Term 1-2 - Year 4 Independent Inquiry Big Idea Numeracy capabilities are needed in our personal, work and civic lives. Enduring Students will be confident, creative users and Understandings communicators of mathematics, who are able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in personal and work lives and as active citizens. Essential How does number help us understand our world Questions further? How is mathematics used? How can number add another dimension to our understanding of our world? Unit design Term 1 & 2 Content Strands: Mathematics / Year Level: 4 Civics & Citizenship/ Personal Learning Proficiency Strands: Ethical Behaviour / ICT Unit summary Students will work independently or in small groups to inquire around an interest that matters to them and create data for their class so to investigate further. The students will model problem-solving techniques to their peers during the investigation. They will design a presentation to inform their peers of their learning’s and new questions the investigation has presented. Goals & Standards What is important to learn? How do we determine this? See curriculum frameworks Understandings Focusing Questions What do we want the students to Mathematics understand as a result of this unit? Where is mathematics in our world? Mathematics Where isn’t it? Data can be organize into different How do we organize data to support forms to help with analysis interpretation and analysis? Are there Mathematicians choose from a errors in the collecting of data? What range of strategies to problem impact does this have on results and solving conclusions? What operations or strategies do a Civics & Citizenship mathematician use with solving the We all can contribute to the problem? functions of a fair and caring world. Civics & Citizenship What issue does this data present and therefore how can we act? Personal Learning What does it mean to be an active Seeking support, asking new and informed citizen? questions and persisting when faced Personal Learning with difficulties are characteristics What strategies support problem of an effective learner. solving? What do effective learners do? Knowledge and skills required to support development of understandings (explicit teaching) Skills in collection and presentation of data Knows how to input data into excel spreadsheets Able to select simple functions on spreadsheet / excel program to help explore numbers Knows how to identify and clarify thoughts, questions and issues using a thinking routine think puzzle, explore and an online concept map Able to create a question to guide inquiry Knowledge of ways to monitor and manage goal getting Able to identify relevant and reliable sources of information to explore inquiry With scaffolding, knows an inquiry process to explore the idea further With scaffolding, knows a problem solving framework and strategies to support Able to use a rubric to progress and evaluate own achievements Knows basic mathematical properties and processes related to personal goal and the needs of inquiry Assessment Design How will we know what learners have learned and how well they have progressed? Entry level assessments Mathematics Assessment Interview Collated list of where is number in the games Concept map around goal Questions around interest area Developing a rubric for effective mathematicians characteristics Formative Assessment Students, parents and teachers create a portfolio based on student selected goal and progress towards achieving Retest questions from Mathematics Assessment Interview in June Concept map around goal –post New questions around interest area – post Rubric - self assessment - output – presentation Components to be incorporated into Learning Sequence Learning Sequence is translation of a unit design into learning, teaching & assessment experiences for students. Learning Sequence goals is to progress the understandings, knowledge and skills, essential standards ( state & national expectations of learners) Assess the needs of each cohort -Interests, experiences, aspirations, ways of learning What do the students bring to the learning? Therefore how can we progress these learners? Where is the difference so to meet the learning needs of a particular class? 1. Participate in simulation games on the iPad. As a group create a list of where number is in the game. Collate the results. 2. Students predict where number will be present at camp. Students begin investigation based on the predictions. 3. Following camp, begin collection, collation and input of data. (explicit teaching – collection of data process and excel spreadsheet input and auto-sum) Students share another function they have learnt on excel to the rest of the group. 4. Students reflect on collected data: identify and clarify thoughts, questions and issues using a thinking routine think puzzle, explore. Create new questions around the data and areas of interest. Term 2 5. What do you already know about your goal? How will you know you have achieved it? 6. Continue to explore excel features and teach one another. 7. Students unpack an area of interest leading to creating a question/ focus for inquiry. Scaffold using an inquiry planner. 