Constitution Graduate Student Council Chapman University Last revised: 02/8/2013 SECTION 1 NAME 1.1 The name of this organization will be the Graduate Student Council. Hereinafter it will be referred to as GSC. 1.2 The divisions of GSC will be referred to as Executive Board and Senate. SECTION 2 PURPOSE 2.1 Role GSC is designed to be the voice of graduate and professional students on all campuses at the Chapman University. GSC endeavors to accurately represent the concerns and needs of graduate and professional students to the University administration, facilitate interdisciplinary exchanges, and provide programming of special interest to graduate and professional students. 2.2 Structure The structure is designed to assure that GSC is representative of graduate and professional students at Chapman University. In recognition of the time constraints placed on graduate and professional students, the structure is streamlined and meetings are minimized. 2.3 Definition of Graduate Student Any student enrolled in a graduate or professional program and classified as a graduate student by Chapman University. SECTION 3 SENATE 3.1 Responsibilities 3.1.1 Establishing Policies and Procedures The Senate establishes the policies and procedures for GSC through the following responsibilities to: ● ● ● ● ● Serve as a forum for graduate and professional student interaction Elect the GSC Executive Board Approve the GSC budget Make resolutions expressing graduate and professional student concern Amend the Constitution and Bylaws in a judicious manner. 3.1.2 Failure to Perform Duties Senators who repeatedly fail to perform their duties or abuse their office for personal ends may be removed by two-thirds vote of the Senate. A senator must be given notice of an intended motion of removal at least four days before the meeting where the vote will be held. Senators may also be removed by the constituencies that elected them, according to the procedures of the constituency. 3.2 Membership The GSC Senate consists of both voting members and ex officio members. Members must be currently registered Chapman University graduate or professional students. 3.2.1 Voting Members Voting members will consist of Senators from each of the Schools. In the event that a Senator is not present at a Senate meeting, a pre-designated proxy attending the meeting in the Senator’s absence is empowered to vote in place of that Senator. The Senators from each School will be determined according to the following: 1 Senator for every 5% of the graduate and Professional student body, not exceed 6 Senators per department or school 3.2.2 Ex Officio Members Ex officio members include the following: · All members of the Executive Board · Graduate Student in Residence Ex officio members are not entitled to vote in Senate meetings, except the President, who may vote only to break a tie. Ex officio members may not serve in any function as an individual graduate student, but instead must stay neutral as a representative of GSC. Ex officio members may not serve as a proxy for an absent voting member. 3.2.3 Ad Hoc Members Ad Hoc members are permanent representatives from recognized organizations oriented toward graduate and professional students. Organizations must petition the Senate and be approved by a majority vote of the Senate in order to be granted Ad Hoc membership. Ad Hoc members are not entitled to vote in Senate meetings. 3.3 Elections 3.3.1 Timeline ● Nominations for all senators shall open on the first Monday of the Fall Semester. 3.3.2 Structure ● ● Senators shall be responsible for coordinating the election within their department or school. Selection procedures shall be determined by the graduate students of the department or school, but, in any case, selection shall be completed before the October senate meeting. If a senator's seat remains vacant after the October senate meeting, the Executive Board of the GSC shall initiate action to fill the seat, such as informing members of the department or school of the vacancy and encouraging those eligible to run. Retiring senators shall leave office immediately after the senator election in their respective graduate student organization has been completed. Schools with a senator retiring mid-term are required to replace their senator as soon as possible, preferably before their seat is vacant. The Senate may nullify a departmental or school election if it has reason to believe that the election was conducted unfairly. 3.4 Senate Meetings 3.4.1 Quorum Quorum is one-half of the total number of Senators from USC-recognized student body organizations representing their school/department. 3.4.2 Voting A simple majority of the members present at the Senate meeting is required to pass a Resolution or Bylaw Amendment. A two-thirds vote of the members present at the Senate meeting is required to pass a Constitutional Amendment. Notice of a proposed amendment must be given one Senate meeting prior to the meeting when the vote will be taken. 