Processes for notification to Student Administration & Support

University Policy on Suspension of Study
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Form to request suspension of study/ or
further suspension of study
Appendix 3
Sample suspension confirmation letter
Appendix 4
Sample suspension refusal letter
Appendix 5
Sample return from suspension letter
After 1st December each year, dates of suspensions CANNOT be back dated.
Once a student has commenced more than two weeks of Semester Two, a suspension
CANNOT not be approved or back-dated to start of Semester 1.
Student to discuss the reasons for a suspension of study with
Personal Academic Tutor / Year Tutor / Programme Tutor.
If the request is for a second period of suspension, then consultation with
the Programme Leader is required to ensure any changes/planned
changes to the programme structure can be accommodated when the
student returns to study
Student to complete suspension of registration form.
If student communicating via email/phone, then completion of form by the
School is required.
Reasons for the suspension to be recorded for statistical analysis.
Any mitigating circumstances should be presented with the form WITH A
CLEAR INDICATION of when it is anticipated the student will return to study
If student on a Tier 4 visa, contact needs to be made with PBS team
Completed form with appropriate signature of Personal Academic
Tutor/Year Tutor should be returned to School Office
If suspension is approved, send letter to student approving period of
suspension, confirming date of return, and module results to date, and
any outstanding modules still to complete.
If suspension is refused, send letter to student stating reason for refusal,
and ensuring appropriate support is in place for the student.
Copies to be sent to
Personal Academic Tutor
Student Admin & Support
Ensure date of return to
study is recorded and the
student is re-instated at the
appropriate time
Student Lists
e-mail lists
attendance registers
SAINT modules
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Completion of this form will facilitate the transfer of information to Student Finance
England, Student Loan Company or Sponsor, also HEFCE and HESA, PBS team
To be completed by student
I wish to suspend my registration from my programme at University of Bradford
I wish to suspend my registration for a further period
(delete as appropriate)
UB number ......................................
Full Name of Student ......................................................................................................
Programme Name ...............................................................................................................
Current Year of Study ...........
With effect from .....................................................
Expected to return date ……………………………………………………………………
Reason(s) for suspending registration (eg educational, personal etc)
Releasing Division – when signed, please keep original copy and send copies to:
Student lists
Student Admin & Support – The Hub
E-mail lists
Attendance registers
SAINT modules
Student Signature ………………………………………………….
Date …………………………
To be completed by the School
I confirm I have agreed that the above student is permitted to suspend their registration from the
taught programme indicated
Signed ............................................................................................
Date ....................................
Position ...................................................................................School .....................................................
When signed, please keep original copy and send copies to:
Student Admin & Support – The Hub
Student lists
E-mail lists
Attendance registers
SAINT modules
Sample suspension confirmation letter
UB number
Thank you for your request to suspend your studies from the following programme of study
[name of programme].
The request has been approved and the request will be processed today, with an expected
return to your studies on [ agreed date of return ]
When you return the marks you have already achieved for the following modules completed
this year will be carried forward.
You will be required to undertake and complete the following modules.
You should be aware that if the approved programme structure or the specification of any
module has changed, during the period of the suspension then you will be required to study
the revised programme and /or modules.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you contact the School Office in advance to confirm the
details of your return to study. Please keep the School updated of any changes to your
contact details, or any other circumstances that may affect your return to study.
Any financial support package you are getting, (for example Student Finance England or a
University Scholarship/Bursary) will re-calculated, and an appropriate reduction made, this
may result in repayments to be made, or may impact the amount of any future payments.
If you are an international student and you were issued with a Certificate of Acceptance of
Studies (CAS), and require any further information please contact the visa advisors at the
Student Union.
Yours sincerely
Sample suspension refusal letter A
Sample further suspension refusal letter B
UB number
Thank you for your request to
A { to suspend your studies
B { for a further suspension of studies
from the following programme of study [name of programme] with effect from [date].
I have carefully considered your request and regret to inform you that I am not able to
approve it on this occasion. I have taken this decision because [brief statement of the
This means that you are expected
A { to continue on your programme}
B { to return to your programme on date of expected return }
[ add details here of the support package that has been agreed, to enable the student to
continue on the programme]
If you do not return / continue with your studies, this may result in you being withdrawn from
your programme immediately.
If you wish to return to the University at some time in the future, either to take the course you
were enrolled on, or a different course you will need to submit a new application.
Information on how to apply can be found on our website at the following address
Yours sincerely
Sample return from suspension letter
To be sent a few weeks in advance of the expected date of return to study
UB number
Further to my letter of [date] which recorded the details of your approved suspension from
your studies, I am writing to confirm the arrangements regarding your return to study on
Please contact [name and email and telephone number], before [date 2 weeks from date of
this letter] to confirm your return to study. If we do not hear from you by this date, it will be
assumed that you no longer intend to complete your programme, and your student status will
be amended to withdrawn.
As previously agreed, the marks you have already achieved for the following modules
completed this year will be carried forward into the next session.
You will be required to undertake and complete the following modules to complete the stage:
You will be able to re-enrol on-line via your evision account from [date], and you will receive
an email to your University email account to this effect.
If you have any queries please contact [name]
Yours sincerely