8. Introduce drafted likert scale so students are aware of the criteria and a tool to support the managing and monitoring of their own learning 9. Explicitly teach problem solving framework & a strategy 10. Students demonstrate to a group of students by thinking aloud when exploring a problem. Other students using metacognitive cards to track students thoughts while problem solving 11. Students independently explore their area of interest and create opportunities to explore and practice their goal. Explicit teaching is provided based on goal and needs of inquiry. Resources - Khan Academy Resources iPad game – tiny towers Excel program Small meta cognitive cards – laminated - Appendix 1 Inquiry planner – Appendix 2 Where maths? – Appendix 3 Goal and concept map – Appendix 4 What makes a good inquiry question proforma – Appendix 5 Problem solving strategies & framework – Appendix 6 Mathematical processes & rules / terminology page eg brackets –Appendix 7 Drafted likert scale - Appendix 8 Reflection tools/ web cam / flip camera / wiki Appendix 1 – Cognitive Cards I tried to remember if I had ever done a problem like this before or similar I acted it out I made a list I looked for a pattern I made a plan to start the problem I worked backwards I tried all possibilities I subtracted I guessed then checked and if needed to I improved my plan I broke the problem into smaller parts I looked for an I thought exception and I about what I found one would do next I tried a simpler problem I created a diagram I tried one way I counted and it didn’t work so I just started again another way I wrote an equation I multiplied I thought about what I already knew I thought 'I know what to do' I thought 'I know this sort of problem' I thought about a different way to solve the problem I changed the way I was working I divided I added I thought ' is this right?' I thought 'I can't do it' but kept going I thought about how I was going I checked my result as I was working I thought about something I had done another time that had been helpful I made a guess then checked it I read the question again so to understand the problem I thought about whether what I was doing was working I noticed a pattern I made a table I drew a picture I made a model I thought this isn’t working so I started again another way I drew a graph I collected and I carried out a organised data plan about the problem I discussed my I recorded ideas with some notes some else I found connections in the organised data I looked for problem solving strategies which could help I made and tested hypotheses based on patterns and connections I found I thought about what else can be learnt from this I published my I asked myself I asked what results can I check this would happen another way if ….. I asked how many solutions are there I asked myself I was curious how do I know I have found all the solutions I enjoyed the challenge I was excited to get into the problem I thought ‘ let’s I let my mind see what float freely to happens if I do help get ideas this’ I was frustrated but stuck to it I knew I’d get it eventually I used my strengths I preferred to work on my own this time I was confused but knew that is part of learning and made myself feel better I trusted my guess I asked questions I came up with I found an area I listened to an idea that that I can learn what others was a bit crazy more about have to say I thought I found a way I took notice of I had to think about how this that no-one how I felt hard relates to my else thought of life Appendix 2 What is possible for taking action that matters? How can I share my learning so that others learn from me? What resources are available to help explore my question? How does my personal goal relate to my research? What would I like to know more about? What does my topic make me think, make me wonder about and want to explore? Reflection : What is going well? What will I do next? Our big question ... .... how does number help us understand our world further? How does my research help answer big question? Appendix 3 Maths is everywhere – Resource : Australian Curriculum In science understanding sources of error and their impact on the confidence of conclusions is vital, as is the use of mathematical models in other disciplines. Interpret data and make informed judgments about events involving chance In geography, interpretation of data underpins the study of human populations and their physical environments; In history, students need to be able to imagine timelines and time frames to reconcile related events In English, deriving quantitative and spatial information is an important aspect of making meaning of texts. Ethical behavior - through analysing data and statistics; seeking intentional and accidental distortions; finding inappropriate comparisons and misleading scales when exploring the importance of fair comparison; and interrogating financial claims and sources. Financial mathematics, time management, budgeting and financial management, and understanding statistics in everyday contexts. In Literacy - interpret and use learn vocabulary /language - synonyms- Minus/subtract, technical terminology, -lowest common denominator, create and interpret texts – calendars & maps / data displays In ICT-investigate, create and communicate mathematical ideas and concepts using fast, automated, interactive and multimodal technologies. They employ their ICT capability to perform calculations, draw graphs, collect, manage, analyse and interpret data; share and exchange information and ideas and investigate and