Published by Murray-Darling Basin Authority Postal Address GPO Box 1801, Canberra ACT 2601 Office location Level 4, 51 Allara Street, Canberra City Australian Capital Territory For further information contact the Murray-Darling Basin Authority office Telephone (02) 6279 0100 international + 61 2 6279 0100 Facsimile (02) 6248 8053 international + 61 2 6248 8053 E-Mail Internet MDBA Publication No: 24/12 ISBN: 978-1-922068-32-3 (online) © Murray–Darling Basin Authority for and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, 2012. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, the MDBA logo, all photographs, graphics and trademarks, this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. The MDBA’s preference is that you attribute this publication (and any material sourced from it) using the following wording: Title: Assessment of environmental water requirements for the proposed Basin Plan: Lower Balonne Floodplain Source: Licensed from the Murray–Darling Basin Authority, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. The MDBA provides this information in good faith but to the extent permitted by law, the MDBA and the Commonwealth exclude all liability for adverse consequences arising directly or indirectly from using any information or material contained within this publication. Australian Government Departments and Agencies are required by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) to ensure that information and services can be accessed by people with disabilities. If you encounter accessibility difficulties or the information you require is in a format that you cannot access, please contact us. Condamine-Balonne Region Assessment of the Lower Balonne River Floodplain System environmental water requirements 1. Introduction The Water Act 2007 (Cwlth) established the Murray‐Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) and tasked it with the preparation of a Basin Plan to provide for the integrated management of the Basin’s water resources. One of the key requirements of the Basin Plan is to establish environmentally sustainable limits on the quantities of surface water that may be taken for consumptive use, termed Sustainable Diversion Limits (SDLs). SDLs are the maximum long‐term annual average volumes of water that can be taken from the Basin and they must represent an Environmentally Sustainable Level of Take (ESLT). The method used to determine the ESLT is described in detail within ‘The proposed “environmentally sustainable level of take” for surface water of the Murray-Darling Basin: Method and Outcomes,’ (MDBA 2011). A summary of the main steps undertaken to determine the ESLT is presented in Figure 1. The assessment of environmental water requirements including specification of site-specific flow indicators at a subset of hydrologic indicator sites (Step 3 of the overall ESLT method) is the focus of this document. The work described herein is the MDBA’s current understanding of the environmental water requirements of the Lower Balonne Floodplain. It is not expected that the assessed environmental water requirements assessments will remain static, rather it is intended that they will evolve over time in response to new knowledge gained through additional scientific research or implementation of environmental watering actions. Within this context, feedback is sought on the material presented within this document whether that be as part of the formal draft Basin Plan consultation phase or during the environmental watering implementation phase within the framework of the Environmental Watering Plan. 1.1. Method to determine site-specific flow indicators Assessment of environmental water requirements for different elements of the flow regime using the hydrologic indicator site approach is one of the key lines of evidence that has informed the proposed SDLs. Effort focussed on regions and parts of the flow regime with greatest sensitivity to the scale of reduction in diversions necessary to achieve environmental objectives, an ESLT and a healthy working Basin. Within the overall framework of the ESLT method (Figure 1) the MDBA used an iterative process to assess environmental water requirements and develop site-specific flow indicators. The hydrologic indicator site approach uses detailed eco-hydrological assessment of environmental water requirements for a subset of the key environmental assets and key ecosystem functions across the Basin. The Lower Balonne Floodplain is one of the key environmental assets where a detailed assessment of environmental water requirements was undertaken. 1 Figure 1: Outline of method used to determine an Environmentally Sustainable Level of Take. (Source: MDBA 2011). Detailed environmental water requirement assessments lead to the specification of site-specific flow indicators to achieve site-specific ecological targets. Flow indicators were expressed at a hydrologic indicator site or sites. Environmental water requirements specified at hydrologic indicator sites are intended to represent the broader environmental flow needs of river valleys or reaches and thus the needs of a broader suite of assets and functions. This report provides a description of the detailed eco-hydrological assessment of environmental water requirements for the Lower Balonne Floodplain including information supporting the development of site-specific flow indicators for the site (with reference to flows gauged on the Culgoa River). More information on how the site-specific flow indicators for Lower Balonne Floodplain were used within the Basin-wide modelling process to inform the ESLT (i.e. Step 5 and 6 2 in Figure 1) can be found in the report ‘Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: Methods and results’ (MDBA 2012). A description of the detailed eco-hydrological assessments of environmental water requirements for other indicator sites are described in other documents in the series ‘Assessment of environmental water requirements for the proposed Basin Plan’. 1.2. Scope and purpose for setting site-specific flow indicators The MDBA’s assessment of environmental water requirements and associated site-specific flow indicators at hydrologic indicator sites has been used to inform the development of SDLs. This enables the MDBA to estimate the amount of water that will be required by the environment over the long-term to achieve a healthy working Basin through the use of hydrological models. Accordingly, site-specific flow indicators are not intended to stipulate future use of environmental water. MDBA expects that the body of work undertaken to establish these site-specific flow indicators will provide valuable input to environmental watering but this watering will be a flexible and adaptive process guided by the framework of the Environmental Watering Plan. It will be up to the managers of environmental water, such as the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, State Government agencies, and local communities to decide how best to use the available environmental water during any one year to achieve environmental outcomes. 2. Site location and extent The Lower Balonne Floodplain hydrologic indicator site covers approximately 1,988,000 ha (Sims and Thoms 2002). The Lower Balonne system is a distributary river network that extends from St George in Queensland to the Barwon River in northern New South Wales (Figure 2). The Balonne River divides into five separate channels. The Culgoa and Narran Rivers are the main channels, conveying 35% and 28% of the long-term mean annual flow at St George respectively; while the Ballandool and Bokhara Rivers and Birrie Creek flow only during higher discharge periods (Thoms et al. 2002) (Figure 2). Approximately 30% of the system is in Queensland and 70% in New South Wales (McCosker 1996). The MDBA has used the wetlands geographic information systems of the Murray-Darling Basin series 2.0 (Kingsford, Thomas and Knowles 1999) to define the lateral and downstream extents of the asset. Data from A directory of important wetlands in Australia (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2001) was used to determine the upstream extent of the asset at Jack Taylor Weir. The Narran Lakes is the terminal wetland system at the end of the Narran River, which is located on the eastern extent of the Lower Balonne Floodplain. The floodplain immediately surrounding the Narran Lakes system was not included in the extent of this asset and is considered a hydrologic indicator site in its own right (see separate environmental water requirements report for Narran Lakes). 