Instructor Authorization Form

Disabled Student Programs and Services
4700 College Oak Dr. • Sacramento, CA 95841
Tel: (916) 484-8382 • VP: (916) 993-3087 • Fax: (916) 484-8888
DSP&S Testing Services Information & Instructor Authorization Form
Instructors: It is your responsibility to collaborate with DSP&S to provide test accommodations to students who are legally eligible.
By law, students with verified disabilities have the right to receive academic adjustments and auxiliary aides (including
testing accommodations) to facilitate access to college programs.
In order for a student to be approved for testing accommodations, they must meet with a DSP&S counselor, provide
verification of disability identifying specific educational limitations, and based on this information a student may (or may
not) be approved for testing accommodations.
Notification to Instructors
DSP&S offers Test Proctoring as a service to the faculty of ARC; when a student is approved for testing accommodations,
the student will bring you a “Letter of Accommodation” along with an “Instructor Authorization Form”. This form alerts
you that the student is approved for specific testing accommodations.
Please review the “Letter of Accommodation” and return the “Instructor Authorization Form” to the student. DSP&S has
limited capacity to proctor exams, and some instructors may be asked to accommodate students outside of DSP&S.
The Proctoring Process
It is the student’s responsibility to return the completed “Instructor Authorization Form” and request test proctoring in the
DSP&S office at least one week in advance; DSP&S asks your assistance by announcing tests/quizzes/exams to your students
at least one week in advance.
Students will provide an “Exam Cover Sheet” to the instructor as each test is scheduled; instructors specify testing
conditions and allowances by completing and submitting the “Exam Cover Sheet”.
It is the instructor’s responsibility to submit exams to DSP&S Testing Services at least 2 days in advance with a completed
“Exam Cover Sheet”.
DSP&S will proctor tests with the approved accommodations and instructions specified on the “Exam Cover Sheet”.
Security cameras and test proctors will monitor each testing room. If a student violates the Testing Services Contract, the
test will be stopped immediately. DSP&S will record the incident in writing, return the exam, and report to the instructor.
Test Return
After the student has taken the test in the DSP&S office, DSP&S will return the test to the instructor as specified by the
instructor on the applicable “Exam Cover Sheet”.
If a student misses the test proctoring appointment, the test will be returned to the instructor. It is the student’s
responsibility to arrange any make-up with their instructor.
Testing accommodations make tests accessible to students with disabilities; accommodations may affect how a test is taken, but not what it measures.
Please return the completed form to student; student will return this form to DSP&S prior to scheduling exam times.
Instructor Name:
Default Time Allowed In Class for Exams:
☐Instructor will hand deliver
Delivery Options:
Student ID:
Student Name:
☐Instructor will email
☐Student will deliver sealed exams
☐Instructor will accommodate student
☐Instructor authorizes DSP&S Testing Services to accommodate student as capacity permits
Instructor Signature:
8/2012 JDR
OnBase: Testing Accommodations