Formal Paper Organization Basics

Formal academic papers typically have a certain organization. Unless otherwise stated, papers should
usually consist of an introductory paragraph with a thesis, body paragraphs with topic and concluding
sentences, and a concluding paragraph.
Introduce the topic and context
Map the main points you will cover in your paper
State your thesis (sometimes mapping the points will serve as your thesis)
For example, if I was introducing inclusive special education and its benefits, I would start with a general
introductory sentence, like
“Inclusive education, or including special needs students in general classrooms, is gaining
popularity for its effectiveness.”
I would then give a bit more background information about this and move on to a thesis (the main idea
your paper will prove or the points that you will cover in the paper). For example, my thesis might be:
“Inclusive education is beneficial for all because it helps special needs students feel included and
keep up with grade-level content areas, and also teaches non-special needs students that
everyone is different and there are multiple ways to learn.”
Body Paragraphs
Each body paragraph should address a main idea or point that helps support your thesis.
Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph.
Bring in paraphrased ideas or quotes from sources as “evidence” to support what you’re saying.
Unpack this “evidence” for the reader and explain why it is important to your topic.
End each paragraph with a concluding sentence that sums up that paragraph and relates it to
the thesis.
For example, for the above thesis, your paragraphs could be about:
1. How inclusion helps special needs students feel included
2. How inclusion helps special needs students keep up with grade-level content areas
3. How inclusion teaches non-special needs students that everyone is different
4. How inclusion teaches non-special needs students that there are multiple ways to learn
See how the thesis is the umbrella under which your entire paper falls?
Sum up the main ideas of your paper and restate your thesis
Reflect on the implications of your topic with a wider lens (optional)