3.4.3 Meeting structure The Senate will meet at least once a month during the Fall and Spring semesters. All meetings will be open to the public. Any graduate or professional student may speak at a meeting. SECTION 4 EXECUTIVE BOARD 4.1 Responsibilities The Executive Board completes the day-to-day operations for GSC through the following responsibilities: · Coordinate the activities of the Senate and GSC Committees. · Make administrative decisions. · Participate in and be available for all Senate and Executive Board meetings. 4.2 Membership The Executive Board has the following membership: · Chair · Vice Chair · Secretary · Council Members · Director of Academic Affairs 4.3 Elections 4.3.1 Executive Board Positions Executive Board members are nominated by the Associate Deans of the represented schools. Of those students, each is eligible to run for any position on the Executive Board. 4.3.2 Time of Elections Executive Board appointments shall be completed before the October GSC meeting. 4.3.3 Structure of Appointments Each school may appoint 1 or 2 students to the GSC. The GSC will then conduct nominations at the first October meeting and selections for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Director of Academic Affairs at the meeting immediately following. 4.3.4 Mid-Year Vacancy In event of a vacancy in mid-year, a GSC member position shall be filled by the appropriate school and a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Director of Academic Affairs shall be nominated at the next GSC meeting and selected at the meeting immediately following. 4.3.5 Failure to Perform Duties Executive Board members who repeatedly fail to perform their duties or abuse their office for personal ends may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. An executive board member must be given notice of the intended removal at least four days before the meeting where the vote will be held. 4.4 Executive Board Meetings 4.4.1 Structure The Executive Board shall meet at the time set by the previous meeting, at the call of the Chair, or at the call of two or more Executive Board members. Historically, the time has been from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on Monday. 4.4.2 Quorum Quorum is one-half of the existing Executive Board. 4.4.3 Voting A simple majority is required to pass a motion at Executive Board meetings. In the event of a tie, the Chair will vote to break the tie. SECTION 5 STANDING COMMITTEES 5.1 Responsibilities Standing Committees will address graduate and professional student concerns at the University. Their duties include: · Representing graduate and professional students in their chosen area. · Informing the Senate and Executive Board on their activities on a regular basis. · Researching and reporting on issues when requested to do so by the Senate or the Executive Board. 5.1.1 Approval of Committees Standing Committees are approved by a simple majority of the Senate. 5.1.2 Election of Chairs Chairs are elected from within the membership of each Standing Committee. Committee Chairs must be elected by the last Executive Board Meeting. If the Committee has not elected a new Chair by the last Executive Board Meeting, the incoming President or the Director of Elections and Recruitment may appoint an interim Chair. When the Standing Committee is fully constituted they are empowered to elect a Chair of the Committee. 5.1.3 Schedule of Meetings All Standing Committees will meet at least once a month during the Fall and Spring semesters. SECTION 6 AD HOC COMMITTEES 6.1 Responsibilities Ad Hoc committees are formed on an as needed basis to address specific graduate and professional student concerns. Their duties include: · Representing graduate and professional students on a specific issue. · Informing the Senate and Executive Board of their activities on a regular basis. 6.1.1 Committee Approval Ad Hoc committees are approved by a simple majority of the Senate. 6.1.2 Committee Cessation Once the task is completed, the Ad Hoc committee is disbanded. Bylaws Graduate Student Government Chapman University Last revised: 02/8/2013 SECTION 1 DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 1.1 All Executive Board Officers ● Attend all scheduled Executive Board meetings. ● Attend all scheduled Senate meetings (see section 1.1a). ● Report to the Executive Board. ● Support GSC social events and community service events. ● Support and participate in University-wide, Administrative, and GSC committees as appropriate. ● Represent and advocate the interests of graduate and professional students. ● Become familiar with GSC Constitution, and Bylaws. ● May PRO and CON a candidate but cannot make a SECONDING Statement during elections. ● Serve as ex officio members at Senate meetings. 