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UNICEF Pacific
HIV/AIDs Consultant
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Requesting Section: HIV/AIDs
Date/updated date: 19th September 2014
Programme Area and Specific Project involved: HIV/AIDs Programme
1. Purpose of Assignment
To support the implementation of HIV/AIDs activities in the Solomon Islands.
2. Background
By the end of 2013, a cumulative total of 22 HIV positive cases had been diagnosed in Solomon Islands and an
estimated 14 people were living with HIV infection. Based on estimates from testing data, only 0.3% of Solomon
Islanders know their HIV status, but because of the high number of STIs, low access to testing, and known risk
behaviors in some populations, the number of people infected with HIV is thought to be significantly higher than
the recorded cases. Two (2) people were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2013, and three (3) people in 2012. All
five people diagnosed with HIV in 2012 and 2013 were symptomatic with AIDS, and one of the people newly
diagnosed with HIV died of AIDS-related causes in 2012. Five children have been born to women living with
HIV but there are no known cases of perinatal exposure to HIV. More women than men are living with HIV in
Solomon Islands. Solomon Islanders have limited access to HIV testing, and the availability of testing declined
in 2013. Throughout Solomon Islands, only 9 HIV testing services (voluntary confidential counseling and testing
(VCCT) and prevention of parent to child transmission (PPTCT)). Access to testing by rural people, who comprise
80% of Solomon Islands population, is very low. Three testing sites are based in Honiara, the capital and six sites
are based in the other eight provinces. Outside of the provincial hospitals, sexually transmitted infections are
diagnosed and managed syndromically due to the unavailability of laboratory capacity at the primary health care
level. Since 2003, the rates of STI syndromes have been steadily increasing. According to available data, only 8%
of pregnant women in Solomon Islands were tested for HIV during pregnancy. All health facilities in Solomon
Islands provide some antenatal screening services, although the range of available services varies by level of
facility. HIV testing and counseling services for pregnant women was provided in only 5 of the 9 provinces.
UNICEF and the Ministry of Health and Medical Services undertook a special study on HIV and AIDS risk and
vulnerability among Solomon Islands youth in three provinces and Honiara, and published findings in 2010. The
major challenges and gaps have been well analyzed in the 2014 Solomon Islands Global AIDS Progress Report
2014. Solomon Islands is a recipient of the Global Funds to fight HIV/AIDs, malaria and tuberculosis grant and
is currently implementing programmes using the Sector Wide Approaches. Solomon Islands’ government and
partners are in the process of developing the Solomon Islands National Strategic Plan for HIV and STIs 20132017 and the National Health Strategic Plans, to be aligned to the existing global and regional frameworks.
Scope of Work/ Work Assignments:
The HIV-AIDs Consultant will support the Chief of Field Office in Honiara, Solomon Islands Field
Office with technical supervision from the Chief of Health and Nutrition (HIV/AIDs), Pacific Office.
This support will contribute to the partner support provided to the Ministry of Health and Medical
Services’ (MHMS) HIV Unit and the Solomon Islands National AIDS Council (SINAC) in order to
contribute to the UN Joint Team on HIV/AIDs. Specifically the Consultant will be expected to support
the following key assignments to be undertaken by UNICEF for children:
1. Support the development and implementation of activities aimed at integrating Early infant HIV
diagnosis, treatment and care with a basic MNCH Package.
2. Strengthen activities that are aimed at youth friendly health services, further develop and scaleup HIV education in schools.
3. Support the finalization and implementation of the PPTCT Policy.
4. Provide technical support to the development of the next generation of the National Strategic
Plan for HIV and STIs and the National Health Strategic Plans.
5. Provide strategic technical support to the main HIV partnerships including the CCM and other
6. Provide support to the rollout of the mHealth programme in Solomon Islands.
7. Support to UNICEF planning, reporting and budgeting processes in implementing the HIV/AIDs
workplan with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services.
Work Schedule:
The consultancy is expected to cover 11 months commencing November 20th 2014. Post is office-based
(Honiara, Solomon Islands), with frequent travel within the country.
Deliverables/End Product(s):
A consultancy workplan will be agreed with the supervisor and will indicate specific outputs to be
delivered. A monthly progress report with updates on activities and outputs is to be provided as well as
a final report on the overall technical assistance. Specific end products will include:
1. Integrating of Early infant HIV diagnosis, treatment and care with a basic MNCH Packageprogress report
2. Youth friendly health services and developed HIV education in schools- progress report
3. PPTCT Policy
4. CCM and other committees’ minutes.
5. mHealth programme in Solomon Islands- progress report.
6. Solomon Islands Field Office Reports on HIV/AIDs activities
Payment Schedule:
Payments will be made monthly against deliverables as agreed in the workplan.
Type of Supervision that will be Provided:
The HIV/AIDs Consultant will report to the Chief of Field Office based in Honiara, Solomon Islands
Consultant’s work plan and Official Travel Involved:
Official travel is expected within Solomon Islands as needed to support implementation of activities.
Consultant will be paid DSA for out of Honiara, Solomon Islands travel.
Consultant’s Work Place:
The consultant shall work at the UNICEF Solomon Islands Office in Solomon Islands.
8. Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required:
Education and Work Experience
University degree in one of the disciplines relevant to the following areas: Social Sciences, Health, Public Health,
Family Health, Nursing, or a field relevant to international development assistance in HIV/AIDS.
Background/familiarity with Emergency.
Work Experience
Two years of relevant professional work experience. Experience working in the UN or other international development
organization Experience in knowledge management.
Experience in monitoring gender disparities and programme interventions that reduce these disparities and asset.
3. Language Proficiency
i) Fluency in English.
