Master Level
Course Leader: Grujic, Marija, M.Sc.,, Office Hours: by email appointment and Wednesdays, 17:00 – 18:00;
Web Profile:
Time/Place : Tuesdays 16-18 Uhr, PEG 1.G 165
Attendance : regular attendance is obligatory.
Class Participation is expected!
Certificate of performance (“Leistungsschein”)
= two options:
Option 1: 2 x Essays (8-10 pages), to be uploaded a week before the session + 1x
Short Oral Presentation;
Option 2: 1x Final Essay “Hausarbeit” (18-20 pages) + 1x Short Oral Presentation;
Grade: The average grade of the essays, or the grade of the final exam.
Please note that Oral Presentation, Class Attendance and Class Participation will reflect your final grade.
Certificate of participation “Teilnahmeschein”=
1x Short Oral Presentation
(satisfying/not satisfying) + Class Participation;
Attendance : regular attendance is obligatory for getting both – the certificate of participation
“Teilnahmeschein” and the certificate of performance “Leistungsschein”.
Class Participation : In-Class participation is your contribution to the class dynamic, discussion and positive exchange. Please have on mind that what is valued is a quality and not quantity of your contribution. This will support us in better evaluating of your seminar performance, reflected in Certificate of performance (“Leistungsschein”).
Certificate of performance (“Leistungsschein”):
Essay: is (8-10 pages, Times New Roman; 12 pt; 1,5) writing assignment on the topic chosen from the main seminar plan. It is based on the obligatory and additional seminar´s reading list (see seminar plan for details).
The Deadline for the Submission: It should be submitted a week after the session in which the topic is planned in the seminar plan.
Have a look at the webpage of prof. Lutz – Prüfungen – where you find a link leading you to the Schreibwerkstatt Uni Essen where you can find details on essay writing.
See also:
Final Essay “Hausarbeit”:
is (18-20 pages, Times New Roman; 12 pt; 1,5) writing assignment on the topic chosen from the main seminar plan. It is based on the obligatory and additional seminar´s reading list (see seminar plan for details).
Have a look at the webpage of prof. Lutz – Prüfungen – where you find a link leading you to the Schreibwerkstatt Uni Essen where you can find details on essay writing.
See also:
For the evaluation of the essays the following standards will be considered:
Presentation and development of the main argument/thesis.
Coherence and logic of the essay´s argument and its embeddedness in the seminar´s obligatory and additional literature.
Individual reflection and critical reading, in particular individual academic contribution.
Language coherence: grammar and spelling, understanding.
Writing Ethics/Plagiarism, see the follwling link for details:
The Deadline for Choosing a Topic (including submitting one page of abstract): 20.01.2015.
The Deadline for the Submission is: 30.3.2015.
Short Oral Presentation (“Referat”): this is a short oral presentation on one of the weekly planned topics from the Seminar Plan. It should be announced in advance, preferably in in the first or second seminar week.
The Deadline for Choosing a Topic: 21.10.2014.
Class Participation: (please see above)