3 Figure 2 Location and extent of Lower Balonne River Floodplain System hydrologic indicator site 4 3. Ecological Values Land use on the Lower Balonne Floodplain is predominantly grazing and dryland and irrigated cropping. There are two national parks on the Lower Balonne floodplain: the 22,430 ha Culgoa National Park, managed by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and the adjoining 42,800 ha Culgoa Floodplain National Park, managed by Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service (CSIRO 2008). The vegetation community composition of the Lower Balonne Floodplain varies across the floodplain according to flood frequency (Sims and Thoms 2002). High flood frequency areas are dominated by river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), coolibah (E. coolabah) and lignum (Muehlenbeckia florulenta), and open grasslands dominate less frequently flooded areas (Sims and Thoms 2002; Sims 2004). The extents of major vegetation communities found in the section of the Lower Balonne Floodplain between Hebel on the state border and St. George approximately 110 km to the north-east are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Key Vegetation Communities of the Queensland Section of the Lower Balonne Floodplain (adapted from Sims 2004) Vegetation Community Functional Group Extent (ha) Riparian Forest 11,588 Key Species Trees/Overstorey (cover %) Shrub Layer (cover %) Ground Layer (cover %) E. camaldulensis, E.coolabah, Acacia spp, E. populnea, M. florulenta Sporobolus mitchelli, Cyperus bifax, Eragrostis setifolia, Casuarina cristata, Melaleuca spp. (15%) Ptilotus exaltatus (15%) (70%) Lignum shrubland 45,234 E. coolabah, M. florulenta S. mitchelli, C. bifax Acacia cambagei (70%) (15%) E. coolabah, M. florulenta C. bifax, Eliocharis spp., Eragrostis spp. E. populnea, A. cambagei (20%) (20%) E. populnea M. florulenta C. bifax, Eliocharis spp., Aristida spp. (10%) (20%) (65%) - M. florulenta Astrebla lappacea, Bassia spp, (10%) Cenchrus ciliaris, Marsilea drummondii, (15%) Coolibah Woodland 52,087 (40%) Nutgrass Open Grassland 33,526 101,882 E. setifolia, Paspalidium jubiflorum, C. bifax, Plantago spp, Medicago spp, P. jubiflorum (70% - seasonal) In order to inform Park management activities, floristic surveys and associated vegetation mapping was undertaken across the Culgoa National Park. Surveys undertaken in February 1999 identified six 5 distinct communities with coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah)/river cooba (Acacia stenophylla) and coolibah/weeping myall (Acacia pendula) woodlands covering over 70% of the park (Hunter 2005). Hunter also notes that the Park includes expanses of lignum (Muehlenbeckia florulenta). These ecosystems support important species that are listed in international agreements such as the Ramsar Convention, and include vulnerable and endangered species. Appendix B provides a summary of the conservationally significant species recorded at the site. The ecological values of the floodplain are reflected in MDBA’s assessment against the criteria used to identify key environmental assets within the Basin. The MDBA established five criteria to identify important environmental assets in the Basin. The criteria broadly align with the National Framework and Guidance for Describing the Ecological Character of Australian Ramsar Wetlands (Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2008) and the draft criteria for identifying High Conservation Value Aquatic Ecosystems (SKM 2007). Based on the ecological values identified on the Lower Balonne Floodplain, the site meets at least three of the five criteria (see Table 2). 6 Table 2 Assessment of the Lower Balonne River Floodplain System against MDBA key environmental asset criteria. Criterion Ecological values that support the criterion 2. The water-dependent The Lower Balonne Floodplain is a unique water-dependent ecosystem, as the floodplains of ecosystem is natural or the Culgoa, Birrie, Bokhara and Narran Rivers support the largest area of native grasslands in near-natural, rare or unique New South Wales (Dick 1993). It is also unique as the coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah) woodlands in the Lower Balonne are some of the most extensive and contiguous communities remaining (Whittington et al. 2002). Various types of Coolibah Woodlands are commonly found throughout the Culgoa National Park (Hunter 2005) with areas of Coolibah – Black Box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) woodland being particularly significant (NSW Scientific Committee 2011). The floodplains can be considered near-natural as they have only 8.5% exotic vegetation, one of the lowest records of introduced species in the Murray–Darling Basin (Dick 1993). The Lower Balonne Floodplain wetland complex is a unique water-dependent ecosystem as the region supports the second largest number of wetlands greater than 5 ha in size within the Murray–Darling Basin. More than 3,400 wetlands have been identified within this complex, the majority of which are freshwater wetlands (25.8%) and floodplain areas (24.2%) (Thoms et al. 2002). This floodplain ecosystem is sustained by water, sediments and nutrients from the upstream Condamine–Balonne catchment, which comprises 14% of the Murray–Darling Basin (Rayburg and Thoms 2008). 3. The water-dependent The natural drainage system of the Lower Balonne provides diverse habitat for fauna. Fauna ecosystem provides vital present in the Lower Balonne Floodplain are included within the Lowland Darling River habitat aquatic ecological community, which is considered threatened under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (NSW), as listed in Appendix B. The habitat preferences of the endangered aquatic species found within the Lower Balonne Floodplain have been summarised by Smith et al. (2006). 4. Water-dependent The Lower Balonne Floodplain meets this criterion because it supports species listed as ecosystems that support threatened under state or federal legislation. Of particular note is the Coolibah-Black Box of Commonwealth, State or the northern riverine plains in the Darling Riverine Plains and Brigalow Belt South bioregions. Territory listed threatened As part of its assessment of the significance of Coolibah-Black Box of the northern riverine species or communities plains in the Darling Riverine Plains and Brigalow Belt South bioregions, the NSW Scientific Committee found that the distribution of the community had been reduced by 61% (NSW Scientific Committee 2011). As noted by the Committee, the structure of this community may vary from tall riparian woodlands to very open grassy woodlands and consist of a wide variety of species. Based on 19 separate findings, the NSW Scientific Committee (2011) recognised the value of the community and maintained its listing as an endangered ecological community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Species and communities listed as threatened under both Commonwealth and state legislation that have been recorded at the site are in Appendix B. 7 4. Hydrology The Lower Balonne is a complex floodplain channel system that is heavily dissected by well-defined channels of various sizes. During flood events these channels carry a significant proportion of the ‘overland’ flow (Thoms et al. 2002). The Balonne River enters the floodplain downstream of Beardmore Dam, flowing through St George and over Jack Taylor Weir. It then travels more than 70 km before splitting into the Culgoa and Balonne Minor Rivers at the so-called ‘first bifurcation’. Downstream, the Balonne Minor River subdivides further to form four identifiable streams — the Narran, Bokhara, Ballandool and Birrie Rivers. The hydraulics of the Lower Balonne resembles that of a delta, with flows of up to 30,000 ML/d at St. George dispersing into many small flood channels (Thoms et al. 2002). At higher flows, water spreads out over the floodplain, and a significant portion does not return to the river as a result of evaporation and infiltration into the soil. Consequently, under without-development conditions, the flow crossing the Queensland – New South Wales border is lower than the flow recorded at St George. The median annual flow at St George is 1,300 GL, but flows are highly variable. The maximum annual recorded flow of 8,000 GL occurred in 1954–55, but extended periods of no-flow occur during droughts. Based on recorded flows, the record period of no-flow exceeds 600 consecutive days (NSW Western Catchment Authority 2006). Floodwaters received in the Balonne River result from rainfall in the northern part of the Condamine–Balonne catchment and occur mainly in summer and autumn (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service 2003). Flood frequency is highly variable, occurring anywhere between several times a year to once every five years (Sheldon et al. 2000). The depth of the floodwater varies from a few centimetres to 10 metres and inundation of the floodplain can last for up to four months (Smith et al. 2006). During floods, large amounts of sediment are trapped or deposited onto the floodplain (Smith et al. 2006). The main river channels in the Lower Balonne system are very unstable and small changes to the flow can result in significant changes in channel morphology (Smith et al. 2006). Sediment movement has increased with the increase in management infrastructure in the upper catchment (Cullen, Marchant and Mein 2003). The historical flow record suggests that multiple flood events have been common over a yearly timeframe (see for example Figure 3). The occurrence of multiple events of a similar threshold in close proximity are important in this system for extending the duration of floodplain inundation, something to which the flora and fauna of these systems has become adapted (Roberts and Marston 2000). 