NWTF Project Proposal Form

Conservation Advisory Committee
Conservation Grant Program 2016
Project Cover Sheet
This cover sheet must be the first page of your application and must fit on single page.
Deadline for submission is 29 January 2016, 5 pm PST.
Principal Investigator information
Zip Code:
Collaborators/other participants (list names and affiliations)
Project Information
Species/Habitat to be studied/conserved:
Proposed start date:
Proposed end date:
Total Project Budget:
Amount secured:
Amount requested from SPZF:
Required Documents should be merged into a single pdf (no greater than 10 MB in size and with
file name = LastName_SpeciesStudied.pdf [e.g., Goodall_Chimpanzees.pdf) for attachment to
email sent to cac@sequoiaparkzoo.net and should include the following items:
Project proposal form cover sheet (1 page limit)
Project description, including narrative and budget (2 page limit)
Letter of project support, including contact information for reference
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Conservation Advisory Committee
Conservation Grant Program 2016
Application Form
Deadline for submission: 29 January 2016, 5 pm PST
Conservation Grant Program Application Form Format Requirements:
Complete applications will consist of a cover sheet (limited to 1 page), a proposal containing a
project description and budget (limited to 2 pages), and a letter of support from collaborator or
sponsor. All documents should be merged into a single pdf for attachment to email. Incomplete
applications and those exceeding the page limit may not be reviewed. Project methods
requiring euthanasia of animals will not be considered.
Cover Page: (Above) This form must be the first page of your application.
Proposal: Proposals are limited to two pages of text (in 11 or 12 pt Times or Arial font with ≥ 1
in margins), not including attachments. Proposals must include the following two sections:
Section I: Project Description: The project description should address the following sub-sections:
1. A summary statement describing the project’s value and significance to conservation.
2. A statement clearly describing project objectives and scope of intended activity.
Include in this section
a. background information,
b. expected results and
c. applicant’s qualifications related to the project.
3. Methodology and dates (including a timeline of project completion).
4. A statement explaining any conservation education component to the project and
anticipated project outcomes: e.g.,:
a. will there be signs or brochures distributed;
b. will results be published in a report or peer-reviewed paper;
c. how will success be measured?
Section II: Budget: The budget should include the following:
1. A table with a detailed list of items requested and their costs. A sample table is provided
below, with examples listed in gray. Please note we will not support indirect costs or
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Sample Table:
Budget Items Requested Method of Calculation
Equipment: camera
$100/unit x 4 units
Travel costs: fuel
$0.55/mi x 100 mi
Services: printing
$50/poster x 4 posters
Salary for field assistant $12/hr x 100 hrs
Total amount requested
from SPZ
Total project budget
Secured, Pending or Requested
2. A narrative explaining the need for and specific use of requested items.
3. If applicable, list the amount and sources of additional support (secured or requested) and
how these funds will be spent. How do the funds requested from SPZ fit into the larger
project? Describe scope of larger project and include total project budget (up to 1 additional
page may be added to do this).
Attachments: In addition to the two pages of text, you must attach a letter of project support
from a collaborator or sponsor. A map of the project site and relevant photographs of the study
species or project area would be helpful, but are not required. Post-project photos will be
requested with a final report of accomplishments.
Proposals should be emailed by 5 pm PST on January 29, 2016 to: cac@sequoiaparkzoo.net
To learn more about Sequoia Park Zoo and our conservation programs please visit our web site
at http://www.sequoiaparkzoo.net. To review conservation grants previously awarded, see
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