West Jeff Anesthesia




You are assigned to Anesthesia & US

Orientation: If this is your first rotation at West Jefferson, report to the GME office (347-5511) in the week prior to starting rotation to obtain ID, parking info and electronic medical record access and orientation. Contact Jana Burst jana.burst@wjmc.org

( 504) 349 – 1897) to be oriented to the electronic medical records system two weeks prior to starting.

For US, please email Dr. Christy Butts cbutts@lsuhsc.edu

two weeks prior to starting the month to confirm your meeting places.


Schedule: Report to Anesthesia at 6am on the first weekday of the month or the week before. Introduce yourself to the coordinator, Miss Suzaunne. (her office is in the anesthesia lounge/work room)

Conference: You are to attend EM conference.

Extras: All procedures must be recorded and turned in at the end of the month.

Evaluations: Global Rotation evaluation, via NewInnovations.

Supervision: All intubations, rapid sequence inductions and associated procedures are supervised by Anesthesia faculty and CRNA’s. All Ultrasounds will be supervised by Emergency US faculty.

Meals: The resident’s responsibility.

Intern Ultrasound Block



Become familiar with the basics of using the ultrasound machines available at UH


Learn how to record images in Q-Path.


Develop a basic knowledge of performing and interpreting FAST, AAA, RUQ, and OB ultrasound



Email Dr. Butts 2 weeks prior to starting the rotation. cbutts@lsuhsc.edu


Be present in the ED every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 1p-5p perform ultrasound – if the anesthesia cases that day have special learning circumstances that prolong your day, you will be permitted to reschedule your US day.


Record your studies in Q-Path.


Perform a minimum of studies as detailed below: a.

FAST 10 b.

RUQ 10 c.

AAA 10 d.

OB 5


Meet with Dr. Butts at the conclusion of your rotation to review your recorded studies and turn in your log (you will not get credit for your rotation until this step is complete).

Anesthesia & US Rotation


The year of training is typically PGY 1.


Anesthesia: To gain the greatest possible mastery of: airway management, placement and the interpretation of non-invasive and invasive monitors, clinical pharmacology and physiology relevant to the administration of as types of Anesthesia, techniques of providing general and regional Anesthesia.

US: The EM Resident will gain experience and knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology pertinent to the use of US in Emergency Medicine. The EM

Resident will acquire the ability to perform an appropriate and accurate emergency US.


Residents will participate in the evaluation and management of patients admitted for surgery. Residents will function as a member of the anesthesiology team and assist with the direct management of patients undergoing Anesthesia. The US experience will allow the EM residents to gain experience in the normal US anatomy and pathophysiology.

The clinical and didactic experiences used to meet those objectives include evaluation of pre operative patients, post operative patients, intubation and management of general

Anesthesia, along with bedside teaching. The US experience will allow the EM residents the opportunity to evaluate patients with both pathologic and normal US anatomy. This

rotation experience is part of the greater emergency medicine curriculum, including weekly didactics concerning airway management and topics relating to Anesthesia and

US (part of the overall didactic curriculum).

The feedback mechanisms and methods used to evaluate the performance of the resident include an end of rotation global evaluation. Immediate feedback may also be given to the resident, and any significant problems will be discussed during the rotation with the LSU EM administration.

The resources and facilities in the institution that will be available to each resident include computer access to Up To Date and the LSU Library services, including current texts in Anesthesia and emergency medicine. The residents will have access to the resources of the hospital including medical texts, medical records, doctor’s lounge and cafeteria.

The clinical experiences, duties and responsibilities the resident will have on the rotation: Residents will act as a part of the Anesthesia team in a community hospital under the supervision of a staff physician.

The relationship that will exist between emergency medicine residents and faculty on the service: The overall goals of resident education and patient care will govern the relationship between faculty and residents. Residents will receive 24 hour supervision while on the rotation. All patient care and medical charts will be reviewed and signed by the faculty prior to patient discharge.

Duty hours for this rotation will not exceed an average of 80hrs/week, do not include call, and will include 1 in 7 days off.

This rotation summary has been reviewed and agreed to by the service director and LSU

Program Director.

Anesthesia: Specific Competency Based Goals & Objectives


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrates skill in “Data Gathering” that includes appropriate focused history and physical exam and ordering and interpretation of ancillary tests (* PC, MK, ICS, PR)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrate skills in “Problem Solving” that includes appropriate and complete differential diagnosis for an undifferentiated patient.

Appropriate organization of data collection in relation to patient management decisions.

(* PC, MK, PBL)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrates skills in “Patient Management” that includes a basic treatment plans and timely recognition of complicated anesthesia patients. (* PC, MK, SBP)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrate skill in “Medical Knowledge” appropriate for level of training that demonstrates a basic fund of medical knowledge and the ability to seek the scientific basis for their patient care decisions (*MK, PBL)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrate technical proficiency in “Procedural

Skills” consistent with level of training that includes supervised intubations, central venous access and arterial access. (*PC)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrate appropriate “Interpersonal and

Communication Skills” that includes effective information exchange with patients, their families, and professional associates. Demonstrates appropriate conflict resolution skills. (*ICS, PR)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrate appropriate “Professionalism” that includes introduces self to patient and/or family. Respectful of patient’s privacy and confidentiality (*PR)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrates an understanding of a “Systems-

Based Practice” that includes understanding basic resources available for care of the anesthesia patient. (*SBP, PC)


While on Anesthesia, the resident will demonstrate “Practice Based Learning and

Improvement” skills that includes use of appropriate information resources (ie, texts, online web sites, etc.) for care of patient (* PBL, PC)

(* denotes core competency area: PC-Patient Care, MK-Medical Knowledge, ICS-Interpersonal and Communication skills, PR-Professionalism, SBP-Systems Based Practice, PBL-Practice Based Learning and Improvement ).