8 50,000 45,000 River flow (ML/d) 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 1/05/1940 1/04/1940 1/03/1940 1/02/1940 1/01/1940 1/12/1939 1/11/1939 1/10/1939 1/09/1939 1/08/1939 1/07/1939 1/06/1939 1/05/1939 1/04/1939 1/03/1939 1/02/1939 1/01/1939 1/12/1938 1/11/1938 0 Date Figure 3 Highly variable flows past St George gauge, Balonne River The Lower Balonne Floodplain has been grazed since the 1840s (Sims et al. 1999), predominantly by cattle and sheep. The change to irrigated agriculture since the 1990s represents a significant shift in land-use practice and use of water resources (Thoms et al. 2002). The major irrigated crop is cotton, with cropped area increasing significantly since 1988. Associated with this expansion in the cotton industry has been the expansion of private water storages on the floodplain over the same period. The construction of public storages in the mid and upper sections of the system has resulted in a degree of regulation, particularly of the Balonne River downstream of the Beardmore Dam. However the systems major public storages and weirs have a combined capacity of 234 GL (CSIRO 2008) and when compared to average surface water availability (1305 GL/year) (CSIRO 2008), their capacity to regulate flows is relatively low compared to other parts of the Basin. It is important to note that within the Condamine-Balonne system irrigation water is primarily retained in on-farm private storages; with these storages holding approximately seven times the total volume of public storages. 5. Determining the site-specific flow indicators for the Lower Balonne River Floodplain System 5.1. Setting site-specific ecological targets The objective setting framework used to determine the ESLT is outlined in the report ‘The proposed “environmentally sustainable level of take” for surface water of the Murray-Darling Basin: Method and Outcomes’ (MDBA 2011). In summary, the MDBA developed a set of Basin-wide environmental objectives and ecological targets, which were then applied at a finer scale to develop site-specific objectives for individual key environmental assets. Using these site-specific objectives, ecological targets that relate specifically to the Lower Balonne Floodplain were developed (Table 3). Information underpinning site-specific ecological targets is shown in Table 3. 9 Site-specific ecological targets formed the basis of an assessment of environmental water requirements and the subsequent determination of site-specific flow indicators for the Lower Balonne Floodplain, as described below. 5.2. Information used to determine site-specific flow indicators The site-specific flow indicators have been determined through a synthesis of current literature (including studies cited in Table 3) and MDBA’s analysis of modelled flow data, in addition to consultation with state government staff and research providers. The following sections provide a summary of the knowledge used to develop the flow indicators. 5.2.1. Vegetation Flow thresholds Whittington et al. (2002), Sims and Thoms (2002), and Sims (2004) provide information on the flow thresholds used to inform the ecological target associated with ensuring the current extent of native vegetation of the riparian, floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition within the Lower Balonne Floodplain. This information is also used to address the ecological target concerning the provision of a flow regime which supports key ecosystem function related to connectivity between the Balonne, Culgoa, Bokhara, Ballandool, Birrie and Narran Rivers and the connected floodplain. Using satellite images captured between September 1989 and April 1999, Sims (2004) analysed floodplain inundation patterns under a range of flow conditions for the Queensland portion of the Lower Balonne floodplain. Flood magnitudes required to inundate different areas of the floodplain were determined based on gauged flows at St. George 14 days before image capture. Based on this analysis, floodplain inundation commences when flows exceed approximately 26,000 ML/d (Sims and Thoms 2002; Sims 2004) with flows at this level inundating around 12,000 ha or around 3% of the floodplain. Flows of between 45,000 ML/d and 65,000 ML/d at St. George inundate approximately 75,000 ha (Sims 2004). Flows between 60,000 – 65,000 ML/d ensure a significant improvement in connectivity between the systems rivers and channels and its floodplain (Sims and Thoms 2002; Sims 2004). This connectivity is important for a range of ecosystem functions such as nutrient and carbon exchange. Sims (2004) found that in general, vegetation communities grade laterally from riparian forests adjacent to river channels, to lignum and coolibah open woodland associated with infrequent inundation, with open grassland dominant in rarely inundated areas on the floodplain fringes. To connect most of the main channels within the Lower Balonne Floodplain, including Birrie River and a number of secondary channels, a flow of 26,000 ML/d at St.George is required (Sims 2004). The author showed that a flow of around 26,000 ML/d would inundate around 12,000 hectares. Based on Sims (2004) analysis of vegetation communities, the MDBA has determined that the 12,000 ha would consist mainly of riparian forest dominated by river red gum and coolibah (Tables 1 and 6). 10 Table 3 Site-specific targets for the Lower Balonne River Floodplain System Site-specific ecological targets Justification of targets Protecting the water-dependent ecosystems and their vital habitat requires retaining the current state of the wetlands and the surrounding vegetation. Provide a flow regime which ensures the current extent of native vegetation of the riparian, floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition Provide a flow regime which supports the habitat requirements of waterbirds Provide a flow regime which supports a range of native aquatic species (e.g. fish, frogs, turtles, invertebrates) Provide a flow regime which supports key ecosystem functions, particularly those related to connectivity between the river and the floodplain Coolibah – Black Box Woodland of the northern riverine plains in the Darling Riverine Plains and Brigalow Belt South bioregions is listed as Endangered Ecological Community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Coolibah is typically the dominant tree species in these woodlands and may occur in association with a wide range of other species including river cooba (Acacia stenophylla), black box and river red gum (NSW Scientific Committee 2011). It is common for a dense understorey of lignum to also form in these Woodland communities (Hunter 2005). Coolibah-Black Box Woodland provides habitat features important to a range of fauna (NSW Scientific Committee 2011). These features include grassy understorey, patches of thick regenerating Eucalyptus saplings and large hollow bearing trees (NSW Scientific Committee 2011). The Lower Balonne has high ecological and hydrological connectivity to the Ramsar-listed Narran Lakes Nature Reserve which is as an important site for colonial waterbird breeding. The link between waterbird breeding and inundation of habitat which provides foraging and nesting opportunities is relatively well understood. The broader Lower Balonne floodplain is likely to provide foraging habitats and in doing so supports major bird breeding events in the Narran Lakes system. Key ecosystem functions support fish, birds and invertebrates through habitat maintenance, energy transfer and facilitating connections between rivers and floodplains. Overbank flows supply the floodplains with nutrients and sediments from the river, accelerate the breakdown of organic matter and supply water to disconnected wetlands, billabongs and oxbow lakes. As the floodwaters recede, the floodplains provide the main river channel with organic matter. The hydrological connection between watercourses and their associated floodplain provides for the exchange of carbon and nutrients (Thoms 2003). The connections are considered essential for the functioning and integrity of floodplain-river ecosystems. The maintenance of natural patterns of longitudinal and lateral connectivity is essential to the viability of populations of many aquatic species (Bunn and Arthington 2002). Vital habitat within the Lower Balonne includes in-channel waterholes and billabongs that act as refugia during drought. The use of drought refugia by aquatic organisms is often the key to the survival of population stocks and strongly influences the capacity of populations to recover when the drought breaks and connectivity is restored, such as endangered fish and invertebrate species (Lake 2003). 