Public Goods per Capita - Sources and Guide

Calculations and Sources for Per Capita Calculations Model
Used to estimate “Public” energy use
Capita = one person in said nation, so “per capita” is another way of saying “per person, in the entire population of the country”.
“Data Titles” highlighted in COLOR are those used to provide an estimate (i.e. approximation) of per capita “Public” energy-use,
based on country of residence for given Sub-categories of Public goods/services.
Note: All country names are those used by World Bank (except for slight modifications in spelling). Therefore: It should be possible
that any data set downloaded from The World Bank (ex. GDP, Population, Arable Land, Road Freight, etc.) be copy-and-pasted into a
subsequent column and match correctly with intended country. Therefore: Any data-set not downloaded from The World Bank, needs
to be checked in order that the country names from that data set matches the country names from those of The World Bank, in order to
perform =vlookup formulas on excel, etc.
The sheet titled: “Knowledge”, contains conversion rates for a lot of units. Many useful factors are form David MacKay’s book—
available free online (link).i
Data Title
[B] Countries
Source(s) or Calculations
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012.
Input date
All countries in the world according to The World Bank list of countries or independent
states (214 in total, because for some reason Taiwan isn’t included). With Taiwan included
it becomes 215 countries or independent states.
[C] GDP (Current
“GDP (current US$)”. The World Bank. Accessed: Saturday
March 9, 2013 @ 18:39.
Input data
Some GDP figures are sourced from CIA World Factbook [i.e. Samoa, Aruba, Cayman
Islands, Cuba, Curacao, Djibouti, Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Guam, Iran Isle of Man,
Libya, Liechtenstein, Burma, New Caledonia, Northern Mariana Islands, San Marino, Saint
Maarten, Somalia] ( (ii)
Some figures are from the World Bank, but are from 2008 or 2005 or earlier [i.e. Andorra,
Channel Islands]
For some reason Taiwan doesn’t have much information on World Bank Searches (i.e.
there is no data). Taiwan’s GDP was gotten from:
[D] Population 2011
“Population, total”. The World Bank. Accessed September
Input data
[E] Per capita* GDP
Calculated: [C] / [D], i.e. = GDP / Population. This is an annual figure (not per day).
[F] Defense Spending
2011 (also termed
“The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database”. Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute (SIPRI). <>. Accessed September 2012.
(direct: This is an annual figure, not per day.
Input data
See: [I], “Government Expenses (Adjusted)”. Defense Spending (referred to by The World
Bank as “military expenditures”) is included in “Government expenditures…” by The
World Bank, but here it is excluded from [I] “Government Expenses”, indicated by
[G] Defense Spending
as a % of GDP
Calculated: [F] / [C], i.e. = Defense Spending / GDP.
[H] Defense, kWh per
capita*, per day
a) (3.5 million barrels per day) * ($95 per barrel) * (365 days) = $127.8 billion
dollars per year;
b) $127.8 / $706.6 billion spending per year = 18.0% of defense spending in the U.S.
is used to fund oil use; increased to 25% for all countries;
c) Final calculation: [F] * 25% * 1/$95 * 1666.67 / [D] / 365 = Defense kWh/capita*
U.S. defenses burns approx. 3.5 million (mm) barrels of oil per day (iii) which is converted
into $USD using $95 per barrel of oil (average annual price was above $100 in 2011 (iv))
and annualizing the figure, gives %defense spending used for oil (doesn't include money
spend on manufacture or arms/vehicles, or the embodied energy of materials, with steel
being very energy intensive).
Because this fraction excludes energy costly items (manufacturing, facilities, and embodied
energy of materials, ex. steel, aluminum, etc.), and because in the process of engaging in
defense exercises and/or combat, much infrastructure is destroyed (resulting from
aggressors or peacemakers) which results in lost product of energy, i.e. it cost energy to
build a building that is destroyed and which now needs energy to be rebuilt—because of
these factors, the 18% figure has been increased to 25% for all nations (including the U.S.).
Therefore each nations defense budget (in $USD) is multiplied by 25%, and that figure
converted into barrels (at $95 per barrel) (iv), each barrel 1,666.67 kWh of energy (v),
converted into per capita* per day by dividing by population:
= $USD defense spending * 25% / $95 per barrel = # barrels
= # barrels * 1666.67 kWh per barrel = total kWh
= total kWh / population / 365 days = kWh per capita* per day for defense.
