Milford Sound

Milford Sound, New Zealand
How it was formed: The sea entered a great crater that had been formed from a iceberg.
Where it is located: Milford Sound is in New Zealand.
When did it form: It was believed to have formed over 1,000 years ago.
How is it related to Plate Tectonics: The land buckled and got crunched up. After about fifty million years
it gradually filled with water.
Badlands, South Dakota
How it was formed: The Badlands were formed from erosion and deposition mainly.
Where it is located: The Badlands are located in southwestern South Dakota.
When did it form: The Badlands formed 28 to 30 million years ago.
How is it related to Plate Tectonics: Volcanoes to the west and southwest shot ash and that piled up.
After ages erosion and deposition wore it down to what we know and can see now.
San Andreas Fault, California
How it was formed: The Pacific plate pushed against the North American plate.
Where it is located: It is located in San Andreas, California.
When did it form: It formed 15 to 20 million years ago.
How is it related to Plate Tectonics: The pacific and North American plates pushed together and formed
the fault.