11 The flow thresholds of 45,000 ML/d and 70,000 ML/d at the St George gauge were selected to provide a flow regime able to inundate lignum and coolibah communities. Hunter (2005) found that major changes in native vegetation composition across the Culgoa National Park were correlated to flood frequency and the period of inundation. In particular, Hunter (2005) found that the ability for certain sections of the floodplain to retain water for an extended period was an important feature in determining vegetation patterns. Based on this observation, the MDBA has assumed that areas which are flooded regularly and retain water for extended periods contain high proportions of lignum and river cooba which are more flood dependent, while areas which do not retain water are likely to contain less flood dependent species like coolibah. The MDBA has concluded flows of both 45,000 ML/d and 70,000 ML/d at the St George gauge are required to inundate areas that retain water for extended periods for the different vegetation communities. At the lower end of 45,000 to 70,000 ML/d range the three main flood-dependent vegetation communities (coolibah open woodland, lignum and riparian forests) have at least 50% of their total area wetted (Whittington et al. 2002). A threshold of 70,000 ML/d encompasses an important transition in floodplain inundation where floodwaters emerge from the Culgoa River and travel across the floodplain to re-enter the Culgoa downstream, enabling a substantial exchange of material between the floodplain and its adjoining aquatic ecosystems (Sims 2004). Around this threshold is the point where inundation patterns go from being relatively disconnected into a more highly integrated network of patches (Sims 2004) where approximately 40% of the total floodplain is inundated (Whittington et al. 2002). The largest flow threshold adopted for the Lower Balonne Floodplain is a flow of 120,000ML/d at the St George gauge for one day. At this threshold, around 70% of the floodplain between St George and the New South Wales – Queensland border is inundated, with flows greater than this resulting in proportionally larger increases in flow depth rather than increases in floodplain area inundated (Whittington et al. 2002). Therefore, this flow provides a balance between the flood event magnitude and floodplain area inundated. The key thresholds presented by Whittington et al. (2002), Sims and Thoms (2002), and Sims (2004) are described at the St George gauge, which is the closest upstream gauge from the Lower Balonne Floodplain (above the first bifurcation). Flows suggested at this gauge therefore take account of the total amount of flow entering the Lower Balonne Floodplain. However, a large proportion of diversions under Condamine and Balonne Resource Operations Plan occur downstream of St. George (almost 40% of all diversions within the Queensland section of the Condamine-Balonne system occur downstream of Jack Taylor Weir). The gauge located downstream of St. George at Brenda on the Culgoa River more accurately reflects the full impact of diversions and for this reason this gauge has been selected as a better location to assess and specify proposed environmental water requirements. To relate the key floodplain vegetation community flow thresholds associated with flows at St George to flows on the Culgoa River at Brenda, MDBA undertook a correlation analysis of modelled without-development flow data for the period 1895–2009 (Figure 4). The analysis compared modelled peak flows at Brenda and St. George based on an 8 day flow lag between the two sites. The analysis focused on flows in the target range of 26,000 – 120,000 ML/d at St. George and so the range encompasses the inundation threshold as indicated by Whittington et al. (2002). A 2nd order polynomial trend analysis was used as the most appropriate fit (regression co-efficient of R2=0.86). However, as the scatter in Figure 4 indicates, there is a substantial degree of variability in the modelled peak flows between St George and Brenda. 12 45,000 Culgoa River Flow at Brenda (ML/d) 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 y = -1E-06x2 + 0.4284x + 1377.7 R² = 0.86 10,000 5,000 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 Balonne River Flow at St.George (ML/d) Figure 4 Correlation between modelled flow at St. George and Brenda under without development conditions The variability in the modelled peak flows between St George and Brenda (as shown in Figure 4) is reflected in gauged flows at the two sites. A comparison of peak discharges gauged at St. George (gauge number 422201E) and the Culgoa River at Brenda (gauge number 422015) for the period October 1971 to August 2011 is shown in Table 5. An example of the variability is shown by the 1974, 1976, 1981 and 1984 flow events. Each event shows a similar peak in gauged flows at St. George (71,651, 77,538, 74,286 and 65,838 ML/d respectively) however corresponding flows as gauged at Brenda show significant variability (28,205, 14,889, 8,639 and 20,977 ML/d respectively). The significant variability in the relationship between flows at St. George and Brenda (as shown by both modelled and gauged data) is consistent with the complexity of the hydrology of the Lower Balonne floodplain and the highly variable climatic patterns of the system. The regression analysis equation was applied to determine for each vegetation community a flow threshold at Brenda equivalent to key thresholds at St. George (Table 6). These flow thresholds estimated for peak flows at Brenda were used to determine the site-specific flow indicators for the Lower Balonne Floodplain to achieve the ecological target of providing a flow regime which ensures the current extent of native vegetation of the riparian, floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition. 13 Table 5 Gauged Flows at St. George and Brenda (1971 – 2011) Balonne River at St. George (422201E) Culgoa River at Brenda (422015) Gauged Flow (ML/d) Date Gauged Flow (ML/d) Date 97,956 2/01/1972 20,759 21/01/1972 45,342 15/11/1972 8,845 3/12/1972 71,651 3/02/1974 28,205 28/02/1974 77,538 11/01/1976 14,889 24/01/1976 84,836 2/03/1976 33,082 16/03/1976 123,490 17/03/1977 20,400 4/04/1977 74,286 23/02/1981 8,639 6/03/1981 54,320 7/06/1981 10,688 20/06/1981 82,175 8/03/1982 12,456 28/03/1982 177,021 16/05/1983 53,658 26/05/1983 112,784 7/07/1983 39,570 17/07/1983 121,321 4/12/1983 20,403 19/12/1983 65,838 6/02/1984 20,977 25/02/1984 84,876 13/08/1984 40,288 27/08/1984 71,133 5/03/1988 8,260 17/03/1988 120,931 25/04/1988 40,248 4/05/1988 43,777 3/05/1989 10,761 20/05/1989 218,897 25/04/1990 47,852 4/05/1990 44,490 15/12/1993 4,192 15/12/1993 63,327 16/03/1994 13,685 31/03/1994 28,083 7/12/1995 5,506 1/01/1996 160,669 21/01/1996 29,327 3/02/1996 119,928 20/05/1996 28,181 2/06/1996 32,699 9/02/1997 3,137 15/02/1997 58,596 21/02/97 10,269 10/03/1997 39,146 16/02/1998 2,649 1/03/1998 101,467 9/09/1998 16,378 21/09/1998 44,201 26/09/1998 10,633 8/10/1998 49,272 26/01/2008 3,246 6/02/2008 261,128 8/03/2010 28,795 19/03/2010 255,706 10/01/2011 78,026 18/01/2011 38,644 27/03/2011 8,370 11/04/2011 44,867 26/04/2011 8,246 7/05/2011 14 Table 6 The relationship between ecologically relevant thresholds as defined for the Balonne River at St. George as expressed at Brenda on the Culgoa River using the regression equation in Figure 4 Target Ecologically relevant threshold at St. George (ML/d) Correlated flows at Brenda (ML/d) (see Figure 4) Inundation of riparian river red gum and coolibah forests 26,000 11,840 Inundation of lignum communities and coolibah open forest / woodland 45,000 18,630 Floodplain connections 70,000 26,465 Significant floodplain inundation 120,000 38,385 Frequency and duration of flow thresholds To inform the frequency and duration of flow indicators, the MDBA has collated available information on the inundation patterns needed by flood dependent vegetation communities which occur within the Lower Balonne floodplain (Table 7). Generally, there is a lack of site-specific information for the vegetation communities of the Lower Balonne and information on the general water requirements of key vegetation species from throughout the Murray-Darling Basin has been drawn upon. Generally, the flow indicator metric with the greatest level of uncertainty across the Basin is the definition of the desirable inundation frequency. This uncertainty is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, it is likely that there are thresholds for many plants and animals beyond which their survival or ability to reproduce is lost, but the precise details of those thresholds are mostly unknown or where there is information (for instance river red gum communities) our knowledge is evolving. Secondly, vegetation communities are located across the floodplain and would have experienced some variability in their inundation frequency under pre-development conditions which subsequently makes specification of a single frequency metric deceptively certain. For many species and ecological communities the relationship between water provisions and environmental outcomes may not be threshold based, rather there could be a linear relationship between flow and the extent of environmental outcomes or the condition of a particular ecological species/community. Recognising the degree of confidence in specifying a desirable frequency, ‘low‐uncertainty’ and ‘high‐uncertainty’ frequency of flow events have been specified (Table 8). For the low‐uncertainty frequency, there is a high likelihood that the environmental objectives and targets will be achieved. The lower boundary of the desired range is referred to here as the high uncertainty frequency which is effectively the best estimate of the threshold, based on current scientific understanding, which, if not met, may lead to the loss of health or resilience of ecological communities, or the inability of species to reproduce frequently enough to sustain populations. The high‐uncertainty frequencies attempt to define critical ecological thresholds. The high uncertainty frequency is considered to represent a boundary beyond which there is a high likelihood that the objectives and targets will not be achieved. 