Again, this is an estimate (using assumptions that are well-informed). Many national
defenses don't give official figures (for security reason no doubt), so it's not possible right
now—if ever—to provide more accurate figure. Including defense Speaking personally, I
hope as a species that we find ways to resolve disagreements and misunderstandings via
dialogue and commitment to our peace collectively. As a side-effect we would reduce
energy used in defensive operations.
Barrel of oil price of $95 sourced from averaging all 2011 figures. See Sheet: “Barrel Price” in Excel: “Per Capita
Calculations Model”).
[I] Government
Expenses (Adjusted)
“General government final expenditure (current US$)". The World Bank. Accessed: Saturday March 9, 2013 @ 18:39. This is an
annual figure, not per day.
These figures for Government Expenses are adjusted to exclude “Military Expenditures”
(also termed “Defense Spending”). This is because the “General government final
expenditure (current UD$)” given by The World Bank includes “most expenditures on
national defense and security” as they explain; in these calculations, however, for the
purpose of more accurately estimated kWh per $dollar spent, Government Expenses have
been adjusted to exclude “Military Expenditures” because “Military Expenditures” in all
probability use considerably more money on energy directly (gasoline, oil, etc.)—it’s
estimated to be 18%, as detailed in [H]—and also indirectly (almost all their equipment is
made of steel or metals, which is very energy intensive), whereas “Government Expenses”
likely use a smaller fraction of money on energy directly, and possibly also indirectly.
The adjustment is calculated: “General government final expenditure (current US$)”
minus (“Military expenditure (% of GDP)”, multiplied by “GDP (current US$)”). Note
also, that these figures use current US$ and percentages all downloaded at the same time
(within a minute of each other), to ensure monetary exchanges rates don’t distort values.
Input data
See: Sheet titled “GDP (current USD)” for calculation, also using data from sheets titled
“Gov (current USD)”, and “Military % GDP”.
[J] Government as %
[K] Government
Expenses Per Capita*
Calculated: [I] / [C], i.e. = Government Expenses / GDP.
Calculated: [I] / [D], i.e. = Government Expenses / Capita*. This is an annual figure, not
per day.
[L] Electricity 2009
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012.
Input data
This is an annual figure (per capita*), and not yet per day.
[Countries without current data available: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Samoa, Andorra,
Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan,
Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda,
Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman,
Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Channel Islands, Chile, China, Colombia,
Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica, Côte
d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia,
Ethiopia, Faeroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia,
Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati,
North Korea, South Korea, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho,
Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar,
Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius,
Mexico, Federated States of Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro,
Morocco, Mozambique, Burma, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New
Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan,
Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto
Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe,
Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Saint Maarten,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri
Lanka, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Martin (French part), St. Vincent and the
Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey,
Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates,
United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam,
Virgin Islands (U.S.), West Bank and Gaza].
[M] Electricity 2009
Calculated: [L] / 365, i.e. = (Electricity 2009 kWh/capita*/day) / 365.
[N] as a % Primary
Energy Use
Calculated: [M] / [P], i.e. = (Electricity 2009 kWh/capita*/day) / (Primary Energy Use
2009 kWh/capita*/day.
[O] Primary Energy
Use (2008) (kg oil per
[P] Primary Energy
Use 2009
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. This is an
annual figure.
Input data
Calculated: [O] * (11.63 kWh/kg oil) / 365, i.e. = (Primary Energy Use, 2008, kg oil per
capita) * (11.63 kWh per kg oil) / 365.
(note: check
why this is
year 2009, and
not 2008).
Find how
World Bank
defines this.
Input data
(Conversion factor, 1 toe oil : 11,630 kWh, or 1 kg oil : 11.63 kWh).
Note: “Primary energy”. Wikipedia.
