WCPSS Adolescent Literacy Resources for Tier 2 Intervention in Middle and High School Tier 2 intervention is targeted supplemental instruction that is designed and delivered by the classroom teacher. Tier 2 intervention is required for students who are not making the expected level of progress in some part of the classroom instruction. These students get specific instruction in areas where the student is falling behind or failing to “get it.” Foundational Skills Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Instruction Resources Comprehension Tier 2 Tier 3 Reading Components Overview Large X represents the emphasis of the instructional resource. 2 3 Academic Workout X X Curriculum Associates Academy of Reading 2 3 X X X X X Teach a 30-minute reading lesson in four easy steps. Helps to easily provide individualized, data-driven instruction to students at all levels. Covers the seven major strands of language arts in 60–90 lessons (depending on grade level). Can be used with interactive whiteboards. http://www.curriculumassociates.com/products/detail.asp?t itle=AcadWorkout Software-based resource designed to achieve permanent gains in foundational skills of reading. Designed to be used with small groups of students, ten or fewer, with a teacher who coaches students as they progress through the program. Content is dynamically modified for students based on pretest and progress. Trains subskills to the level of automaticity. Students who are significantly below in decoding will need frequent direct instruction by the teacher in addition to this program. www.autoskill.com/products/reading/index.php WCPSS Secondary Intervention February 2011 WCPSS Adolescent Literacy Resources for Tier 2 Intervention in Middle and High School AMP Reading System 2 Achieve Maximum Potential Foundational Skills Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Instruction Resources Comprehension Tier 2 Tier 3 Reading Components Overview X X X Teaches one reading strategy at a time, explicitly and systematically, to ensure mastery. Builds comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency. Includes opportunities to read independently with student novels that correspond to the unit topic. http://www.pearsonschool.com Contact C&I Middle School Language Arts Corrective Reading: Decoding 2 3 X X X X Provides intensive, sustained direct instruction to address deficiencies in decoding and basic comprehension. https://www.mheonline.com Training: ESchools Course # SPED62101 WCPSS Secondary Intervention February 2011 WCPSS Adolescent Literacy Resources for Tier 2 Intervention in Middle and High School Great Leaps X 2 3 2 2 Intervention Curriculum: Foundational Skills Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Instruction Resources Comprehension Tier 2 Tier 3 Reading Components Overview Students work individually with an instructor and the materials for less than ten minutes per day (three days per week minimum). It addresses phonics, sight phrases, and reading fluency. http://www.greatleaps.com Training: E-schools course # SPED62406 Department, cpearce@wcpss.net X X 6th Grade: Slam Dunk 7th Grade: SOS 8th Grade: Dare to Dream Reading Intervention Curriculum: Read Up! Created by WCPSS C&I. Each course includes one semester of daily high-interest lessons with cycles of repeated literacy strategies. Designed for middle school students with minimal gaps in their literacy skills. Contact C&I Middle School Language Arts X X X Created by WCPSS C&I Read Up! delves into the thinking skills of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and the reading components of fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The curriculum is presented in the form of a framework with lessons and documents that are designed to guide teachers in tailoring instruction to meet students’ needs. Contact C&I Middle School Language Arts WCPSS Secondary Intervention February 2011 WCPSS Adolescent Literacy Resources for Tier 2 Intervention in Middle and High School Foundational Skills Overview Making Connections Intervention (MCI) X 2 3 Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Instruction Resources Comprehension Tier 2 Tier 3 Reading Components X X Provides targeted literacy intervention for struggling readers. Explicit and direct comprehension instruction through scaffolded lessons. Students will learn to apply strategies to master comprehension skills. Woven through every lesson are multiple opportunities to build students' vocabulary and fluency. Utilized by Special Education students in Literacy Essentials. http://eps.schoolspecialty.com Training: ESchools Course # SPED62419 Recipe for Reading: 2 3 Intervention Strategies for Struggling Readers By Frances Bloom and Nina Traub. Educators Publishing Service Orton-Gillingham based program, multisensory, explicit and systematic. Teaches letter-sound associations as well as syllabication. Great for filling in word recognition gaps. Training: ESchools Course #: SPED621306 WCPSS Secondary Intervention February 2011 WCPSS Adolescent Literacy Resources for Tier 2 Intervention in Middle and High School Foundational Skills Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Instruction Resources Comprehension Tier 2 Tier 3 Reading Components Overview REWARDS: 2 3 Reading Excellence: Word Attack and Rate Development Strategies X X X X Research-validated, intensive intervention program to support content area success for secondary students. Designed to teach strategies for reading long words (2 to 8 syllables) Increase oral and silent reading fluency Increase vocabulary Sopris West: www.sopriswest.com Training: ESchools Course # SPED62415 Sonday System 2 3 X X X X X Guides reading, writing and spelling intervention. Provides a lesson template for instructors to teach the essential skills to students in every lesson, every day. The system is an Orton-Gillingham based, systematic, explicit, sequential, and cumulative multisensory language instruction program which cements student learning into long-term memory. http://www.winsorlearning.com Training: ESchools Course # SPED62410 WCPSS Secondary Intervention February 2011 WCPSS Adolescent Literacy Resources for Tier 2 Intervention in Middle and High School 3 Sounds and Letters Overview X by Jane Fell Greene Wilson Just Words® 2 Foundational Skills Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Instruction Resources Comprehension Tier 2 Tier 3 Reading Components X X X Phoneme Awareness Drills for Teachers & SpeechLanguage Pathologists Includes drill for multisensory learning. Available at Amazon.com Contact Special Education Literacy Provides a curriculum for the study of word structure through the six syllable types in English and the most common Latin roots. It is a highly explicit, multisensory decoding and spelling program for students who do not require intensive intervention but do require explicit decoding and spelling instruction due to word-level deficits. http://www.justwords.com Training: To be determined Contact Literacy Department for information WCPSS Secondary Intervention February 2011 WCPSS Adolescent Literacy Resources for Tier 2 Intervention in Middle and High School 3 Wilson Reading System® X X X X Foundational Skills Word Recognition Fluency Vocabulary Reading Instruction Resources Comprehension Tier 2 Tier 3 Reading Components x Overview Based on Orton-Gillingham principles, WRS is a highlystructured intensive intervention that directly teaches the structure of the language to students who have been unable to learn with other teaching strategies, or who may require multisensory language instruction. It teaches total word structure for decoding and encoding. http://www.wilsonlanguage.com Training: Year long practicum, by application only Prerequisite is Wilson Applied Methods WCPSS Secondary Intervention February 2011