15 Table 7 Flood frequency and duration for selected flood-dependent species River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) River red gums are opportunistic water users and are able to meet their needs using water from a variety of sources. They are also tolerant of elevated salinity levels (Roberts and Marston 2011). River red gums have mechanisms to avoid serious water deficit including a deep root system that allows them to access soil water and groundwater (Roberts and Marston 2011). Frequency of inundation – About every one to three years for forests and about every two to four years for woodlands (Roberts and Marston 2011). Critical Interval between inundations – Do not form a seed bank, hence it is important to maintain trees in good condition so that a good supply of seed is available. Inundation required after about three years for forests and five to seven years for woodlands (Roberts and Marston 2011). Longer intervals may be tolerated periodically, but if these become routine then tree condition is likely to deteriorate in the long term (Roberts and Marston 2011). Duration of inundation - About five to seven months for forests, and about two to four for woodlands (Roberts and Marston 2011). Lignum (Muehlenbeckia florulenta) Water regime is a very strong influence on lignum growth and reproduction. Frequency and duration of inundation are the most important components for maintaining adult lignum in good condition (Roberts and Marston 2011). Frequency of inundation – About every one to three years for large shrubs with vigorous canopy; every three to five years for healthy shrubs (Roberts and Marston 2011). For maintenance of small shrubs less frequent inundation of every seven to 10 years is tolerable however these will not be suitable as nesting platforms (Roberts and Marston 2011). Duration of inundation - About three to seven months for vigorous canopy (Roberts and Marston 2011). Critical Interval between inundations – inundation required after five to seven years to maintain vigour (Roberts and Marston 2011). Coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah) In their review of literature for selected wetland and floodplain species, Roberts and Marston (2011) found that the importance of flooding for adult coolibah had not been established. Roberts and Marston (2011) found that inundation is probably important for seedling establishment, and a sequence of floods, or flood and wet years, may be necessary to ensure seedlings are well established. As a summary Roberts and Marston (2011) found that although tolerant of hot dry conditions and infrequent flooding, coolibah is unlikely to persist if flow regime or regional hydrology becomes substantially drier. Frequency of inundation – About every 10 to 20 years. Duration of inundation – Not known. Critical Interval between inundations – Uncertain. Can maintain fair to good condition for possibly as long as 10 – 20 years. River Cooba (Acacia stenophylla) In their review of literature for selected wetland and floodplain species, Roberts and Marston (2011) found that flooding was important in determining the vigour of river cooba and implicated in germination and establishment of the species. The following information is taken from (Roberts and Marston 2011). Frequency of inundation – About every three to seven years for large shrubs with vigorous canopy (Roberts and Marston 2011). Duration of inundation - About two to three months (Roberts and Marston 2011). Critical Interval between inundations – Not known, possible maintains vigour up to five years without flooding, with trees near creeks and waterholes able to maintain vigour for much longer periods (Roberts and Marston 2011). 16 Proposed flow indicators Based on information outlined in the previous two sections, the following summarises the judgements made on how the flow indicators will achieve the ecological target of providing a flow regime which ensures the current extent of native vegetation of the riparian, floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition in the Lower Balonne Floodplain. This information also informs the flow indicators needed for a flow regime which supports key ecosystem functions related to connectivity between the river and the floodplain. Riparian Forest As detailed in previous sections a flow at Brenda of 12,000 ML/day is a key threshold at which inundation occurs for this vegetation community. Key flood dependent species found within this community include river red gum and coolibah as well as river cooba and lignum (Table 1). Generally the vegetation species that make up this community need to be inundated for periods up to several months. In defining water requirements for this community, the MDBA has assumed that river red gums are able to access other sources of water and that floodplain wetlands will retain water for extended periods (at least 90 days) following inundation. Given this, the MDBA concluded that the required duration for the 12,000 ML/d event is significantly shorter than 90 days. This is supported by analysis of modelled flows under without development conditions, which indicates that flows with a minimum threshold of 12,000 ML/d at Brenda have a maximum duration of 47 days and a median duration of 11 days. The MDBA has chosen the median duration (under a without development scenario) of 11 days as the flow indicator and believe that this should be representative of events which would typically inundate the Riparian forest of the Lower Balonne. The MDBA has also assumed that an event lasting 11 days is sufficient to fill secondary channels and adjacent floodplain waterholes close to the main rivers as well as provide a sufficient period of inundation for riparian forests. Table 7 presents information on the inundation requirements of individual species. Given that the riparian forest of the Lower Balonne contain a mix of species, the MDBA has reviewed existing literature related to inundation patterns for vegetation communities containing a mix of river red gum and coolibah as well as river cooba and lignum. Inundation mapping undertaken as part of developing the Gwydir Wetlands Adaptive Environmental Management Plan Floodplain showed that lignum, river red gum and some coolibah woodland occurring on the Gwydir River floodplain were inundated by moderate floods with a 1-4 year average recurrence interval (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2011). This regime is broadly consistent with the species requirements described by Roberts and Marston (2011) (see Table 7). The MDBA has assumed that the hydrology and climatic patterns of the Gwydir Wetlands and Lower Balonne are sufficiently similar to allow the inundation mapping undertaken on Gwydir River floodplain to be used to inform the frequency of flows required to inundate riparian forests on the Lower Balonne. Given previous assumptions and analysis, the MDBA has specified that an event with a minimum threshold of 12,000 ML/d at Brenda and a duration of at least 11 days needs to occur on average once every 3 to 4 years. 