Killeen ISD Education Foundation 2015 Application Packet Important Scholarship Information Thank you for considering application for one of the 2015 Scholarships offered by the Killeen ISD Education Foundation and Killeen ISD Alumni Association, a program of the Killeen ISD Education Foundation. One application form will be used and considered for all the 2015 scholarship awards. Listed below please find key information detailing the conditions and eligibility requirements of each scholarship opportunity. The scholarship packet may be found online at All applicants should type and complete the application provided online, print and submit the completed printed application to their high school counselor. Applications are due to the high school counselor’s office by Friday, February 20, 2015. Conditions 1. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors in the Killeen Independent School District. 2. The scholarship committee may choose to interview finalists. 3. Recipient must agree to enroll as a full-time student (12 hours or more) at an accredited college, university or institution of higher education within the following academic year. 4. Recipient must provide a copy of the college acceptance letter, student ID number and the mailing address/contact information of the institution he/she will be attending. 5. The scholarship funds will be provided to the institute of higher learning upon receipt of a college acceptance letter, a student ID number and the mailing address of the institution’s Office of Financial Aid. 6. All scholarship funds must be used in the year following notification of the award. 7. Recipients will be recognized at the Killeen ISD Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Event scheduled for March 26, 2015 at Central Texas College. Notification of awards will be made no later than Friday, March 13, 2015. (please save these dates) Questions? Contact the Education Foundation office: Joyce Hodson, Director for Grants and Education Foundation Abigale Flugum, Specialist By phone: 336.0182 1 Specific Scholarship Eligibility Requirements Central Texas College Tuition Waiver 5 tuition waivers for 18 credit hours to Central Texas College The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: - Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Special consideration will be given to first generation college students. -Additional considerations: College and academic preparedness, Financial Need, Extenuating Circumstances/Overcoming Obstacles, Leadership and Community Involvement. Chapman Scholarship 1 award at $3,000 The scholarship is open to Killeen ISD graduating seniors enrolled in the KISD Career Center as a vocational / technical student who meets the following requirements: - Applicant must be enrolled and successfully complete of their program of study at the Killeen ISD Career Center. -Special consideration will be given to first generation college students who demonstrate financial need. -Priority will be given to those students who demonstrate the inability to qualify for state and federal grants or other scholarships for post-secondary education. -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 3.0 and will demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing the selected degree/training program. -The recipient’s high school record should reflect a well-rounded student who has been involved in extracurricular activities. -Recipient must enroll in a post-secondary vocational/technical program. Cleaver Family Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to Killeen High School graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: - Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Special consideration will be given to first generation college students. -Additional considerations: College and academic preparedness, Financial Need, Extenuating Circumstances/Overcoming Obstacles, Leadership and Community Involvement. Ace M. Connell Music Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to Killeen High School graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 3.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. - Special consideration will be given to students who are seeking to further their education in the fields of Music, Music Performance, Education or Writing. 2 Specific Scholarship Eligibility Requirements Elijah and Isaac Cummins Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: - Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.5 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Additional considerations: College and academic preparedness, Financial Need, Extenuating Circumstances/Overcoming Obstacles, Leadership and Community Involvement. John & Gladys Driver Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to Ellison High School graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Special consideration will be given to well-rounded students who have been involved in extra-curricular activities. Norma Gray Memorial Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Scholarship recipient must agree to enroll as a full-time student (12 hours or more) at Central Texas College within one year of high school graduation. Hargus Family Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: - Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Recipient must agree to enroll as a full-time student (12 hours or more) at an accredited State of Texas public college, university or institution of higher education within the following academic year. Donald Harris Memorial Scholarship 1 award at $3,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 3.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Special consideration will be given to those students pursuing a career in Education. Dr. Jim and Nancy Hawkins Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Rank in the top 25% of their high school class -Demonstrate exceptional scholarship, citizenship and leadership abilities -Aspire to a career in the field of Education 3 Specific Scholarship Eligibility Requirements James K. Hubert Memorial Scholarship 1 award at $2,500 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Special consideration will be given to those students pursuing a degree in Athletic Training; with second consideration given to students leaning toward a career in medicine. -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 3.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -The recipient’s high school record should reflect a well-rounded student who has been involved in extracurricular activities and strong community involvement. Harriet C. Jackson Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: - Special consideration will be given to students who are seeking to further their education in the fields of Education or Science. -Special consideration will be given to students who have shown initiative to research and garner other funds to continue their education. -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 3.