bottom line.
SMALL GROUP LEADER (SGL): “Have you ever heard your parents say, ‘Here’s the plan,’ or
maybe ‘This is what we’re going to do’? Parents are good about making plans. Today we
learned that someone else has a plan for you—God! That’s right! God has a plan for you
because He loves you. Who loves you?”
CHILDREN and SGL: [Bottom Line] “God loves me!”
SGL: “Do you ever wonder what God’s plan is—like what you’re going to be and do when you
grow up? (Pause.) Hey, I know! Let’s make a list of what we want to be or do when we grow up,
and then when we pray we can ask God to help us trust His plan for us. So, tell me, what do you
want to be when you grow up?
(Write down the children’s names and what they say in your journal. Remember to print the
words so they can recognize their names and letters.)
“This list is awesome! We’ll use it in a minute when we talk to God, but first I want to say our
new Memory Verse together.
(Open Bible and set it in front of you.)
“Say what I say and try and do the motions with me. ‘Nothing can separate us from God’s love,’
Romans 8:39.”
CHILDREN and SGL: “‘Nothing can separate us from God’s love,’ Romans 8:39.”
SGL: “Good job! Make sure you practice at home. I’ll have a sticker/hand stamp next time for
anyone who wants to try and say it!
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7
Roll Hill Kids Small Group Leader Guide
3 year old - K
August 10, 2014
“I’ve had such a great time with you today. I have the list we made in our journal. Let’s pray.”
SGL: “Dear God, it makes me feel so good inside knowing You love us and you have a plan for
us. Sometimes it’s fun to think about what we’ll do and be when we grow up. [Child’s name]
wants to be a … (read all children’s names and what they want to be from the list). Please help
us to trust Your plan. You know what’s best for us. We love You! In Jesus’ name, amen.”
 Hand out the Parent Cue as parents arrive.
 Encourage parents to use the activities found in the Parent Cue to reinforce this month’s
bottom line.
God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be
my friend forever
Who loves you?
God loves you
“Nothing can separate us
from God’s love.”
Romans 8:39
Genesis 12: 1-7