17 Lignum Shrublands and Coolibah Woodlands As detailed in previous sections flows at Brenda of between 18,500 and 26,500 ML/d represent a key range for inundation of these vegetation communities. Key flood dependent species found within these communities include coolibah, lignum and river cooba (Table 1). Hunter (2005) found on the section of the Culgoa River floodplain within the Culgoa National Park that there was a correlation between major changes in native vegetation composition and the retention of water for extended periods. The MDBA has assumed that areas that are flooded regularly and retain water for extended periods contain high proportions of lignum and river cooba, while areas which do not retain water are likely to contain less flood dependent species such as coolibah. As shown in Table 7, Roberts and Marston (2011) report that the minimum period of inundation required to maintain lignum and river cooba in a healthy condition (as defined by the maintenance of vigorous canopy) is between two and three months. In defining flow indicators for these communities, the MDBA has assumed that once inundated, floodplain wetlands will retain water for at least two to three months and has determined that the required duration for the 18,500 ML/d and 26,500 ML/d events is significantly shorter than two – three months. This is supported by analysis of modelled flows under without development conditions which indicates that flows with a minimum threshold of 18,500 ML/d at Brenda have a maximum duration of 40 days and a median duration of 9 days. Similarly analysis of modelled flows under without development conditions indicates that flows with a minimum threshold of 26,500 ML/d at Brenda have a maximum duration of 36 days and a median duration of 7 days. The MDBA has assumed that an event with a median duration (under a without development scenario) is representative of events which would typically inundate lignum shrublands and coolibah woodlands of the Lower Balonne. Based on a review of existing knowledge and information related to lignum communities, Roberts and Marston (2011) found that the average flooding frequency expected to maintain healthy lignum shrubs was every three to 5 years. Given previous assumptions and analysis, the MDBA has specified that an event with a minimum threshold of 18,500 ML/d at Brenda and a duration of at least 9 days needs to occur on average once every 4 to 5 years. Based on Sims (2004) analysis and recommendations within Whittington et al. (2002), the MDBA has determined that a threshold of 26,500 ML/d (at Brenda) represents an important transition in floodplain inundation where floodwaters emerge from the Culgoa River and travel across the floodplain and re-enter the Culgoa downstream. A flow of this magnitude will enable a substantial exchange of material between the floodplain and its adjoining aquatic ecosystems (Sims 2004) and is likely to be important in connecting a range of floodplain wetlands to the systems main channels. The MDBA has assumed that a flow of 7 days is sufficient to provide full connection between the system’s main channels and its floodplain and in doing so inundate channels, depressions and low lying areas across large sections of the floodplain. The MDBA has also assumed that these areas will retain water for extended periods. Roberts and Marston (2011) found that to maintain small lignum shrubs in good health, inundation every seven to 10 years is required. Given previous assumptions and analysis, the MDBA has specified that an event with a minimum threshold of 26,500 ML/d at Brenda and a duration of at least 7 days needs to occur on average once every 7 - 10 years. The water regime specified for lignum has been assumed by the MDBA to also be sufficient for the establishment of coolibah seedlings. Broadly, this assumption is supported by work undertaken in 18 the Gwydir system. Inundation mapping undertaken in the Gwydir system as part of the Gwydir Wetlands Adaptive Environmental Management suggests that coolibah woodlands are inundated by large flows that occur infrequently (annual recurrence interval (ARI) of 5 - 20 years) (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2011). While Wilson et al (2009) describes the approximate flood frequency of coolibah communities in the Lower Gwydir prior to river regulation as being once every 10 -20 years. Significant Floodplain Inundation The 38,500 ML/day (as measured at Brenda) flow threshold provides water for the floodplain as a whole system and the ecosystem functions that sustained the Lower Balonne floodplain in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition. Extensive areas of native grassland are found across Lower Balonne Floodplain (Smith et al. 2006) and are commonly dominated by species such as Mitchell Grass (Astrebla spp.) and Wire Grass (Aristida spp.) (Smith et. al 2006). As identified by Sims (2004), other common grassland species found on the floodplain between St. George and the NSW border (Table 1) include warrego summer grass (Paspalidum jubiflorum) and curly mitchell grass (Astrebla lappacea). Sims and Thoms (2002) and Sims (2004) suggest these areas are generally inundated by large flood events with average recurrence intervals of 10 years or greater. Like the Lower Balonne system, native grasslands are common on the Gingham and Lower Gwydir floodplains and occur on slightly elevated areas. Common species include warrego summer grass (Paspalidum jubiflorum), native millet (Panicum decompositum), Queensland blue grass (Dicantheum sericeum), curly mitchell grass, (Astrebla lappacea), windmill grass (Chloris truncata), curly windmill grass (Enteropogon acicularis) and Australian cup grass (Eriochloa australiensis) (McCosker 2007). Inundation mapping undertaken in the Gwydir system suggests that native grasslands within the Gwydir Wetlands are inundated by large flows that occur very infrequently (ARI of 10 - 20 years) (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water 2011). The MDBA has used the analysis undertaken by Sims and Thoms (2002) and Sims (2004) and NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2011) to inform the desired frequency of the flow indicator. As part of an assessment of plant community responses to wetting and drying in arid floodplain systems, Capon (2003) suggests that flooding induces increases in productivity, particularly total cover, in floodplain grass communities. However, Capon (2003) did not indicate that a particular duration or frequency of event was required by these communities. Recognising that floodplain inundation is important for a range of ecosystem functions such as the long term-persistence of fish assemblages in lowland rivers (Balcombe et al. 2005), supply of dissolved organic carbon (Thoms 2003) and the productivity of terrestrial vegetation communities (Capon 2003), the MDBA has specified a site-specific indicator flow to achieve broad scale floodplain inundation. This will provide a flow regime which supports key ecosystem functions related to connectivity between the river and the floodplain. Analysis of modelled flows under without development conditions indicates that flows with a minimum threshold of 38,500 ML/d at Brenda have a maximum duration of 30 days and a median duration of 6 days. 19 As with other flow indicators, the MDBA has relied on a hydrological analysis of without development events to determine the duration of the 38,500 ML/d flow indicator at Brenda. The MDBA has assumed that an event with a median duration (under a without development scenario) is representative of events which would typically achieve broad scale floodplain inundation. Given previous assumptions and analysis, the MDBA has specified that an event with a minimum threshold of 38,500 ML/d at Brenda and duration of at least 6 days needs to occur on average once every 20 years to achieve this ecological target for key ecosystem functions. 5.2.2. Waterbirds The MDBA is confident that the site-specific flow indicators determined to achieve the ecological targets for ensuring the current extent of native vegetation of the riparian, floodplain and wetland communities will also have valuable beneficial effects on the life-cycle and habitat requirements of waterbirds. Recognising that major colonial waterbird breeding events in the region occur in the Narran Lakes System, the vegetation communities found on the broader Lower Balonne floodplain are likely to support these events by providing foraging opportunities for key waterbird species. 5.2.3. Other Biota The high variability of flows in the Lower Balonne system means that the system experiences long periods of low-flows or cease-to-flow periods. For aquatic fauna populations, this places greater emphasis on sections of the channel capable of holding water for extended periods. These pools act as vital habitat during times of low-flow, with many species of fish and invertebrates persisting in these areas until larger flows occur (Balcombe et al. 2006; Balcombe et al. 2007; Bunn et al. 2006). There are three major attributes of waterhole refugia which contribute to their ability to sustain biota: the length of time they retain water during no-flow events, the quality of the refuge (including water quality and habitat availability) and connectivity between waterholes (Balcombe et al. 2006; Bunn et al. 2006). The maintenance of these waterholes is associated with the ecological targets of providing flow regimes supporting key ecosystem functions and maintaining viable populations of key aquatic species. A reconnaissance survey conducted in November 2007 following an extended 44-month period of low to no-flows identified 22 substantial refugia waterholes in the Lower Balonne system (Webb 2009). The majority of these waterholes (12) were located on the Culgoa River, three on the Bokhara (behind low-level weirs) and five on the Narran River (Figure 5; Webb 2009). DERM (2010) developed a relationship between pool depth and persistence as part of an assessment of waterhole refugia in the nearby Moonie River catchment. DERM (2010) determined that persistence time (measured in days) for waterholes in the Moonie system could be quickly determined as approximately 170 days per metre of maximum depth. 