[Q] % Fossil Fuel
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. This is the %
(or fraction) of [N] “Primary Energy Use 2009 kWh/capita*/day that is generated (or
sourced) using fossil fuel. The term “energy source” will be referred to throughout this
website; the energy we use is sourced from various resources such as coal, oil, natural gas,
Find how WB
[R] % Alternative +
hydro, wind, solar, and more.
defines “Fossil
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. This is the %
(or fraction) of [N] “Primary Energy Use 2009 kWh/capita*/day that is generated (or
sourced) using Alternative or Nuclear.
Input data
Find how WB
“Alternative +
[S] % Combustible
Renewables + Waste
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. This is the %
(or fraction) of [N] “Primary Energy Use 2009 kWh/capita*/day that is generated (or
sourced) using Combustible Renewables + Waste.
Input data
[T] % Other
Calculated: 100% – [Q] – [R] – [S], i.e. = 100% – (% Fossil Fuel) – (% Alternative +
Nuclear) – (% Combustible Renewables + Waste).
[U] Fossil Fuel kWh
per day per capita
Calculated: [P] * [Q], i.e. = (Primary Energy Use 2009 kWh/capita*/day) * (% Fossil Fuel)
[V] Alternative +
Nuclear kWh per day
per capita
Calculated: [P] * [R], i.e. = (Primary Energy Use 2009 kWh/capita*/day) * (% Alternative
+ Nuclear)
[W] Combustible
Renewables + Waste
kWh per day per capita
Calculated: [P] * [S], i.e. = (Primary Energy Use 2009 kWh/capita*/day) * (%
Combustible Renewables + Waste)
[X] Other kWh per day
per capita
Calculated: [P] * [T], i.e. = (Primary Energy Use 2009 kWh/capita*/day) * (% Other)
[Y] CO2 Intensity, kg
CO2 per kg oilequivalent energy use
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012.
Input data
[Z] Deviation from
average world kg
CO2/kWh energy
Calculated: (country [AA], minus world average [AA]) / (world average [AA]), i.e. = (kg
CO2 per kWh energy in a country, less world average kg CO2 per kWh energy) / (world
average kg CO2 per kWh energy).
[AA] kg CO2 / kWh
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012.
Input data
[AB] kg CO2 per
capita* per day
Calculated: [Y] * [O] / 365, i.e. = (CO2 Intensity, kg CO2 per kg oil-equivalent energy
use) * (Primary Energy Use, 2008, kg oil per capita*) / 365
[AC] Arable Land
Source: “Arable land (hectares).” The World Bank. Accessed
Input data
[AD] Arable Land (sq.
Calculated: [AC] * 0.01 sq. km per hectare, i.e. (Hectares Arable Land) * (0.01 square
kilometers per hectare). For the entire nation.
September 2012.
Input data
(Conversion factor = 1 sq. km = 100 hectare; 1 hectare = 1/100 = 0.01 sq. km)
[AE] Arable Land as
% Total Land
Calculated: [AD] / [AN], i.e. (Arable Land sq. km) / (Total Land Area sq. km)
[AF] Fertilizer kg /
hectare arable land
Source: “Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land)”. The World Bank.
Input data
[AG] Fertilizer kg / sq.
Calculated: [AF] * 0.01 sq. km per hectare, i.e. = (Fertilizer in kg per hectare arable land) * Accessed September 2012.
(0.01 sq. km per hectare)
(Conversion factor = 1 sq. km = 100 hectare; 1 hectare = 1/100 = 0.01 sq. km)
[AH] Agricultural
Land (sq. km)
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. For the entire
Input data
[AI] Agricultural Land
as % Total Land
Calculated: [AH] / [AN], i.e. = (Agricultural Land sq. km) / (Total Land Area sq. km)
[AJ] Arable Land
Calculated: [AC] / [D], i.e. = (Arable Land hectares) / Population
[AK] Agricultural
Land hectare/capita
Calculated: [AH] * 100 / [D], i.e. = (Agricultural Land sq. km) * (100 hectares per sq. km)
/ Population
(Conversion factor: 1 square kilometer = 1 sq. km = 100 hectares)
[AL] Fertilizer CO2
Calculated: [AC] * [AF] * (2.5 kg CO2 per kg fertilizer) / [D], i.e. = (Arable land,
hectares) * (Fertilizer kg per hectare arable land) * (2.5 kg CO2 per 1 kg fertilizer) /
(Conversion Factor 2.5 kg CO2 per kg fertilizer figures is likely sourced from: Steinfeld,
Henning, et al. Chapter 3 “Livestock’s role in climate change and air pollution”.