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing the selected degree/training program. -The recipient’s high school record should reflect a well-rounded student who has been involved in extracurricular activities and strong community involvement. * This scholarship is not limited to four year degrees and may be used for vocational-technical programs from community and junior colleges and/or occupational schools. Killeen ISD Alumni Scholarship 4 awards at $1,000 each The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Rank in the top 25% of their high school class -Demonstrate exceptional scholarship, citizenship and leadership abilities Brad Pfiester Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to Shoemaker High School graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 3.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Special consideration will be given to students who plan to study in the areas of mental health, mental health research, counseling or social work. -Recipient must agree to enroll as a full-time student (12 hours or more) at an accredited community college, college, university or institution of higher education within the following academic year upon receiving the scholarship. Gary & Helen Purser Family Endowed Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 ($500 per semester) The scholarship is open to Killeen ISD graduating seniors enrolled in the KISD Career Center as a vocational / technical student who meets the following requirements: -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 3.0 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. 4 Specific Scholarship Eligibility Requirements Gary & Helen Purser Family Endowed Scholarship Continued -The recipient’s high school record should reflect a well-rounded student who has been involved in extracurricular activities. - Special consideration will be given to first generation college students who demonstrate financial need. Priority will be given to those students who demonstrate the inability to qualify for state and federal grants or other scholarships for post-secondary education. -Special consideration will be given to students seeking to further their education in Building and Industrial Trades, Architecture and Construction and / or Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning or other related vocations. *This scholarship is not limited to four year degrees and may be used for vocational-technical programs from community and junior colleges and/or occupational schools. *The scholarship committee may select three finalists to participate in an interview to be conducted by members of the Gary and Helen Purser family. Salt of the Earth Relief Foundation Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: - Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.5 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Additional considerations: College and academic preparedness, Financial Need, Extenuating Circumstances/Overcoming Obstacles, Leadership and Community Involvement. -Demonstrate exceptional scholarship, citizenship and leadership abilities Subhani Foundation Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to all Killeen ISD graduating seniors who meet the following requirements: - Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.5 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. -Additional considerations: College and academic preparedness, Financial Need, Extenuating Circumstances/Overcoming Obstacles, Leadership and Community Involvement. Jack A. Wells Scholarship 1 award at $1,000 The scholarship is open to Killeen ISD graduating seniors enrolled in the KISD Career Center as a vocational / technical student who meets the following requirements: -Applicants must have a GPA no less than 2.5 and demonstrate the likelihood of successfully completing their selected degree/training program. 5 Killeen ISD Education Foundation 2015 Scholarship Application Due Friday, February 20, 2015 Applicant Information: Applicant Name: ______________________________ Date of Birth:____________ Address: ______________________________City & Zip:_____________________ Home Phone Number: _______________ Cell Phone Number: ________________ Parent Name:__________________________ Occupation:____________________ Parent Name:__________________________ Occupation:____________________ Siblings currently attending college: Name:______________________ College:______________________ Name:______________________ College:______________________ Number of siblings at home:_____________________________________________________ List any other persons (grandparents, family members, etc.) who are financially dependent on your family’s income: __________________________________________________ College and Career Information: College you will attend: ________________________ Area of study/Degree: _______________ Have you been accepted to this college? __yes __no Why have you selected this college to attend? Be concise. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ High School Information: High School:_____________________________ Current grade point average:_________ Class ranking _________ out of_________ students graduating in your class. Required Signatures: Registrar: ____________________Date: _____ Counselor: ___________________Date: _____ (signature verifying GPA) (signature verifying information is true and complete) Applicant signature:______________________ Date: _____ (signature verifying information included is true and complete) Page 1 Killeen ISD Education Foundation 2015 Scholarship Application Additional Questions: (You may complete and attach separate page) Do you qualify for any state or federal grants or other scholarships? If so, please indicate those for which you qualify or have been awarded. List any campus and/or community activities with which you are involved as well as your level of involvement: List any jobs you have had and name of employer(s). Essay Question: Type and attach an essay describing why you should be considered for a scholarship. Provide any information which you believe would assist the scholarship committee in understanding your need for scholarship. (No more than 2 pages, double spaced) References: Please provide two reference letters with your application. Only one reference letter is allowed from a KISD faculty member at your campus. The other reference letter should come from an adult not related to you such as an employer, family friend, pastor, etc. STOP- Please review application for completion before submission A completed application must include the 2015 Scholarship Application, the 2015 Eligibility Requirements Chart, your essay and two reference letters. Please submit the completed typed and printed application to your high school counselor. Applications are due to the high school counselor’s office by Friday, February 20, 2015 *Please paper clip your completed application. Do not staple application.* Page 2