20 Figure 5 Substantial refugia waterholes within the Lower Balonne Floodplain (Source: Webb 2009). DERM (2011a) suggests that refugia waterholes in the Queensland section of the Lower Balonne have maximum depths up to 5-6 metres. The MDBA has assumed that the relationship between pool depth and persistence determined by DERM (2010) as part of an assessment of waterhole refugia in the nearby Moonie River catchment are applicable to the waterholes of the Lower Balonne. Using the above relationship, waterholes in the Lower Balonne Floodplain will retain water for a maximum of around 28 months assuming an initial depth of 5 metres and no inflows. The MDBA has assumed that the limited analysis of waterhole depth undertaken by DERM (2011a) is representative of waterhole depth across the entire system. Habitat conditions within waterholes may also decline as water levels recede, meaning that a waterhole could become unsuitable as habitat for some species long before it dries completely (DERM 2010). With this in mind it is assumed that pools must contain at least one metre of water in order to provide suitable habitat. Based on the work of DERM (2010, 2011a), to ensure 1 metre of water is retained in pools, a replenishment flow along the system is required at a maximum interval of 680 days or 22 months. To determine the flows required to maintain these critical refugia waterholes, observed flows were compared between the St George gauge on the Balonne River, the gauge upstream of Collerina at the lower end of the Culgoa River, and the Wilby Wilby gauge on the Narran River, for a five year period (1/07/1973 – 30/06/1978) prior to major development in the system. Analysis of flows from these gauges shows that during the five year period there were 6 events which reached a peak flow at St. George between 4,000 and 6,500 ML/d. Generally these flows correlated to peak flows of between 500 – 4,000 ML/d upstream of Collerina and between 600 – 21 1,600 ML/d at Wilby Wilby (Figures 6 to 11). Each of the six events maintained a flow at St. George of 2,500 ML/d for between 4 and 11 days, and 1200 ML/d for between 3 and 7 days at Brenda. When measured at St. George, the flow volume of these events generally range between 20,000 and 60,000 ML which is comparable to the total volume currently released from Beardmore Dam to maintain waterholes for stock and domestic purposes (Brizga 2011). However given the outlet capacity of Beardmore dam (1000 ML/d at full supply level – DERM 2011b), the patterns of releases currently made from Beardmore Dam are significantly different from the events shown in the following figures. These flows would connect all the vital waterholes along the length of these rivers. It is assumed that a flow of this magnitude at St George would also connect waterholes along the Bokhara River. 7000 6000 Flow (ML/D) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 13/07/1973 23/07/1973 2/08/1973 BALONNE RIVER AT ST. GEORGE 12/08/1973 22/08/1973 CULGOA RIVER AT U/S COLLERINA (MUNDIWA) NARRAN RIVER AT WILBY WILBY (BELVEDERE) 5000 4500 4000 Flow (ML/D) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 14/09/1973 24/09/1973 4/10/1973 BALONNE RIVER AT ST. GEORGE 14/10/1973 24/10/1973 3/11/1973 CULGOA RIVER AT U/S COLLERINA (MUNDIWA) NARRAN RIVER AT WILBY WILBY (BELVEDERE) 22 4500 4000 3500 Flow (ML/D) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 11/11/1973 21/11/1973 1/12/1973 BALONNE RIVER AT ST. GEORGE 11/12/1973 21/12/1973 31/12/1973 CULGOA RIVER AT U/S COLLERINA (MUNDIWA) NARRAN RIVER AT WILBY WILBY (BELVEDERE) 7000 6000 Flow (ML/D) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 21/04/1974 1/05/1974 BALONNE RIVER AT ST. GEORGE 11/05/1974 21/05/1974 CULGOA RIVER AT U/S COLLERINA (MUNDIWA) NARRAN RIVER AT WILBY WILBY (BELVEDERE) 23 6000 5000 Flow (ML/D) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 18/11/1974 28/11/1974 8/12/1974 BALONNE RIVER AT ST. GEORGE 18/12/1974 28/12/1974 7/01/1975 CULGOA RIVER AT U/S COLLERINA (MUNDIWA) NARRAN RIVER AT WILBY WILBY (BELVEDERE) 5000 4500 4000 Flow (ML/D) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 28/10/1975 7/11/1975 17/11/1975 BALONNE RIVER AT ST. GEORGE 27/11/1975 7/12/1975 17/12/1975 CULGOA RIVER AT U/S COLLERINA (MUNDIWA) NARRAN RIVER AT WILBY WILBY (BELVEDERE) Figures 6 to 11 Observed flows from six events at St. George, upstream of Collerina at the lower end of the Culgoa River, and the Wilby Wilby gauge on the Narran River 24 Proposed flow indicator A flow indicator to maintain critical in-channel habitat has been proposed for the Culgoa River at Brenda given that the majority of identified refugia waterholes are located on the Culgoa River and also due to its location downstream of major diversions for consumptive use. To ensure waterholes within the Lower Balonne system retain at least one metre of water, flows of 1,200 ML/d for 7 days at Brenda should occur at a maximum interval of 22 months (1.8 years). A maximum interval between flows of 28 months (2.3 years) is likely to ensure that a number of deeper waterholes will be maintained as drought refuges. However, it is expected that increasing the maximum interval between flows of 1,200 ML/d for 7 days at Brenda from 1.8 to 2.3 years is likely to reduce the number of waterholes able to adequately support critical in-channel habitat. The proposed flow indicators are consistent with the hydrology of the Lower Balonne system prior to development. In order to achieve the objective of maintaining key waterholes as drought refugia the volume of an event is likely to be the key driver. As such, water could be delivered in a different pattern to the proposed flow indicator and still achieve the objective. 5.2.4. Summary By analysing modelled flow data for the period 1895-2009, the frequency of specified flow indicators under without development and current development scenarios has been determined. In summary, the MDBA has prescribed the site-specific flow indicators (Table 8) for the Lower Balonne Floodplain based on available information and analysis of flow data. As the floodplain system is less studied than other locations in the Basin, its environmental water requirements have a higher degree of uncertainty compared to other hydrologic indicator sites. 25 Table 8 Site-specific ecological targets and associated flow indicators for the Lower Balonne River Floodplain System Without development and baseline event frequencies Site-Specific Flow Indicators Average period between events (years) except where labelled Event Site-Specific Ecological Targets Provide a flow regime which ensures the current extent of native vegetation of the riparian, floodplain and wetland communities is sustained in a healthy, dynamic and resilient condition Provide a flow regime which supports the habitat requirements of waterbirds Provide a flow regime which supports a range of native aquatic species (e.g. fish, frogs, turtles, invertebrates) Provide a flow regime which supports key ecosystem functions, particularly those related to connectivity between the river and the floodplain Flow rate required (measured at Brenda ML/d) Duration – minimum continuous (days) Timing 1,200 7 12,000 11 18,500 9 26,500 7 Preferably summer /autumn but timing not constrained to reflect that high flows depend on occurrence of heavy rainfall and will be largely unregulated events 38,500 6 Average period between events (except where labelled) under modelled without development conditions (years) Average period between events (except where labelled) under modelled baseline conditions (years) Low uncertainty (years) High uncertainty (years) 1.8 (maximum period between events) 2.3 (maximum period between events) 1.7 (maximum period between events) 3.5 (maximum period between events) 3 4 1.7 6.7 4 5 2.4 8.7 7 10 4.5 8.7 20 20 10.3 28.5 Note: Multiplication of the flow rate by the duration and frequency does not translate into the additional volume of water the site needs to be environmentally sustainable. This is because part of the required flow is already provided under baseline conditions. Additional environmental water required is the amount over and above the baseline flows. 26 6. Summary and conclusion The Lower Balonne Floodplain is a key environmental asset within the Basin and is an important site for the determination of the environmental water requirements of the Basin. MDBA has undertaken a detailed eco-hydrological assessment of the Floodplain’s environmental water requirements. Specified flow indicators are indicative of a long-term flow regime required to enable the achievement of site-specific ecological targets at the Lower Balonne Floodplain and for the broader river valley and reach. Along with other site-specific flow indicators developed across the Basin at other hydrologic indicator sites, these environmental flow requirements were integrated within hydrological models to inform the ESLT. This process is described in further detail within the companion report on the modelling process ‘Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: Methods and results’ (MDBA 2012). The flow indicators in this report are used to assess potential Basin Plan scenarios. MDBA (2012) summarises how the proposed draft Basin Plan released in November 2011 performs against flow indicators for the Lower Balonne Floodplain. 