1.1a The Executive Board is empowered to initiate replacement procedures for Executive Board members that fail to attend two consecutive Executive Board meetings. 1.1b Ex Officio Executive Board member, Graduate Student in Residence (GSIR) The GSIR is the representative of the USC graduate and professional student body who acts within the Graduate School as an ombudsman for students' rights and concerns on the University Park and Health Science Campuses. The GSIR serves as a channel of communication regarding student concerns between GSC, the Graduate School, and the broader University administration. The GSIR will attend at least one Executive Board meeting per month and all Senate meetings. The GSIR will read the minutes and stay abreast via contact with the exec board). 1.2 Chair 1.2.1 GSC Duties ● Calls Executive Board meetings. ● Chairs the Executive Board meetings. ● Chairs the Senate meetings. ● Prepares the agenda for meetings of the Executive Board and the Senate. ● Manages the daily operations of the GSC office. ● Represents GSC to the University administration. ● Coordinates efforts with the Graduate Student in Residence. ● Coordinates efforts with the Undergraduate Student Government. ● Represents GSC to external organizations, such as the State Legislature. ● Approves recommendations for appointments to University Wide Committees. ● Approves all communications on behalf of GSC ● Manages the administrative funds and provides budgetary reports to the GSC.. 1.2.2 GSC Committee Duties In the event a GSC committee (excluding Committees chaired by a GSC Executive Board member) has not elected a new chair prior to Executive Board and Senator transitions, the Chair and Vice Chair will designate a Committee Chair. When the Committee is fully constituted, they are empowered to elect a Chair of the Committee. ● The President/Chair is also the Chair of the GSC Alumni Relations Committee. 1.3 Vice President 1.3.1 GSC Duties ● Acts as Chief of Staff to the President. ● Chair Executive Board and Senate meetings should the President be unable to attend. ● Follows up on pertinent graduate and professional student issues. ● Assists President with reports, administrative letters, press releases, etc. ● Updates the Executive Board on national graduate/professional student issues. ● Updates the GSC Bylaws and Constitution as required. ● Serves as liaison to the Undergraduate Student Government ● Assists the Chair in forming University committees. ● Assists in maintaining contacts between Executive Board members. ● Completes any other activities deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. ● Serves as the contact person for graduate student bodies at other universities, including the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students if applicable. ● Assists the President with policies, issues, and executive meetings. 1.3.2 GSC Committee Duties In the event a GSC committee (excluding Committees chaired by a GSC Executive Board member) has not designated a new chair prior to Executive Board and Senator transitions, the Chair and Vice Chair will designate a Committee Chair. When the Committee is fully constituted, they are empowered to elect a Chair of the Committee. ● Monitors the process of all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. ● Serves as liaison between all Committees and the Executive Board. ● Chairs the Committee Round Table Meetings. 1.4 Secretary 1.4.1 GSC Duties ● Supervises preparation of annual GSC budget. ● Monitors and oversees the use of GSC funds. ● Summarizes the previous month’s disbursements and receipts at each regular meeting of the Senate. ● Evaluates and approves all budgetary reports from the executive board. ● Maintains a listing of all recognized graduate and professional student organizations. ● Takes minutes at all Executive Board and Senate meetings. 1.4.2 GSC Committee Duties ● Monitors the Committee Funds and approves Committee Fund expenditures with the advisement of the Vice Chair. ● Maintains attendance record of graduate and professional student organizations at all Senate meetings. 