KMC Scholarship Application Military Spouse 2014 ELIGIBILITY: Must be the spouse of a United States Military Member or DoD civilian command-sponsored assigned to a Kaiserslautern Military Community installation (excluding geographically separated units [GSUs]) or the spouse of a United States Military Member, Retired, residing in the KMC. The applicant must reside in the KMC. The applicant may not have previously received two ROSC, RESA, KLSA or KMC Scholarships. Applicant and sponsor must possess valid US military or DoD civilian ID cards. Applicant must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better (GPA based on a 4.0 scale). Official transcripts are required. Applicant must not PCS before May 15, 2014. Applicant must hand deliver the application. KMC Scholarship Application Military Spouse 2014 Application Instructions: Print or type, using ONLY available spaces on this form. If additional space is required, continue on 8 1/2” x 11” white paper, properly titled, with SSN (Last 4 ONLY) placed in upper right corner. Do not attach a resume. Do not staple your application; paperclips only. Make 2 copies of pages 5 & 6. The applicant is responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information and official documents. Applications are evaluated on the information supplied. Answer all questions completely. Give specific dates and contact individual when required. The KMC Scholarship Committee retains the right to verify any and all information given in the application. If the application is incomplete or information is falsified, your application will automatically be disqualified. The completed application must be hand delivered to the Scholarship Committee during one of the following dates: February 5, 2014 between 1700-1900 February 6, 2014 between 1700-1900 February 7, 2014 between 1700-1900 The committee will be set up in the entrance of the Ramstein Officer’s Club. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR US MILITARY ID OR DOD CIVILIAN ID WITH YOU WHEN YOU TURN IN YOUR APPLICATION. KMC Scholarship Application Military Spouse 2014 LIMITATIONS: Scholarship funds are to be used within the 2014-15 academic year for undergraduate or graduate studies. Scholarship funds awarded may be used for college related expenses only at an accredited college, university, or technical school. Payment of scholarship awards will be made directly to the selected school. The recipient MUST provide the KMC Scholarship Committee with the name and address of the school via the “Payment Form” which will be given to every award winner. The form must be returned NO LATER THAN JUNE 13th or the award may be returned to the KMC Scholarship Fund. GENERAL INFORMATION: The Scholarship Committee is comprised of members representing the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses’ Club (ROSC), Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association (RESA), and the Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses’ Association (KLSA). Scholarship funds come from all three organizations. This application is for eligible spouses who are in, or will begin undergraduate or graduate studies at an accredited college, university, or technical school in the 2014-2015 academic year. The Scholarship Committee reviews and determines applicant eligibility and selection criteria. Financial need is not taken into consideration. Submission of application does not guarantee a scholarship. The Scholarship Committee determines the number and monetary value of each scholarship to be awarded based on available funds and application score analyses. Recipients are not eligible to receive more than two (2) ROSC, RESA, KLSA or KMC Scholarships over the course of their education. The Scholarship Committee members and their family members are not eligible to apply for this scholarship. Judges and their family members are not eligible to apply for this scholarship. Awards are granted without regard to branch of service, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or disability. Applicants will receive a written notification of results. KMC Scholarship Application Military Spouse 2014 Application Checklist: This application becomes complete and valid only when all of the pages listed below are hand delivered BY THE APPLICANT with a valid US Military or DoD civilian ID. ALL MATERIALS MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE SAME TIME. Each page of the application must include the last four digits of the applicant’s SSN in the space provided in the upper right hand corner. Please have all the following with you when turning in your application: Valid US Military or DoD civilian ID Privacy Act Statement Page 1 Certification Letter (signed and dated by applicant and sponsor) Page 2 Photo Release Page 3 Personal Data Packet Pages 4-6 Official Transcripts from all colleges &/or high school if less than 20 college credit hours completed Page 7 Copy of educational, activity, leadership, community service, awards and data sheets Page 8 Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN Privacy Act Statement PRIVACY STATEMENT. Since the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club (ROSC), the Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association (RESA) and the Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses’ Association (KLSA) whose members comprise the KMC Scholarship Committee are private, non-profit corporations, the Privacy Act of 1974, 5USC 552a, is not applicable; however, the ROSC, RESA and KLSA regard the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as important to our successful operations and to the maintenance of confidence of those with whom we deal. We will ensure our staff and those acting on our behalf obtain, use and disclose personal information lawfully and correctly. We will only collect and process personal information to the extent that is needed to fulfill our operational needs, and we will take appropriate security measures to safeguard your personal information. The KMC Scholarship Committee wants participants to be fully aware of the need for and the intended uses of the information provided. To that end, please read and acknowledge the following privacy statement by signing below. “We, the applicant and parent/sponsor, are voluntarily providing personal information with this application based on the recognized necessity of the data to allow for the proper evaluation of the applicant’s eligibility for a KMC Scholarship. We understand that failure to provide all requested information may impact the selection process. Furthermore, we