27 References Balcombe, SR, Arthington, AH, Foster, ND, Thoms, MC, Wilson, GA & Bunn, SE 2006, ‘Fish assemblages of an Australian dryland river: abundance, assemblage structure and recruitment patterns in the Warrego River, Murray–Darling Basin’, Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 57, pp. 619–633. Balcombe, SR, Bunn, SE, Arthington, AH, Fawcett JH, McKenzie- Smith, FJ, & Wright, A 2007, Fish larvae, growth and biomass relationships in an Australian arid zone river: links between floodplains and waterholes Freshwater Biology vol. 52, pp. 2385–2398 Balcombe, SR, S.E. Bunn, SE, McKenzie-Smith, FJ, Davies, PM 2005, Variability of fish diets between dry and flood periods in an arid zone floodplain river. A Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Centre for Riverine Landscapes, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, Australia Brizga S, 2011, Environmental Water Needs Assessment for the Lower Balonne Floodplain and Narran Lakes Ecological Assets Queensland Government, Brisbane. Bunn, SE & Arthington, AH 2002, ‘Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity’, Environmental Management, vol. 30, pp. 492-507. Bunn, SE, Thoms, MC, Hamilton, SK & Capon, SJ 2006, Flow variability in dryland rivers: boom, bust and the bits in between, River Research and Applications, vol. 22, pp. 179-186. Capon SJ 2003, ‘Plant community responses to wetting and drying in a large arid floodplain’, River Research and Applications, vol. 19, pp. 509-520. CSIRO 2008, Water availability in the Condamine–Balonne, a report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Murray–Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project, CSIRO, Australia. 169pp. Cullen P, Marchant, R & Mein, R 2003, Review of science underpinning the assessment of the ecological condition of the Lower Balonne system, report to the Queensland Government Independent Scientific Review Panel, Brisbane. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2001, Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia, Australian Wetlands Database –spatial data, viewed November 2008, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2008, National framework and guidance for describing the ecological character of Australian Ramsar wetlands, module 2 of the national guidelines for Ramsar wetlands — implementing the Ramsar Convention in Australia, viewed 5 January 2010‐2‐framework.html DERM (Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2010, Refugial waterholes project: research highlights, Queensland Government, Brisbane. DERM (Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2011a, Murray-Darling Basin Plan – Assessment of flow scenario implications for ecological assets of the upper MurrayDarling Basin, Queensland Government, Brisbane. DERM (Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2011b, Condamine and Balonne Resource Operations Plan, Queensland Government, Brisbane. 28 Dick, R 1993, The vegetation of the Wombeira land system and the floodplains of the Culgoa, Birrie and Narran Rivers in NSW,November 1990, New South Wales National Parks & Wildlife Service, Hurstville, NSW. Hunter, JT 2005, Vegetation of Culgoa National Park, central northern New South Wales. Cunninghamia vol. 9, pp. 275-284. Kingsford, RT, Thomas, RF & Knowles, E 1999, Wetland GIS of the Murray–Darling Basin, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & Murray–Darling Basin Commission, Canberra. Lake, PS 2003, ‘Ecological effects of perturbation by drought in flowing waters’, Freshwater Biology, vol. 48, pp. 1161–1172. McCosker, RO 1996, An environmental scan of the Condamine–Balonne River system and associated floodplain, LANDMAX Natural Resource Management Services, Armidale, New South Wales. 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Wilson, GG, Bickel, TO, Berney, PJ & Sisson, JL 2009, Managing environmental flows in an agricultural landscape: the Lower Gwydir floodplain, final report to the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, University of New England and Cotton Catchment Communities Cooperative Research Centre, Armidale, New South Wales. 30 Appendix A Data used in producing hydrologic indicator site maps Data Dataset name Sourcea Basin Plan regions Draft Basin Plan Areas 25 May 2010 Murray–Darling Basin Authority (2010) Dam walls/barrages GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia 2006 Gauges 100120 Master AWRC Gauges Icon sites Living Murray Indicative Icon Site Boundaries Murray–Darling Basin Commission (2007) Irrigation areas Combined Irrigation Areas of Australia Dataset Bureau of Rural Sciences (2008) Lakes GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) Maximum wetland Wetlands GIS of the Murray–Darling Basin Series 2.0 Murray–Darling Basin Commission extents (Kingsford) (1993) National parks/nature Digital Cadastral Database New South Wales Department of reserves Lands (2007) National parks/nature Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database — Department of the Environment, reserves CAPAD 2004 Water, Heritage and the Arts (2004) Nationally important Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia Spatial Department of the Environment, wetlands Database Water, Heritage and the Arts (2001) Ocean and landmass GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) Ramsar sites Ramsar wetlands in Australia Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (2009) Rivers Surface Hydrology (AUSHYDRO version 1-6) Geoscience Australia (2010) Roads GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) State border GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) State forests Digital Cadastral Database New South Wales Department of Lands (2007) Towns GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 Topographic Data Geoscience Australia (2006) Weirs Murray–Darling Basin Weir Information System Murray–Darling Basin Commission (2001) Weirs 2 a River Murray Water Main Structures Murray–Darling Basin Authority (2008) Agency listed is custodian of relevant dataset; year reflects currency of the data layer. 31 Appendix B Species relevant to criteria 1 and 4: Lower Balonne River Floodplain System Species Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) Fisheries Management Act 2004 (NSW) Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) Amphibians and reptiles Western blue-tongued lizard (Tiliqua occipitalis)3 V Birds Australasian bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus)3 V Australian bustard (Ardeotis australis)2 E Barking owl (Ninox connivens)3 V Black-chinned honeyeater (eastern subspecies) (Melithreptus V gularis gularis)3 Blue-billed duck (Oxyura australis)1 V Brolga (Grus rubicundus)1, 2 V Brown treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus)3 V Freckled duck (Stictonetta naevosa)1, 2 V Grey falcon (Falco hypoleucos)2 V Grey-crowned babbler (eastern subspecies) (Pomatostomus V temporalis temporalis)3 Hall’s babbler (Pomatostomus halli)2 V Hooded robin (Melanodryas cucullata)3 V Major Mitchell's or pink cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri)3 V Painted honeyeater (Grantiella picta)2 V Painted snipe (Rostratula australis or R. benghalensis)1 Red-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii)2 V E V Fish 32 Species Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) Fisheries Management Act 2004 (NSW) Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus)1 V Olive perchlet (Ambassis agassizii)1 E Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii)1 Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) V Purple spotted gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa)1 E Mammals Inland forest bat (Vespadelus baverstocki)3 V Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)3 V Little pied bat (Chalinolobus picatus)2 V Sandy inland mouse (Pseudomys hermannsburgensis)2 V Stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura)3 V Yellow-bellied sheathtail bat (Saccolaimus flaviventris)3 V Plants Narrow-leafed bumble (Capparis loranthifolia var. loranthifolia)1, 2 E Climbing caustic (Euphorbia sarcostemmoides)2 E Desert cow-vine (Ipomoea diamantinensis)1 E Winged peppercress (Lepidium monoplocoides)3 E E Communities Lowland Darling River aquatic ecological community1 Coolibah–black box woodland of the northern Riverine Plains in the E E Darling Riverine Plains and Brigalow Belt South bioregions1 Brigalow–gidgee woodland/shrubland in the Mulga lands and Darling Riverine Plains E bioregion1 V = vulnerable E = endangered 1 Smith et al. (2006) 2 NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (2003) 3 NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (2009) 33