Livestock’s long shadow – environmental issues and options. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Rome, 2006. Accessed September 2012.
[AM] Fertilizer
Calculated: [AC] * [AF] * 10.7 kWh / Population / 365
(Conversion Factor, 10.7 kWh per kg fertilizer is sourced from: Steinfeld, Henning, et al.
Chapter 3 “Livestock’s role in climate change and air pollution”. Livestock’s long shadow
– environmental issues and options. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO). Rome, 2006.
Accessed September 2012.)
[AN] Total Land Area
(sq. km)
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. For the entire
Input data
[AO] Forest Area (sq.
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. For the entire
Input data
[AP] Forest Area as %
Total Land
Calculated: [AO] / [AN], i.e. = (Forest Area sq. km) / (Total Land Area sq. km)
[AQ] Road Network
Source: “Roadways”. The World Factbook, CIA. <
Input data
[AR] Road Area (sq.
Calculated: [AQ] * (12 meters / 1000 meters), i.e. (Road Network km length) * (Road
Network km width).
world-factbook/rankorder/2085rank.html>. Accessed September 2012.
This can also be calculated taking [AQ] * 1000, giving the total Road Network in meters
(length), multiplying that figure by 12 meters (width), giving the total sq. meter of Road
Area; convert sq. meter Road Area into sq. km by dividing total sq. meter of Road Area by
1,000,000 sq. meter per sq. km (1000 meter * 1000 meter, or 1,000,000 sq. meter = 1 sq.
[AS] Road Area as %
Total Land
Calculated: [AR] / [AN], i.e. (Road Area sq. km) / (Total Land Area sq. km)
[AT] % Roads Paved
Source: “Roads, paved (% of total roads)”. The World Bank. Accessed
Input data
September 2012.
[AU] Paved Roads (sq.
Calculated: [AR] * [AT], i.e. = (Road Area sq. km) * (% Roads Paved);
This can also be calculated taking (Road Network, km) * (% Roads Paved) * (12 meter /
1000 meter), i.e. = [AQ] * [AT] * (12/1000)
[AV] Road Cost
[AW] Energy Use per
$1,000 GDP (kg of oil
equivalent per $1000
[AX] kWh Energy Use
per $1,000 GDP
Calculated: [AQ] * 1000 * [AT] * (35,000 kWh/meter) / (40 years * 365) / [D], i.e. =
(Road Network km) * (1000 meter/km) * (% Roads Paved) / (40 years * 365) / Population
Source: The 35,000 kWh/meter figure is sourced from David MacKay’s Sustainable
Energy – without the hot air, p. 90, Chapter 15 – Stuff.
The World Bank. Accessed September 2012. For the entire
Calculated: [AW] * 11.63 kWh/kg oil, i.e. = (Energy Use per $1000 GDP, kg oil) * (11.63
kWh per kg oil)
Input data
(Conversion factor, 1 toe oil : 11,630 kWh, or 1 kg oil : 11.63 kWh).
[AY] % GDP used for
Energy (est. $95 per
Calculated: [AW] / 1000 * 7.1429 * $95 / $1000, i.e. = (kg oil equivalent per $1,000 GDP)
/ (1000 kg per ton) * (7.1429 barrel of oil equivalent per ton of oil equivalent) * ($95 dollar
per barrel) / $1,000
(Conversion factors: 1 ton of oil equivalent = 1 toe = 7.1429 boe, barrel of oil equivalent)
Barrel of oil price of $95/barrel sourced from averaging all 2011 figures. See Sheet: “Barrel Price” in Excel: “Per
Capita Calculations Model”).
[BE] Government
Estimate 1
Calculated: [P] / [C] * [I], i.e. = (Primary Energy Use, 2009 kWh/capita*/day) / ($ Total
GDP) * ($ Government Expenses)
This figure is only slightly lower than [AZ] Estimate 2 for the “World” Government kWh
per capital per day estimate, [BE] = 9.2 kWh per capita per day, and [AZ] = 9.45 kWh per
capita per day.