fully understand that: Participation in the KMC Scholarship is voluntary. The requested information is needed for that participation. The principle purposes of the requested information are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Verify the identity of the applicant. Determine the applicant’s eligibility for the program. Permit administrative processing and evaluation for scholarships. Allow required servicing and administrative management of approved scholarships Publicize scholarship recipients in various publications. We acknowledge the foregoing privacy policy and hereby authorize the KMC Scholarship Committee to disclose information relating to this application for scholarship whenever the disclosure is necessary for the processing, servicing, granting or publicizing of said scholarship. We further understand that, as a result of this consent, the KMC Scholarship Committee will not keep an accounting of disclosures of information regarding this application for scholarship since this notice informs us of the uses which may be made of the information. We authorize the KMC Scholarship Committee or its representative, as required, to verify any information herein by contacting an appropriate office or official.” Applicant’s Signature Date Sponsor’s Signature Date PAGE 1 Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN KMC SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE CERTIFICATION LETTER If I accept a KMC Scholarship, I certify I will abide by the following conditions (initial each)” Scholarship funds are to be used within the 2014-15 academic year for undergraduate or graduate studies. Scholarship funds are to be applied to college related expenses at an accredited college, university, or technical school. The KMC Scholarship, when combined with other scholarships, must not exceed the cost of college related expenses for the applicable academic year. Any remaining funds must be returned to the KMC Scholarship Committee as soon as possible. If I receive and accept a full scholarship (to include tuition, fees, room and board, or books) I will be INELIGIBLE for this KMC Scholarship award. I will notify the Scholarship Committee upon my acceptance of such a scholarship. As a scholarship recipient, I must provide the COMPLETED PAYMENT FORM with the information necessary of the school where I am accepted for the 2014-15 academic year to the Scholarship Committee NLT June 13, 2014. Payment of the scholarship money will be made directly to the selected school NLT August 1, 2014. It is my responsibility to notify the KMC Scholarship Committee of any change of status (e.g., change of schools, change in address, etc.). Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of my scholarship award. If my application is incomplete, if I have falsified information, or if I have previously been awarded two KMC scholarships, my application will automatically be disqualified. Unclaimed funds as of September 15, 2014 revert to the KMC Scholarship Fund. Special circumstance or exceptions are at the discretion of the committee. If any of the above conditions are violated, scholarship funds must be returned to the KMC Scholarship Fund. I agree that my signature on this form will authorize the KMC Scholarship Chair to release this application, including the last four of my social security number, GPA, and transcript(s) to the Scholarship Committee, as needed. I certify that all information in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Applicant’s Name (Printed) Signature Date Sponsor’s Name (Printed) Signature Date PAGE 2 Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN PHOTO RELEASE If I accept a KMC Scholarship, I agree to have my photo taken by the KMC Scholarship Committee for purposes of social media, newspaper print, and other public media. I agree that the KMC Scholarship Committee may use my photo with or without my name for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising and web content. I have read and understood the above statement: Applicant’s Name (Printed) Signature Date Sponsor’s Name (Printed) Signature Date PAGE 3 Spouse Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN PERSONAL DATA INFORMATION APPLICANT’S INFORMATION: NAME (Last, First, Middle) Applicant’s Last 4 Social Security Number (SSN): Current Mailing Address: Current Local Address: Are you a current member of the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses’ Club, Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association or the Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses’ Association? (Additional points given for membership) YES NO (Please Specify) Home Phone Number: Club: Cell Phone Number: Email Address: Name: SPONSOR’S INFORMATION: NAME (Last, First, Middle) Sponsor’s Email Address: Sponsor’s Organization: Duty Station: Duty Phone Number: PAGE 4 Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN Spouse PERSONAL DATA INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL DATA High School where you received your diploma and Colleges attended Dates Attended From Mo/Yr — To Mo/Yr If you have less than 20 college credit hours, you must also submit your official High School transcript or GED certificate. Cumulative College OR High School GPA (To be completed by KMC Scholarship Committee) LEADERSHIP ROLES: List all leadership roles held within service, religious, and other community organizations. Last 4 years only 2010-present Position Title Contact Individual Organization Years of Participation Awards and Honors Last 4 years only 2010-present Award/Honor Organization Contact Individual Date Received ROSC PAGE 5 Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN Spouse PERSONAL DATA INFORMATION COMMUNITY/VOLUNTEER SERVICE: List volunteer work with service, religious, and community organizations. Last 4 years only 2010 - present Position Held Organization & Location Contact Individual Hours Please add your total hours of volunteer service. PAID EMPLOYMENT: List paid employment for the last 4 years only. Last 4 years only 2010 - present Job Title & Description Contact Individual Hours Please add your total hours of employment. Parenting Data: List AGES ONLY (NO NAMES) of all children who are command sponsored by applicant’s sponsor, under the age of 20, living with you. Son, 17 years Date of birth MM/DD/YYYY 05/10/1996 PAGE 6 Spouse Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS ATTACH DOCUMENTS TO THIS PAGE PAGE 7 Spouse Applicant’s Last 4 digits of SSN Copies of Awards, Certificates, Employment Data Sheets, etc. ATTACH DOCUMENTS TO THIS PAGE PAGE 8