Medication policy

Medication policy
This policy has been developed to ensure the appropriate administering of medication to children.
It is understood that there is a shared responsibility and accountability between staff and parents/carers
to implement the Policy due to the potential health risks of incorrect administration.
Medication may be prescribed or non-prescribed.
For the purpose of the policy, prescribed is defined as:
“Authorised by a health care professional and dispensed by a pharmacist with a printed label, which
includes the child’s name, dosage and expiry date”.
Examples include antibiotics and Ventolin.
All medication that does not meet this definition considered to be non-prescribed.
Basic Principles:
The basic principles of medication administration will be adhered to at all times.
The 5 principles are the correct:
• child;
• medication;
• dose;
• method;
• date and time; and
• expiry date of the medication.
Medication can only be administered when signed permission is in place from the child’s parent / carer.
The Medication record can be used for this purpose.
Staff must always have parental/carer authority to administer medication to a child.
This is given on the day via the signed entry in the Medication Record, or on registration for specific
medical conditions such as asthma. Authorisation to administer first aid remedies is also sought on
Simply Play reserves the right to contact a health care professional if employees are unsure about
administering medication to a child, even if the parent or legal guardian has requested the medication
to be administered. Ultimately the safety and welfare of children is given first priority by employees,
when administering medication.
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Summary of Responsibilities:
Club manager:
The Club Manager (or nominated member of staff in their absence) is responsible for:
 Clearly explaining during registration, the Medication Policy.
 Ensuring signed permission by parents / carers is in place for all children requiring medication.
The Medication record should be signed by parents when collecting their child
 Ensuring that these records are kept up to date.
 Administering all medications appropriately at the prescribed intervals
 Advising parents that for prescribed medicines, only the child on the label may be administered
the medication and only the dosage on the medication will be followed
 Ensuring out-of-date medicines are not administered
 Cross checking with another employee before administering medication
 Signing the Medication Record and ensuring the checking employee signs as well
 Any spill, reaction or refusal to take medication should also be recorded.
 Contacting the Emergency Services and parent / carers in an emergency.
Club staff:
All staff are responsible for:
 Ensuring parents deliver medication to a qualified member of staff so it can be stored securely
(out of children’s reach and in a sealed, labelled container) and at the recommended
temperature (e.g. in fridge).
 Monitoring children following the administration of medication for any adverse reactions.
If staff have any doubt regarding medication instructions or the interpretation of parental instructions,
they should ask the parents to get a written authorisation from the child’s GP.
If they cannot be contacted, and information is required urgently, staff will call a doctor, pharmacist or
NHS24. NHS24 helpline number is 08454 24 24 24.
Parents are responsible for:
 Signing, on registration, the Medication record permission to allow Simply Play employees to
administer medicine.
 Notifying the club Manager on registration / membership of any long term medical conditions
such as allergies, asthma, diabetes or epilepsy where medication is required, either
intermittently or on a continuous basis, and completing the relevant Medical record permission.
 Ensuring all medications are handed to a member of staff for safe storage. It is vital that
medication is NOT stored in children’s bags.
 Ensuring child’s medication is clearly labelled with prescribed information (dosage etc), is in its
original packaging, and includes the child’s name and date of issue. Prescribed medication that
does not bear the child’s name will not be given.
 Providing written advice from a GP or registered complimentary practitioner if herbal
preparations are to be administered.
 Informing staff of any medications (including Paracetamol) being administered to the child
outside club hours, such as in the morning before arriving or the night before.
 Excluding their children from Simply Play for the first 24 hours after commencing a course of
antibiotics. If a repeat course of antibiotics, including a different antibiotic, the child need not be
excluded, providing they are coping with the daily routine.
 Ensuring the full course of medication is completed even when symptoms disappear, e.g.
antibiotics or eye cream/drops.
Sick children:
Sick children should not attend Simply Play clubs. Allowing sick children to attend the club can put
other children and employees at risk from cross-infection
In the event that a child comes to the club sick, or becomes sick during the session parent/carers will
be telephoned to come and collect the child
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If no parent/carer can be contacted the child will be looked after by an employee who will reassure and
comfort the child until the parent/carer comes to collect the child
Employees will explain the child’s illness to the parent/carer and ask them not to return the child to the
club until they have fully recovered. In the case of diarrhoea / sickness, this should be at least 48 hours
from the last episode of diarrhoea / sickness.
A child will be excluded from Simply Play while on anti-diarrhoea / anti sickness medication.
Non-Prescribed Medication / First Aid remedies:
For non-prescribed medication or first aid remedies, the medication must be appropriate for the
symptoms. For example, a coughing child does not need paracetamol if there is no fever or pain
observed. A decongestant may be more suitable.
Hygiene Practices
Staff must wash their hands before administering medication
Disposal of Medication
Simply Play will dispose of any medications by returning them to a parent / carer
Staff will adhere to the Medication Policy principles on excursions so medication is administered in a
safe and hygienic way.
A portable first aid kit is taken on excursions and should be used to store medications and medical
equipment. A cooler bag should be used for medications which need to be stored in a fridge.
Emergency contact and medical information is taken on the trip
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