Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Study setting and Sample size Aim of the Study - cancer patients who contributed leftover - to analyse the attitudes of individuals who tissue to the Indiana University Cancer Helft et al USA Patients Questionnaire donated tissue samples to the HBM Center Tissue Bank (2007) repositories Response rate: 273/361 - patients at three different clinics, who Semi-structured had been approached to participate in a - to examine patients' perspectives on the use and structured large epidemiological study involving of anonymous and identifiable clinical samples interviews storing blood samples for genetic research Hull et al USA Patients (2008) Response rate: 1193/1395 - to determine the general attitudes towards - Patients and their relatives at six hospital genetic research and participation in biobanks Kerath et al USA Patients Questionnaire centers in the NSLIJ system and which factors would predict a positive (2013) n=1041 view of such research 1 Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Study setting and Sample size Aim of the Study - women aged 21–89 years presenting to - to characterize patients' willingness to donate Lee et al USA Patients Questionnaire our facilities for screening mammogram a biospecimen for future research (2012) n= 4217 - leukemia patients undergoing treatment Master et al Canada Patients in clinics in Ontario, Canada - to explore patients' perspectives on ethical Initial survey response rate 100/156; and legal issues of biobanking Questionnaire (2013) Follow up survey 45/72 - participants were adult patients (n=205), parents/guardians of pediatric patients - to assess the effect of different consent types (n=103), and family members acting as McGuire et al USA (2011) Patients Mixed method on research participation and data sharing matched case controls (n=28) who were decisions recruited to one of six ongoing genomic studies 2 Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Study setting and Sample size Aim of the Study - cancer patients at two different hospitals - to compare the views of two groups of who were given the option of tissue Pentz et al USA Patients Questionnaire patients who were given the option of tissue banking (2006) banking Response rate 315/452 - to obtain consent from breast cancer - patients surgically treated for breast survivors to use residual tissue for a genetic cancer between 1995 and 1997 in the Vermeulen et Netherland al (2009) Patients Questionnaire study and to investigate which consent Netherlands Cancer Institute regimen patients prefer for biobank-based Response rate 114/132 research 3 Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Study setting and Sample size Aim of the Study - to determine which consent procedures patients prefer for future biobank-based Vermeulen et Netherland Patients Questionnaire - patients, aged <75 years, with surgery medical research, the percentage of patients for breast or colorectal cancer in 2007 who choose not to provide consent for Response rate 76/102 biobank-based research and to find out the al (2009) reasons for denying participation in biobankbased research - to explore the research participants' - general Dutch population (n=1,163) and preferences on receiving biobanks' genetic patients with asthma, rhinitis, research results, and their views about and thrombosis (n=515) researcher's duties to communicate research Meulenkamp Netherland Patients / Public Questionnaire et al (2010) results Robinson (2013) USA Patients / Public Questionnaire - participants being recruited to - to analyse how participants’ understood genomic research studies genomic research and how this influences their n = 229 decision 4 Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Study setting and Sample size Aim of the Study - to examine perceptions of the importance of recommended criteria when applied to genetic/genomic IFs by medical genetic Brandt USA Professionals Interview - medical genetics specialists; n=103 specialists, (2013) genomic researchers, and Institutional Review Board (IRB)chairs perceive - to explore the views about the obligation to - Dutch investigators involved in biobank communicate research results, opinion about research ownership of samples, privacy, therapeutic Response rate 80/278 relationship, costs and implications for Meulenkamp Netherland Professionals Questionnaire et al (2012) participants - Physicians involved in treatment of - to determine interest in a genetic counseling Wassermann et USA Professionals Questionnaire patients with history of a cancer disease program for heritable cancers al 2000 Response rate: 92/700 5 Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Canada Public Questionnaire Caulfield et al. (2012) Study setting and Sample size Aim of the Study - Alberta residents - to analyze Alberta residents perceptions of Response rate; 1201/8724 biobank-based research - randomized sample of the population in - to understand of public perspectives on the Hoeyer et al Sweden Public Questionnaire the age group 18 – 85 in Vasterbotten use of tissue for research (2004) County, Sweden Response rate:589/1000 - to analyze public willingness to participate in - U.S. adults Kaufman et al USA (2009) Public Questionnaire biobank-based research, their privacy Response rate 4659/7987 concerns, informed consent and data sharing 6 Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Study setting and Sample size Aim of the Study - to analyse general public perceptions of KettisLindblad et al Sweden Public Questionnaire (2005) - r andom sample of the general public in biobank-based research, to assess the public's Sweden, 18–80 years of age willingness for tissue donation and to estimate Response rate 2928/6000 factors associated with the willingness to donate samples KettisLindblad et al Sweden Public Questionnaire (2007) - random sample of the general public in - to examine public's preferences for Sweden, 18–80 years of age information and consent procedures for new Response rate 2928/6000 research studies with stored tissue samples - general public in Sweden, 18–75 years Nilstun et al Sweden Public Questionnaire of age - to investigate the attitudes of the general public to biobank research and to discuss the findings in the light of some well-known (2006) Response rate: 926/2000 ethical principles. 7 Quantitative empirical studies Study/Year Location Interviewed Method Study setting and Sample size - public in medium-sized Eastern-Canada Pullman et al Canada Public Questionnaire city Aim of the Study - to assess the public's perception of biobank research and their concerns for privacy and confidentiality and their impact on (2012) Response rate: 330/2737 participation willingness Supplementary Table 2: Data extraction and content analysis – Quantitative studies The extracted data included author, year of publication, the group which was interviewed, method, study setting and sample size and aim of the study; studies were categorized according to the group of participants: patients and relatives, public and professionals involved in research. 8