[BF] Government
Estimate 2
Calculated: [AW] * [I] / 1,000 / 1000 * 11,630 / [D] / 365, i.e. = (Energy Use per $1,000
GDP, kg oil) * ($ Government Expenses) / ($1,000) / (1000 kg per ton) * (11,630 kWh per
ton of oil equivalent, toe) / Population / 365 days.
(Conversion Factors: 1000 kg per ton; and 11,630 kWh per ton of oil equivalent, toe).
[BG] kWh per $GDP
Calculated: [O] / [E] * 11.63, i.e. = (Primary Energy use, 2008, kg oil per capita) / (Per
capita GDP)
(Conversion factor 1 kg oil : 11.63 kWh).
[BH] Data Centers
(2012 Est.)
These calculations are based on work performed by Jonathan G. Koomey, Ph.D. available
for free on his site: Calculations performed to generate estimated kWh
per capita per year for Data Centers can be found in Sheet: “Data Centers” in the Excel file:
“Per Capita Calculations Model”.
Calculated: Using regional figures (“Western Europe”, “Asia Pacific” (excluding Japan),
“Rest of World”), country energy use is estimated by, as in the case of Western European
countries, taking the single GDP of one country, Austria for example at $418.5 billion
GDP, dividing it by the sum of GDP figures for all Western European countries (totaling
$17.3 trillion), and allocating 2.4% (418.5 bn / 17.3 tn) of the regional 129.08 BkWh used
for Data Centers, to Austria.
This assumes that there is a strong positive correlation between GDP and Data Centers
energy usage, which makes sense intuitively. A simple correlation calculation performed
between the regional 2012 BkWh Estimates (cells F57:60) and regional GDP figures yields
a correlation coefficient of 0.83 (when you include the “Rest of World” GDP and the
associated estimated BkWh figure, 53.78 BkWh, the correlation coefficient drops to 0.59).
[BI] Data Centers
Jonathan G Koomey. “Worldwide electricity used in data centers”. 2008 Environmental
Research Letters 3 034008. Accessed
September 2012.
Koomey, Jonathan G. “Growth in Data Center Electricity Use 2005 to 2010”. From
“Research” tab Accessed: September 2012.
Calculated: [BH] * 1,000,000,000 kWh/BkWh / [D] / 365, i.e. = (Data Centers BkWh/year)
* (1,000,000,000 kWh per BkWh) / Population / 365.
(Conversion factor: BkWh = billion kWh)
[BJ] Oil Pipeline
Transport (mm tonkm)
Source: See sheet titled “Oil pipeline…” in publication from International Merchandise
Trade Statistic (IMTS). United Nations Statistics Division.; there is a link to it
Input data
Note: “mm” is short for million; and ton-km or t-km is short for ton-kilometer, i.e. the
transportation of one ton, a total distance of one kilometer.
[BK] Oil transport
Calculated: [BJ] * 1,000,000 * 0.056 / [D] / 365, i.e. = (Oil Pipeline Transport, mm tonkm) * (1,000,000 single ton per million ton) * 0.056 kWh/t-km / Population / 365 days.
(Conversion factor: 0.056 kWh/t-km, i.e. kWh per ton-kilometer; this is the “Energy
Intensity of Transport” from David MacKay’s Sustainable Energy – without the hot air, p.
[BL] Urban Population
as a % of Total
Source: “Urban Population (as % total)”. The World Bank.
Accessed September 2012.
Input data, and
Note: the fraction of urban population (as % of total) was gathered for 2010 (latest
available); the average growth rate per year from 2008-2010 was applied to 2011 and 2012
to generate an estimate for urban population as a % of total in 2012.
[BM] Urban Lighting
Calculated: [BL] * [D] * 0.1 / [D], i.e. = ((Urban Population as % of total) * (Population) *
0.1 kWh/urban-person/day) / Population.
Source: In the sheet titled “Urban Lighting” in Excel File “Per Capita Calculations Model”
is the method of estimating kWh/person/day in New York City and L.A.; averaging 0.9
kWh/day per person, and 0.14 kWh/day per person, respectively. Together they average
0.114 kWh/day per person—for calculating estimates across all countries, 0.10 kWh/day
per urban-person is used. Cities with more people have lower kWh/person/day—so
applying this figure to other (less populated) centers may underestimate their per person
kWh consumption for urban lighting.
