Webinar Series Flyer

2015 SBIRT Webinar Series Marketing
Project Overview
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of Americans who have been uninsured during the past years
are now eligible for coverage. The ACA includes substance use disorders as one of the ten elements of
essential health benefits. This means that all health insurance sold on Health Insurance Exchanges or provided
by Medicaid to certain newly eligible adults starting in 2014 must include services for substance use disorders.
By including these benefits in health insurance packages, more health care providers can offer and be
reimbursed for these services, resulting in more individuals having access to treatment.
Since the ACA increased the number of people who are eligible for health care under Medicaid in 2014, it is
assumed that some of these new patients may need intervention and treatment services for substance use
disorders. To fill this service need, training about how to detect substance use disorders is imperative. As a
part of this effort, NAADAC will train and educate addiction professionals, health care providers, mental health
counselors, peer support specialists, employee assistance professionals, and social workers about the
dynamics of SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, & Referral to Treatment) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
This SBIRT education will be delivered through a free 8-part webinar series hosted by NAADAC and its partners
(NORC at the University of Chicago, National SBIRT ATTC, The BIG Initiative, and SAMHSA) called the 2015
SBIRT Webinar Series.
The overall goals of the 2015 SBIRT Webinar Series are to:
 Identify how SBIRT can be integrated in order to prepare helping professionals to work in the
framework of the ACA and the desired integration of substance abuse services into primary care;
 Disseminate information about how to integrate screenings within the ACA’s role to expand the
coverage of treatment and recovery services to those covered under the ACA;
 Assist participants in understanding the new health system and processes providers and beneficiaries
must follow under the ACA to provide screenings; and
 Educate participants on how to implement the SBIRT protocol, especially within special populations
groups and minorities, such as African American, Asian Pacific Islander, Hispanic, American
Indians/Alaskan Natives, older Americans, adolescents and youth, medication-assisted therapy
patients, LGBT, and the disabled community.
More information is available here: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/webinars.htm
Webinar Schedule
Implementing SBIRT in Health Centers: Examples from the Field
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Aaron Williams, Scott Turton, and Marcy Rosenbaum
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/health-centers-sbirt
SBIRT: A Brief Clinical Training for Adolescent Providers
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Brett Harris and Shirley DeStafeno
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/adolescent-providers
All About SBIRT for Teens
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Ken Winters
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/sbirt-for-teens
Understanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and SBIRT
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Eric Goplerud
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/aca-sbirt
Screening and Brief Interventions in Primary Care and Senior Care Facilities for Older Adults at Risk
for Possible Substance Use Disorders and/or Depression
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Robert Hazlett
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/sbirt-older-adults
A Military Culture Approach to SBIRT for Veterans & Active Duty Personnel
Wednesday, June 10, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Niranjan Karnik, Tanya Friese, and Nicholas Turner
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/sbirt-military
Drugs are a Local Phenomenon for LGBTQ Populations: Implications for SBIRT
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Niranjan Karnik, Tanya Friese, and Nicholas Turner
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/sbirt-lgbt
Integrating Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol and Other Drugs in Behavioral Health
Settings Serving College Students
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 @ 3-4:30pm ET
Presented by Dolores Cimini
1.5 free CEs available
More information: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/college-students-sbirt
Sample Newsletter Story
2015 SBIRT Webinar Series Announced
Did you know that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) includes substance use disorders as one of the ten elements
of essential health benefits? This means that all health insurance sold on Health Insurance Exchanges or
provided by Medicaid to certain newly eligible adults must include services for substance use disorders. It is
assumed that some of these new patients may need intervention and treatment services for substance use
disorders. To fill this service need, training about how to detect substance use disorders is imperative. As a part
of this effort, NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, has partnered with the National SBIRT
ATTC, NORC at the University of Chicago, The BIG Initiative, and SAMHSA to deliver a free 8-part webinar series
called the 2015 SBIRT Webinar Series. Here is the full schedule:
2/18/15 - Implementing SBIRT in Health Centers: Examples from the Field
3/18/15 - SBIRT: A Brief Clinical Training for Adolescent Providers
4/15/15 - All About SBIRT for Teens
4/29/15 - Understanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and SBIRT
5/13/15 - Screening and Brief Interventions in Primary Care and Senior Care Facilities for Older Adults at
Risk for Possible Substance Use Disorders and/or Depression
6/10/15 - A Military Culture Approach to SBIRT for Veterans & Active Duty Personnel
7/22/15 - Drugs are a Local Phenomenon for LGBTQ Populations: Implications for SBIRT
8/19/15 - Integrating Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol and Other Drugs in Behavioral Health
Settings Serving College Students
All webinars are free for anyone to attend and free CE certificates are available. Visit
http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/webinars.htm for more information.
Sample Social Media Posts
Get free SBIRT continuing education (CEs) through the SBIRT Webinar Series:
http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/webinars.htm #NAADAC #SBIRT
What does SBIRT mean? Learn through free webinars and earn free CE credit:
http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/webinars.htm #NAADAC #SBIRT
Learn how to implement SBIRT into health centers through this free webinar on 2/18/15:
http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/health-centers-sbirt #NAADAC #SBIRT
Asking about alcohol use is different for adolescents and teens than for adults. Learn how through two
free SBIRT webinars: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/webinars.htm #NAADAC #SBIRT
The Affordable Care Act can be confusing. Learn how to maximize your services and reimbursements by
including SBIRT in your practice. Learn how through this free webinar on 4/29/15:
http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/aca-sbirt #NAADAC #SBIRT
Learn about evidence-based substance abuse screening tools and models for older adults through this free
webinar on 5/13/15: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/sbirt-older-adults #NAADAC #SBIRT
The military culture as it relates to substance use is unique. Learn how to detect unhealthy use through
this free webinar on 6/10/15: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/sbirt-military #NAADAC #SBIRT
LGBT individuals have a high rate of substance abuse. Learn how to use SBIRT with this population through
this free webinar on 7/22/15: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/sbirt-lgbt #NAADAC #SBIRT
SBIRT is particularly important in college and university settings. Learn how to integrate screening and
brief intervention for alcohol and other drugs in behavioral health settings serving college students
through this free webinar on 8/19/15: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/college-students-sbirt #NAADAC
Webinar Series Flyer
Easily download this print-ready flyer to post on bulletin boards, include in emails to colleagues, and drop in
mailboxes at your facility. The flyer contains the full schedule and important links for registration and more
Download the flyer here: http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/SBIRT%20Flyer-Printready.pdf