model concepts and relationships. Intercultural – range of cultural traditions, understand that mathematical expressions use universal symbols, while mathematical knowledge has its origin in many cultures Appendix 4 Goals Students Specific Goals Ellie – By the end of June I would like to explore adding two fractions together when they have different denominators Lincoln - By the end of June I would like to explore the properties of negative numbers Charlie - By the end of June I would like to explore patterns in number equations Alyssa - By the end of June I would like to explore adding two fractions together when they have different denominators Aidan - By the end of June I would like to investigate other strategies to problem solve Jack - By the end of June I would like to discover patterns so to make problem solving simpler Nicholas - By the end of June I would like to reflect by talking my idea through after finding a possible answer Nicholas – By the end of June I would like to use the language to order and write decimals Yin - By the end of June I would like to investigate other strategies to problem solve Digby - By the end of June I would like to discover patterns so to make problem solving simpler Siena– By the end of June I would like to order and add fractions Inspiration Appendix 5 Making a good inquiry question What makes a good inquiry question? There are lots of possible answers. The answer means lots of exploring and more questions. They help clarify and extend your ideas or explore other possibilities. The answer can’t just be found in a search on the Internet. The answer is more than a yes or no. Sentence starters might be … Is it possible that ….? What might ….? What if ….? How could ….? What evidence supports that view…? Why does this happen? What could cause that? What else is possible? What makes a good inquiry answer? The person experiments and has evidence to prove a position. There is deep exploration of the area. The person looks at all possibilities and perspectives. There may not be an answer. Appendix 6 Mathematical Problem solving framework 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Play with the problems to collect and organize data about it Discuss and record notes and diagrams Seek and see patterns or connections in the organized data Make and test hypotheses based on the patterns or connections Look in the strategy toolbox for problem solving strategies which could help 6. Look in their skill toolbox for mathematical which could help 7. Check answers and think about what else can be learnt from it 8. Share the results Strategy Toolbox for problem solving Thinking about your thinking Make a plan to start the problem Try and remember if you have ever done a problem like this before, what was helpful? Make a guess then check it Try one way and if it doesn’t work start again another way Check your result as you work Make a plan Read the question again so to understand the problem and find the important information Check in to see whether what you are doing is working Possible methods Record the ideas/thoughts Collect and organise data about the problem Make a table Draw a picture Act it out Make a model Make a list Create a diagram Draw a graph Find connections in the organised data Write an equation Look for a pattern Work backwards Break the problem into smaller parts Try a simpler problem Appendix 7 Exploring words in the mathematics world Terminology Example BRACKETS The signs ( ) { } & [ ] are used for grouping things or numbers Definition together. Brackets are used to indicate the order of operations Example 12 = 3 x (2 +2) Rule related Order of operation ….. Brackets first, of sign, division, multiplication addition subtraction BODMAS Definition Example Rule related Appendix 8 Self -Assessment tool – Likert Scale – mark on the scale of 1-4 how you are progressing towards the statement in the box. Mark in different colours each time and date the mark Name : I can contribute an idea or evidence 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 of our questions: How does number help us understand our world further? How is mathematics used? Mathematics I understand that data can be organize into different forms to help with analysis I understand that mathematicians choose from a range of strategies to problem solving Civics & I demonstrate that I can contribute Citizenship to the functions of a fair and caring world. Personal I demonstrate that I can seek Learning support, ask new questions and persist when faced with difficulties I demonstrate that I can monitor and manage goal getting. Knowledge I can …. and skills Collect and present data. Input data into excel spreadsheets. Select simple functions on spreadsheet / excel program to help explore numbers. 1 2 3 4 I can …. Identify and clarify thoughts, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 questions and issues using a thinking routines like - think puzzle, explore and an online concept map. Create a question to guide inquiry. Use an inquiry process to explore the idea further. Identify relevant and reliable sources of information to explore inquiry. I can … Use a mathematics problem solving framework and strategies to support. Select basic mathematical properties and processes related to personal goal and the needs of inquiry I can … Use a monitoring tool to progress and evaluate own achievements