marine environment fill in notes

The Marine Environment
Exploration of the Ocean
Oceanographers: study the ____________ & its _________ up to 6.4 km into the ocean
Ocean floor: is made up of ______________ & ___________ crust
Submersibles: __________________ research _________________
Help oceanographers study the ocean ________________
__________________: early type of submersible used
for deep-ocean diving
Remained ____________ to the research
ship for _____________________
& ______________ support
Bathyscaph: ________-propelled, free-moving submarine
used for deep-ocean diving
Can hold ________ pilot & _____ scientists
Has made new discoveries where life was thought to be _________________
Robot submersibles: enable oceanographers to study the ocean at great _____________ &
____________ periods of time
SONAR: ____________ __________________ And _____________________
Aid in ___________________ the ocean floor
Consists of ________________ & __________________
______________ waves are sent out, ______________ off ocean floor & are ________________
back to receiver
Features of the Ocean Floor
1. Continental Margins: _______________ portions of
the ocean floor with _____________ wedge of sediments
a) Continental Shelf: _______________water at the
edge of _______________ & ______________ boundary
 Affected by the rise & fall of sea level
b) Continental Slope: _______________ slope of the
seaward edge of a continental shelf
 Boundary between continental &
oceanic ________________
 ____________________ Canyon: feature
carved into continental slope by __________ moving currents
2. Deep Ocean Basin: _________________ crust with a thin layer of sediment
a) Trenches: long, ______________ deepest features on Earth’s surface
b) Abyssal _____________: extremely vast _________ areas where the ocean depth is greater
than 4 km
Covers about ____ the deep ocean basin
c) Mid-Ocean ________________: continuous series of underwater ______________ ranges
that run along the ocean floors
Form when plates pull _________ from each other
d) Sea Mounts: submerged ________________ mountains at least ___________ m high
General associated with ________ spots
If ______________ earth’s surface they form _______________ (Hawaii)
Guyot/Tablemount: volcanic mountain with a _________ top
Shoreline Features
Beach: Area in which ________________ is __________________ along the shore
Beaches and shorelines are _________________ undergoing changes as ___________ and
_______________ act on them
Formation beaches and their features is caused by
_________________: the bending
of waves when they reach __________________ water
Features of depositional shores
 ______________
Depositional Features
Spit: long ______________ accumulation of sand with one end
attached to the _______ and the other extending into the ______
Tombolo: an ________ is attached to the mainland by a
narrow piece of land such as a spit
Barrier Island: long ridge of ______ or other sediment deposited
or shaped by currents _______________ from mainland
Features of erosional shores
 _________________
 _________________
 _________________
Erosional Features
Headland: land, _________ and with a sheer drop,
that ____________ out into a body of water
Sea Arch: _____________ eroded out of a cliff face
Sea Stack: ___________ of rock isolated from the land
by sea. Sea stacks __________ as part of a headland.
_____________ by __________ erodes the softer,
weaker parts of a rock first, leaving ____________, more
resistant rock ___________________
Protective Structures
______________: built parallel to shore
Groins & Jetties: wall like structures built
________ the _____________ perpendicular to the
shoreline in order to _________ beach sand
Breakwaters: built _______________ to shoreline in
_____________ in ____________ of beach