1.5 Director of Academic Affairs 1.5.1 GSC Duties ● Represents GSC on appropriate academic based University administrative committee. ● Represents the academic concerns of graduate and professional students to the appropriate administrators ● Provides regular review of academic events SECTION 2 Remaining Duties ● Conducts Executive Board elections before the end of the Spring semester. ● Distributes GSC recruitment material in all graduate and professional student orientation packets and to continuing students. ● Assists in the formation of departmental and school-based graduate and professional student organizations. ● Assists graduate and professional student organizations in the University recognition process. ● Coordinates, plans, and organizes all GSC social events. ● Provides regular reviews of events. ● Advertises events. ● Acts as liaison to undergraduate Program Board ??? ● Facilitates joint programming. ● Assists individual departments and schools with their programming needs. ● Plans and coordinates ongoing GSC community service events. ● Serves as liaison to the Volunteer Center and Chapman University Civic and Community Relations. ??? ● Facilitates communications between student organizations to plan joint community service events. ● Plans GSC special events including, but not limited to: End of the Year Banquet, Fall and Spring Semester Executive Board retreats, and Graduate Advisor Luncheon. ● Manages and updates the GSC web site & calendar. ● Composes, distributes, updates, and monitors a weekly newsletter of GSC announcements and information of interest to graduate and professional students. ● Assists individual departments with their academic programming needs. ● Updates the Executive Board on University news, events, and pertinent information. ● ● ● ● Addresses graduate and professional students’ concerns regarding the non-academic aspects of their tenure at Chapman University. This includes, but is not limited to, issues concerning campus safety, health insurance, career services, Transportation, Housing, student parents, and recreational/social needs. Creates inclusive initiatives and campaigns to promote diversity and equity on and around the Chapman University campus. Coordinates, plans, and organizes GSC social events catered to promoting inclusivity for all graduate and professional students at Chapman University. Represents the diversity and equity concerns of graduate and professional students to administrators in conjunction with the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary as needed. SECTION 3 GSC COMMITTEES 3.1 Duties of Standing Committee Chairs ● Calls, organizes, chairs and prepares agenda for regularly scheduled committee meetings. ● Reports monthly to the Vice Chair, outside of regularly scheduled committee roundtable discussions. ● Creates and develops goals and objectives for their committees. ● Obtains approval from the Vice Chair before engaging in communication on behalf of GSC. ● Represents and advocates interests of their committees. ● Coordinates committee financial requirements with the Vice Chair. ● Completes task assignments such as research reports on relevant topics deemed by the Executive Board. ● Maintain a minimum of at least three people involved with their committees. 3.2 Committee Chair Elections ● Chairs will be elected from within their committees as necessary. Newly elected chairs will be presented and confirmed by the GSC Executive Board; once confirmed, they must uphold the duties of a committee chair. ● If a majority of the Committee or Vice President recommends removal of a current Committee chair then the Executive Board may vote to remove a Chair. Once removed, the Committee can elect a new chair or the Executive Board can appoint an Interim Chair. SECTION 4 GSC FINANCES 4.1 GSC Funding Policies GSC will be funded from the Graduate Programming Fee collected from graduate and professional students. 4.1.1 Honoraria 4.1.2 Forfeiture of Organizational Funds 4.1.3 Reallocation of Unused Graduate Student Organizational Funds Recognized Graduate Student Organizations Recognized Graduate Student Organizations that have not used any portion of their allocated student funding during the Fall Semester will receive notification of the availability of their funds from the Finance Chair by the end of the first week of the Spring Semester. Recognized Graduate Student Organizations that have not used any student organizational funds during the Fall Semester will then be required to submit a notification, or “Intent to Use” form, to the Finance Chair outlining the organization’s intent to use its funding by the second week of February. Failure to submit such notification to the Finance Chair by the second week of February will result in forfeiture of the organizational funds. The forfeited funds will then be reallocated at the discretion of the GSC Executive Board in the week prior to the March Senate meeting. SECTION 5 SENATE STRUCTURE 6.1 Senate Duties and Responsibilities Each departmental and/or school representative to the Graduate Student Government is obliged to undertake the following duties and responsibilities: ● Attends all Senate meetings. ● Disseminates with due diligence all communications between GSC and their department/school. ● Acts as a liaison between their department/school and GSC. ● Actively pursues the interests of their department/school. ● Familiarizes self with their constituents and is accessible to them. ● Familiarizes self with GSC Constitution and Bylaws.