Competency Profile
i) Core Values (Required)
• Diversity and Inclusion
• Integrity
ii) Core Competencies (Required)
• Communication [ II ]
• Working with People [ II ] • Drive for Result [ II ]
Functional Competencies (Required)
• Leading and Supervising [ II ]
• Formulating Strategies and Concepts [ II ]
• Analyzing [ II ]
• Relating and Networking [ II ]
• Persuading and Influencing [ II ]
• Creating and Innovating [ II ]
iv) Technical Knowledge
a) Common Technical Knowledge Required
• Methodology of programme/project management
• UNICEF programmatic goals, visions, positions, policies and strategies.
• Knowledge of global human rights issues, specifically relating to children and women, and the current UNCEF
position and approaches.
• UNICEF policies and strategy to address on national and international issues, particularly relating to conflicts,
natural disasters, and recovery.
• UNICEF emergency programme policies, goals, strategies and approaches.
b) Specific Technical Knowledge Required
• Rights-based and Results-based approach and programming in UNICEF.
• UNICEF programme policy, procedures and guidelines in the Manual.
• Mid-Term Strategic Plan (MTSP)
c) Technical Knowledge to be Acquired/Enhanced
• UN policies and strategy to address international humanitarian issues and the responses.
• UN common approaches to programmatic issues and UNICEF positions
• UN security operations and guidelines.
• UNSECORD training for members of Security Management Team.
UNICEF Standard Terms and Conditions
Individuals engaged under a consultant contract serve in a personal capacity and not as representatives of a
Government or of any other authority external to the United Nations. They are neither "staff members" under the Staff
Regulations of the United Nations and UNICEF policies and procedures nor "officials" for the purpose of the Convention
of 13 February 1946 on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations. Consultants may, however, be given the
status of "experts on mission" in the sense of Section 22 of Article VI of the Convention. If they are required to travel
on behalf of the United Nations, they may be given a United Nations certification in accordance with Section 26 of Article
VII of the Convention.
Consultants shall have the duty to respect the impartiality and independence of the United Nations and shall neither
seek nor accept instructions regarding the services to be performed for UNICEF from any Government or from any
authority external to the United Nations. During their period of service for UNICEF, consultants shall refrain from any
conduct that would adversely reflect on the United Nations or UNICEF and shall not engage in any activity that is
incompatible with the discharge of their duties with the Organization. Consultants are required to exercise the utmost
discretion in all matters of official business of the Organization. In particular, but without limiting the foregoing,
consultants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Standards of Conduct in the
International Civil Service. Consultants are to comply with the UNICEF Standards of Electronic Conduct and the
requirements set forth in the Secretary General's Bulletin on Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation
and Sexual Abuse, both of which are incorporated by reference into the contract between the consultants and UNICEF.
Unless otherwise authorized by the appropriate official in the office concerned, consultants shall not communicate at
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UNICEF shall be entitled to all property rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks, with
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and transferring them to the Organization in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law.
If consultants are required by UNICEF to travel beyond commuting distance from their usual place of residence, such
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of the United Nations Staff Rules (Chapter VII) and relevant UNICEF policies and procedures. Travel by air by the most
direct and economical route is the normal mode for travel at the expense of UNICEF. Such travel will be by business
class if the journey is nine hours or longer and by economy class if the journey is less than nine hours, and first class
by rail.
Consultants expected to work in any office of the Organization shall be required to submit a statement of good health
prior to commencement of work and to take full responsibility for the accuracy of that statement, including confirmation
that they have been fully informed regarding inoculations required for the country or countries to which travel is
Consultants are fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance
covering the period of their services on behalf of UNICEF as they consider appropriate. Consultants are not eligible to
participate in the life or health insurance schemes available to United Nations staff members. The responsibility of the
United Nations and UNICEF is limited solely to the payment of compensation under the conditions described in
paragraph 7 below.
Consultants who are authorized to travel at UNICEF's expense or who are required under the contract to perform their
services in a United Nations or UNICEF office, or their dependants as appropriate, shall be entitled in the event of
death, injury or illness attributable to the performance of services on behalf of UNICEF while in travel status or while
working in an office of the Organization on official UNICEF business to compensation equivalent to the compensation
which, under Appendix D to the United Nations Staff Rules (ST/SGB/Staff Rules/Appendix D/Rev.1 and Amend.1),
would be payable to a staff member at step V of the First Officer (P-4) level of the Professional category.
Any dispute arising out of or, in connection with, this contract shall, if attempts at settlement by negotiation have failed,
be submitted to arbitration in New York by a single arbitrator agreed to by both parties. Should the parties be unable
to agree on a single arbitrator within thirty days of the request for arbitration, then each party shall proceed to appoint
one arbitrator and the two arbitrators thus appointed shall agree on a third. Failing such agreement, either party may
request the appointment of the third arbitrator by the President of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal. The
decision rendered in the arbitration shall constitute final adjudication of the dispute.
This contract may be terminated by either party before the expiry date of the contract by giving notice in writing to the
other party. The period of notice shall be five days in the case of contracts for a total period of less than two months
and fourteen days in the case of contracts for a longer period; provided however that in the event of termination on the
grounds of misconduct by the consultant, UNICEF shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice.
In the event of the contract being terminated prior to its due expiry date in this way, the consultant shall be compensated
on a pro rata basis for no more than the actual amount of work performed to the satisfaction of UNICEF. Additional
costs incurred by the United Nations resulting from the termination of the contract by the consultant may be withheld
from any amount otherwise due to the consultant from UNICEF.
The United Nations and UNICEF undertake no liability for taxes, duty or other contribution payable by the consultant
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the consultant.
Prepared by Section Chief:
Approved by Deputy Representative **
** All Programme TORs to be approved by Deputy Representative and Operations TOR to be approved by Operations