25th Anniversary of the Computer Science Major Here are a few

25th Anniversary of the Computer Science Major
Here are a few facts related to the Computer Science major over the last 25 years. Please let us
know if you can elaborate on any of items or if you have some additional information.
On April 5, 1983, the Franklin University Board of Trustees approved the College of
Science and Engineering Technology proposal for a major program in Computer Science,
effective September 1, 1983.
Prior to that several, several computer related courses were offered through the
Electronics Engineering Technology and Mathematics departments (e.g., Computer
Principles, Microprocessors, Computer Calculations, Fortran IV Programming, BASIC
Programming, Advanced Programming, PASCAL Programming, COBOL Programming,
Assembler Language, Computer Language, Numerical Methods); also, an associate
degree in Computer Technology was offered.
An AS in Engineering Technology with a major in Computer Technology was introduced
in 1982. A BS in Computer Management, a fore-runner of the current Management
Information Sciences major, was also introduced in 1982.
Initially, students obtained their computer access via a time-sharing system provided (at
no charge) by Battelle Memorial Institute. In later years, students made extensive use
of computer labs on campus (Sun work stations and PCs). In recent years, fewer
students use the computer labs on campus because most have their own computers.
Over the years with the constant changes in the field, the curriculum has changed
o Initially, the teaching language in the introductory programming courses was
PASCAL. Later on, the teaching language was changed to C++ and Java.
Currently, the programming courses focus on a deep experience in Java. An
object-oriented approach is emphasized, as opposed to the procedural
approach emphasized earlier.
o In the early years, there were courses in numerical analysis and automata
theory. The curriculum also included algorithm analysis, which was unusual at
that time for undergraduate programs. In recent years, hardware related topics
and operating systems have been de-emphasized. Now, client-server
programming, web programming, enterprise software architecture, objectoriented analysis and design, human computer interaction, and information
security are more relevant.
o Early in the program, two courses in calculus, a discrete mathematics course,
two physics courses, and a science elective were required. Currently, one
science elective and courses in applied calculus, discrete mathematics, and
probability and statistics are required instead.
o As the field of computer science has grown, matured, and become more
complex, more major area courses, as well as courses in human computer
interaction and communication, have been added to the curriculum to give
students the background they need.
o The current curriculum includes a three course practicum sequence, culminating
in a capstone experience, which gives students the opportunity to put their
coursework into practice in the setting of a simulated real world work
While the Computer Science program continues to be the important foundational
technology major at Franklin University, several related technology majors have been
developed over the years to serve as options and meet the specialized needs of some IT
roles in business organizations:
o Management Information Sciences combines the study of the basic business
functions of an organization with the study of technology.
o Information Technology focuses on networks, IT support, and systems
o Web Development focuses on web programming and web-based applications.
Another outgrowth of the BS Computer Science major initiated in 1983 is the Master of
Science in Computer Science program initiated in 2000.
The earliest figures for enrollment I could find were for Fall 1985, at which time there
were 112 Computer Science majors. By Fall 1989, that number had almost doubled to
215. The numbers continued to increase for many years. The peak occurred in 2000,
when there were nearly 700 Computer Science majors. From there, the number of
Computer Science majors has continually declined, as has occurred at colleges and
universities across the country. At the same time, however, the new technology
programs we added provided a variety of options for students, and the Franklin overall
enrollment in technology majors held relatively steady. For Winter 2008, the number of
Computer Science majors was just 353. However, adding those to the number of majors
in Information Technology, Management Information Sciences, and Web Development
brought the total number of CIS majors to 1275.
The first chair of the Computer Science program was Robert Johnson, PhD. He left in
about 1987 and was followed as chair by Robert Vermilyer, MS. Subsequent chairs have
been Marianne Vakalis, EdD, and the current chair, Ronald Hartung, PhD.
One of the adjuncts who taught in the program when it first started in 1983, Sam
Wooster, still teaches for us, as does Joe Gawronski, who was teaching Information
Processing back then!
Computer Science Curriculum in 1983
(126 hours)
College Algebra & Trig
Calculus & Analytic Geometry A
Calculus & Analytic Geometry B
Discrete Mathematics
College Physics A & Lab
Computer Science Curriculum in 2008
(130 hours)
College Algebra
Applied Calculus
Discrete Mathematics
Probability & Statistics
Science Elective
College Physics B & Lab
Science Elective
Economics I
Engineering Economics
Speech Communications
College Writing
Technical Communications
General Psychology
Humanities Elective
Social Science Elective
Global Issues
Learning Strategies
Speech Communication
College Writing
Business & Professional Communication
Technical Communication
Intro to Web Authoring
Intro to Databases
Humanities Elective
Social & Behavioral Science Elective
General Education Electives (6 hours)
Computer Programming I
Computer Programming II
Intro to Computer Systems
*Career Goal Electives (27 hours) – selected
3 courses related to Operating Systems (9
3 courses related to Database
Management (9 hours)2
3 courses related to Programming
Languages (9 hours)3
3 courses related to Algorithms (9 hours)4
3 courses related to Numerical Analysis (11
3 courses related to Numerical Algebra (11
Programming Language Electives (8 hours) –
select from:
Computer Program Project
Free Electives (16 hours)
Intro to CS and Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Data Structures & Algorithms
Object-Oriented Data Structures & Algorithms
Principles of Computer Organization
Principles of Computer Languages
Principles of Operating Systems
Principles of Computer Networks
Database Management Systems
Application Server Programming
Human Computer Interaction
Enterprise Software Architecture
Object-Oriented Analysis & Design
Information Systems Architecture &
Information Systems Security
Computer Science Practicum I
Computer Science Practicum II
Computer Science Practicum III / Capstone
Major Area Elective (4 hours)
University Electives (8 hours)
*Courses from which to select Career Goal
Intro to Computer Organization; Operating
Systems & Computer Architecture I; Systems &
Computer Architecture II
Intro to file Processing; Data Structures &
algorithm Analysis; Database Management
Systems Design
Organization of Programming Languages;
Theory of Programming Languages; Automata,
Computability, & Formal Languages
Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis;
Organization of Programming Languages;
FORTRAN Programming; Analytic Geometry &
Calculus C; Numerical Analysis
FORTRAN Programming; Abstract Algebra;
Numerical Algebra