Sunday, April 26th 2015 Grade 1 – Making Good Decisions

Sunday, April 26th 2015
Grade 1 – Making Good Decisions
Meditative prayer – The Holy Rosary - The Second Glorious Mystery
Mystery – The Ascension
Grace - Hope
Jesus returns to his Father in heaven.
Finding God Grade 1 Book - Making Good Decisions
Introduction of a Saint: Saint Ignatius of Loyola
 Story and discussion of the life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, and how he changed
his life and followed Christ.
Session Theme: The commandments help us make good decisions.
When children play, they can be experts at making rules that bring enough order to their
play so that they feel free to have fun. God does the same for us, his children. In the
commandments, we find rules that allow us the freedom to live in the joy of God’s love
and in the community with one another. We don’t have to guess how to live a life
pleasing to God.
Session Outcomes:
 Identify Saint Ignatius of Loyola as someone who made good decisions and lived
like Jesus.
 Explain that the commandments are God's rules.
 Explain the basic steps in making a good decision.
 Define commandment.
o Commandment – a rule that tells us how to live as God wants us to live.
Scripture: Exodus 20:1–17; describes how God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses.
Matthew 22:36–39; tells that Jesus presents love of God and love of neighbor as
Discuss Tradition: The commandments bring a certain amount of order among people
and within society. Their purpose is to foster an atmosphere of respect for God: not
making any person or thing more important than God, not misusing God's name, and
setting aside one day a week as God's special day. We also are to show respect for others,
for their life and property, and for the commitments they make to us and to others. The
goal of the commandments is order based on respect and reverence for God and for all of
God's children so that we may live in God's love and joy.
Homework Assignments:
- Session 21 Assessment Worksheets (if not completed in class).
- Practice the Prayers: Glory Be to the Father, Lord’s Prayer, and Hail Mary (pages
189 & 190 in the text book)
Next week’s Lesson: Session 22 - Jesus Cares for Us