The reliability of 0.1 is confirmed on p. 57 of David MacKay’s work, Sustainable Energy –
without the hot air:,
and could possible be applied to the entire population, not just those in urban areas.
 “Green Light, Sustainable Street Lighting for NYC”. New York City Web site.
 . Accessed
September 2012.
“Best Practice: LED Street Lighting System”. New York City Global Partners. Accessed
September 2012.
MacKay, David JC. “Chapter 9, Light”, p. 57. Sustainable Energy – without the hot air.
(Online) Accessed
September 2012.
[BN] Rail kWh
Calculated: See 6(a) from [BS] Methodology of calculation.
[BO] Road kWh
OECD/ITF 2012. “Tends in the Transport Sector 1970-2010”. OR (pdf link: direct).
Accessed January 2013.
“Railways, goods transported (million ton-km)”. The World Bank. Accessed February 2013.
Calculated: See 6(b) from [BS] Methodology of calculation.
[BP] Inland Waterway
kWh (annual)
OECD/ITF 2012. “Tends in the Transport Sector 1970-2010”. OR (pdf link: direct).
Accessed January 2013.
“Roads, goods transported (million ton-km)”. The World Bank. Accessed February 2013.
Calculated: See 6(c) from [BS] Methodology of calculation.
[BQ] Pipelines kWh
OECD/ITF 2012. “Tends in the Transport Sector 1970-2010”. OR (pdf link: direct).
Accessed January 2013.
Calculated: See 6(d) from [BS] Methodology of calculation.
[BR] Air kWh
OECD/ITF 2012. “Tends in the Transport Sector 1970-2010”. OR (pdf link: direct).
Accessed January 2013.
Calculated: See 6(e) from [BS] Methodology of calculation.
[BS] Transport of
Goods (Freight
Transport) kWh/capita
OECD/ITF 2012. “Tends in the Transport Sector 1970-2010”. OR (pdf link: direct).
Accessed January 2013.
Calculated: ( [BN] + [BO] + [BP] + [BQ] + [BR] ) / [D] / 365, i.e. = ( Rail kWh + Road
kWh + Inland Waterway kWh + Pipelines kWh + Air kWh) / Population / 365 days.
See sheet: “Freight Transport Model” (which gets some data from sheets: “Air-freight”,
“Rail freight”, and “Roads freight”).
Methodology of calculation:
1. Import data sets from ITF and World Bank
2. Ensure country “Names” from ITF match those from The World Bank, in order to
accurately perform =vlookup calculations on excel.
3. The most recent figures were taken from all datasets (“STEP 1: Data pulled
together from ITF”), and in the three World Bank sheets, the same was done.
4. Data from ITF and World Bank were laid after one another (columns I:N in
“Freight Transport Model”) and converted into tonne-km. (“STEP 2: Data pulled
together from ITF and World Bank…, and converted into TONNE-KM”).
a. ITF was formerly in thousand mm tonne-km
b. World Bank was formerly in mm tonne-km
For Rail, Roads, and Air freight—where figures existed from World Bank and
ITF—the larger of the two figures was chosen. (“STEP 3: Where two figures
These figures were then converted into total (annual) kWh consumed by
multiplying the tonne-km by a chosen conversion factor*:
a. Rail: 0.10 kWh per tonne-km
b. Roads: 0.70 kWh per tonne-km
c. Inland Waterway: 0.07 kWh per tonne-km
d. Pipelines: 0.06 kWh per tonne-km
e. Air: 1.6 kWh per tonne-km
Finally, these said conversion factors were summed up and divided by a country’s
Population, and by 365 days to get kWh/capita/day.
*Conversion factors assumed using various sources:
 (pdf report)
 Table 1.8. Energy intensity of transport modes in the USA
Useful Conversion Factors: MacKay, David JC. “World power consumption”, Chapter I, Quick Reference, p. 334.
Sustainable Energy – without the hot air. (Online) <>. Accessed September 2012. (Useful
Conversion Factors)
Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes 2nd Ed., by Aldo Vieira da Rosa. Section: "Conversion Factors, Energy
and Utility"